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The Taming of a Vixen

Page 5

by Wendy Stone

  “Here,” she whispered, hoarsely, amazed at her boldness.

  He groaned, watching as she cupped her sex with her slender hand, seeing the almost unconscious way she gently rubbed at the sweet flesh under her shift as if assuaging that pleasurable pain with her own touch.

  He lifted her chin, staring down into her eyes. “I want you,” he whispered before his lips took hers once more.

  Chapter Four

  Alyssa heard his husky words and felt the thrill of them deep inside of her. Before she could respond, though she had no idea what sort of response she would make, he was kissing her. He kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough, as if he were starving and she was his last meal. His mouth moved with intimate design, long drugging kisses that stirred her senses, making her toes curl in their small satin slippers.

  His hand rose, cupping her breast, his fingers gently urgent on her taut nipple. Alyssa gasped into his mouth as his thumb brushed the pebbled pink tip with fiery insistence. Her back arched, pressing her flesh into his hand, little mewling whimpers lost in the heat of his mouth.

  His eyes glittered in the moonlight as he looked around at where they were. Holding her to him with one strong arm, he turned the horse’s head, guiding him in the direction of a small barn close to the outskirts of London, one he knew was deserted.

  Before they arrived, a strange wind rose, whipping around the horse, fluttering Alyssa’s shift and making her shiver as it caressed her bare skin with icy fingers. The moon hid its face behind a dark curtain of clouds and the first sound of thunder rumbled fiercely.

  A splat of rain landed on Alyssa’s shoulder, and then another. Soon, it was coming down steadily. Jason leaned over her, trying to protect her from the worst of it. He slipped the hat he’d stolen from the highwayman off his head and put it on hers, tugging it down so that it wouldn’t fall off.

  “Hang on,” he said, kicking his horse into a trot as he saw the dim outline of the barn up ahead of them. They were both soaked by the time they reached it and Alyssa was shivering violently. Jason jumped down, pulling open the doors of the old barn and leading his horse inside and out of the biting sting of the rain, Alyssa still atop him. As soon as he stopped, he looped the reins over an iron ring in the side of the barn and went to Alyssa, reaching up and lifting her down.

  Alyssa fell into his arms with an eagerness that made him groan. She was shivering, the thin shift plastered to her body, every curve showing in the most intimate of detail. She blushed, feeling her fair skin redden. She could only be glad that it wasn’t light enough in that barn for him to see her.

  “You’re going to catch your death if you don’t get warm,” he muttered, using his hands to rub her arms. He stepped back, unbuttoning his coat and dropping the wet garment to the floor before taking off his reasonably dry shirt. “It won’t cover much but it’s dry.”

  “Turn around?” she asked. He smiled at her shyness and turned his back while she pulled the ripped shift from her body.

  The material slipped off his shoulder as she grabbed it, pulling it on and buttoning the front, the fabric warm and smelling of him. “A…All right,” she said, her teeth chattering. “I…I can’t believe you’re not cold.”

  “I am cold, it’s just not manly to shake and shiver. I’m trying to impress you,” he said, smiling at her surprised snort of laughter.

  “C..con..sider me im..impressed,” she shivered. “Even m…more so if y… you could teach m…me how to do that.”

  He stepped closer, staring at her in his white shirt, the hem touching her slender thighs, her hands covered by the length of his sleeve. It was an erotic and sensual sight; long, pale legs curving sleekly from under his shirt, her body draped in the soft linen fabric. “If I’d had problems with the cold before, seeing you in my shirt would surely warm me up,” he said huskily, stepping nearer until she could feel the heat of his body.

  She looked up into his masked face, her lips parted. His words made her body sing with pleasure. “Will you now tell me who you are?” she asked softly as his arms went around her, drawing her to his naked chest.

  “I am an avid admirer, Alyssa. I am only one of hundreds who would give their soul for one of your smiles.” His fingers ran over her cheek, tracing her lips with just the tips of two fingers.

