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Ice & Rapture

Page 7

by Connie Mason

  "I'd kill you, but first I'm gonna get back the money you stole from me," Chase growled, stepping through the ruined door "I don't care how many men you've got workin' for you, me and Rusty slaved too hard and long for that money to let some two-bit outlaw rob us blind If I don't get you, someone else surely will"

  Cradling her tenderly in his arms. Chase earned Maggie all the way back through the alley to Holly Street "You can put me down now. Chase, I'm all right"

  Carefully Chase set Maggie on her feet His arms

  steadied her when she swayed, but after a few minutes she was ready to move under her own steam

  "What happened, Maggie girl?" Chased asked, concern etching his brow "What were you doin' alone with a skunk like Smith1? I warned you Skagway was no place for a lady "

  They were beginning to draw unwanted attention from passersby, too much attention for Maggie's liking "Come back to the Hash House with me and I'll explain everything," she suggested

  Nodding grimly. Chase took her arm and they proceeded down the street to the Hash House, now jammed with the usual supper crowd of hungry, clamoring men Little heed was paid them as they slipped past the kitchen where both Hannah and Kate toiled furiously to provide palatable meals for their throng of customers

  "Where we goin'?" Chase asked

  "The only place where we might talk privately is my room Of course I'll expect you to behave "

  Chase's blue eyes gleamed wickedly Til keep that in mind "

  The moment they entered Maggie's small room, she released a tremulous sigh

  "Are you sure you're all right1?" Chase asked anxiously

  "I'm fine. Chase, really," Maggie insisted "That terrible man had the gall to threaten me "

  "But why1? Sit down, Maggie, darlin', and tell me everythin' "

  Darlingl He called her darlingl A thrill of anticipation shot through her Why should a tender word from a crude cowboy set her heart to thumping and her knees knocking1? she wondered curiously

  Perching on the edge of the bed, Maggie took a deep breath and told Chase about being hustled from the street by two thugs and taken by Soapy Smith to his office She related nearly word for word

  their entire conversation and how she had ended up on the floor

  "Are you convinced now that you should go back to Seattle1?" Chase asked softly

  "Not at all," Maggie returned calmly "I'll not let that unscrupulous character frighten me He might have stolen my notebook, but most of the interviews are committed to memory I'll have my story ready to send back on the next mail steamer "

  "Listen, darlin', I know you're a brave girl, but what can you hope to accomplish against Smith and his network of spies and toughs'?"

  "I want the whole country to know what's going on up here I intend to make Soapy Smith's name synonymous with crime and injustice I want—"

  "Whoa, Maggie girl, you're only one woman, and I'd sure as hell hate to see you hurt Today was merely a taste of what Smith is capable of Go home, Maggie The longer you stay in Skagway, the more danger you face "

  "I—I realize that. Chase That's why I want to leave here," Maggie agreed, stunning Chase—until he heard her next words and realized she had learned nothing from her encounter with Smith "Take me to the Klondike We can leave as soon as you're outfitted I'm sure Kate can be persuaded to look after Rusty until he's on his feet again It's obvious she has a soft spot for him "

  "Haven't you given up on that damn fool notion yet1?" Chase said, exasperated "Did you expect me to1?"

  He studied her determined face through eyes as blue as a cloudless sky "Nope, not really, but I hoped you gained somethin' from all this I'm not gonna change my mind, Maggie "

  "But you're broke," Maggie argued with relentless logic "You have every reason to accept my offer You get to your claim and I get to the Klondike "

  "Dammit all, Maggie, I know I'm flat busted, but I got a job today A damn good one "


  "Yep, at the Ice Palace Belle was quite generous "

  "I'll bet," Maggie muttered dryly "That still isn't getting you to your claim "

  "It's a livin' 'til Rusty mends and we decide what to do Do I detect a note of jealousy there1?"

