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Theirs To Treasure: Happily Ever After (Fate Harbor Book 1)

Page 7

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “There was Olivia, Flynn, and Brianna, who were there most of the time that Chance and I were with the Hutchins. I know all three of them keep in touch with Butch and Betty.”

  “Did you stay in touch with them?” Josie asked.

  “I did for the first couple of years, but then I lost track. Chance does a better job of that kind of thing. If you were to ask him, he would know exactly where each of them is right now. Chance is more the glue. I read a birth order book once, and he has all the tendencies of a middle child. He’s a mediator, always wants to keep the peace, always wants to bring people together. Basically, he’s the world’s biggest operators…I think that’s what made him so good in business.”

  Josie couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, my God, I remember that about him even when he was three or four years old. He could con me into doing just about anything. He really got away with murder with Betty. She was always cooking him his favorite meals because of some sob story he told her. Did he still get away with that when you two were living with her?”

  “Oh yeah, he had her wrapped around his finger. But I think she knew what he was doing, because for every special meal she cooked for him, she cooked one for every other kid, as well.”

  “I really loved my time with them,” she said wistfully.

  “After dinner tonight, we’re going to swap stories. Don’t expect to get out of it this time.”

  “I know, Sam,” she answered quietly.

  It was six-forty-five when Sam got Josie back to her apartment. Knowing her schedule, he figured she needed to be in bed no later than eight. She couldn’t keep her killer schedule up at the bakery, she needed more help, but woe to the man who pushed his nose into her life that far. But walking her to her door and making sure she got in all right was definitely within his purview. So was getting some answers.

  Dinner had been fascinating. Betty only brought up three different poly marriages in the course of two hours, and she managed to bring up what great friends he and Chance were about forty times. Josie was totally oblivious to the subtext, but by the time dessert rolled around, neither Sam nor Butch could look at one another for fear of bursting out laughing. Butch finally suggested that Sam come see the new modifications he’d made to the motorhome, and Sam jumped at the opportunity to escape the weirdest matchmaking attempt he’d ever been subjected to.

  “Where in the hell did Mama Betty get the idea I would want to share Josie with Chance?” Sam asked Butch.

  Sam shook his head when Butch offered him a beer from the cooler in the carport.

  “She just thinks this two-husband setup is the best thing since sliced bread, Sam. I can’t figure it out, but she thinks for some people it just works. She’s convinced that you and Chance are two of those men who will find it fulfills their needs. She’s been saying it since we’ve moved here. What’s more, I think she has Chance convinced, too.”


  “Hmmm, what?” Butch asked.

  “It’s kind of a chicken-and-egg thing. Does Betty have Chance convinced, or does Chance have Betty convinced?”

  Butch chuckled, then took a sip of his beer. “Well, that’s a damn good question, Son.”

  As they left, Josie teared up when she hugged the older couple. Clearly, the Hutchins meant the world to her.

  Sam walked Josie up the outside steps to her apartment, careful to stay close behind her. She’d had wine with dinner, and he didn’t know if she’d taken pain medication that day. She glanced back at him. “I know what you’re doing Sam, and you don’t need to. I’m perfectly able to navigate my own staircase.”

  “You had two glasses of wine.”

  “So, you were counting,” she accused. “I had two sips of the second glass that Butch poured.” Sam took the keys from her hand and unlocked the door.

  “Did you take medication today?”

  “I took some this morning, not this afternoon,” Josie huffed. “If I had, I wouldn’t have had any wine with dinner.”

  Josie pushed open her door, walked inside, then turned to face him. She held out her hand for her keys. Sam walked past her, ignoring her outstretched hand, realizing he had offended her. Dammit, he’d fucked up.

  “I don’t require a keeper, Sam. I’d like you to leave.” Josie’s eyes flashed fire at him.

  Sam looked down at the woman who took his breath away.