  Alyssa opened her mouth, her tongue coming out to tease his fingers, drawing one in to nip at. His groan was her reward, encouraging her to do more, to softly suck upon that long digit.

  “You are a vixen,” he hissed, what she was doing with her mouth sent blood rushing to his already straining cock. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  She hummed her agreement, nipping sharply at the tip of his finger. “You saved me,” she breathed as his mouth slowly descended towards her waiting lips. “In some cultures, my life now belongs to you.” She rose on tiptoe, anxious for the heat of him, for the sensations he roused in her slender form.

  Lips met, twisted, fought and acquiesced, her mouth surrendering to his more worldly knowledge of the intimacies of a kiss. Her tongue swept against his, determined that he feel the same sweeping heat she did.

  Jason tore his mouth away, lifting her hands, placing them on his chest. “Touch me,” he ordered, groaning as her mouth sought his again while she did as she was commanded. Her soft palms sent sparks to his stomach, making his blood run hot, pulsing into his groin. She slid them slowly up his chest, tracing every smooth line, her fingers exploring his hard male nipples with a fascination that threatened his sanity.

  His hands also wandered, sliding over her shoulders and slipping down her back. She gasped into his mouth as his large hands cupped the firm curves of her bottom over his shirt. He squeezed those wonderfully resilient curves before fisting the shirt in his hand and pulling it up, his hands finding warm, soft flesh.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned, tearing his mouth from hers and burying his face in the slope of her neck. The perfume that had invaded his senses earlier rose to him, and he inhaled greedily, his mind reeling. His lips found her throat, his teeth nipping with sensuous intent, his hands rising on her skin to pull the shirt she wore up her body.

  He stole a moment to glance about the barn, finding what he wanted in a small stall in the corner.

  A bed of hay had been laid, as if the owner had been preparing for a horse which never arrived. It was still sweet smelling and clean and he bent to pick up his jacket before cradling her easily in his arms.

  Alyssa’s mind whirled with the strange but exquisite sensations coiling through her, so much more intense than what her own hands had been able to give her. She moaned as he picked her up, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her mouth sought his skin, nipping as he had her, sucking lightly on his flesh, tasting the erotic flavor of him upon her tongue.

  She gasped as he dropped, falling to his back in the wide pile of hay, holding her above him so she fell onto his chest. Her legs splayed, straddling his hips, the shirt riding up until it was caught between their stomachs, leaving her lower half exposed to the chilly air and the warmth of his hands.

  She stared at him for a moment, her mind swimming with new sensations, even as his fingers started drawing swirling patterns on the back of her thighs. His eyes were sparkling, but in the shadow of the mask and the dark of the barn, she couldn’t see their color. His hair was dark, silky soft against her fingers. He smelled of sandalwood and horse flesh, leather and the rain that was still falling around their secret haven, a scent she knew she’d never forget. “What is your name?” she whispered huskily, her fingers tracing over his lips.

  “Ja…mie, my name is Jamie,” he whispered back, wincing inwardly as he almost gave her his real given name, watching her face in the dim light.

  “Jamie,” she said as if trying the name to see how it tasted upon her lips. “Have we met before tonight, Jamie?”

  He laughed, watching as her eyes closed, savoring the pleasure he was giving her as his fingers brushed the skin of her bottom, slipping over those l
uscious globes only to slide back down and press between. “Yes,” he admitted finally, enjoying the way she worried her bottom lip, as if she knew she should stop him. “You wouldn’t remember my poor face,” he sighed. “I was just one amongst the milling throng of men desperate for your attention.”

  Alyssa was quickly losing control of her thoughts even though she wanted to continue, to finally find out who he was. His fingers teased, caressing between her spread thighs and touching the swollen lips of her sex. They felt heavenly, much better than her own as they slid into her wetness.

  “Oh,” she moaned, “that feels so…good.” She tried to concentrate, wanting to ask him more. Jason, knowing what she was about to do, doubled his efforts to drive her beyond thought. He lifted her suddenly, pulling the shirt over her head effortlessly. He tossed it aside and his hands fell to her waist to hold her in place. A scattering of pins rained around her as the passage of the shirt finally freed her curls from their confinement. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders, crimson silk to frame pale skin.