  He moved closer, finding the shape of her full lips fascinating When he dropped down on the bed beside her, Maggie's mouth suddenly went dry He was so close she could smell the virile male scent of him, and the masculine aroma of sexual arousal sparked an answering response in her Her heart did flipflops when he looked at her with eyes warm and compelling, and oh, so tender

  "I'm gonna kiss you, Maggie girl"

  Maggie felt like a puppet on a string, answering the pull of Chase's magnetism as she lifted her face to accept his kiss His lips were warm and moist, his tongue a hot brand as it outlined the shape of her mouth, then gently pushed between her lips Her mouth opened beneath his, and his tongue slipped inside Chase groaned, the taste and feel of her so wonderful he could have gone on kissing her forever

  "Sweet, so sweet," he whispered against her mouth "I want you, Maggie girl I want you so damn bad I could die of it"

  He pressed her down into the surface of the bed, his body hard and demanding against her softness, one hand traveling upward with maddening slowness over a curving hip to cup the fullness of her breast Maggie gasped, feeling her nipple pucker into painful erectness beneath the material of her blouse

  A jolt of longing turned Maggie's bones to rub-

  ber No man had ever touched her so intimately or with such tenderness Chase didn't seem to be at all intimidated, as most men were, by her unfeminine career or the tough veneer she had deliberately adopted to conceal her vulnerability to those who ridiculed her age and ambition The crude cowboy had a way about him, Maggie thought, that suddenly made her virginity a burden That thought made her stiffen beneath his gentle caresses

  Suddenly Chase's mouth and hands were everywhere at once Feeling her resistance, he concentrated on stroking it away A tiny moan bubbled in her throat as he unbuttoned her blouse and brushed it away from her shoulders, his kisses tracing a path across the tops of her breasts, leaving a trail of fire in the wake of his tantalizing explorations Then he shoved aside her chemise, and she felt the moist warmth of his mouth claim the throbbing pink bud of her breast First one, then the other, kissing, teasing, suckling like a starving babe When he unfastened her skirt to push it down her thighs, Maggie deliberately stayed his hand

  "Chase, no, this is crazy We don't really know each other Once we leave here we'll never see each other again "

  "You're probably right, darlin', this is crazy I'm crazy—you drive me out of my mind Let me love you You won't be sorry I'll make it so good for you you'll forget every lover you've ever had "

  Other lovers'? Of course, why wouldn't Chase think she had had lovers'? She was twenty-five years old, independent, and unconcerned with propriety She opened her mouth to set him straight and the wet blade of his tongue slipped inside, playing leisurely within, and Maggie's control fled like ashes before the wind

  Taking her silence for permission. Chase shrugged out of his jacket and shirt, the bronze expanse of

  his chest glowing like dull gold in the dimness of the room Maggie thought the sight entrancing, the copper mat of curling hair too inviting to resist as her hands made bold contact with the naked wall of his chest Her fingers tangled in the furred expanse before curiosity moved them downwards to trace the thin line disappearing into the top of his jeans That simple act transformed him into a quivering mass of desire A groan of sheer pleasure rattled in his throat, leaving him oblivious to all except this wild, breathless need for her that bordered on madness

  "Say somethin', darlin'," Chase said, sucking his breath in sharply as her fingers played mindlessly against his sensitive skin "Tell me you want me as much as I want you "

  Unable to lie effectively, Maggie answered truthfully "I want you. Chase God help me, but I want you "

  If she never had anything more from this attracti
ve cowboy, she'd have this moment to savor Marriage had passed her by, but at least she would experience passion once in her life Never before had Maggie desired a man enough to let him make a woman of her—until Chase came along with his crooked grin and teasing kisses

  That was all Chase needed to hear as he rose up on his knees and skimmed the skirt down Maggie's hips Her petticoat followed, then the scanty French panties that had enthralled and shocked him the first time they met Last to go were her stockings and shoes Then she was nude, and curiously Maggie felt no embarrassment as Chase's hot gaze swept over her with obvious enjoyment

  "You're damn near perfect," he breathed, his voice tinged with awe "But I reckon you've heard that before " Almost reverently. Chase trailed his hands along the elegant length of her body, teasing her breasts.

