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Extracting Mateo

Page 17

by Tl Reeve

  Mateo gasped, lifting his hips to Noah. His semi-hard dick twitched and filled once more. Noah took Mattie’s cock into his hand and stroked, following his pace. Mateo cried out. His fingers dug into Noah’s ass. Another wash of arousal flowed over him. They were both shoved into the naughty cycle of lust. His stomach clenched as tingles of pleasure coiled within him.

  “Damn it, Mattie,” Noah snarled. “Got me in knots here.”

  Mateo sobbed. “Please, mi amor.”

  “Love when you say please. Love it when you’re so fucking responsive.” He let go of Mateo’s dick and opened him more before covering his body. Noah’s thrusts were measured to give them the maximum amount of gratification.

  Mateo grabbed his ass, squeezing and holding Noah deep, so his strokes were shorter. Then he felt it, the tip of his husband’s finger breached his hole. Noah sucked air and let out a sound mixed with pleasure and pain. The intensity of the sensations were too much for him. He grunted as he rutted within Mateo. Noah pressed his forehead to his husband’s shoulder while trying to hold onto his threadbare sanity.

  “Fuck...” Noah groaned. “Don’t stop. Coming.”

  Mateo added a second finger, and Noah lost it. His hips faltered and a long, low moan passed his lips. His climax grabbed him by his balls. It fucking hurt in a good way as he let go. Noah slammed into Mateo one last time and held himself deep as he spilled his release. It stole his ability to think and breathe.

  His husband continued to rub across his prostate, prolonging his release. Noah shook, eager for Mateo to stop, but also not wanting him to. He couldn’t explain what it felt like, other than someone turned on a faucet in his dick, and a continuous stream of cum left him lightheaded.

  “Mattie, Mattie, Mattie...” Noah repeated his husband's nickname over and over again. The sensations rippling through him made his tip and nuts too sensitive. He could feel another orgasm building, but he didn't think he could blow.

  “Just a little more, mi amor,” Mateo whispered in his ear.

  “Fuck! What are you doing to me?” It was weird and thrilling and too much. He couldn’t control the way his body responded to Mateo. Noah tensed. His gut clenched in expectancy.

  “Prostate orgasm,” Mateo murmured. “You can move, but, if I do this right, it won’t be what you’re expecting.”

  Noah shifted his hips. He rocked against his lover, barely able to move as the most intense pleasure filled him. He swore he saw stars before everything inside of him lit up, and he shattered in the most excruciatingly delicious way. His keen of bliss surprised Noah, while he continued to thrust, riding out his release. Between them, Mateo came once more. God. Noah collapsed on Mateo with a grunt as his husband retreated from his rear.

  “You’ve been keeping that from me all these years,” Noah said, once he could form a thought.

  Mateo shrugged then chuckled. “Wasn’t sure if you’d like it.”

  “Fuck,” Noah groaned. “I can’t even... I can’t even feel my face.”

  “I don’t want to move, either,” Mateo murmured.

  Noah pulled out of Mateo and sighed. “You don't hear me complaining.” He arranged them on the couch, so they'd be comfortable then laid his head on Mateo's chest. “I fucking love you. And that's not because you just gave me a mind-blowing orgasm.”

  “I love you, too, mi amor.” He kissed Noah. “However, I’m sure some of it is the orgasm talking.”

  The teasing hint in his husband’s voice made Noah chuckle. “We’re a mess. Thank fuck the couch is leather.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think we’d be able to explain the suspicious stains when company comes over,” Mateo agreed.

  Noah lifted his head. “You want to stay here, with me?”

  Mateo grinned. “It’s not a bad-sized apartment if we ever decide to adopt or, you know, find a surrogate. And, as long as I can still teach, I’m good.” He shrugged. “Besides, home is wherever you are, mi amor.”

  “Fuck, Mattie.” Noah kissed him. The sensual glide of their tongues turned him on, and had he not had his top blown minutes before, Noah would have been ready to go once again. “Don’t say shit like that after utterly destroying me with the best fucking orgasm.”

