Crossing Nexis

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Crossing Nexis Page 20

by Barbara Hartzler

  I shook my head, pulling away from his touch. “I have my answer. And I can’t say I’m surprised.” My stomach lurched as I recoiled from him.

  He hung his head, rubbing his neck. “I’m sorry, Lucy. I don’t know what to say. Maybe I should’ve done things differently.”

  “Maybe.” As I stared at him, the shadows rolled in, toying with his feet. My heart sank like a lead balloon as I closed my eyes against the tortured look on his face. I knew exactly what I had to do.

  I had to end it. Right now. “All I know is I’m tired of fighting with you. I’m just done. It’s over.”

  “Don’t say that.” His voice shook as he turned those haunted blue eyes on me. “Maybe you’ll feel differently when all of this blows over.”

  “I don’t think so. Goodbye, Bryan.” I turned and walked out of the room, not looking back. Not even for a second.

  Chapter 20

  Fireflies tickled my stomach as I rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit for my first date with Will. For the first time in months, I could finally admit the truth, even to myself. I liked Will. In fact, I really liked Will. Before the Guardians filled my head with lies about him, I’d always been drawn to him. Not just because he was the Interpreter and supposedly my destiny, but because he was genuine, sincere, and funny. Not to mention a bona fide hottie. Once I saw through the façade the Guardians erected, I knew I had to make my own choices and stop letting other people make them for me. Will was the first big choice I’d made since I decided to step out from under the Guardians’ wing. And it felt good.

  “Shanda, I need some help here.” I burst out of my closet, throwing all my favorite date-night outfits on the bed in a heap.

  “Where did he say he was taking you?” Shanda lugged out a giant bag of makeup. Dumping out the contents, she arranged it all on her desk, now a makeshift vanity.

  “He didn’t say. That’s the problem. It’s a surprise.” I slid across the room in my slippers and plugged in my curling iron.

  “Woo, I’m so jealous. You guys are at the beginning, where all the romance happens.” My best friend put her hands on my shoulders and forced me across the room. Plunking me into the desk chair, she dabbed on foundation like there was no tomorrow.

  “Tony’s not romantic, after only four months?” I asked, closing my eyes as she swept a base coat across my lids.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  When I opened my eyes, Shanda lips quirked up in the barest hint of a smile.

  “Aww, how cute is that?” The tingles were back, only this time for my friend.

  She couldn’t help but smile now. “Quiet, you. I’m working my magic here.”

  When she finally whirled me around to face the mirror, my heart skyrocketed through my chest.

  “How in the world do you do it?” I gawked at my own reflection.

  “What can I say? I have a gift, I guess.” She nodded, grinning her most satisfied grin.

  I looked casual but dressy all at the same time in a lacy halter with wisps of sparkle under a tailored jean jacket, and a flowy black skirt with black tights. Not to mention some killer black boots—oh-so-classy, yet still somehow perfect for walking.

  “That you do. You’re the best.” I reached out to hug her.

  “Not too tight, you’ll tangle your beachy waves.” She tried to wriggle out of my grasp.

  “Then we’ll call them messy curls, or something. The newest Shanda-inspired look.” I hugged her anyway, even though I knew how much she hated PDA.

  “Off you go.” She herded me toward the door.

  I stopped, hovering in the doorway. “Shanda, what do you think about this. Me dating Will?”

  “Honestly?” She stared me down with intensity.

  I knew she was trying to intimidate me. But I wouldn’t back down. “Honestly.”

  After a few-too-many seconds of silence, she finally spoke. “I liked you and Bryan together. But after what he did, I have to admit I was wrong about him. So I’m not really sure anymore.”

  “I get that. It’s all going very fast right now.” I bit back the words that were bubbled up, afraid the truth might sound weird.

  “Really? I don’t believe that. You seem sure to me.” Her eyes never left my face. It wasn’t a challenge, more like she genuinely wanted to know.

  “I am sure about Will,” I whispered unable to hold it in anymore. Not from my bestie. “How can you tell?” I couldn’t look away. I had to know her answer.

