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Marek (The Vartik King Chronicles Book 1)

Page 12

by Liza Probz

  “So I’ve heard.” She let out a long sigh, not sure if she truly believed him. He was most likely telling the truth in terms of thinking the jewel was gone, but perhaps someone sold that lie as a way of covering the truth. The jewel was powerful beyond belief, its ability to bring the end of times quite a tale. She prayed like hell that the archives on Vartik would have evidence of everything. She needed proof, not another story or dead-end trail.

  “Stir the soup a few more times while I wash up. It doesn’t need salt, rest assured.” He chuckled as she grumbled toward him. She couldn’t help but watch him walk into the bedroom, his back muscles contracting beautifully and the swell of his rear something she wanted to study up close.

  Jazmine turned back to the stove and stirred the soup once more, before dishing it out. They could eat quickly and then she would take a shower while he remapped the ship to take them to his planet.

  Excitement ran through her at the thought of seeing it. No one had in so long that it had become as much of a myth as the Twins of Light. Something in her forced her to face the fact that she and Caleb were different, and obviously, the men who took him believed the myths to be true.

  “What if they are?” She took the bowls to the table and sat down, absently blowing at the steam rising from her dinner as she waited on Marek. “What does that mean for me? For my brother? For Marek?”

  Dinner was delicious, the warmth of it filling her stomach completely. She slid into the chair next to Marek’s at the front of the ship while he worked on something to his left. He most likely needed her to remain quiet, but she couldn’t. She needed to know if he had made his promises during their passion simply because the moment begged him to or if he truly cared about her.

  “Were you serious about helping me with Caleb?” she asked, reaching over to touch his arm as the ship darkened. The large mass in front of them was enough to scare her, but somehow, she trusted him fully—with everything.

  “I am.” He sat up in his seat, glancing over and winking at her. “I meant what I said about you not leaving me too. I’m not sure how the fuck I’m going to get my family to go for all of this, but I’m thinking Nojan would be the first to help.”

  Jazmine laughed and leaned back, pulling her seatbelt from above her and locking it into place. “I think so too.”

  “My father will pull together a group to help us find your brother. It might not be right away, but it will be with expedience. From what I understand, the two of you have to be together or you begin to forget your inheritance.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me at all. I honestly don’t remember much more than losing him. I catch glimpses here and there of us on the street together, but we’re still the same age I am now. It’s almost like I haven’t grown old in many, many years. I don’t know. That doesn’t seem to make much sense.”

  Marek glanced at her and reached out, taking her hand and rubbing it softly. “We’ll figure it out together. Let’s get to Vartik and we’ll gather those in my lands that have previous knowledge of all of this. They will want to test the truth of your abilities and ensure that you are who we think you are, but Nojan will be involved in that.”

  “Nothing invasive, right? I don’t want anyone but you probing me.” She smiled, a feeling of concern sweeping across her.

  Marek might be in her corner, but that didn’t mean anyone else would be. From what she understood from the bits of the prophecy she had gathered from the cop, whatever she was, it was something men would want access to.

  “No. I’ll not allow that.” Marek leaned forward and started to press buttons before pulling a lever. “I’ll be with you the whole time, or Nojan will. Just relax and let’s get through this next step first. Black holes are usually known for swallowing men whole.”

  She nodded and kept her wayward thoughts to herself, her tummy fluttering about again. It had to be nerves. Definitely nerves.

  Chapter 23

  Marek lifted a small prayer inside his head as they entered the looming darkness. He hadn’t been through the portal more than twice in his life, and the last time, he almost didn’t make it out. Something happened within the tears created through space and time. The shuttle would lose functionality, and without a doubt, the compass that guided him toward Vartik would cease to register their direction. He let out a shallow breath and glanced over at Jazmine.

  The light around her curvaceous frame was dim but pulsing slightly. Fear. It had to be fear. He reached over and slid his hand over the top of hers, wanting to give her an awareness of his willingness to protect her at all costs. How they had only met a few days ago seemed strange. He wanted her by his side for the rest of his days. Was it fate that their lives should intertwine?

  His mother would say it was.

  Marek smiled at the thought and turned the knob closest to him, retracting the tinted coating on the windshield. The darkness poured in, working to snuff out the small glow around them.

  Jazmine glanced at him, her eyebrow lifting. “What’re you doing?”

  “I wanted to see the stars when they appeared.”

  “I thought there were no stars in a black hole?”

  “There aren’t, but the minute we’re through it... well, you’ll see.” He tugged at her hand. “Come here and let me hold you.”

  She got up and moved toward him. Marek reached up to take a hold of her hips. He stifled a groan at how good it felt to simply touch her. He pulled her down into his lap before moving her hair to one side and urging her with his hands to lean against him. She relaxed a few minutes later, her breathing deepening as if sleep had a hold of her.

  He kissed the side of her neck, her skin soft and smelling of desire. Keeping his distance from her on Vartik was going to be what seemed an unnecessary chore, but he would need to respect his parents enough to inform them with words and not actions of his desire for her.

