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The Mountbattens

Page 43

by Andrew Lownie

  Dean, Sally 160, 300

  Decies, Lady 65

  Delavigne, Doris 64

  Della Torre, Duke and Duchess 289

  Delmer, Sefton 252

  Dempster, Nigel 329–30

  Deveria, Laura 15–16

  ‘Dickie’s Friends’ group 128

  Dieppe Raid 2, 135, 137–50, 375–6, 381, 385

  Dillon, Martin 346

  Dimbleby, Jonathan 330–1

  Dmitri, Grand Duke 11

  Dolly (horse) 343

  Dorman-Smith, Sir Reginald 174

  Doubleday, Rhoda Tanner 288

  Douglas, ACM Sholto 134, 151

  Driberg, Tom 176, 234, 252, 253, 349, 352, 357

  Dunderdale, Bill 276

  Dunkirk 103

  Dunsterville, Edward 118

  Durbar, Delhi (1911) 22

  Ede, James Chuter 234, 235

  Eden, Anthony 112, 191, 274, 276–7, 315, 366, 370

  Edward, Prince, Duke of Kent 306, 344

  Edward VII 10, 15, 29, 256

  Edward VIII 5, 6, 30, 32–5, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 51, 52, 54, 59, 64, 68, 84, 96, 105, 109, 244, 257, 315, 332, 339

  abdication of 106–8

  death of 326–8

  Edwina Mountbatten Trust 312

  Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D. 135, 165, 166, 303, 315

  Elizabeth II 108, 132, 184–7, 233, 248, 254, 256, 278, 279, 290, 306, 315, 318, 324–5, 326, 328, 343, 364, 367–8, 383

  Elizabeth, Queen, see Queen Mother

  Elworthy, Sam 304

  Emery, Mary Lou 295

  Ena, Queen 52, 88

  England, Peter 359

  Enigma code 144

  Epstein, Jacob 246

  Ernie, Uncle 52, 100

  Ernst, Prince 257

  Erskine-Crum, Vernon 192, 197

  ETOUSA 135

  Evans, Mrs Carey 44

  Evans, William (‘Bill’) 279, 287, 291, 294, 297, 298, 350, 371, 384

  Evelyn, Jack 94, 109

  Fairbanks, Douglas 52, 53, 70, 76, 78, 92, 126

  Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr 114, 278, 286, 297, 385

  Falchi, Col Luigino 75

  family tree viii–ix

  Ferdinand, Archduke Franz 13, 16

  Fergusson, Bernard 312

  Festing, FM Sir Francis 378, 385

  ‘Firm Friends’ 369

  Fisher, Geoffrey, Archbishop of Canterbury 184, 282–3

  Fleming, CDR Ian 140, 145, 276

  Fleming, Peter 313

  Foley, Declan 333

  Fonda, Jane 294

  Fontaine, Roy 354

  Forbes-Sempill, Molly (‘Madre’) 16, 19, 20, 35, 44, 96, 113

  Ford, Cristina 298

  Forester, C.S. 310

  Forgotten Army 155

  Fowles, John 297

  Fox, Celestia 351

  Frankovitch, Mike 297

  Freedom Association 358

  Furness, Thelma 96

  Gable, Clark 98

  Gandhi, Mahatma 196, 197, 199, 236, 237

  Garat, Henri 115

  Gazda, Anton 103

  Gellibrand, Paula 58, 61

  Geordie, Duke of Sutherland 6, 40, 53, 77

  George, Earl of Medina (‘Georgie’) 10, 11, 12, 13, 17–18, 21, 43, 48, 54, 59, 73, 96, 111, 125, 128

  death of 110–11

  ill health of 109–10

  George II 106

  George, Prince, Duke of Kent 61, 104

  George V 5, 13, 22, 24, 30, 47, 49, 58, 61, 82, 86, 192, 257

  death of 105

  George VI 30, 33, 34, 38, 40, 43, 66, 68, 70, 108, 120, 123, 125, 129, 130, 133, 139, 169, 177, 179, 185–7, 189, 196, 215, 217, 227, 230, 238, 248, 309, 310, 381

