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Ice & Rapture

Page 14

by Connie Mason

  "Zeke, one of the men who attacked me and Chase I don't know how he got here, but he's in Dawson "

  "When did you see him1?"

  "Just a few minutes ago He was following me "

  She was shaking violently, recalling what they intended to do to her and how she'd been forced to kill to defend herself Propelled by instinct and a desperate need that had driven him from the moment he saw Maggie, unconscious and helpless, Scott rose and gathered her tenderly into his strong arms Encouraged when Maggie didn't resist, he slowly lowered his lips to hers, giddy with the need to taste her sweetness At first Maggie was too stunned to react, realizing that Scott meant only to offer comfort, but when his kiss deepened, she became unwilling to accept his comfort in the way Scott intended She stiffened, then twisted away

  "Scott, don't I appreciate all you've done for me, but I can't repay you in this manner "

  Scott's face darkened "I didn't ask for repayment, Maggie, and certainly expect none I kissed you because I wanted to, because I needed to I'm sorry if it offended you, it won't happen again I'll take you back to the hotel now and send some men out to look for Zeke "

  "Scott, I—"

  "No Maggie, it's all right, really I should have realized Chase McGarrett holds a special place in

  your heart I want you to know I'm here if you need me—in any capacity "

  Maggie saw nothing more of Zeke, and Scott reported later that day that none of his men had spotted him either When they left Dawson the next morning without mishap, Maggie thought perhaps her imagination was working overtime So did Scott

  Scott bargained shrewdly with Maggie's money, purchasing a pack horse and a mount for Maggie Scott explained that Gold Bottom was a pup of Bonanza Creek In miner's language, a pup was an offshoot of an offshoot Eldorado was the chief offshoot of Bonanza Creek, which was the first spur of the Klondike River Gold Bottom was a tributary of a tributary Each miner could claim one hundred square feet, which had to be worked three months daily except Sunday Beyond the first three months, no requirements existed Chase's claim. Eleven Above, was the eleventh claim numbered on the upstream section of Gold Bottom, beginning with the original strike claim Everything downstream was designated with "below" after its number

  It had been snowing off and on most of that first day, and the ground was frozen solid Even bundled up as she was, Maggie felt the cold penetrating through the layers of her clothing They camped one night on the trail, and Maggie had been amazed at the variety of wildlife she saw There were deer, moose, caribou, fox, and others Scott said wolves abounded in the territory, as well as grizzly and brown bears

  The second day was a repeat of the first, differing only in that they followed a small creek instead of the river "Ve're almost there, Maggie," Scott said, pointing ahead They had passed several cabins and

  tents along the way, and Scott stopped briefly at each one to talk to the miners

  Now he halted before a snug cabin set back a few yards from the creek An impressive pile of gravel at the edge of the creek lent mute testimony that someone had worked the claim recently "This is it Eleven Above"

  Scott dismounted and turned to help Maggie Then he motioned toward the cabin "There's no smoke coming from the chimney Maybe Cooper has already left"

  "Do you know Sam Cooper?"

  "I'd seen him around Dawson before Rusty Reed hired him to watch the place in his absence "

  "Then you know Rusty, tool"

  "Yes, but not well C'mon, let's get this over with "

  He removed his glove and rapped on the sturdy door Nothing He pounded louder, calling Sam's name Still nothing

  "Wait here, I'm going inside," he told Maggie when he found the door unlatched

  Reluctantly Maggie waited as Scott stepped cautiously inside She saw the sudden flare of a lamp and heard Scott shuffling around before he called out, "You can come in now, Maggie "

  Maggie stood just inside the door, her eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light Across the room Scott bent over a figure lying on a rumpled cot "Sam Cooper?"

  "Yes "

  "Is he alive?" Maggie asked, moving closer

  "He's breathing "

  Kneeling beside Scott, Maggie's heart contracted painfully at the sight of the pitifully thin old man, his emaciated frame nearly lost amidst the pile of blankets His breath wheezed harshly in his throat, his unkempt gray hair was matted with perspiration, and his withered features were flushed with fever

  "He needs a doctor," Maggie said

  Just then the old prospector's eyes opened, focusing with difficulty on Maggie and Scott "Who are you1?"

  "Captain Gordon, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Miss Maggie Afton, a reporter from Seattle," Scott replied "How long have you been like this1?"

