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Extracting Mateo

Page 12

by Tl Reeve

  Noah turned his focus to Mateo, who touched the chin on the photo. “Mattie?”

  Mateo glanced at Noah, and he didn’t miss the flash of fear in his husband’s gaze, or how his features twisted in disgust. “It’s him.”

  Noah nodded. “We figured. We just needed a clearer shot of him and for you to give a positive ID. Asher doesn’t like going off half-cocked without out verification.”

  Not willing to delay getting the information to the boss, Noah activated his Tac-Com and gave Asher all the specifics. “I’ve got Scotty sending the drones out now. We should have updates soon.”

  “Good. Send me everything you’ve found. I’ve got a couple of more favors to cash in on,” Asher said. “Once you’ve got this handled take a break. Get your shit together.”

  Noah grunted.

  “I mean it, asshole. Fix your shit. I won’t hesitate to put your ass on ice as well.”

  “Roger that,” Noah grumbled, flicking off the comm. “Send everything you have to Asher immediately.”

  Got it.

  Noah wrapped an arm around Mateo. “You okay?”

  “Yeah... I am,” Mateo said, a hint of steel filled his voice.

  Noah was man enough to admit to himself one of the reasons he never told Mateo what he did for a living, had been due to worrying his other half wouldn’t be able to handle the dangerous missions he went on. Watching him now, Noah believed his younger self, who took the choice away from Mateo ten years ago, was a major asshole for even thinking his spouse wasn’t strong enough.

  “What will happen next?” Mateo inquired.

  If Noah lied, and Mateo found out, and Mateo would, it'd be the end of their marriage. No, if, and's, or buts about it. He'd lied enough to sink a battleship. It was time to be open and honest. “If Scotty gets a hit that either location is occupied, Asher will send a team, most likely my team, out to the location for retrieval.”

  “You’ll bring him in alive then?” Mateo hedged.

  “It's always our goal to bring the perpetrator in unharmed. Despite what it may look like, we are a peacekeeping unit, at least, until Colombia. We're the ones making sure none of the other para-military or black ops units are out there killing innocent people or worse. We're the checks and balances. It's why Asher created R.O.O.T. We're the watchdogs. But shit happens, and if it comes down between a team member and this asshole. The asshole goes.”

  Mateo nodded.

  “If by the time we get there, and he’s not there, we’ll scout the location, look for recent activity, scan the neighborhood, talk to his neighbors if he has any. It’s surprisingly easy to find out how long a house or building has been abandoned or recently occupied.”

  “And what is your responsibility?” Mateo prodded.

  “Usually, I’m the eyes in the sky. I’ll study satellite images of the location, looking for a nest, or place to set up with my rifle. My job is to watch and/or maim anyone other than R.O.O.T who attempts to go in or out of the building while the team is inside.”

  “Will you go inside?”

  Noah shrugged. “Sometimes. It’ll all depend on what Asher requires. As a former SEAL, I excel at hand to hand combat among other things, but the solitude of a sniper’s nest is where I’m most comfortable and perform the best. I was the best marksman in my BUD/s training, and it was because of that, I went on to become a Navy SEAL Sniper.”

  Noah wondered how Mateo would react if he told him how many kills had been recorded for him. Granted it wasn't anywhere near Chris Kyle's record while he'd been active duty, but it was also nothing to sneeze at, either. His numbers were much higher now, most likely more than Kyle's he suspected if he'd actually kept count. But, due to R.O.O.T's status as a watchdog group, they didn't officially keep track of those kills. It didn't mean he couldn't, though. Noah vividly remembered every single kill he'd made, and It was his burden to bear.

  “I promise to no longer keep anything from you, Mattie. There’s a time and place for those types of conversations, and now really ain’t the time for us to go there.”

  Noah trusted Mateo explicitly and realized almost too late he’d never have to worry about loose lips sinking their ships. Mateo barely gossiped about his fellow teachers at school.

  Mateo agreed.

  “Noah,” AJ said, interjecting into their conversation. “Scotty’s got the IR on the farm.”

  Noah nodded. After giving Mateo a wink, he turned his attention back to Scotty and AJ.

  “Bring it up on one of the screens,” Noah ordered, and AJ translated it.