  molding the twin mounds of her buttocks, massaging the thickly thatched mound at the joining of her legs Maggie moaned, a foreign sound deep in her throat She could feel her warm wet desire for him on the insides of her thighs when he began exploring that secret part of her no man had touched before His fingers stroked her satiny fold and his thumb teased the tiny button he found there, sending her passion soaring past all limits of endurance When his finger found the small hidden opening she jerked in response

  "You feel so tight, darlin', and so warm and wet I'm crazy with wantin' "

  Her breath came in short, harsh gasps, and her breasts arched upwards against his chest Sensing her need, his lips found a taut nipple, drawing it deeply into his mouth Below, his fingers continued to work their magic on her sensitive flesh, driving her further and further from reality, until shock waves of pleasure exploded through every fiber of her body

  While Maggie was lost in the throes of the first sexual response she had ever experienced. Chase quickly stripped off his pants When she felt the full length of his magnificently aroused body pressing her down, a tiny thread of reality forced itself into her brain She knew there was something she should tell Chase, but for the life of her she couldn't remember what it was His relentless probing dulled her memory and stole her words Then Chase was pushing inside her, stretching her, filling her with his incredible length Maggie hadn't been prepared for the pain—the searing, brutal pain of penetration

  Tears sprang to her eyes "Chase, stop I It hurts I I can't bear it"

  Too far immersed in passion. Chase barely heard her plea until she cried out in agony, struggling beneath him Then the head of his manhood met

  resistance and he understood He went still, his blue eyes full of wonder "Damnation, you're a virgin! "Th—that's what I wanted to tell you," Maggie hiccupped

  "I can't stop now, darlin', don't ask it of me " Desperation rode him as he flexed his hips and broke through the barrier, sheathing himself deeply—oh so deeply—into her hot tightness

  A strangled gasp left Maggie's throat, effectively stifled by Chase as his mouth swallowed her cries Once he was past her maidenhead, he willed himself to remain still, allowing Maggie time to adjust to the feel and size of him

  "I'm sorry, Maggie girl, I didn't think—that is—" he gulped, searching for the right words "I just didn't think someone your age and with your beauty could still be a virgin But it had to happen some time I'm glad it was me "

  Once the initial pain was gone, Maggie began to relax, enjoying the feel of his hard-muscled chest against her breasts, savoring the way their bodies fit together, so snugly—so right Yes, she admitted, she wanted this, wanted it from the moment she had laid eyes on the outrageous cowboy, and she wasn't going to deny herself the pleasure he offered

  "Tell me what to do," Maggie gasped Her breath was soft and sweet against his neck

  "Oh, sweet darlin' " Her words sent his passion soaring, but he deliberately held himself back, not wanting to hurt her, waiting for her to tell him she was ready to proceed

  He moved his hips, not withdrawing completely but caressing her tenderly until he felt the gentle rocking response of her muscles around him "Are you still hurtin'?" Chase asked

  "N—no," Maggie gasped, his subtle movements transporting her once again to the sensual, dreamy world of passion "You seem so good at this. Chase "

  Thrilled by her innocent words. Chase brought his mouth to her breast, spiraling light kisses on her tender flesh until he reached the hardened tip His lips closed around it and his tongue caressed it, making it wet and eliciting a husky murmur from Maggie's lips

  "Lovin' you is easy," Chase responded, his warm breath whispering against her heated flesh "Move your hips," he instructed, moving slowly to teach her the rhythm Almost shyly she followed his direction "That's it, darlin' God, you're so responsive I want to explode "

  Soon they were moving faster, Maggie's breath corning in short gasps, her rnind cleared of everything but this powerful man straining above her, bringing her pleasure she never knew existed The intimacy was unbearable, something she hadn't considered He was a part of her He lay atop her and inside her, his huge calloused hands guiding her bare buttocks to meet his strokes All that she held private and vulnerable lay open and naked to him Their breath mingled in shared passion and their heartbeats pounded in unison

  "Chase, I—something is happening!" Maggie cried out "I feel—oh God—I

  "I know, Maggie girl, I feel it, too I'll try to wait for you Hurry, sweet darlin', hurry "

