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Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1)

Page 6

by Liza Probz

  She groaned and shifted her hips, tilting her pelvis toward him. She reached down and slid her hand into his hair, pulling hard to bring his face to the center of her need. He laughed and held himself up, not moving at all.

  “Speak it and then I’ll consume every last drop of pleasure you give up, woman. Play by my rules or go without.” He licked at her again, his tongue warm and thick as it teased her.

  “I need you to fuck me with your mouth,” she whimpered, lifting her head to look down at him.

  “To eat your pussy?” He licked her again.

  “Yes. Please. Fuck, Marek.” She started to move from him as he pinned her to the bed with his strong fingers pressing into her thighs.

  “I will, baby. All night.” He lowered his head and made good on his promise.

  Pleasure rolled over her in waves and she collapsed back on the bed, reaching down to rub his shoulders as he sucked and licked until the world exploded around her.

  She didn’t remember much, but screaming his name became her go-to as he took her to the edge of ecstasy and threw her violently over the cliff time and time again.

  Anything would be better than the thoughts and feelings that pulsed through her, the pleasure tugging at her without fail, but one thing was far greater than pleasure would ever be.

  The need for him to be present in her life. He had seduced her simply by being a man that wanted what she wasn’t willing to give and demanding it. Reaching up, she grabbed the headboard and screamed again as heat poured through her stomach.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered as the room dimmed slightly.

  He climbed back up the length of her body and pressed himself to her.

  “No,” he spoke softly and pressed his lips to her forehead sweetly.

  She tried to ask why, but the room turned into darkness, and dreams of him holding her tightly took the rest of her night hostage.

  Chapter 11

  Turbulence woke her from the deep sleep that held her captive, the bed jerking violently around her. Jazmine worked to get her bearings, the darkness of the room doing nothing to help her. The sound of Marek’s voice brought her back to the present and pushed realization on her. She was on the small ship of a Vartik, a handsome one at that.

  The night before had been so good, his mouth pressed to the center of her heat, lapping and sucking at her until she came over and over again. She groaned and slid her hand down her stomach, cupping herself and enjoying the pressure from his assault. She needed him to make love to her, to finish the job he kept starting. What was it that he wanted from her? For her to beg?

  She smiled at the thought, not far from agreeing to it. Stretching and yawning loudly, Jazmine slid out of the bed and reached for the white robe bunched up on the floor just inside the bathroom door. The night before was almost a blur, but small bits and pieces continued to tease her as she moved about the bedroom. She wanted to see him, needed to slip into his lap and remind him how perfect he was.

  “I understand that quite clearly, but you’re not boarding my ship and I’m not porting anywhere. I’ve done nothing and will not honor your request.” Marek’s voice was loud and commanding, the power of it leaving her shoulders stiff with anxiety. He was capable of bending her will or anyone else’s that he wished. Perhaps she should work on being a little more pleasant around him.

  Jazmine walked through the kitchenette and toward the front of the ship, sliding a hand onto his bare shoulder and glancing down as he jerked his head to look up at her. His eyes were vibrant green, his cheeks slightly flushed. She wanted to move back from the intensity of his stare but forced herself to stay in place. Their night had been cut short by her passing out, from what she could remember, but the parts before the darkness took her were blissful.

  “What’s going on?” she whispered as he turned back to the control panel in front of him. He was upset, but was it with them or her?

  “We have interstellar cops on our asses. They’ve requested that we pull into the nearest station, but that’s not happening.”

  The sound of guttural voices filled up the small console at the front of the ship, the cops obviously having several members there ready to force their will upon Marek.

  “If you’ve done nothing wrong, as you say, sir, then pull over at the West Zam station just ahead and let us quickly search the ship. We will take very little of your time and you can be on your way.” The speaker was a woman, but she wasn’t a humanoid by the deep accent. Jazmine couldn’t place it exactly but didn’t care to. Fear rose up in her chest and she leaned across the half-naked man in front of her and pressed the mute button.

  “What do they want from you?” She glanced down at him, knowing good and damn well what they wanted.

  “Nothing from me. They’re looking for you or the jewels you stole, I’m sure.” His voice let on quickly that he was pissed at her for the choices she had made. Jazmine took a step back, retracting her hand from him.

  “You can’t pull over. They will perform a retina scan and figure out what you are.”

  He turned and pinned her with his stare. “I’m aware of that. Hence the trying like hell to get them to just leave me alone. I’m about to unleash a wave of my power over them if they don’t back the fuck up.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “I’ll have to pull over and do it when they approach, but it seems to be my only option.” He grumbled something that sounded like bad decisions and turned back to unmute the conversation.

  Jazmine walked quickly to the back in search of her clothes. It didn’t matter that they were dirty or that she was tired and wanting to go back to bed for the day. This was her fault and where she would usually rejoice in the chance to watch a ballsy man take the fall for her indiscretions, something had changed inside of her where Marek was concerned.