  Scotty turned, his fingers did their magic on the keyboard, and within a minute, the image was on the screen. Noah moved closer, examining it.

  He could feel the beginning of a smile forming on his lips. “We got him,” he said as he pointed to two red blobs on the grainy image. “West Virginia?”

  Scotty nodded. More like a compound than a farm, though.

  He agreed. “Both were marked as such?”

  “Yes,” AJ answered. “Chesapeake is a smaller property maybe only an acre of land. Not even a light left on.”

  “Show me the inside of the West Virginia property.”

  The video stream from the drone changed to a room on the upper level of the house. Inside a second window were two red and orange figures. In the window below three more. “Gotcha.”

  “From two globs on a picture?” Mateo peered up at the screen.

  “Yeah, babe. Those globs are heat signatures.” Noah glanced at AJ. “How long ago?”

  We’re looking at real time. Scotty replied.

  Noah glanced down at his watch. “I want you to run continuous fly-bys, send all updates to both Asher and me.”

  Scotty nodded.

  “You did good, kid,” Noah praised the younger man knowing it wasn’t easy to find one’s place in an existing team, especially where relationships were already formed and old habits were already known. Both AJ and Scotty had jumped right in, doing whatever was required of them, and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by anyone.

  Noah figured they'd both have a future at R.O.O.T or at any of the other alphabet soup agencies, who needed young, smart people to keep the world safe, if they wanted it. Shit, as far as he was concerned, Asher would be stupid to give them up. He took Mateo's hand and gave him a tug. “Come on, Asher said to get my shit in order. I believe he's right.”

  “What do you have planned?” Mateo stared up at him.

  “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 7

  Noah pulled Mateo toward the door. They only had a few hours before everything would go down. As it stood, being a member light on their team wasn’t a good way to breach a house or worse, a compound. But they'd do what needed to be done. Noah couldn't or wouldn't worry about Jake. The asshole deserved everything he had coming to him and then some.

  He gazed down at his husband and ran his thumb across Mateo's cheek. “Mattie...” Fuck, this had been why Noah hated bringing Mateo into his life. Shit like this could go sideways. If anything happened to him, the idea of leaving his husband alone, sucked. “There's a—”

  Mateo pressed his finger to Noah’s lip. “No. We won’t talk about this now. Not when everything is tenuous.”

  He snorted. “I’m trying to protect you—make sure you’re taken care of.”

  “I don’t want to know about it. Not right now. Not while we’re in the thick of it.” Mateo went to his tiptoes and pressed his lips to Noah’s.

  He groaned. “You’re too good for me.”

  “You’re right. I am.” Mateo smirked. “Good thing you caught me, huh?”

  Noah chuckled. “Guess so.” He glanced back at the screen as different buildings popped up then went dark. “Look, whatever happens, I love you more than life itself. I fucked all this up.”

  “Stop. I won’t hear your goodbye speech.” Mateo kissed him again. “You’re going to do this mission then you’re going to come home to me. There is no in-between.”

  “You’re so fucking stu

  His husband shrugged. “Takes one to know one.”

  Asher’s voice filled his comm. “Meeting in five, get your asses to the C&C conference.”

  He glanced at Mateo. “Come on.”

  Mateo blinked. “O-okay.”

  Noah led him back to C&C while Asher gathered up AJ, Scotty, Callahan, Schoell, and Franks. When the group joined them, Asher brought up the video conference screen. A few seconds later Tex appeared on the screen. Beside him sat a hound, content to have its head scratched as Tex lounged in his chair.

  “Long time no see,” Tex drawled. “Already tired of the kids and you want to send them home?”

  Asher snorted. “Thought about keeping them.”

  “I suppose you’ll want child support, too, then?”

  AJ laughed.

  I’m not calling either of you ‘Daddy.’ Not my style. Not my kink, Scotty signed.

  “Kid, there are things in this world I don’t need to hear, either,” Tex grumbled then cleared his throat.

  “Did you find something for me?” Asher asked, taking control of the conversation.