  death of 256, 265

  German-Jewish Aid Committee 115

  Gibbons, Lady 88

  Gibbs, Sir Humphrey 306, 307

  Gielgud, John 353

  Goldwyn, Sam 146

  Good Friday Agreement 346

  Gosling, Sir Donald 306

  Grantley, Richard 59, 64

  Gray, Larry 76, 77–8

  Great Britain 75 325

  Great Calcutta Killings 224

  The Great War 315

  Grenfell, Joyce 168

  Greville, Mrs Ronnie 41, 45–6, 47

  Grey, Sir Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon, 29

  Grimwade, Gwenda 33

  Grombach, Brig. John 365–6

  Grosvenor, Lady Mary 77

  Gustaf, Carl, King of Sweden 331

  Haig, Gen. Alexander 340

  Hailsham, Lord 369

  Hall, Archibald 354

  Halsey, Rear-Admiral Sir Lionel 31, 34

  Hamid, Shahid 197, 208–9, 217, 222, 386

  Hammond, Paul 43

  Harbinson, Robert 359

  Harding (maid) 73

  Harding, Warren G. 53

  Hare, William (‘Billy’), 5th Earl of Listowel 366

  Harris, Barbara 355

  Harrison, Michael 312

  Harrison, Rex 297

  Hart-Davis, Rupert 310

  Hartford, Huntington 289

  Hartley Library 375

  Hastings, Sir Patrick 86, 114

  Hatch, Alden 314

  Haughey, Charles 344

  Hawkins, Jack 353

  Haydon, Robin 341

  Heald, Tim 299

  Healey, Denis 319

  Hearst, Randolph 76

  Heath, Edward 319

  Henriques, Robert 128

  Henriquet/Henriques/Henriquez, Yvonne, see Letellier, Yola

  Henry, Duke of Gloucester 30, 43, 108, 179, 256, 344

  Henry, Kevin 342

  Hepburn, Katherine 94

  Herzfoeld, Ernst 91

  Hewart, Lord Chief Justice Lord 86

  Heywood-Lonsdale, Teddy 73, 78, 169–70

  Hicks, Ashley (grandson) 267, 287, 344, 383

  Hicks, David (son-in-law) 278, 290, 380

  Hicks, Edwina (granddaughter) 287, 341

  Hicks, India (granddaughter) 287, 383

  Hicks, Lady Pamela Carmen Louise (née Mountbatten) (daughter), see IRA 84, 88, 93–4, 101, 164, 168, 194, 196, 198, 233, 238, 247, 248, 251, 259, 261, 265, 267, 281, 287, 290, 299, 373–4, 383

  birth of 74

  wedding of 278–9

  Higham, Charles 325

  Hill, Derek 292–3

  Hilton, James 109

  Hindin, Philip 353

  Hinsley, F.H. 139

  Ho Chi Minh 174–5

  Hodges, Michael (‘Micky’) 155, 384

  Hodson, H.V. 313

  Hoey, Brian 291, 350, 372

  Holman, Dennis 311

  homosexuality 349–66

  Hoover, J. Edgar 365

  Hope, Bob 218, 309

  Horne, Alastair 304

  Hough, Richard (‘Dick’) 1, 87, 298, 350, 368, 371, 386, 389

  Howard, George 370

  Hughes-Hallett, VADM John 139

  Humayun, King 46

  Hunter, Maj. Brian 167

  hunting packs 64, 194

  Hussey, Tom 73

  Hutchinson, Leslie (‘Hutch’) 87–9, 269, 387


  Congress Party 45, 178, 189–90, 197, 200, 204, 208, 214, 381

  independence of 2, 189–201, 203–20, 221–32

  Mountbatten as Governor-General of 221–32, 273, 377–8

  partition of, see Partition

  self-rule 189

  Industrial Reports 365

  Ingall, Francis 208

  internment 118, 337

  Invergordon Mutiny 55

  IRA 337–8, 340–2, 346–7, 359, 361, 387

  Ismay, Gen. Hastings (‘Pug’), 1st Baron

  Ismay 139, 147, 154, 159–60, 177, 191, 192, 197, 199, 200–1, 203, 210–11, 217, 223, 224, 233, 271, 313