  His eyes roamed over her slender body, the globes of her breasts with their turgid pink nipples, the taut lines of her stomach to the gentle flare of her hips and triangle of red fur that covered the mound of her sex. She was beautiful, with long legs that curled under her, slender arms and sleek skin that was as pale as cream. His hands looked dark resting on her waist, a contrast pleasing to his eyes. He slipped his hand up her fair skin, engulfing her breast; her taut nipple peeked out from between two of his fingers.

  “You are so incredibly exquisite,” he groaned, pulling her down so he could find that plump tip with his lips.

  Alyssa cried out as his mouth encompassed her nipple, pulling on it, flicking it with his tongue. He was so hot, his mouth like an inferno around her, drawing her in further, his hands holding her captive so she couldn’t pull away. He tormented her, jabbing his tongue over her captured tip, nibbling on it, rolling it with his lips until she squirmed. Then he suckled her, pulling more of her into his mouth, sending contracting spasms that seemed to coalesce into her womb.

  He rolled with her, laying her on his shirt and jacket to protect her delicate skin from the hay. His hips fit between her thighs, resting against her woman’s flesh, feeling the heat of her through his thin breeches. His mouth returned to her skin, tasting her flesh, nipping and nibbling over the smooth column of her throat before descending upon her nipple once more.

  Taking the pebbled tip between his lips, his hand sought the other, rolling it between his fingers. He could feel her move under him, arching to press herself more firmly against him. Her cries split the air, enraptured moans that stirred him even more. His heart beat like the thunder that boomed through the night, his blood roared like the downpour that flooded the grounds outside. He could barely breathe through the surging desire for this little vixen.

  Alyssa felt his mouth around her nipple, his body between her thighs, pressing intimately against her in a way she’d never felt before. He was incredible, his teeth creating waves of heat with every little nibble, his touch sending sensations of fire traveling through her body. Every touch, every kiss, every slight pull of his lips upon her pouting nipple, was one more sensation to pour like warm honey between her thighs.

  Her hips arched, her woman’s flesh demanding attention she didn’t quite understand. She felt him leave her breasts, his tongue circling across the skin over her ribs, moving lower, his hand pushing against her thighs. She felt his tongue against her navel, dipping inside as if to taste her, leaving a tingly tickling sensation that sent an itch to her delta. She jerked against him, moaning her need, her hands reaching for him as she realized he didn’t mean to stop.

  He evaded her hands, grabbing them in one of his and holding them. Her hips jerked, her thighs clenching as if she would try to keep him from his goal. He laughed, the sound husky and deep, looking up into her eyes for a moment. He released his grip on her hands and firmly placed them at her sides. “You are as beautiful down here,” he said, using one finger to part the swollen lips of her little pussy, “as you are everywhere else, love. Please don’t fight me. Let me taste of your sweetness. Let me give you more pleasure than you ever believed possible.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he let his head drop, his tongue searching through her silken curls, tracing the thick, passion-swollen lips that hid the taste of her sweet little cunt from him. He parted her thighs further, holding them open with the flat of his palm, his tongue exploring her torrid heat and slick juices.

  She whimpered, watching him in the dimness of the barn, the dark mask covering the top of his head, his eyes staring back at her. Her mind couldn’t comprehend the feelings swamping her, the sensations of his tongue, and the feel of his thick fingers as they played over the wet flesh between her shaking thighs. Her body tensed as his tongue flicked the taut bud she’d found there earlier, finding it hard and erect, pushed from beneath its tiny hood.

  “Oh,” she cried, “What are you doing?”

  “Pleasing you,” he growled, leaning his chin on the fleshy curl-covered mound. “And myself.” He returned to her slick slit, his tongue finding the tiny opening of her vaginal sheath and pushing inside gently before returning to circle her hard clit. He heard her cries, felt her body writhe under him and groaned, his cock so hard it felt as if it would rip through the material restraining it.