  “I did.” Tex’s fingers flew over his keyboard. “I know a couple of people. They’re good agents and can probably lead you straight to Dario’s hidey hole. Their names are Duncan Frazier and Thomas Kaine. They’ve been with the FBI for fifteen years and both of them have worked on the Aquila Cartel case for a number of those fifteen years.”

  “How quick can they be here?” Asher pressed.

  “We already found where Dario is,” Noah interjected. “Hills of West Virginia. Looks like your boy Scotty, is just that good.”

  Tex laughed. “That’s my boy.”

  Asher cleared his throat. “You were saying?”

  “An hour? They’re not far from you. They’re in Richmond at the moment,” Tex replied. “I can shoot them the case information.”

  “Do it. I’ll have Schoell and Callahan meet them outside the base then bring them in,” Asher said. “What about their superiors?”

  Tex smirked. “Hell, it’s for the Aquila case. Their bosses will get a stiffy if they think they might get more information on what happened to the cartel. Plus, the surly bastards owe me.”

  Who doesn’t? Scotty pipped up.

  “That’s for me to know and no one else to find out.” Tex winked. “Do you have anything to give me?”

  Asher nodded. “Yeah, that intel their bosses will spring wood over—”

  “Guys, can we not talk about dicks while I’m in the room? There’s something about visualizing wrinkly winkies that gives me the heebie-jeebies,” AJ muttered.

  Asher grunted. “Sorry. The intel I have for their bosses... Lincoln is the one who wrote the Aquila Cartel’s death warrants.”

  Tex sat up. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Asher shook his head. “It’s all in the classified Puerto Nariño file being used in Senator Lincoln’s trial.”

  “If it’s classified, why you telling me?”

  “I'm giving you the carrot,” Asher answered. “I need the extra manpower, and the FBI needs that intel. Quid pro quo.”

  Tex whistled. “Do you know what will happen once that info gets out?”

  “Well, I would hope the FBI and you can keep your damn mouths shut. The last thing any of us need is for the media to get a hold of it.” Asher crossed his arms. “Do we have a deal?”

  “Who tells the agents?”

  “I will,” Asher replied. “It takes it out of your hands and keeps you in the clear.”

  Tex nodded. “I’ll have them ready to go.”

  “Shooting you the address of where they can meet their pick-up,” Asher answered. “Thanks, Tex. You’re doing way more than I asked.”

  The guy shrugged. “It’s all good. Just means I’ll have a few favors to ask of you in the future.”

  “You got it.” Asher hit the end button on the call. “You heard him. We’ll have two new members of the team in an hour. Callahan, Schoell, you’ll meet them at Peabody’s.”

  Noah chuckled. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy that.”

  “Sick sense of humor, what can I say?” Asher shrugged. “One of you will drive their vehicle into the base. Before it enters this place, get one of the bomb-sniffing dogs to go over it.”

  “Wait,” AJ chimed in. “You have bomb-sniffing dogs?”

  “A new addition after almost being blown to hell and back,” Asher answered. “It's a new program, and if it works out, when we hit some harder missions, we'll take them with us.”

  “Awesome,” she murmured.

  “You say that now,” Schoell said. “When you’re in the thick of it, it’s not.”

  I think I want this daddy to adopt us, Scotty signed.

  Noah rolled his eyes. “You have issues, kid.” He tucked Mateo into his side. “If you have this under control...”

  “Be ready to go,” Asher said, “when Frazier and Kaine arrive.”

  “I will.” Noah led Mateo out of C&C. “We have an hour before we head out. What do you want to do?”

  “I have some ideas.” A mischievous glint filled his husband’s eyes.

  “I like the way you think. Lead the way, Mattie.”

  When they stepped back into Noah’s room, he closed the door behind him and locked it. No way in fuck he’d allow anyone to interrupt them. Not right now. Not when his husband was staring at Noah like he wanted to devour him.

  “Mattie, what are you thinking?” Noah hedged.

  “I’m not thinking.” Mateo pulled his shirt off. “Very hard anyway.” He then kicked off his shoes, followed by his pants. “Why are you still dressed?”

  “Why don’t you come over here and take my clothes off for me?” Noah stated, bracing his hands on his hips.