  They’d talked about children after they first got together. Noah had been reluctant because of the political climate where gay couples and children were concerned. Add in his job—Noah didn’t want to bring any children into a world when he didn't think he'd be able to see them grow older. However, since the upgrade in his status and wanting to slow down as Asher had, now seemed like the right time.

  Fuck everything else.

  Noah stared up at Mateo and nodded. “Yeah. I think now is perfect. I think I’m ready. But, there’s one more thing I need to tell you.”

  Mateo cocked a brow. “Oh? Am I going to like it?”

  “If by like, you mean seeing me more often, then yeah, you’re going to like it,” Noah answered. “Asher promoted me to 2IC.”

  Mateo stared at him for a minute then whooped in excitement. “Congratulations, Mi amor. I am so proud of you.”

  Noah kissed him. “Really? Well, give me a minute and maybe you can show me just how proud you are.”

  Mateo smacked Noah’s chest as he laughed. “You’re insatiable.”

  “When it comes to you,” Noah said. “You’re damn right I am.”

  When the call came, Noah kissed Mateo and strode from his apartment back down to C&C where McNamara waited. The unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach dissipated, and a sense of rightness washed over him. He stepped into the command center of R.O.O.T and went straight for the conference room, where the others were waiting on him.

  Scotty and AJ were huddled together, talking to each other, while Schoell and Callahan appeared indifferent, and Kaine and Frazier sat across from them. Asher stood off to the side with Rae and McNamara. This was their new team for the time being. A niggle of sadness filled him. O’Malley for all his bullshit was a good guy. He just had shit he needed to deal with, and until he did, O’Malley didn’t have a spot on the team.

  “Let’s get started,” Asher said when Noah closed the door behind him.

  Noah sat perched on the edge of his chair, ready for what would happen when Asher finally showed the two feds all of the information they had on Lincoln including the dozen or so representatives and senators. It would mean opening up a whole new investigation into Lincoln, Barclay, and any other government contracts Lincoln had his hand in.

  “Son of a bitch,” Senator McNamara spat. “How did you find all this?”

  “Dario’s thumb drives, via Scotty and AJ’s hard work,” Noah said, giving the newest members credit. “When we found the bastard holed up in the family compound, we also found all his plans. Scotty went through all of them, broke their encryption and got us the information.”

  “Good work, Scotty,” McNamara said.

  Thank you, sir, Scotty signed.

  McNamara blinked. “Asher?”

  “Yes, sir?” Asher tried to hide the hint of a smirk on his face.

  “Where did you find these two?” He pointed to AJ and Scotty.

  “A source,” Asher said. “Kid is CIA trained. Hell, both of them are.”

  “Keep them,” his uncle replied. “Assets like them are hard to find.”

  AJ sighed. “I thought for sure you were going to say we had no business being here because Scotty is deaf.”

  McNamara scoffed. “Miss, I don’t tolerate any discrimination when it comes to the teams I help fund.”

  She’s protective. Scotty shrugged. We’re all we have.

  Noah frowned. “So, you’re a couple then.”

  AJ scrunched up her face and shook her head. “Ew, he’s like a brother to me.”

  Yet, Noah saw the longing on Scotty’s face. Oh yeah, the kid has it bad. “Roger that. Welcome to the team, officially.”

  AJ grinned. “Thank you.”

  “This is what you didn’t want to tell us the other night,” Ka
ine accused. “Why you kept it hush-hush.”

  Asher nodded. “None of this can go public.”

  “We know your case hinges on intel we have,” Noah said. “Including the fact Lincoln was behind not only the death of the Edwin Breslow and his wife Meredith Breslow. Al—”

  “Wait,” Frazier said. “Her death was ruled accidental. I have the reports here.”

  “Must have been above your pay grade,” Asher tease.

  Frazier scowled.

  I did a little digging. Nothing about her death was accidental. Scotty looked to Asher who nodded. The autopsy photographs and report appeared on the screen along with the real autopsy conducted by an independent forensic pathologist. The Aquila Cartel made it look like an accident, but Meredith was killed.

  “Fuck,” Kaine snarled.