  James, Audrey 29, 37–8, 46

  James, Marquess of Hamilton 292

  Jay, Bobby 89

  Jenkins, Roy 307, 319, 324

  Jenkins, Sir Evan 203, 210, 220, 222, 225,

  Jewish Refugees’ Committee 115

  Jinnah, Fatima 196

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 189, 190, 196, 197, 199, 203, 207–8, 212, 215, 216, 218, 227–31, 245, 268, 270, 372, 377, 381

  ‘John Come Home’ rent boys 350

  Joseph, Sir Keith 358

  Juan Carlos, King 288

  Judd, Dennis 310

  Kagan, Joseph 318

  Kaur, Amrit 230

  Kaur, Rajumari Amrit 196

  Kelly, Grace 309

  Kemp, Peter 67

  Kennedy, John F. (‘JFK’) 160

  Kennedy, Kick 160

  Kennedy, Ludovic 338, 369, 378

  Kent, Prince Michael of 331, 344, 372

  Kern, Jerome 52

  Kerr, Sir Hamilton 11

  Keyes, ADM Sir Roger 70, 127

  Khan, Abdul Ghaffar 204

  Khan, Liaquat Ali 197, 211

  Khrushchev, Nikita 274

  Kibbins, Brian 174

  Kimmins, Brian 3

  King, ADM Ernest 150

  King, Cecil 317–23, 359

  Kington, Miles 369

  Kinross, Lady Celia 133

  Knatchbull, Doreen, Lady Brabourne 342, 344

  Knatchbull, Hon. Michael-John (grandson) 246, 287, 335, 344

  Knatchbull, Hon. Nicholas (‘Nicky’) (grandson) 287, 341, 342, 344

  Knatchbull, Hon. Philip (grandson) 287, 344

  Knatchbull, Hon. Timothy (‘Tim’) (grandson) 287, 335–6, 342, 372

  Knatchbull, John, 7th Lord Brabourne 342, 368

  Knatchbull, John, 7th Lord Brabourne (son-in-law) 181–2, 184, 193, 235, 307, 309, 310, 314, 320, 332

  Knatchbull, Lady Amanda (granddaughter) 287, 330

  Knatchbull, Lady Joanna (granddaughter) 287

  Knatchbull, Michael, 5th Lord Brabourne 181

  Knatchbull, Norton, 3rd Earl Mountbatten of Burma (grandson) 235, 246, 287, 344

  Knatchbull, Norton, 6th Lord Brabourne 181

  Knatchbull, Patricia Edwina Victoria (née Mountbatten), 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma (daughter) 66, 68, 73, 84, 101, 109, 153, 165, 168, 193, 215, 235, 243–5, 256, 287, 288, 289–90, 293, 299, 320, 332, 340, 342, 373–4

  birth of 57

  christening of 58

  engagement and marriage of 181–4

  Knitted Garments Depot 121

  Knowles, Sydney 275–6

  Korda, Alexander 104

  Labour Party 28, 176, 190, 234, 259, 307, 318–24

  Lambe, ADM Charles 73, 106, 154, 272, 278, 281

  Lambton, Anthony 371, 375

  Landing Craft Mechaniseds 141

  Langtry, Jeanne Marie 10

  Langtry, Lillie 10

  Lanty, Virginia de 59

  Lascelles, Tommy 177

  The Last of the Red Hot Mamas 71

  Laszlo, Philip 56

  Lawrence, Jock 146

  Laycock, Lady Angie 308

  Laycock, Robert 336

  Lee, Jennie 259

  Lees-Milne, James 353

  Lees, Nancie 102, 167

  Leese, Gen. Oliver 160, 172, 370

  Legh, Joey 33

  Leigh-Mallory, ACM Trafford 138, 139

  Leigh, Vivien 114

  Leopold, King 38

  Letellier, Henri 90

  Letellier, Yola 90, 91–3, 94, 108, 109, 113, 117, 166, 171, 235, 244, 249, 263, 291–2, 295, 385