  Her breath was a hot brand searing her throat, her limbs weightless, the sensation that began where their bodies joined so intense it bordered on pain Chase was equally earned away Sweat dripped from his slick torso and his burnished head was thrown back, his teeth clenched from the effort it took to hold his passion under tight rein

  Suddenly Maggie found what she was striving for as tiny bursts of sensation exploded inside her body, and she cried out Her response seemed to break something loose in Chase as he stiffened above her.

  then began to shudder with the force of his climax Maggie could feel that part of his body buried deep within her quiver, then convulse, keeping her own sweet throbbing alive It went on so long that Maggie felt certain she would die from the pleasure She seriously doubted anyone could make love as well as Chase When her breathing returned to normal, she told him so

  Despite his rapid breathing and pounding heart. Chase roared with laughter "How would you know1? I was the first" Though he didn't say so, her words gave him nearly as much pleasure as their loving

  "Women know these things," Maggie insisted

  "Well, I sure as hell didn't know you'd have so much passion in that slender body of yours You were fantastic " Sighing regretfully, he eased himself to his side, wishing he could stay and make love to her all night long "I don't know how you've managed to stay unwed all these years What about the men in your life1? Surely there were some "

  Maggie's eyes dulled to tarnished gold as a flush rose up from her neck to claim her cheeks "There were none that mattered "

  Wisely Chase didn't pursue the subject, astute enough to realize Maggie didn't wish to discuss her personal life "Maggie girl, you're an incredible woman I've never met anyone like you If I didn't have to leave, I'd like nothing better than to make love to you all night But it's probably best I don't You'd be too sore to get out of bed tomorrow "

  He planted a playful kiss on her nose, swatted her luscious backside, and uncoiled his lean length from the narrow bed As he pulled on his clothes, Maggie watched with unabashed admiration She wasn't sorry she had given herself to Chase He was a special man Though she was unclear what exactly made him special, she just knew he was Tall, lean, and strong, he was blessed with shining, bur-

  rushed hair that curled endearingly against the back of his neck, brilliant blue eyes, roughly handsome features accented by a firm chin and a devastating smile Maggie looked forward with relish to their journey to the Klondike Though he'd said nothing more about it, Maggie assumed their lovemaking had changed Chase's mind about taking her to the goldfields

  Still thinking along those lines, Maggie asked, "How soon do you thin
k you'll be ready to leave1?"

  "I'm ready now," Chase replied, mistaking her meaning "I'm expected at the Ice Palace and don't want to be late for my first day on the job "

  "You still intend working tonight1?"

  Chase smiled owlishly "Darlin1, makin' love, enjoyable as it is, won't feed me and Rusty I need this job "

  "But—but, I thought—"

  "You thought what1?" Chase asked sharply

  "That after our—after tonight you'd change your mind about taking me to the Klondike "

  "Whatl" Chase exploded, his face a dark cloud "You planned this—this seduction just so's I'd agree to take you to the Klondike, didn't you1? No wonder you were so willin' to surrender your virginity Was I just handy or would any man off the street have served as well1?"

  "Chase, no, it wasn't like thatl"

  "Wasn't it1? No man likes to be used. Miss Afton, or manipulated You're a cold-blooded bitch, and I'm a besotted fool You were good, Maggie girl, but not that good I reckon you'll have to lure some other poor sucker to your bed to get what you want Better luck next time Too bad I can't replace your maidenhead so you can use it again "

  Whirling on his heel, he stomped from the room, leaving Maggie stunned as well as thoroughly shaken How could that stubborn jackass think she had

  enticed him to her bed with a purpose in mind? What happened had been a spontaneous reaction, one fueled by desire and passion She could wring Chase's neck Didn't he know the difference between real need and playacting1?

  The hell with Chase McGarrett, Maggie thought crossly No matter what he thought about her, her plans hadn't changed Somewhere in Skagway a man or men existed whose price she could meet Somehow, some way, she'd get to the Klondike


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