Book Read Free


Page 13

by Fred Alvrez

  There was a pause before she answered. “He was a real talker, couldn’t stop himself. So he spilled it to me.”

  Nathan looked at Casey. That didn’t add up. Guys like that didn’t tell people when they’d been bested. But he’d have to take her word for it.

  Kevin turned to her. “How did you get away, Casey, if he had a gun?”

  “Well, he didn’t have a gun to start with. I was at his house, and he tried to drug me, but I switched our glasses. When I ran from the house, he was still able to find a rifle and take a shot at me.”

  “But how did you know he was a kidnapper or was even trying to drug you?” Kevin asked.

  Nathan turned to Kevin. That dog had a great mind on him. It wasn’t something he would have thought to ask.

  “I, uh, tripped him up while we were talking. He said he was married but I didn’t find any wedding photos.”

  Kevin’s head tilted. “And that was enough to decide he was going to kidnap you?”

  “Well, there were other clues. Bottom line is he tried to hurt you guys and me, and now he can’t.”

  Nathan mulled this over. Had she killed him? She didn’t seem like the killing type. He didn’t want to push her any more with questions. It felt like it was getting to the point where he didn’t want to know the answers.

  Casey continued. “I escaped from his house last night, and just got in my truck and drove. I wanted to get away from him as far as I could. Until I needed to get a drink and to go to the restroom, that is. That’s when I came to this gas station.”

  “Casey, how’s your side now? Still sore?” Nathan asked.

  “Yes, very much, but I’ll live. Thanks for asking. Actually, I have to go to the restroom, as long as no one wants to shoot me?”

  A small smile crossed her face while a frown crossed Nathan’s.

  He got up, holding out his hand. “You’re safe now. Let me help you get up.”

  “No! It’s okay really. No need to help me.”

  But it was obvious she couldn’t do it on her own.

  Nathan went to her and helped her stand. To start with it was like she was completely avoiding touching him, then she grabbed him and he helped her up.

  She rocked on her legs for a minute or so before being able to move. She went out of the staff room.

  When he was sure she’d gone, Nathan sat on the chair.

  Kevin spoke first. “Nate, what do you think of her?”

  “I like her, but I think she’s hiding something. Parts of her story don’t add up. She’s missing hours and hours of time when she drove from Marton until she met that carjacker guy. She didn’t say what she did, but we didn’t really ask her. Then there’s the whole touching-her thing. That’s weird, when I was trying to help her up.”

  “I’m the same. I feel like we can trust her, but something isn’t quite right. That no-touching thing is weird but maybe it’s to do with that last guy she met, Flynn.”

  Casey, still wide-eyed, walked from the staff room. This was fucking impossible—a talking dog? Then again, she could sort of time travel and read minds so maybe it wasn’t so impossible. She’d be keeping that information to herself for now.

  She couldn’t understand why, when she shook Nathan’s hand and then he had helped her up, she couldn’t read his mind. Maybe it wore off like it did for Kevin. Or maybe it only worked with bad people. She had no idea.

  She walked toward the restrooms. Looking down, she could see her blood on the floor from last night. Quite a bit of it. She couldn’t wait to get away from this place and that memory.

  She was pretty sure the shooting was all a mistake. Nathan seemed really genuine, and neither he nor Kevin seemed to be holding anything back from her.

  Just outside the toilets was the portal Nathan had mentioned. Would she get her mind-reading powers back if she put her head in there again? She desperately wanted to have the ability again, if only to check if these two were trustworthy. But there was only one way to find out if she’d get her powers back.

  Her body screamed from her painful wound, but Casey slowly crouched on the floor on all fours and pushed her head into the portal as quickly as she could. There was no way she wanted to get caught by Kevin or Nathan, but she needed that power back. The pain in her side disagreed with this position, but she wanted to be able to read Nathan to see if he was as genuine as he came across.

  She got her whole head in, and could see the other world. Not many people there at this time of day, but still actual people and she could hear noises from that world.