  “Add it to the evidence of Lincoln sending in the Aquila Cartel to Puerto Nariño and their death at the hands of Barclay, via Lincoln,” Asher added.

  “What a cluster fuck.” Kaine ran his fingers through his hair. “What the hell are we supposed to do with this?”

  “Nothing,” McNamara said. “Congress will do it. There will have to be new investigations. We will then refer it over to the DoJ for prosecution. I should prepare you for the outcome not being what any of you want.”

  “Figured,” Noah said. “What about Mateo and Dario?”

  McNamara frowned. “Dario will go away for a long time. If what Asher said is true, he'll also have to be protected. Lincoln, in spite of his detention, will always be able to reach out.”

  Noah didn’t like it. “How do we make sure Dario stays alive to see his trial?”

  “He’s staying here,” Asher said.

  “The fuck?” Noah tilted his head.

  “It’s the safest place. Lincoln doesn’t know where our base is. If he can’t find Dario, he can’t tamper. So, Dario stay in one of our cells until the trial begins,” Asher stated.

  “Mateo’s here,” Noah muttered.

  “And, with you by his side, he’ll be fine. Trust me,” Asher replied. “I’ve never led you astray. I won’t start now.”

  Noah knew Asher wouldn’t. Asher didn’t put people in harm’s way. He protected everyone, and despite Noah’s issues with Dario, he understood the base was the only safe place to keep him. Didn’t mean he had to like it. “Fine.”

  “Will we ever be able to close out our case?” Kaine asked.

  “Yes,” McNamara answered. “As soon as the investigation is over and the trial. But, as of this moment, it is a closed matter. Together with R.O.O.T the FBI has solved the Breslow case.”

  Kaine nodded. “Good. If you don’t mind, gentlemen and ladies. We should be getting back to our field office.”

  “Hold on a second,” Asher said, stilling Kaine and Frazier’s movements. “What if I said we have another case we could use your help in.”

  Kaine and Frazier exchanged a look. “What?”

  “Hang back after we’re finished here, and I’ll explain it to you, Kaine.” Asher glanced at Scotty and AJ as well. “We need both of you, too.”

  Say what?

  Asher chuckled. “It’ll be a good one, trust me.”

  Once everyone exited the conference room, Asher grabbed his laptop. “Noah, I need you to stick around, too. You’ll be running the operation from C&C.”

  Shock and surprise raced through him. “Sure.”

  They moved to the end of the table, where they could continue their conversation in a more intimate setting. Scotty and AJ exchanged a look while Kaine's features were unreadable. Frazier had stepped out per Asher's request and currently stared a hole through the soundproof glass.

  “As you know, Scotty and AJ were brought in to cover for our unit member, Murray Jacob while he went in search of his sister,” Asher said, catching Kaine up on the situation. “He made contact. He needs a little help.”

  Anything. Scotty signed.

  “I’m glad you’re so eager,” Asher said. “It’s a little more complicated, though.”

  “What is it?” AJ pushed.

  “You’re all going to go undercover as a sexual Dominate”—Asher looked to Kaine— “and his toys.” His gaze fell on Scotty and AJ.

  “Say what now?” AJ cut her gaze to Noah first then Kaine.

  “They’re kids,” Kaine growled. “They’ll be eaten alive.”

  Hey, we’re older than you think, old man. Scotty scowled.

  “It’s why I’m giving you two weeks to investigate your roles to make sure you’re ready for the job and to get you comfortable with each other,” Asher revealed.

  “I’m not sure I can do this,” AJ said, fear colored her features along with something else Noah couldn’t put his finger on, which surprised him.

  “We’re all behind you,” Noah said. “No one will allow any harm to come to you.”

  She frowned. She had been like an open book to Noah since the moment she stepped in the base. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and in the time she'd been with Scotty if Noah had to guess, she’d fallen in love with him. The only harm he couldn’t protect her from was one or both men breaking her heart. He flicked his gaze to Asher, then lifted his chin toward the door. “We’ll give you some privacy for a minute.”

  Noah exited the room and walked into the small break area off to the side. Hopefully, Frazier wouldn't follow. When Asher stood next to him at the vending machine, he spoke. “She's in love with Scotty.”