  “Please, girl.” Her eyebrows arched at me. “I know you. And I know you’ve been attracted to him for awhile. You were just scared to admit it.”

  “Seriously?” My jaw dropped, heart pounding like mad. “How long have you known?”

  “You were so obvious.” Her lips twitched.

  “Apparently, everyone can see right through me.” I slumped, curling in on myself.

  “I don’t know about that.” She shook her head. “You just don’t pretend things that aren’t true. Instead, you try to hide them or bury your own desires if you don’t think people will approve. I’m glad you’ve finally found someone who will put you first. You deserve that.”

  “Thanks. So do you.” I grinned my freshly-glossed lips at my best friend in the world.

  “I know. Tony’s great about that.” She smiled. A real, full smile. A rarity in the world of Shanda Jones.

  I inched into the hallway. “Good. Now that we’ve got that covered, any last-minute tips?”

  “Just be the girl we all know and love.” She reached out and squeezed my hand. “The girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. Don’t hide who you are or what you want anymore. Be yourself. ”

  Tears wormed their way to my eyes. “You give the best advice. Thanks for that.”

  “You’ll always have it. Now go on. It’s almost eight. Have a great night.” Her voice echoed down the empty hallway.

  “You bet.” I turned at the landing and waved, my heart lighter that it’d been in a long time. She had no idea how much her words meant to me. Tonight was going to be a good night. Maybe even the start of something truly magical.


  Garish fluorescent lighting tinted the highlights of Will’s sandy hair. Made it look a little greenish. Maybe that’s just how I felt inside. The newness of a first date, combined with the rocking of the subway car, churned my stomach like a roller coaster ride. Did he know the effect he had on me?

  “Have I told you yet how gorgeous you look tonight?” Will edged closer to me on the subway bench.

  “Maybe once or twice.” I peeked over at him and let him take my hand, his warmth burning straight to my cheeks.

  But his nearness wasn’t the only thing burning through my brain. Memories popped into my head, unbidden, of the last time I rode the subway to the city—with Bryan. Holding onto the rail on the ride to Times Square. Running from the spies after a revealing round of elevator tag. I remembered all of it, but the emotion felt out of reach. Distant, even. Because things were different now. Bryan wasn’t the saint I thought he was. And Will wasn’t the bad boy with an agenda.

  So I pushed away those thoughts. Focused all my attention on the guy next to me.

  “Where are you taking me?” Out the window, the subway tunnel whizzed by in a dark blur, revealing nothing.

  “You’ll see. You’re going to love it.” The corners of his mouth twitched.

  The car slowed, screeching to a stop. The signs outside read Broadway Junction. Will stood up, still holding my hand. My legs were shaking as I stood, so I gripped his hand tighter.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He led me into the press of people glomming up at the nearest door.

  This must be everybody’s stop. Together, we streamed out of the car with the rest of the crowd. Will held my hand tightly as we followed the pack, until we reached a long corridor lined with stained-glass panels.

  Then he slowed to a crawl, letting the other travelers work their way around us.

s breathtaking.” I stared at the colorful windows, inhaling the beauty of each unique pane. Funny how it smelled like garbage with a hint of urine. “How did you know I love stained glass?”

  “You’re a girl. Of course you love stained glass.”

  I could hear the smirk in his voice. “Smart aleck.” I turned and smacked him on the arm.

  He grinned at that. We strolled on down the wide hallway, looking at each piece individually. Until the crowd dissipated and we were the only ones left in the subway station corridor.

  That’s when he picked up the pace a little. Then he stopped in front of one particular pane, a little dustier than the rest. With my fingertips, I reached out to clean off the beautiful stained glass tiles. I wiped my dirty fingers on his jacket.

  “Hey, what do you think I am, your own personal napkin?” He flashed a great big smile at me. And it was contagious.

  “I didn’t want to ruin my outfit. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” I turned my flirty pout on him.

  “No, I guess not.” He leaned in, slinging his arm around my waist.