  After a minute of having her head in the portal, she pulled it out.

  Hopefully it works now.

  But how to touch Nathan for long enough to get a good read off him without raising suspicion?

  Casey went to the toilet and pulled up her tee shirt after washing her hands. He had done a pretty good job of bandaging her up. She wanted to lift the bandage to take a look, but thought better of it. She’d wait until it needed to be changed and then have a good look at the wound.

  She put her tee shirt back down, looking at the bullet hole in the front of it. Did she want a constant reminder she’d been short?


  Casey returned to the shop, and went straight to the shelf that had some tourism things for sale on it, and picked up a tee light green shirt in her size. ‘I love Taupo’ was printed across the front of it, with the ‘love’ as a big red heart. It would do.

  She gingerly lifted her arms, her wound not agreeing with this movement at all. Casey removed her tee shirt, and slipped the new one on, the relief from having her arms back down indescribable.

  She returned to the staff room to hear Nathan discussing where they were headed. Kevin was sitting. She still was astounded to see him talking.

  “Still Raglan, then, Nathan? What about the army guys?”

  “We haven’t seen them again. They could be well gone by now, or turned off somewhere. For all we know they turned off north of Waiouru and are still somewhere out the back of there.”

  Kevin nodded. “Good point. Casey, what are your plans? Love the new shirt by the way.”

  “Thanks. That old one had to go. I’m driving to the Far North. It’s been my plan from day one and for some reason I’m really drawn to going there.”

  She could see Nathan frowning. “Casey—and don’t take this the wrong way—I really think you should come with us, or at least travel with us and then head north. You were shot last night, remember.”

  “Don’t worry, Nathan, I remember it very well. The pain isn’t too bad. I’m sure I can drive myself. And why would I take it the wrong way?”

  He paused before answering. “Well, you being Miss Independent and all, not wanting anyone touching you, for example. In times like this sometimes we need to accept changes to the plan.”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure. I don’t want to meet another Flynn, though. Let me think about it.”

  Kevin stared at her intently. “If you go today, what time do you think you’ll leave? We’d be happy to stay with you until you are fit enough to travel. It can take up to seventy-two hours for the pain to really kick in.”

  “Seventy-two hours? Kevin, how would you know that?”

  “Discovery Channel. I have—uh, had—elderly owners who watched a lot of TV.”

  Casey tilted her head in surprise. “So, Nathan, you aren’t Kevin’s owner? Kevin, sorry—no disrespect—not that you need an owner.”

  “Don’t worry, Casey. No offense taken.”

  Nathan turned to her. “No, I’m not his owner. Kev and I met when he tried to kill me.”

  Casey’s heart sank. This was the bombshell she was waiting for.

  “T-T-Tried to kill you?”

  She looked to the door, planning a quick escape, as if she could outrun a dog, especially with her wound. But she’d try if she had to.

  “Come on, Nate, we’ve been through this. Casey, take that worried look off your face. Nate tried to run me over with his bike, and he fe
ll off. That was all.”

  Casey visibly relaxed. She did need to at least try and trust these two a bit more.

  “Kev,” Nathan said. “I was on the road and you ran straight out in front of me.”

  “I’ve seen Judge Judy many times, man. You haven’t got a case against me.”

  Casey swore she could see Kevin smiling. All of a sudden, both boys burst into laughter. It was what she needed, and she joined in—although it hurt her sides.

  She sat down on the bed and held her stomach.

  Nathan rushed to her side. “Casey! Sorry! We forgot about your wound. We’ll try and keep the humor to a minimum for you. No guarantees, though.” Nathan cracked a sly smile.

  Casey started to relax even more. These were people—well, man and dog—she could easily hang with.

  But she was still unsure. Could she be trusting them more than she should? There was only one way to find out.

  Nathan saw her rise up off the bed, with less pain on her face than before. She wobbled a bit on her feet as she stood.