  “Yeah, had a feeling,” Asher said.

  “Kaine might throw a wrench in it,” Noah grunted.

  “Best they learn to school their emotions now instead of later on,” his commander replied.

  “You think they can do it in two weeks?” Noah prodded.

  “We're about to find out.” Asher sighed. “I wouldn't have asked them if I didn't think Murray needed the backup. There is some kind of fetish auction that'll take place soon. When it does, Murray said his sister will be up on the block. He needs the backup.”

  Noah grunted. “Some people are just sick mother fuckers.”

  “Tell me about it.” Asher glanced over at Noah. “You and Mateo good now?”

  “Better than,” he answered. “We’re going to live here as long as Mateo can continue to teach away from the base.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it,” Asher grunted. “When’s he going back?”

  “Monday,” Noah answered. “Something about the end of the school year shit. Oh, and we're going with him.”

  Asher cocked a brow. “Oh?”

  Noah laughed. While he’d lounged in Mateo's arms, his husband told him about a job fair going on at the school he needed to be there for. Noah didn't like the idea of sending Mateo out too soon, but his husband also had to teach. So, Noah made him a deal, Mateo could go back as long as the first couple of days, Noah went with him to keep a lookout, just in case. “Yeah, career day. Figured it would be a good way to show off our skills and maybe get others interested in what we do.”

  Asher tilted his head. “You know what, that might not be a bad idea. Set up the meeting with Mateo, so we can discuss the details.”

  Noah nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t thank me yet.” Asher chuckled.

  Chapter 10

  Two weeks later...

  “And now... Breaking news...”

  “WKLP has been advised of a news conference to commence in about five minutes from now at the US District Court of D.C. with the D.C. District Attorney Vincent Allgood, along with the Department of Justice Special Council James Beaumont and the FBI Director Kingston May. Speculation is another investigation of ex-Senator Matthias Lincoln has turned up evidence in the deaths of Edwin Breslow and Meredith Breslow, along with the subsequent institutionalization of their son, Hugh Breslow.”

  “If you remember, Edwin Breslow was going to turn state’s evidence on the Aquila Cartel before disappearing ten years ago. His body was found five days later, mutilated. His wife, Meredith Breslow, at the time, was as
sumed the victim of a horrible accident, until now,” the announcer said. “The only remaining member of the Breslow family has been in hiding. Let's go live to the District Court of D.C. where our reporter Carson Redwing is waiting. Carson?”

  “Thanks, Ben,” Carson said. “Let's join the press conference already in progress.”

  “My name is Special Councilor James Beaumont, and I will be leading this news conference this afternoon. At the conclusion of this presser, we will not be taking any questions, due to the nature of the investigation. There will be copies of the indictment made available for you afterward.” He cleared his throat. “Usually, the Special Council doesn't make these types of announcements. However, due to the complexity of this case, I thought—we all thought, it would be prudent to be transparent with the American public. Ten years ago, Edwin Breslow was assisting the FBI in an ongoing investigation into the Aquila Cartel. As part of his plea agreement, he would turn state’s evidence on the cartel and also a member of the US Congress. Unfortunately, before Mr. Breslow could testify, he was brutally murdered, and his young sons were tortured.”

  A soft murmur rippled through the reporters. Camera shutters clicked as the different photographers attending captured the moment.

  “At the time, we believed the secondary death of his wife, Meredith Breslow was just a terrible tragedy that happened in happenstance. Today, we are confident without a shadow of a doubt, her death was not an accident, but murder. On the night of her death, Mrs. Breslow was not only chased but ran off the road by a non-descript vehicle. She was subsequently dragged from her vehicle, alive, and taken to another location, along with her car, where she was tortured, raped, and murdered. The location of her sedan, when found, was planted to make it appear to be an accident.”

  “We are currently looking for the subjects responsible. If you have any CCTV footage saved from the Chesapeake area between the dates of March 17, 2009, to March 27, 2009, or if you remember seeing anything suspicious, the FBI has set up a toll-free tip line at 888-HELP-NOW that is: 888-435-7669. All tips will remain anonymous.”


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