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Lord of the Forest

Page 19

by Kay Berrisford

  It didn't seem to matter. The bond between them was already unbreakable. He traced down the sweep of Cal's back and cupped his protector's pert arse. "Let's pretend we're at home beside the hearth."

  Cal clenched his muscles. "So we ignore the two dozen fairies staring at us and the prospect that we might get incinerated?"

  "Something like that."

  Robin soon forgot the coloured light streaming from the fair folk's eyes and blocked out the haunting song of the Elfaene. Heat blasting them, he rubbed his length against Cal's taut stomach, and Cal's cock jerked against Robin's thigh. Cal tipped his chin up, offered an effortful smile, then parted his lips. Robin seized them in a fervent kiss. He enveloped Cal, plundering his mouth. Cal grasped for Robin's backside, fingertips digging into the hardening sinew. Robin splayed his hands across Cal's torso, lips and bodies grinding, and they tumbled to the mulch.

  Their mouths still sealed, Cal worked the kiss with an expert touch, and he wouldn't relinquish Robin without a fight. When he broke free, he caught Robin's lower lip, squeezing gently, fixing on Robin as if nothing existed beyond.

  "Don't be scared," murmured Robin as Cal released him. It would be alright. He felt sure.

  "I'm not," whispered Cal. "I'm with you, and… Ah!"

  His words faded to a cry of delight. Robin pushed him flat and littered kisses across his chin, down his throat. He laved his tongue over Cal's smooth chest, smearing moisture around each tiny nipple, tracing over ribs on which he still worried the flesh was too scant. He cherished his lover all the more for it. He trailed the tawny hair beneath Cal's navel to his groin, coaxing sweet whimpers from Cal's throat. Cal buffeted his hips in Robin's direction. Robin refused to be rushed, teasing Cal's balls with his tongue, though he thirsted to press the throbbing veins of Cal's shaft.

  The Elfaene's chant grew louder and segued back into Robin's awareness. Though Cal whined for Robin to suck him, Robin hesitated.

  His gut, or an instinct born of his Greenwood inheritance, said this wasn't quite correct.

  He shifted, skirting so near the inferno the sweat on his back sizzled, and then he lay with his cock jutting near Cal's parted lips. Cal needed no instruction. Wrapping Robin's shaft with hands and mouth, he drew Robin into his velvet warmth, before Robin returned his lips to Cal's engorged member. They formed a circle of life.

  The Elfaene's song swelled to a penetrating scream. Cal scrubbed the responsive underside of Robin's prick, kindling that sublime surge of pressure at its base. Relishing Cal's taste, Robin pushed toward Cal's softly undulating throat. Sparks zinged between them, and Robin's balls clenched. As they ravished and pleasured each other, Robin sensed Cal's climax mounting. His built too, each wave of bliss more powerful than the last. The Elfaene's cry grew hoarse. Robin mauled Cal's pumping cock with all the strength of his love.

  Dark clouds clashed overhead. Light flashed from green to orange to yellow, and then a blinding white blast caused him to squeeze his eyelids tight. He and Cal fucked each other's mouths ever harder, in unison. When he looked again, lightning forked in the tail of his vision. The emerald conflagration had vanished, bright zigzags circling in its place, and the heat searing between him and Cal served to heighten their throes of rapture. He teetered on the brink of orgasm when a lightning strike singed the hairs on the back of his neck.

  Thunder shouted again. With it, a new impulse grabbed Robin. He must finish while gazing into his lover's eyes. Groaning with the effort, he slid off Cal's cock. "Hold on."

  Panting and flushed, Cal let him go. He pulled Cal up so they were face-to-face and grasped both their cocks. "Together," he murmured.

  Sweat dripping from their brows, he fisted their members. Foreskin slipped against foreskin, hard flesh against flesh, and Robin's shaft convulsed in harmony with Cal's. A hundred streams of light slashed from the heavens and wrapped their bodies in a sizzling, ever-shifting net. Borne on a rush of primal power, Robin claimed Cal's lips, and his climax hit a plateau. Two jets of hot liquid splattered between them. Cal returned the kiss with the thirst of a drowning man gasping for air, while the crackling web lashed them and their ecstasy lingered on.

  The lattice of fire scorched the perspiration from Robin's brow and transformed the mingled semen that wet their stomachs and chests to vapour. His riot of pleasure lurched toward pain, and he broke the kiss. Terror flashed across Cal's face, and fire turned to ice. The ground vibrated with an earthquake's magnitude, and the skies heaved and wept.

  Rain dissolved the earth around them into a quagmire of mud. Cal shivered violently, then fell limp. Robin tried to rise, to roll over and shield Cal's body, but wind pressed him flat, the elements overpowering him. He could see nothing through the torrent, not even the Elfaene and her daughters, who'd fallen silent or left.

  He muttered a prayer, managing to press his lips to Cal's sodden hair. He would never have gambled Cal's life or health, yet he'd had faith all would be well.

  He hoped he'd not made a terrible mistake.

  Perceiving movement, he squinted through the storm. A figure with wide feminine hips strode near. Sulis. The heavy rain didn't bother her at all; indeed, the watery edges of her form blended with the downpour. She held a bundle swaddled under her robe.

  He held his breath. Beneath the noise of the calming weather, he discerned the faint wail of a child.

  Sulis leaned over Robin and Cal, her mantle spreading and sheltering them, and laid a baby on Robin's chest. Its body was bright pink and curled up like a little bean. He looked into his son's heavy-lidded eyes. They were blue, just like Cal's, and he already had Robin's head of dark brown curls.

  "Cal," he whispered. Cal's lashes flickered open. He looked wan and tired, but as he gazed at the child, his down-turned smile warmed Robin to the core. Their son opened his tiny rosebud mouth and demonstrated he'd a powerful pair of lungs.

  Sulis took the baby to her breast. "He's hungry. Between the villagers and the fair folk, you'll find plenty willing to suckle him. The fairies will be pleased to help a little one who's not been abandoned in the forest unloved for a change."

  "We'll never desert him," murmured Cal. "I'll defend him to the end of my days, if it's the only fine thing I ever do."

  "You know I hate to hear you talk like that." Robin sat up and brushed Cal's limp hair from his face. "You've already performed many good deeds."

  Even staunch protectors of the Greenwood needed somebody to look after them. That was Robin's solemn vow.

  He looked toward the hearth light that winked from the hall's narrow windows and then climbed to his feet, drawing Cal with him. The baby started crying again. When Sulis placed him in Cal's arms, the child quieted and snuffled.

  Cal glanced up at Robin, looking half-thrilled, half-poleaxed.

  Robin gathered his family to him. "Come on. Let's go home."


  About the Author

  Kay’s been making up romance stories with m/m protagonists since the days before the internet, before she’d any idea what sex was, and when she believed she was the only little girl who did so.

  She recently started writing her stories down again after a two-and-a-half year hiatus. Her sexy new romance tales contain an unholy concoction of fun and fantasy (dragons, fairies, and mermen, anyone?) alongside a strong dose of angst and hurt/comfort.

  She is a bit of a social media recluse (sorry!) but loves to connect with readers. You can email her at and she lurks on twitter a little – @kayberrisford.





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