  Lewin, Duncan 323

  Liberal Party 31

  Life and Times 373

  Lindbergh, Charles 106

  Lindsay, Col Peter 160, 162, 300

  Lindsay, Janey 160, 162, 169–70, 300, 384, 386

  Listowel, Billy 192

  Listowell, Lady Judith (née Márffy-Mantauno) 366

  Litvinov, Maxim 76

  Lockhart, Robert Bruce 146, 324

  Long, Frederic Lawrence 5

  Lord Mountbatten Remembers 369

  Lost Horizon 109

  The Lost Peace 315

  Loughborough, Sheila 33

  Louis and Victoria (Mountbatten) 1

  Louis, Prince, Marquess of Milford Haven 9, 10, 11, 13–14, 22, 23, 66, 78, 314

  Lovat, Lord 141

  Lusty, Robert 313

  Lutyens, Sir Edwin 101, 194

  Lyttelton, Oliver 259

  Macarthur, Gen. Douglas 153

  MacDonald, Malcolm 174, 179

  MacDonald, Ramsay 81

  McGirl, Francis 345, 346

  McGrigor, Sir Rhoderick 271

  McKenzie, Graham 252

  Maclaine, Shirley 297

  Maclean, Charles, 7th Baron Maclean, Lord Chamberlain 343

  MacLellan, Knatchbull, Patricia Edwina

  Victoria (née Mountbatten), 2nd

  Countess Mountbatten of Burma 304

  MacLellan, Pat 3, 304, 373, 379, 384

  McMahon, Charles 345, 346

  McMahon, Thomas 340

  Macmillan, Harold 278, 369, 379

  Maeterlink, Maurice 148

  Maisky, Ivan 138

  Maitland, Christopher 311

  Makgill, Sir George 16

  Malaspira, Folco 25

  man-management 148

  Manzi-Fe, Galeazzo 25

  Márffy-Mantuano, Judit, de Versegh et Leno 366

  Margaret, Princess 108, 132

  Marie of Russia 13

  Marina of Kent, Princess 89

  Mark, Sir Robert 307, 337–8

  Marlborough House 108

  Marshall, Arthur 148

  Mary, Queen 5, 49, 58, 65, 86, 108, 125, 257, 364

  Masani, Zareer 268

  Massingberd, Hugh Montgomery 351

  Masson, Madeleine 312, 386–7

  Mata, Shardha 268

  Maudling, Reginald 324

  Maxwell, Paul 342, 361

  Maxwell, Robert 356

  Meakins, Derrick 351

  Melhado, Lydia 298

  Menon, Krishna 191, 243, 246, 365

  Menon, V.P. 197, 203, 206, 222, 225, 229

  Merillon, Pierre 63

  Metcalfe, Fruity 51, 108

  Miéville, Sir Eric 192, 197, 210

  Milbanke, Sheila 76

  Mille, Cecil B. de 53

  Miller, Gen. David 340

  Mizzen (dog) 243

  Mody, Rusi 268

  Molyneaux, Hugh, Earl of Sefton 57, 59, 63, 65, 68, 69, 106

  Molyneaux, James 360

  Monckton, Walter 107

  Montague, Venetia 76

  Montgomery, Capt. Peter 359

  Montgomery, FM Bernard (‘Monty’), 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 137, 177, 278