  She slipped on her jeans and pulled her shirt over her head before leaning in to inspect herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess but nothing a quick brush couldn’t take care of. Her skin was bright and almost glowing, her eyes having lost the dull sadness that plagued her for the last year. It was all thanks to his accepting her the night before, for his desire to take her and give her pleasure though she didn’t deserve it.

  “Fix this shit,” she growled softly toward her reflection.

  “Fuck,” Marek yelled and the ship jerked, the movement slamming her into the counter hard.

  She let out a soft cry, unable to help herself as she pushed back from the sink. Jazmine walked carefully back toward him as the ship turned on its side.

  “No way around it?” she asked and stopped at the kitchen table.

  “No.” He didn’t turn around to look at her and she honestly understood why. This was her fault and he was now putting not only himself in danger, but his people as well. Surely, his plan had been to lie low and simply enjoy one last excursion before taking a position in the family business.

  “What’s the plan?” She bent down and pulled her tranquilizer out of the holster attached to her pants leg, checking it to ensure she had enough to put one or two of the guards out.

  “The plan is for you to go back to the bathroom and hide in the shower. I’ll bring the three inspectors into the ship and hypnotize them.”

  “And what am I supposed to do?” She tilted her head to the side, knowing he was pissed but hoping like hell it wasn’t only directed at her.

  “Nothing. You’ve done enough already.” He moved to the door and pressed his hands to the lipped rim, letting out a long breath. “My parents are going to kill me if they find out about this.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. At least you’re not Vartik royalty. That’s who everyone seems to be after, or at least, that’s what the books say.” She let out a tight laugh, not feeling at all like herself. She wanted him to be pleased with her, happy in her presence, content when he was with her.

  He glanced over at her as the ship shifted and the door began to open. “That’s our problem at present. I am
the next King of Vartik. Go get in the shower like I told you to.”

  Chapter 12

  He could almost hear his father’s berating in his ears as the doors to the ship opened. His mistake of picking up the girl could cost them everything. If his truth was discovered, bounty hunters from every world would begin searching for his people. The coverup had taken years and almost all of their funds to ensure that no one ever went in search of his people again. Why had he needed this trip? It was selfish and damning from the start, just as his father had warned him.

  “You do realize that this is ridiculous, right?” The great king of the Vartiks stood over Marek, his glare piercing and hard to sustain for too long.

  “I understand that’s how you feel, but I cannot settle down in this place until I have experienced more than servitude, Father.” Marek ran his fingers through his hair, wishing like hell that his mother would have simply given the news to his dad instead of sending him in to do it. He was a leader to his people and the strongest man amongst them, and yet in front of his father, he felt all of ten years old again.

  “You have everything here you could ever want, Marek. Looking for freedom out in the galaxy isn’t going to give you comfort at all. You have to return to us and take your place as king. How in the hell is traveling the world and experiencing all that you don’t have going to assist with your contentment once you return?”

  “We have the most beautiful lands, the most compliant women, the most brilliant sunrise, correct?” Marek asked, knowing that he had to go about this another way. There was no way he was going to talk emotion with a diplomat like his father. The man had never left Vartik, nor would he even consider doing so for any reason.

  “That’s right, son. The list goes on and on. I’m not sure what you’re hoping to find out there.”

  “Maybe I just want to test the theory so that when I return, I know without a doubt that we do have everything so far beyond what others have that I can find my center here without longing for more.”

  “How could you want more than this?” The king lifted his hands and turned in a circle, the beautiful rose gardens outside of the castle walls their meeting place.

  It was beautiful and serene, but the dull ache that seemed ever-present in Marek’s chest reared to life again. He needed to feel more, not have more.

  “I’m going on this trip. I will remain completely hidden and will return in a year from now. I hope you can find it within yourself to honor me in this. I need it and though I’m not quite able to explain why, it doesn’t dampen the pressure building inside of me. Give me this release and I will be everything you expect me to be.”

  Marek took a shallow breath as pain laced his chest. His father had trusted him to stay far away from situations like his current one, and yet, here he stood, bared to the most crime-ridden group in all of the galaxies. The interstellar cops were nothing but a mafia of sorts. They gave allegiance to the highest bidder and something told Marek that the King of Vanfia was willing to pay handsomely to regain his pride.

  Three guys in full white jumpsuits stood at the top of the bridge that connected from Marek’s ship to the floating docking station. Two of them had tinted blue skin, something Marek had yet to encounter. The third looked very much like Jazmine, blond hair and green eyes, tanned skin and seemingly human.

  “Your name, sir?” the human asked.



  “None of your business. Tell me what you want with me and make it quick. I’m rushing to get home to my wife, who’s in labor.”

  “What’s your business in these parts?”

  “I’m a merchant trader.” Marek crossed his arms over his chest, his size more than enough to put the guards on edge. He had each of them beat by at least sixty pounds of muscle.

  “What do you trade?”

  “Slaves.” Marek prayed like hell the girl would listen for the first time on the trip and stay in the shower, leaving him to handle the situation as diplomatically as possible. Where he could easily take out the three guys in front of him, the hub had thousands more of them, milling about and checking on other ships that had docked around the long sphere.