  She was his and they would have to understand. He would force them to if nothing else.

  The ship jerked and she yelped, sitting up as her shoulders stiffened. “What was that?”

  “It’s simply the lack of electrical power. The ship will regain it as soon as we reach the edge of the hole.” He rubbed his hands along her thighs and sat up with her, his erection poking her in the back.

  “How can you be turned on when we’re likely to get lost in this thing?” She glanced over her shoulder, a scowl on her features.

  He chuckled and moved his hand up to cup her breast, his other remaining on her thigh. “You’re everything I’ve ever imagined in my bed, Jaz. I can’t help but feel the need to have you there again when you come near me.”

  “I like this power.” She chuckled and turned back to the console, taking a deep breath and leaning forward. The sapphire glow around her brightened as she slid her hands along the metal.

  “What’re you doing?” He moved to the side a little, releasing his hold on her and watching with interest. There was nothing the girl could do to harm the craft. It was free floating and completely without power.

  “Just seeing if I can start it again. I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that… never mind. It’s silly.” She slid her hands up toward the gearshift and the lights on the panel sparked, dying quickly again.

  “No fucking way,” Marek whispered as chill bumps broke out across his skin. If she could bring the ship to life in the middle of a black hole, what else could she do? His body hardened painfully at the thought of her doing anything, but this?

  “I just feel like...” She paused and let out a long breath. A soft grunt left her before the light around her sparked, the ring brightening and lighting the whole ship. Marek turned to look over his shoulder as a smile brushed across his face. She was going to do it. She was going to defy the logic of physics.

  The panel sparked again and he turned around, wrapping his arms around her middle section and pressing his lips to her back. “Try, Jaz. See what you’re capable of. You’re so much more than you thought you were. Push into it.

  “I want to. I’m just not sure how.” She moved back, the light dimming slightly as the panel went blank again.

  “Stop thinking about it and just go with the nagging sensation inside of you. If something is telling you that you can, don’t analyze it. Just do it.” He pressed his teeth into her shoulder, sliding his hand over her stomach. She was beyond incredible.

  “I’ll try again, but I’m starting to feel nauseous. Must’ve been that dinner you made.”

  He snorted and pulled back, letting her have a little bit of space. His body ached to pick her up and haul her off to the bedroom to teach her a lesson in manners, but he pushed his desire for carnality back. He wanted to see where this might lead.

  Jazmine leaned forward and arched her back as she grunted loudly. The sound almost drove him mad. Marek sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and ran his hands firmly up and down her back as her light burned the brightest he had seen.

  The craft roared to life and jerked forward as Jaz let out a shaky breath. She turned in the seat and reached out, touching the side of his face.

  “I did it.”

  “Unbelievable. Get in your seat and let me see how far we have to Vartik.” He pulled her back for a quick kiss and moved forward to start the compass up again. They were more than an hour away. There was no way in hell they should have power and yet, there it was.

  He glanced over toward her as she stared out of the passenger side window. The reflection of her stole his breath. Her small button nose and full crimson lips left her looking like a sex kitten, but she was much more than simply that.

  “I can’t wait to see your planet.” She glanced over at him, her voice even as if she hadn’t just pulled off one of the greatest feats he had ever seen.

  “It’s beautiful. You’re going to love it there. It’s a lot like Territh.”

  “I just hope your people accept me and don’t treat me like a freak of sorts.” She smiled, her lip quivering just before she sucked it into her mouth.

  He took her hand again. Her skin had paled, more than moments before. Concern rolled over him and he moved toward her, standing and pulling her up too. “Go lay down for a little while. Using your power seems to have taken some of your energy out of you.”

  “Yeah. I think that’s a good idea. I feel like I might not be able to hold down the soup. I guess using those powers isn’t without cost.” She smiled and lifted to her toes, kissing him softly before turning and leaving him standing there.

  He turned to watch her go before sinking down into his chair, his heart beating faster than normal. What if she was with child? He knew their women only carried the babes for four months, the growth rate increasing fast when compared to any other species, but were humans the same?

  She would be ravenous both for food and affection in the next week or so if she was pregnant. That would be the easiest way for him to know, but he wasn’t sure waiting that long would work.

  Things seemed to change in a matter of hours where the two of them were concerned. The last thing he wanted was for her to sneak off his planet or for him to leave in search of her brother and take her with him. If it wasn’t safe for her, she’d not be going. That was going to piss her off to high heaven, but it was irrelevant. The only thing more important than a Vartik’s wife was their offspring.

  He wouldn’t allow anyone, including her, to harm the child.

  Marek let out a harsh sound, realizing how ridiculous he was being.

  The sound of her throwing up caused him to jerk up. He pressed the buttons on the console quickly that put the ship on autopilot and moved to the back, walking quickly to reach her.

  Jazmine was on her knees in front of the toilet, her long hair covering her face as she heaved over and over. He moved toward her and pulled her hair back, tying it quickly into a bun and grabbing a soft cloth.

  He wet it and pressed it to the side of her face. Then he knelt beside her and rubbed her back softly.