  “I think you need someone to watch out for you, someone who cares about you,” he whispered softly, hoping he was getting through.

  “It doesn’t matter. I can take care of myself.”

  Sam admired her fight, but he had another question.

  “How many people have you taken care of over the years? When is it going to be okay for you to lean on someone else? Someone who really cares about you?” he asked quietly.

  Josie bit her lip, and he just couldn’t help himself, he brushed his fingers over her mouth, rescuing that soft bit of flesh. “I would love it if you would let me take care of you. Just a little bit…is that so wrong?” He cupped her face and bent for a slow taste of her luscious lips.

  Josie couldn’t stop her response. His words had unlocked something deep within her. She couldn’t remember a time when she could literally lean into someone, and she reveled in it. Her arms lifted to encompass his broad shoulders. God, he felt so hard, so good and strong. Trying to get even closer, she lifted on her toes, and gasped in pain.

  He must have felt it in their kiss, and correctly interpreted it. Sam broke away and looked down at her. In one quick moment, he lifted her in his arms and then she found herself settled in his lap on her sofa.

  She looked up at him in wonder. “You’ll hurt yourself doing that,” she admonished.

  “Baby, you’re just a little thing,” Sam said.

  Josie snorted in disbelief.

  “Okay, you’re lush and curvy, just the way I love a woman. I can’t stand women who are going to blow away at the first strong wind.”

  She snorted. He was so full of it.

  “I’m serious. Compared to me you are a little thing and you’re the perfect size, with the absolute perfect body. Do you understand me?”

  It was difficult not to buy into what he was saying when the evidence of his arousal pressed against her butt. She made a tiny move against him and he groaned.

  “You’re so hot and sexy, and you’re going to end up killing me.” His hands brushed up the sides of her arms, her neck, then ended up cupping her flushed cheeks. “Are you finally hearing me?” He gave her a wicked smile. “Are you at least feeling me?”

  She laughed.

  “Exactly,” he groaned. “Your body turns me on, Baby.”

  Josie looked up at him and saw the absolute truth on his face. She turned away and nuzzled his neck, not wanting him to see the sheen of tears in her eyes. This man who made her blood sizzle was turning her self-image upside down. A huge weight lifted from her heart. He held her for long moments, then finally started to whisper.

  “I know we’re going to talk about our injuries, but can you please tell me how such a beautiful woman could think she needed to hide in clothes four times her size? How she could think that she wouldn’t have men falling at her feet?” Josie couldn’t help giggling at the outrageous statement.

  “I’m serious, Baby. At least a quarter of your male customers are coming into Sweet Dreams Desserts not just for the pastries but to see the sights.”

  Oh Lord, I could fall in love with this man.

  Sam tilted her head so she was forced to look at him. “Let me guess, it was some guy who convinced you that you, you were less than perfect.”

  She shook her head, then hid her face in his neck. “Not just a guy.”

  “Look at me, Honey. Tell me,” he urged.

  She looked up. “Actually, it started way earlier than that. My mom was one of those women who would blow away in the wind, and she was constantly harping on my weight. So, it’s pretty much ingrained that I’m fat.”

  “It sounds like s
he had some issues.”

  Josie’s laugh sounded sad even to her ears. “Issues. Yeah. You could call them that.”

  “And the guy?” Sam prompted.

  “It was a few years ago. He seemed okay. I thought he liked me. I really did, Sam.” Josie struggled to keep her voice steady. “Anyway, when we finally got ready to sleep together, I guess you could say he wasn’t all that impressed with my body.”

  She stopped talking. Sam stroked his hand down her back. She was acutely aware that he could feel the outline of her corset. Therein laid the problem. “Russell insisted the lights be turned off.” Josie stared at a point over Sam’s shoulder so she didn’t have to see pity in his eyes.

  “That guy is an idiot. You’re gorgeous.”

  “You don’t know,” she protested.

  “You forget, I’ve seen you. And I liked everything I saw.”