  “Well, guys, I think it’s time to hit the road. Nathan, I’m still feeling a bit shaky. Any chance I can lean on you a bit?”

  “Of course you can. Least I can do after shooting you. What say we get you out to the car then I’ll grab some food from the shop to snack on?”

  He saw Casey frown. “Car? You mean my truck?”

  “Uh, well, I thought we could drive in our car to Raglan, then if there’s no one there maybe Kev and I could travel with you to the Far North? We’ve got nothing else to do.”

  She frowned again. “Okayyyy…I hadn’t given this much thought. None actually. Number one though, if we are going together, we need to take my truck. It’s four-wheel drive and you need that out there. Have you seen the crashed trucks you have to drive around? Like that one on the way to Taupo, blocking the whole road?”

  “She’s right, Nate. We could use a four-wheel drive. Remember that crash where we met Flynn?”

  “But…but…the Tesla. I’ve always wanted one.”

  Kevin walked over and put his paw on Nathan’s leg.

  “Let it go, Nate. It’s just a car.”

  “But it’s such a cool car. It’s really fast, doesn’t make any noise, and has a Han Solo bobblehead in it.”

  Casey put her hand up like she was in school. “Nathan, how about we compromise? We take my truck but we bring Han Gruber with us.”

  “Han Solo.”

  “Yeah, that. I’m happy to put it on the dash in my brand new truck, only for you.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a compromise to me.”

  Casey grinned. “In times like this, sometimes we need to accept changes to the plan.”

  Nathan smiled. “Ouch, Casey. Throw my words back in my face, why don’t you?”

  Kevin spoke up. “It’s much more practical to take Casey’s truck. You know that. And we can always pick up another Tesla somewhere else—Auckland maybe. I saw on TV they have a dealership there, too.”

  Nathan’s face opened up. “Of course! And we could always get a Model S. It’s much faster.”

  “There you go. Now it’s down to Casey to decide if she’d like to travel with us or not.”

  Both boys turned toward her.

  Nathan saw her thinking hard. Something was still blocking her trust in them, he was sure. Understandable, he thought. She’d only met them the night before, and he had shot her, after all.

  “What about this? Nathan, you help me wobble out to the truck, and on the way I make a decision about what I’m going to do.”

  He looked at her again. This was one weird chick. How on earth could walking out to the truck give her enough time to make a decision? Still, he didn’t really mind.

  “Done. I’ll go use the restroom and then come back and help you. But, please, call me Nate. I reserve Nathan for people I don’t like.”

  He walked out of the staff room towards the restroom and noticed the portal was still there. Had he enough time? Should he?


  He needed to be reminded that his normal world still existed, even if he wasn’t that keen to return to it.

  Nathan plonked himself down on the tiled floor on his hands and knees, and started to push his head through. It actually felt easier for him this time than last time. Less than thirty seconds later, he had his head entirely in the portal.

  Like Casey, he could see the normal world going about its normal day. He felt sad, and a little happy, too. He actually preferred the life he was living now to back in the normal world.

  Nathan removed his head and went to the toilet.

  Returning to the staff room, he could see Kevin and Casey deep in conversation.

  “So you used to watch Discovery Channel a lot but didn’t really understand it, but now you do and remember all you watched?”

  “Yes, that’s pretty much it. Mostly when I watched it was a jumble of noise and pictures with the odd word I picked up, but basically I remember it all now, and understand it.”

  Casey saw Kevin’s tail wagging; he seemed to love discussing his newfound ability. “Incredible. What about when you can’t talk because it’s worn off—can you still understand and remember things?”

  “Sure can. It’s great.”

  “Are we ready to test drive you walking again?” Nathan asked. “You seemed to do okay before when you went to the toilet.”

  “Yup, let’s do this.”

  Nathan walked over to her, and truth be known she seemed fine on her feet, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. She might never ask for help again.

  “Thanks, Nate.”

  Casey held his arm. To Nathan it wasn’t as if he was helping her at all. He figured he was just steadying her as she walked.