  “What’s so special about this one?” I stared at the beautiful colored class, snuggling closer into his side as fireflies did somersaults inside me.

  “See if you can tell me that.” He raised his eyebrows in that upside-down V.

  I turned to inspect the stained-glass panel he seemed so intent on showing me. Each square of blue glass was accented with yellow rectangles, the colors a deep sapphire and gold. The pattern was intricate, yet I could make out distinct shapes. The Nexis symbol emerged from the gold-tinged panes. Yet another symbol popped up around the Nexis symbol, composed of the slender iron crossbars holding the panes together. An all-too-familiar symbol.

  Gasping, I stepped back. “Will, what is this place?” My words echoed down the empty hallway.

  He cocked his head at me and grinned. “It’s the Nexis Repository for all of New York City. Impressed?”

  I held up my hands. “Hold up. Why is it marked with the Seer’s symbol? The one the Watchers tried to brand into my skin.”

  “What?” Now he stepped back and studied the pane, glancing up and down the empty subway hall.

  “It’s true.” I held my wrist up to his face to prove it. The faint outline of the branding iron had left its mark.

  His mouth drooped as he stared at the scar. Then he grabbed my wrist and planted a kiss on the marks. Tingles shivered up my arm.

  “I had no idea. Show me what you see.” His voice softened. He held my wrist tightly in his hand, as if he couldn’t let go.

  With my index finger, I traced the crossbars that outlined a triangle with an oval-swirling eye in the center. More shivers crept down my spine.

  “I only saw the Nexis symbol,” he whispered. “I don’t know what to think now.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “So why did you bring me here?”

  His fingers traveled to my hand, and he tugged me in close to him. The proximity to that broad chest, chiseled under his black jacket and collared shirt, made my mouth go dry.

  “I have an idea about how to stop the reckonings. There are some ancient writings on the subject that were moved here a few years ago.”

  My heart jackhammered in my chest, and I wanted to melt into his arms. Was this guy really going to break into a Nexis sanctum to help me on our first date?

  “You really want to stop the reckonings?” I squeaked.

  His silver eyes crinkled as a muscle in his jaw twitched. “I hated seeing you go through that. Even once.” Reaching for me, he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing tight.

  My breaths hiccuped in my chest, as I scrunched up my face every which way to hold back the tears. I buried my face in his chest, a few stragglers dampening his shirt.

  He just ran his hands down my hair, giving me all the time I needed.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I let the past dissipate with my next exhale. “If that’s why you brought me here, then what are we waiting for?”

  He eased me back so he could look into my eyes. “I don’t know if it’s tainted by the Watchers. It may not be safe.”

  I gulped. “So it’s enter at your own risk?”

  “I’m afraid so.” He rubbed my arms, eyes trained on me. Waiting for the okay.

  Clenching every muscle and planting my feet in fight stance, I bobbed my head at him. “Then let’s do it.”


  Adrenaline galloped through my veins. My hands were shaking as Will led me past the stained-glass tiles. Straight to a dirty old utility closet.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me? This is it?” I asked.

  His eyes did a little dance. “Not exactly.”

  Pulling me into the pitch-black room, his cell phone lit the path through a maze of storage shelves. Bleach and disinfectant soured the musty air. I held my free hand to my face to block out the harsh fumes. Then he stopped in the back corner of the room.

  “Here we are.” Click. He popped open a dusty electrical panel, flipping a few breaker switches in sequence. A pattern I recognized.

  Swoosh, a panel slid out of the wall. Creaking and clanging on what must be a really old gearshift.

  “Just like the Nexis Chamber.” I gaped at his back.

  “Exactly.” A glimmer of a smile wavered in his bluish cell phone light. As he stepped through the opening, a wash of orange colored one side of his face.

  I followed him through the new door, and my heart sank. Another spiral staircase, several stories deep, lined with fluorescent amber torches.

  “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights.” He gripped my hand, sliding one arm around my waist.