  Once again, he turned her face, and she ended up looking up at him, and what she saw was anger.

  For just an instant, she was scared, and he must have seen it.

  “No, Josie, I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at your mother, and that asshole. Trust me when I say that I completely understand a parent belittling you, boy do I get that, but what I can’t wrap my head around is that asshole and his issues. If I was lucky enough to get a chance to make love to you, I would want all the lights on. I wouldn’t want to miss a thing.”

  A full body shudder ripped through her.

  Sam leaned forward and reached down to clasp both of her hands in his, and then he twined their fingers together. The intimacy overwhelmed her. He looked down at his big fingers pushed through the spaces between her smaller fingers and suddenly had an image of his erection parting through the tight muscles of her flesh. He looked up and saw a heavy-lidded response on her face, as if she was reading his mind, and then she squirmed slightly on the sofa.

  Thank God, she’s on the same page with me.

  Josie looked down at their locked fingers then back up at him with glazed eyes.

  Sam leaned in and nuzzled the crook of her neck, inhaling the womanly scent of Josie. He rubbed his cheek up her jawline and finally took her mouth. He started by sipping at her plump lips, before he brushed his tongue against her lower lip, asking for entrance. She opened for him, inviting him inside, and her taste made him dizzy. He tasted the crème brûlée they had for dessert, but mostly he tasted the sweetness that was Josie. Again, and again he tangled with her tongue, getting to know what made her whimper, what made her lean into him. When she brushed her breasts against his chest, he broke away. He watched as her lashes lifted, her eyes a deeper brown.

  He reached over and turned on the lamp behind him. Then he leaned over Josie, pushing her deeper into the back of the sofa, and turned on the lamp behind her. He hovered over her, noting how her eyes had gotten even darker. His hands went to the top button on her navy-blue silk shirt and ever so slowly unbuttoned it. He took his time as he unbuttoned each one, revealing the golden corset underneath. He was amazed that drool wasn’t dripping on the garment by the time he finished taking off her blouse.

  “You know this holds me in a lot,” Josie warned.

  “You normally look like a pin-up girl, Josie. Now you look like every one of my teenage dreams rolled into one.” His hands stroked over the smooth satin of the corset. “Do you use this, the same as the brace?” he asked.

  “Yes, it gives me just as much support, but it makes me feel prettier. The brace makes me feel disabled.”

  “Yeah, the migraines I have make me feel that way. Sometimes I can’t do anything but lie down until they go away,” Sam confided. As he talked, he stroked over the gold satin, moving closer to the dark swell of Josie’s breasts as they mounded over the top of the binding garment.

  His eyes flicked over to the clock at the stove and saw it was seven-fifteen. He had forty-five minutes, and he knew exactly how to use them.

  “Baby, you don’t sleep in your brace or corset, do you?” He saw the slight shake of her head, and he levered off her. Standing up, he bent over and scooped her up, striding to her bedroom. He went around and turned on all the lights he saw, including the nightlight plugged into a low socket, just to make a point, before he put a giggling Josie onto her feet.

  “You’re a nut, Sam Booth.”

  “It’s close to your bedtime, and I’m tucking you into bed.” He might not get the relief he needed but he was damn sure going to get a taste of Josie before he left tonight.

  He looked around her bedroom, not surprised to see that her bed was made. They had that in common, the need to control their environments. It probably came from their childhoods being so out of their control.

  Everywhere he looked, he saw color and feminine touches. He looked back at Josie. Breathtaking. His hands went to the waistband of her jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping, then guiding them down her smooth thighs, unsurprised to see gold panties to match her corset. He helped her out of her ballet flats at the same time he had her step out of her jeans. He ran his hands up her legs, resting them on her hips, and looked up at her. “Turn around. I want to undo the ties of this corset.”

  He watched as Josie licked her lips and motioned to her side. “Actually, you can unhook it here, it’s easier.”