  The trio exited the staff room and slowly walked through the shop. Nathan kept a close eye on Casey’s face, looking for signs of major pain.

  Instead he saw her seemingly lost in thought, like she was on another planet. She was still walking, but like a robot.

  Looking left, he noticed the portal had disappeared. He then spotted the pool of blood on the floor and considered pointing it out to her.

  Bad idea. Don’t remind her you shot her.

  They got to Casey’s truck, Nathan dropped her arm from his.

  “Casey, there’s no way you’re driving anywhere in this state. You’re going to have to let me drive you. Okay?”

  “Okay, Nate. I’m pretty sure I can trust you guys. Can you help me to the passenger’s side? Unless you want to ride shotgun, Kevin?”

  “No, I’m good, and I’ll have the whole back seat to myself. More legroom.” Kevin definitely cracked a doggy smile this time.

  Nathan walked her to the side of her truck, and she got in slowly, the movements obviously causing her sharp pains in her side.

  “I’ll go grab your bag, Casey, and some food.”

  “Uh, Nate,” Kevin said. “Can you open the door for me? No gull-wing doors I can open myself.”

  “Sorry, buddy. Sure thing.”

  Nathan opened the back door and Kevin jumped in.

  He returned to get supplies and her bag.

  “Are you okay, Casey? You’re very quiet,” Kevin asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine, Kevin. Thanks for asking. Just a little tired and sore.”


  She spun around as best she could. “Kevin, no! How could you have lost it already?”

  “Ha ha, I’m kidding! Thought I’d lighten the mood.”

  Casey smiled. “I’ll get you back for that, promise.”

  “I’ll bet you will. Just take it easy. We’ll take care of you.”

  “I know you will. And thanks, Kevin. I’m glad I’ve found you both.”

  Casey turned back around in her seat, lay back, and closed her eyes.

  Touching Nate’s arm had shown her everything she needed to see.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nathan returned with Casey’s bag and some junk food. He put it in t
he back seat of her truck, and grabbed his bag and Kevin’s food from the trunk of the Tesla.

  After putting that in her truck, he gathered the two rifles and the other pistol and ammunition from the trunk of the Tesla. He put them in the back of her truck with the tools, hoping he wouldn’t have any use for them. He got the sledgehammer, too, and put that in the back of her truck.

  He opened the driver’s door of Casey’s truck, and started to remove the holster with the pistol in it.

  “Nate,” Casey said. “Keep it on. I’d feel safer.”

  “But—I shot you last night. I thought the last thing you’d want to see is this pistol. In fact, I’m not even sure I want to have it after shooting you.”

  “Please,” she said, “keep it with you for me. Who knows who else we’ll run in to? Maybe another Flynn type of guy. I’d rather know we had some protection. I trust you.”

  Nathan smiled, buy confusion reigned on his insides. Even after shooting her last night, she trusted him?

  He strapped the holster back on, climbed into the driver’s seat, and took one last look at the Tesla. “Bye, baby. It’s been a blast.”

  “It’s just a car,” Kevin said. “What’s with the emotional attachment?”

  “Well, it’s the best car I ever had. And it’s so cool.”

  “Uh, we stole it, remember? It wasn’t yours.”

  Casey turned to Nathan. “You stole it? I thought you owned it?”

  “Well, we really more borrowed it than stole. I was going to return it. One day.”

  “Hmm, I struggle to believe that. Still, in this world, guess it doesn’t really matter. You did steal it after the world went to shit, though, right?”

  “Maybe, maybe not.” A smile crept over his face.

  Nathan started her truck and sat there with it idling. Something was missing.


  He almost jumped out of her truck and went to the Tesla.

  “Kevin, what’s the deal with that Han Solo thing?”

  “He’s hung up on Star Wars, Casey. Actually, I’ve seen his underwear. He’s really hung up on Star Wars.”

  Nathan returned with Han Solo, and immediately stuck him on top of her dashboard.


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