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Alien Queen

Page 16

by F. E. Arliss

  Several snickers burst out on the bridge of the Defender. “There is no cause for derogatory language,” came Admiral Seevers return.

  “Don’t be an ass, Admiral. I’m not in grade school and there is nothing derogatory about true statements. Not that that would stop me. This is Queen Altum Juls. You have two minutes to abandon ship or I blow you all to hell and gone. Three years ago, Tom Chadmore decimated my home and habitat. He killed something I cherished and loved. Now I will decimate your ship in return. The message I intend to send is clear. These ships you see before you are under my protection. I am Queen Altum Juls of the Osmir. You will harm that which I love at your peril. I will give no quarter. All who harm my family will die. Make your decision.”

  “We can talk this over, Queen Juls,” stated Admiral Seevers calmly.

  “No,” came the adamant reply. “You only play for time and an advantage. Go now or die.”

  “She’ll do it, sir,” came his comms officers whisper. “We just got word that she just blew the hell out of six Idolum nest ships, mostly the ones that were in on the ambush of General Freux three years ago. Reports say she crushed them with a motion of her hand. Only one was actually fired upon.”

  “Don’t talk rubbish,” snapped the Admiral.

  “It’s not rubbish. Read the report for yourself, sir,” replied the tremulous voice of his comms officer.

  A tablet was stuffed into the Admiral’s hand. “Holy shit, are they having me on?” he asked. “This is ridiculous.”

  “You have thirty seconds, Admiral,” came the quiet statement from the Osmir ship. “You’ve delayed so long now that most of your crew will die even if you sound the ‘abandon ship’,” the quiet voice said.

  Tom Chadmore broke for the door to the bridge. An invisible hand, seemed to grab him by the scruff and dangle him in front of the Admiral. “Did you excuse him, Admiral?” asked the icy female voice.

  “No. No, I didn’t,” the Admiral said almost absently, craning to see how Chadmore had been restrained.

  “You’ve waited too long Admiral. Now you die,” the voice said. There was no sign of regret in the tone.

  The Admiral, directing his view back to the ships in front of him said, “Wait…”

  The sound was cut off by a crumpling of his ship’s bridge. A split second later, the Defender was obliterated by a barrage of Idolum weaponry.

  Pressing a ‘send’ button to a fleet of comms drones, Queen Altum Juls sent them out broadcasting the complete meeting far and wide on all channels, just as she had done for the confrontation with General Shale.

  The message was going out to all species. Idolum and the Intergalactic Guard were being put on notice. Queen Altum Juls was alive and more powerful than ever. Queen Altum Juls protected that which she loved. To harm her nest, her children, or her allies, was to incite war. She was powerful. She was fair, and wise. She was not to be crossed.

  Queen Altum Vis, the greatest queen the Idolum had ever known, had chosen a successor. Queen Altum Juls was inhabited by the soul knowledge of Queen Altum Vis. There was no transgression from the past that was unknown to her. Furthermore, Queen Altum Juls was in possession of the Queen’s Sceptre of the Ancients, and she could wield it with ease. Freux, too, was more powerful than ever. None knew how this ‘un-pure’ queen and her general had become so much ‘more’ than they had been before. But they were.

  For now, all the known galaxies were aware...Queen Altum Juls ruled.

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