  Moon, Dr 17

  Morehead, Alan 313

  Morgan, Jane 2

  Morgan, Janet 87, 267, 269, 371, 374, 383

  Morley, Peter 315

  Mortimer, Linda 328

  Mosley, Leonard 312

  Mosley, Oswald 65, 318

  Mott, Capt. 25

  Mountbatten, David, 3rd Marquess of

  Milford Haven 162

  Mountbatten Day 367

  Mountbatten, Lady Edwina Cynthia Annette (née Ashley):

  birth of 14

  childhood of 15, 19

  co-respondent namings of 69, 74–5, 85–6

  coming-out party of 36

  cover story given by 98–100

  curated reputation of 311–12

  death of 280–3, 285–300, 350, 384

  Dickie first meets 38–9

  Dickie marries 5–7, 47–9, 380

  Dickie’s engagement to 46

  Dickie’s letters to 43–6, 56, 57, 65–6, 153, 164–5, 170, 179–80, 257–8, 266

  education of 15–16, 19–20, 20

  extra-marital affairs of 64–5, 75, 82–3, 162, 187–8, 265–70, 274–5, 286, 373, 374 (see also people by name)

  fashion consciousness of 58, 165–6

  and father’s death 113–14

  film made by 53

  first-aid course undertaken by 121

  1st wedding anniversary of 55–6

  future in-laws
meet 40

  honeymoon of 51–60

  honours bestowed upon 149, 176

  as hostess 35–6, 38

  ill health of 69, 109, 279–80

  jealous nature of 182–3

  Jewish heritage of 115, 120–1

  languages spoken by 19, 20

  marriage problems of 61–72, 210, 212

  and mother’s death 15

  nature of 43–5

  principal lovers of, see people by name relief work of 149, 156, 165, 167–80, 175–6, 247, 251, 261, 263, 279

  Rhys proposes to 36–7

  21st birthday of 53

  war work undertaken by 121–2

  Mountbatten, Lady Pamela Carmen Louise, see Hicks, Pamela Carmen Louise

  Mountbatten, Lady Patricia Edwina

  Victoria, see Knatchbull, Patricia Edwina


  Mountbatten, Lord Ivar Alexander Michael 386

  Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor

  Nicholas (‘Dickie’), 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (‘Dickie’):

  assassination of, see death of

  becomes Earl Mountbatten 220, 221

  birth of 9, 10

  at boarding school 11

  and brother’s death 110

  christened Louis Francis Albert Victor

  Nicholas 9

  courses undertaken by 63, 66, 111, 188

  death of 337–8, 342, 359, 364, 372

  debating skills of 28

  education of 11–13, 17–18, 25

  Edwina first meets 38–9

  Edwina marries 5–7, 47–9, 380

  and Edwina’s death 281–3, 285–300

  Edwina’s engagement to 46

  80th birthday of 339–40

  enduring legacy of 367–81

  and father’s death 78

  and father’s dismissal as First Sea Lord 14

  film made by 53

  first posting of 18–19

  as First Sea Lord 14, 123, 271–83, 344, 375

  1st wedding anniversary of 55–6

  genealogical heritage of 9–10

  as Governor-General of India 221–32, 273, 377–8

  grandchildren of 287–8, 295, 334–6, 344

  honeymoon of 51–60

  honorary grandson of, see Charles, Prince

  in House of Lords 306

  ill health of 59–60, 205–6, 356

  insecure personal nature of 371, 378, 379–80

  IRA assassination of, see death of Irish home of 333–47

  marriage problems of 61–72, 210, 212

  memorial services for 344, 345

  murder of, see death of at naval college 12, 17–18, 21–2, 31

  1942 raids organised by 2, 129–35, 137–50

  nom de plume of 21

  ‘officer’s cabin’ bedroom of 56–7

  political views of 27–8

  Post-Surrender Tasks of 173–4

  public self-confidence of 9, 33, 256, 378

  Queen pays tribute to 367–8

  in retirement 301–16

  sexuality 374–5

  sexuality of 349–66, 374–5, 380

  16th birthday of 18

  sobriquets of 11, 33, 297, 354, 355–6


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