  “Oh, Baby, there is no way in hell I’m not going to play with those laces. Now turn around.” He watched as her eyes dilated at his strong tone, and she immediately complied. Josie liked being told what to do in the bedroom. He smiled.

  He pushed back the mass of curly hair over her shoulder so that he could get to the strings. His fingers trailed along the seam, touching the skin peeking between the crisscross of laces. She sighed with pleasure with every string he untightened. Sam pressed up against her back. His head bent low to nuzzle her neck, breathing her in as his fingers continued to slowly set her free, allowing her to breathe even more easily. With every inch of skin he revealed, he caressed and rubbed. He knew that she would be sore from the compression, and she moaned at the pleasure of his touch.

  Suddenly the corset was expanded completely and falling. Josie caught it just before it would have fallen and exposed her breasts.

  “Please, Baby, show me.” Sam again turned her around, this time within the safety of his embrace. Josie lowered the garment and let it slide to the floor. She put her hands to her sides, with her fists clenched. He could tell she was uncomfortable revealing herself, which was crazy. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven.

  “They sag.” He could barely hear her above the roaring in his ears.

  Sam reached out and cupped both of her breasts. They seemed the perfect size in his big hands. “You’re gorgeous, Baby.”

  She whimpered. “You’re lying.” Again, her voice was just a puff of air. She tried to cover herself, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  His thumbs brushed over her nipples and she moaned, her head tipped backwards.

  He smelled the earthy scent of her arousal. She was going to kill him.

  “Let’s get you on the bed.” He stepped her backward, two steps. Before she could fall backwards, he captured her, his right hand slipping behind her back and helping her to a seated position. “There you go.”

  Then he lowered her so that she was lying before him, her feet touching the floor. He knelt in front of her, and she pushed up on her elbows. His fingers traced the panel of her panties, squeezing past her clenched thighs.

  He looked up at her. Was she ready for this? He didn’t want to go too fast. Oh, who was he kidding—he wanted to go at supersonic speed. But Josie was too important. So, he searched her expression and saw wonder on her face, and he smiled.

  He traced her full thighs, loving how soft she felt under his hands. She trembled at his caress.

  “It’s so bright,” she said. Finally, she wasn’t whispering.

  “I know it is, and I love it. All the better to see the treasure in front of me. Are you ready for more?” he asked.

  She slowly nodded.

“I need the words.”

  “Yes, Sam.”

  His hands gripped the sides of her panties and drew them off her body, leaving her naked.

  “Spread your legs for me, Josie.” It was the most decadent request anybody had ever made of her. She hesitated, and then relaxed her thighs. She quivered, and Sam must have noticed it too, because he ran soothing hands up and down her legs, murmuring sounds of approval. With every gentle stroke, he nudged her thighs a little farther apart until Josie whimpered as she felt the warm air of the bedroom waft against the petals of her heated sex.

  “Sam.” Just Sam. Was she pleading for reassurance, or to stop? She didn’t know, only that this was the most intimate moment she’d ever felt, as if he held her life in his hands.

  He spoke.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. Realizing that you’ve chosen to share yourself with me,” he paused. “I’m humbled.”

  She blinked back tears.

  Emotion rolled into passion as Sam’s hands slid upward. She watched as his thumbs tangled in her dark curls, and then she felt him trace the seam of her sex. He bent forward until she felt his breath against her intimate lips. She held her breath. Waiting. Waiting.

  When his tongue touched her, Josie arched off the bed, the sensation almost unbearably good. He took his time, long languid licks up and down, coaxing her open to an even more intimate caress. Vaguely she heard herself moan. Desperately she wanted to watch this decadent foray into bliss, but her elbows lost all power as she flopped down on the bed and lost herself in wondrous sensation.

  “Aaaah,” she groaned deeply as one of his fingers enter her tight channel. Her head shot up off the mattress when his warm lips enveloped her clit.


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