  “Just ridiculous hundred-year-old staircases.” Something fluttered in my stomach. It wasn’t just the rickety stairs.

  As if on cue, the wrought-iron squeaked as we descended. The roar of a subway thundered over our heads, then a blast of wind and dust pummeled into us. I clung to Will for dear life, suddenly glad he’d been presumptuous enough to hold me tight.

  Finally we reached a stone archway about one story below the subway platform. But my legs still wobbled.

  He pulled out his trusty skeleton key and slid it into the ancient lock. Was this the same key he used to open the Nexis Chamber? I couldn’t help but wonder how many skeleton keys were out there. And if the one that Colleen and Monica stole from my room would work on this door or not. Wouldn’t that be crazy?

  Opening the heavy wooden door, Will ran ahead into the darkness. Within a few seconds, the lights buzzed on overhead.

  “Here we are.” He planted his feet in front of me and held out his arms, gesturing to the grand room.

  Grand was an understatement. The room was cavernous, with stacks of dusty old bookshelves as far as my eyes could see.

  “Whoa, you don’t think this is a little much for a first date?” I cocked my head at him, eyes wide as the lights warmed up and revealed more and more old books.

  His smile drooped. “You don’t like it.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I struck a pose, flaring out my black skirt. “I love libraries and old books. I’m such a nerd like that. An over-dressed nerd, to be precise.”

  Taking two steps forward, he lowered his voice. “You’re the hottest nerd I’ve ever met.” His eyes ran all the way down to my boots.

  I gulped as my cheeks caught fire. “Stop it.” I punched him in the shoulder. “You brought me down here for a reason, didn’t you?”

  “Oh right, that.” His eyebrows shot up as he cleared his throat. “We’re going to do some research on your crazy insane reckonings. Then we’ll move on to phase two. The actual date portion.”

  The corners of his mouth stretched up as he led me past a row of tables in the front of the cavern.

  “Okay, I can get on board with that.” I couldn’t help but admire his sculpted backside strutting in front on me in dark jeans. “Not the most exciting first date ever. But not the worst, I must admit.”

“Really? What a relief.” His tone was laced with sarcasm as he whirled around to face me. “Now you have to tell me. What was your worst first date?”

  “You mean besides this one?” I laughed, running ahead into the towering stacks of ancient books.

  He raced after me, grabbing my hand and spinning me around. “Oh, no. You’re not getting off that easy.”

  I batted my eyelashes at him, but he leveled those unfathomable platinum eyes at me. Making my insides quake.

  “Fine. You win.” I lifted my hands in surrender. “It was the summer after eighth grade and this new kid asked me out. Derick something, I can’t remember. He took me to a drive-in movie, except we were both fourteen. So his mom sat in the back seat. Then he spilled soda all over me, and we had to go home early.”

  Will tilted his head at me. “You still have drive-in movies in Indiana? How adorable.”

  “Shut up, you.” I smacked his bicep. Bad idea. Electricity sparked through the air at that one simple touch.

  He turned toward me, eyes flashing. “You better stop that, or I’m going to forget why we came here in the first place.”

  My heart flip-flopped in my chest. “Nice try. Now it’s your turn, William Sweetcheeks Stanton.”

  At that he busted out laughing. “No way I’m telling you my middle name. I almost wish it was Sweetcheeks.”

  “It’s either that, or your first date story.” I planted my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him. “What’s it gonna be, Stanton?”

  “You sure you want to know?” He inched closer, eyes clouding over.

  “I’m sure.” I stared him down.

  He took two steps closer, only inches away now. “That night we played Mafia and you flirted with Bryan right in front of me. And we almost kissed in the kitchen.”

  I could hear my own heartbeat now, thump, thumping, thumping in my ears. Will came closer and leaned down, his breath warming my face. I lifted my chin and froze. Waiting. His lips pressed into my forehead. Then he took two steps back.

  “You sure do know how to torture a guy.” His lips twitched at me like he knew he’d just won a small victory.

  Tell that to my poor little heart, beating a mile a minute.


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