  “It’s okay, baby. Get it all out.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder and continued to touch her. “Your powers must be a shock to your system.”

  She took the rag and wiped her mouth, leaning back to sit on her heels. Sweat had collected around her hairline. Marek reached over and wiped at it, wanting to pull her into his arms but knowing that she needed a little bit of space.

  “You think it’s just the powers?” She stood up and he moved in to help her. Jaz rested her weight against him and he bent down, swooping her up into his arms. He carried her to the bed. She seemed too weak to fight him, which was good. He would have won this one.

  “I do. You think it’s something else?” He laid her down and sat on the bed beside her, pushing her hair back as he watched her. Emotion pressed through him and he had to stifle a sound of excitement. What if it was more? Could he be so lucky?

  “I guess not.” She took his hand and kissed his palm before turning onto her side. “I’m going to take a quick nap, but don’t let me miss the view of your planet.”

  “Of course not. Rest.” He got up, squeezing her hand once before walking back to the captain’s chair.

  Their scientists could want to run all the tests they wanted, but he would be the one to okay which ones were actually going to be performed. He would have Nojan run a scan on her to look for additional life forms. If she was carrying his child, he would soon know it.

  He couldn’t decide if it would be appropriate to pray for a child or not. There would be time for children in the future, once all of the drama of her brother and his people not accepting her was cleaned up.

  He didn’t have a doubt in the world that everything would work out. It was somehow ingrained in him all of a sudden that there was no other option available to him, but her. Now to convince everyone else of that truth.

  Chapter 24

  “Jaz, wake up. Come in here and see Vartik from a distance.”

  Marek’s voice tugged her from sleep, the nap less than restful. She couldn’t seem to get comfortable and the air around her seemed to burn for some reason. Slipping from the bed, she pulled off the T-shirt she had been in and walked to witness what she assumed was something to behold.

  Marek glanced over his shoulder. His eyes widened as he stood and pulled her into an embrace. She had nothing more than her panties on but honestly didn’t care. It was too hot for anything else.

  “You’re burning up.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead, his brow pulling together.

  “I thought maybe it was just the temperature of the spacecraft, but you’re cool to the touch.” She turned her attention toward the large blue and green mass in front of them. It looked a lot like Territh, but it had far more green than blue. She pulled from him and moved to stand in front of the window, pressing her hands to the dashboard and leaning forward.

  “Wow,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes. Never had she seen more stars, each seeming to work harder to outshine the others. “Is it night or day in Vartik right now?”

  “It’s early morning. My people will be just arising when we arrive. I’ll let Nojan know that we’d like a private landing and escort so that we’re not bothered.”

  She nodded and let out a soft whimper as her stomach contracted painfully again.

  “I feel like shit.”

  “I’m worried about you.” He reached for her, pulling her back and turning her toward him. He had put on a T-shirt and looked a little less like a playboy and more like the pilot of an aircraft. She smiled at the thought and shook her head.

  “I’m thinking it’s just the food. Maybe my stomach isn’t compatible with certain things from your planet?”

  “Maybe. I want Nojan to run a quick scan on you when we arrive. It won’t take more than a few minutes and then I’ll show you to your room and you can shower and rest. We’ll meet my parents later today.”

  “My room? Are we not staying together?” She glanced up at him. Staying by herself would have sounded great a week ago, but now, she couldn’t imagine be
ing stripped of the one person who she knew would protect and care for her. He seemed to have fallen fast for her, but now maybe things were changing?

  “My people won’t understand that, Jaz. My room will be close to yours, and I’ll be with you most of the time, but we can’t stay together at night. Nothing to concern yourself over.”

  “I can’t stay here long. You know that right?” She pulled back, rubbing her hand over her stomach as the room spun again. “Fuck.”

  Marek reached out and took hold of her, his hands all of a sudden feeling so good. She breathed in deeply as the smell of him rushed over her.

  “Are you using your power on me?” she asked, glancing up to meet his gaze.

  “No, baby. I’ve been holding back for a few days now. I don’t want you a sloppy mess on the floor, remember?” He chuckled and moved to the kitchen.

  Jaz rolled her eyes and turned back to watch as the planet before them grew larger and larger. Fear and excitement mingled in her chest as the fluttering in her stomach increased. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to let Nojan run a few tests. Something was jacking with her ability to keep anything down, and barfing on Marek’s parents wouldn’t exactly win her any points.

  He handed her a wet rag, a smirk on his lips. “No quip? You don’t feel good.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She took the rag and pressed it to her face, moving to sit down in the chair next to his.

  “Jaz, we’ll be there in twenty minutes. Go throw on your clothes and I’ll hover just outside of the port until you’re ready.”

  “Okay.” She got up carefully, not sure if she needed to empty her stomach again or not. She moved past him as the room spun. This wasn’t good.

  Making her way to the bedroom, she sat down on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers through her hair, tugging out the bun Marek had made earlier for her. She chuckled at the thought of him taking care of her, the big brute not at all someone she could see softening to the point of holding her hair while she vomited.


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