  Mateo closed the distance between them. The sultry gaze in his husband's eyes had Noah's cock jerking in his pants. He was up to something, Noah knew it. For the moment, he'd play along. Mateo tugged Noah's shirt off then kissed a path down his stomach before going to his knees in front of Noah.

  He threaded his fingers through Mateo’s hair when his husband nuzzled his crotch before undoing Noah’s belt and opened his pants. His BDUs hit the floor with a thump as Mateo’s mouth engulfed the tip of his cock. He groaned. “Fuck, Mattie...”

  His husband moaned. The vibrations skittered down Noah’s length and settled in his sac. Noah closed his eyes as Mateo bobbed his head. Each inch of his dick slipping in and out of his husband’s mouth sent a bolt of lust through Noah’s body. It was as if every excitable nerve ending was centered in his tip and came to life when Mateo ran his tongue over them.

  Noah flexed his hips.

  Mateo glanced up at him. Love and desire swirled in his brown eyes flecked in hues of honey. Fuck, he loved this man more than life itself, and Noah didn’t deserve him. He never would. He stared down at his husband while he continued to suck his dick. Then Noah felt it. The tip of Mateo’s index finger rubbed his hole. He gasped when the tip breached him. Noah hadn’t been one for ass play. Sure, he and Mateo liked to experiment, but he’d never gotten there.

  Tonight, though, something shifted in Noah. He gave over to the sensations. Mateo had a gentle touch. Never too much and certainly not enough. However, when Mateo finally breached Noah’s rear, he swore he saw stars. A new tension built within him. His dick thickened. His balls throbbed. The tingle of his impending orgasm spread through his belly.

  “Mateo...” he groaned.

  “Not yet,” Mateo whispered, pulling off of him.

  “Such a cock tease,” he grumbled.

  Mateo cut his gaze to the side. “I want to do something...”

  Noah tipped his chin up and searched the other man’s gaze. “Hey, whatever you want. You only have to ask.”

  Mateo licked his lips. “I’m not sure you’ll go for it.”

  “You won’t know unless you ask,” Noah replied. “Ask me.”

  “Will you allow me to top you.” Pink tinged his hu
sband’s cheeks. They’d never reversed their roles before, stupid as it sounded. Noah just assumed...

  “Shit, Mattie,” he murmured. “What a thing to ask me after sucking my dick so good.”

  Mateo let out a shuddered breath. “It’s okay if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to,” Noah said. “You’ll have to go slow.”

  Arousal burned bright in Mateo’s eyes as he nodded. “Get your sweet ass up on the bed while I grab your lube.”

  Noah laughed. “Someone is getting a little big for his britches.”

  “Damn straight, I am.”

  While his husband retrieved the lube, Noah removed his clothes and climbed up onto the bed. A nervous trepidation warred with the anxious excitement already swirling low in his belly. Though they'd had sex more times than he could count, they'd never reversed their roles. He'd always assumed he'd be the top. This, however... It felt right. After everything his husband had been through, Mateo needed to feel back in control of his life. Noah was only too happy to assist him in the process.

  When Mateo joined him, he had already started to work the lube over his dick. Shit, Noah had never seen anything so fucking sexy or aggressive in his life. The way Mateo stared at him with open heat, turned Noah on even more if it was possible. He palmed his dick and began to stroke himself then stopped when he grew too close to coming.

  “Fuck, you got me on edge,” Noah cursed. “I’m not going to last with you.”

  The blush staining Mateo’s cheeks intensified. “Good, because I don’t think I’ll last, either. I’m so fucking nervous.”

  Noah stilled his hand. “Don’t be. It’s you and me.” He brought Mateo down over him. Feeling his husband, cradled between his legs, grounded him as Noah kissed him. Just when he thought he couldn’t love the man he married anymore; he fell in love with Mateo again in those moments.

  Mateo took his time prepping Noah, opening him with such maddening patience, Noah wanted to tell his lover to hurry the fuck up. Yet, he laid there, taking it all in. It was like their first time all over again, and he wanted to relish the moment. Mateo lubed Noah’s rear one last time then his dick before pressing his tip to Noah’s hole. He hissed. Mateo’s thrusts were small, timid. He prodded at Noah, taking his time to open Noah to his intrusion, and when Mateo passed the tight band of muscle, he let out a low groan.


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