  “And where were you last?”

  “On Vanfia, getting rid of my final batch. I’m moving past Killian and heading to Territh.”

  “Is that your species, sir?” The guy looked bored, but the two blue men behind him seemed on edge.

  “It is.”

  “We’ll need to do a retina scan to ensure that you’re who you say you are.”

  Marek let out a soft chuckle. “Look. I’m human through and through. I look just like you. I have poor eyesight as it is and I’m not losing any more of it due to you shooting a laser in my eye.”

  “It’s not an option, sir. It’s protocol and unless you want to sweeten the deal in our favor, please place your hands behind your back and open your eyes wide like you’ve been surprised.”

  “What exactly would I be besides a Territhian?” Marek kept his hands in front of him, his thoughts on the beautiful pools of Vartik. He needed to keep his calm. Any sway of emotion and he was going to give himself away, leaving him to kill the bastards before him.

  “There are several species that resemble humans, sir. Some of them are highly valuable and would be called in for questioning. If you are simply posing as a human, we will take the ship and all of the contents within it.” The guy reached back and took a small contraption from one of his partners, lifting it toward Marek and smiling tightly. “This won’t hurt at all. Funny how it’s the big guys that always seem to worry most over this.”

  Marek reached out and pushed the machine down slowly, his eyes bleeding black as he spoke softly. “You’re going to turn around and walk off this ship. All three of you. The report will simply say that a human slave trader was passing through on his way to Territh and there was nothing on board of interest. Got it?”

  He glanced at all three of them, knowing that he was playing a dangerous game. Chances were that between the three of them, they would piece together that something odd had occurred that day. They would never place that it was an encounter with a Vartik that left them with a gap in their day, but something would seem off—wrong.

  “Of course, sir. Have a great day and thanks for your compliance.” The male turned and pushed at the chests of his companions. “Come on, guys. Nothing more than a Territhian. Let’s move to the next ship. The girl is sure to be there, hmm?”

  Grumbles resounded from the other two. Marek waited patiently until the bridge was removed from his ship to close the door and sink down in his captain’s chair. That was too close for comfort. Jazmine would have to go soon or her presence might do more than make his hormones kick into gear. She was toxic and he was a silly boy with the need for adventure.

  “Time to grow up,” he muttered and lifted the small box of dials on the console, twisting the far left one as the ship lurched forward.

  They would be in Killian by nightfall.

  Chapter 13

  Confusion rolled over her at Marek’s admonition. Why in the world would the upcoming king of a precious race of people be running all over the galaxy looking for adventure? Surely, he understood the danger he not only put himself in, but his people as well. No one had heard anything from the Vartiks in a millennia. The royal bloodline was believed to have been massacred, their precious healing blood drained up and sold to the one with the most gold. She shuddered at the thought and pressed her face to the coolness of the wall.

  She shouldn’t be there. Not in the presence of royalty and certainly not with someone as rare and treasured as him. He was an idiot and she wasn’t much better. She scoffed at herself and moved to press her ear to the door, needing to know what was happening with him.

  All Jazmine could hear was the mumbled conversation between Marek and what seemed to be another male. The walls in the bedroom were too thick to make out the tone or the accents of either of them, which was too bad. Und
erstanding their conversation would have helped her to know if she should remain in the shadows or go out to help. The sound of the door shutting ushered in peace and she sank down on the bed, sitting on the edge and waiting for Marek to come check on her.

  A definitive shift in the speed of the aircraft surprised her and she reached out to grab ahold of the bedpost as her body jerked forward. The contents of their dinner the night before rushed up her throat and she bolted for the bathroom, barely making it on her knees before throwing up. Marek had pushed them into hyper-drive.

  Why though? Perhaps the cops had required it of him? Or maybe he just wanted to get her to Killian and get rid of her. That seemed more possible. She was nothing but trouble and he didn’t deserve the danger she brought to his door.

  Jazmine wiped her mouth and stood up carefully, trying to ensure that her stomach was settled enough to walk through the ship to the front. Worry tugged at her as she realized that for the first time in a long time, she cared what someone thought of her.

  Walking languidly, she glanced up and noticed the steep curve of Marek’s shoulder, his body slumped in his chair.

  “Hey. Everything go good?” She moved up to make sure he was okay. He glanced up and nodded, his face slack, eyes glossy. Something was wrong.

  “Marek. What’s the matter?” She moved up close and slid her hand around his face, tilting it up toward her. “Did they do something to you?”

  “No. Some of my powers zap me harder than others.” He yawned and tugged from her grip. “I need to take a nap. We’ll be in Killian tonight. Wake me before we land and I’ll pull the ship in. Think you can manage to watch out for flying matter and cops?”

  His tone was borderline hateful. She moved back, not sure how to handle his shift in attitude. Her first reaction was to lash out and attack him verbally, but he looked like death was at his door. She reached for him as he stood up, his legs shaking beneath him.


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