  He felt her hands come to his head, her fingers moving over the rough material that made up the mask. They gripped it, and he redoubled his efforts, flicking the pearl knot with dodged intent, slipping a single thick finger between her lips and into her virgin opening.

  His attack achieved its goal. Her hands fell back to her side, her moans doubling in strength and intensity. The pleasure coiled deep inside of her and she could feel his finger probing, pushing inside with wicked objectives, thrusting against her tight walls until she suddenly contracted beneath him, her body flooding with wanton pleasure that covered his face with her spendings.

  Before she recovered, her mind still blissfully aloft on that pleasure peak, he moved over her, his hands unbuttoning his breeches, sliding them down his rugged thighs, releasing his own turgid proof of desire. She felt it, pressing against her, the tip slick with the moisture of her own pleasure. He rose above her, thrusting gently, parting her inner lips with his cock.

  He felt huge, much larger than the finger that had already trespassed upon her virgin depths. Her body tensed as he slipped barely inside her, his mouth coming down to find hers, kissing her with passion and desire, reawakening her own desires as she tasted the strange flavor of herself on his lips and tongue.

  “Hold on to me,” he whispered against her mouth. “This is going to hurt, but I’ll try to be quick and then all you will feel is pleasure.”

  Her hands came up, grabbing his arms, holding tightly as he moved again. And then he thrust inside her, the thin membrane of her virginity parting with surprising ease under the powerful battering of his cock. She struggled for a moment, pushing against him, crying out against his lips until he stopped, only a few inches of his cock inside of her.

  “Shh,” he whispered, letting go of her lips and seeing the tears of pain in her eyes. “The worst is over, love. It will only get better now.” He kissed the tears from her eyes, tasting their saltiness with his tongue.

  “It hurt,” she said, her tone accusing. “It really hurt.”

  “I know,” he whispered, flexing his hips as her tight sheath squeezed around him. “But I promise it will feel good now and never hurt like that again.” He pulled back slightly, the friction of her tight cunt causing him to moan as tremors of pleasure trickled over his nerve endings. “Bring your knees up, love,” he whispered, kissing her ear, letting his tongue play over the whorl, following it around to nibble on her lobe.

  Alyssa did as he told her, already feeling the worst of the pain subside. It hadn’t really been all that bad and now she had this interesting fullness that only seemed to get better as he push
ed more and more of himself into her.

  When he’d buried his hardness inside, she could feel his body pressing against her, holding her open with his hips, every ridge and bump on that incredible piece of him pushing against and inside her with incredible results. Then he pulled out until just a tiny bit of him was left and she felt empty, her hands sliding down his back to pull him back to her.

  Jason felt her hands and smiled grimly. He knew she would be passionate. How could she not with that flaming hair and flashing smoky eyes? Her nails flexed, demanding he move and he groaned, pushing back into that tight, wet velvet sheath slowly, feeling her muscles contracting around him.

  Her hips arched, her body starting to dance against his as the pleasure of being taken speared through her. Her hands roamed his hot skin, stroking his chest, playing with his hard nipples to hear his groan. His hips began to rock faster, long strokes, short jabs, slow torment that had her trembling on pleasure’s peak once more, begging him with husky whispers for more.

  “Oh, bloody hell, darling, you feel so good,” he moaned, letting more of his weight rest upon her. Her breasts pushed into his chest, her taut nipples seeming to drill holes of sensation in him.

  “J…Jamie, I …something’s happening!” She held on to him tight as her body began to convulse with the pleasure he brought her. Her legs tightened until she was holding him with her thighs, her hips jerking up against him frantically, desperately, her nails digging into his back.

  He felt the pink flesh of her cunt spasm, heard her cries over the heavy drumbeat of his heart. He pounded into her, wanting so badly to ride out her storm and give her more. But she was too much; too beautiful, too warm, too tight for him to hold back. With a shout, he thrust once more, his body burying itself in her heat, hot silken ropes of his seed cannoning into her with a pulsing roar.


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