  "Been ailin' fer some time, but up 'til a few days ago, I was still able to get around some Can I have a drink of water1?"

  Maggie jumped up immediately, found water in a pan, and poured some into a tin cup she found nearby She held it to Sam's lips while he drank greedily No sooner had he drunk his fill than he was seized by a coughing spell that left him weak and gasping for breath Scott made Sam as comfortable as possible, then drew Maggie to the other side of the room where they couldn't be overheard

  "Pneumonia," Scott said grimly "It might kill him to move him now, but it can't be helped He needs immediate care "

  Maggie's mind rebelled at the thought of moving a man in Sam's weakened condition There was another alternative, and for Chase's sake she was prepared to offer it "The poor man is in no condition to travel, Scott Let me stay here and nurse Sam back to health It looks as if there are sufficient supplies to last till he recovers, and longer if need be "

  "I admire your courage, Maggie, but what you suggest is not only foolish but impossible I won't hear of it"

  Maggie sighed How many times had she heard those very same words'? She wouldn't be at the Klondike now if she'd heeded them "It's not your decision to make," she said evenly "What can happen to me1? There's food and water nearby, and when Sam improves we'll return to Dawson together "

  "What can happen to youl" Scott exploded "Good God, Maggie, you have no idea what danger exists in the Yukon, especially for a woman alone If you get snowed in you'll be isolated for weeks, months The temperature can drop to fifty degrees below zero in mere hours Then there's wild animals to contend with—grizzly bears, wolves Not to mention the two-legged ones, which are the worst kind Be reasonable, Maggie We'll bundle Sam up and take him to Dawson He can ride the pack horse "

  "Hell die, Scott"

  "It's—possible," Scott admitted slowly

  "What will happen to Eleven Above if Sam leaves'?"

  "I'm not certain It's likely claim jumpers will move in, but as long as the claim is registered, the owners can get it back eventually, unless the jumpers can prove it's been abandoned "

  "Then there's no question of my leaving I'll stay until Sam is well enough to manage on his own or Chase shows up "

  The stubborn tilt of her chin told Scott that he could talk himself blue in the face and get nowhere Maggie Afton was one helluva woman He'd give anything if she belonged to him That improbable thought brought a chuckle to his lips Maggie was her own woman, she'd never 'belong' to any man She'd be partner, helpmate, but never chattel

  "How about a compromise, Maggie1?" Scott temporized "I'll allow you to remain one week I'll stay the day and night with you, unpack the supplies, see to firewood and make Sam as comfortable as possible Then I'll continue my rounds That should take me no longer than a week When I come back, be ready to return with me, no matter what Sam's condition If he's still unwell, we'll carry him back to Dawson with us "

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  "I'll hear no arguments," Scott said sternly "I'm the law in this territory, and I'm doing what I believe is best Besides, after a week in this remote wilderness, I suspect you'll be good and ready to leave "

  It was settled

  The day progressed in a flurry of activity While Scot
t tended to Sam's needs, Maggie set about stacking their supplies and starting a meal, which Sam was too weak to eat When Maggie suggested he needed a nourishing broth, Scott went hunting, returning with a small deer and two squirrels Then he chopped wood, adding considerably to the pile already stacked outside against the cabin wall

  Maggie was pleased to note that the cabin was snug and comfortable, sporting, of all things, a glass window It held two bunks, a fireplace, campstove, various cooking and eating utensils, and table and chairs Supplies and staples were stored in crude shelves built against one wall The small cabin was well constructed of logs, its spaces chinked with mud so that no cold air seeped through

  That night Maggie took the other bunk while Scott curled up in a blanket before the fireplace, though neither got much sleep Sam's coughing kept them both awake much of the night When Scott was ready to leave the next day, he had done all in his power to provide for Maggie and Sam's comfort But still he hesitated He had a bad feeling about leaving Maggie alone, even though she had a weapon and ammunition and professed knowledge of their use Leaving a sick old man and beautiful young woman on their own for a whole week went against all his instincts But in the end he dared to hug Maggie tightly, bestow a chaste kiss on her cheek, and ride off

  Chapter Ten

  After Scott left, Maggie found it difficult to deal with the loneliness and profound silence of the Yukon Sam slept most of the time, when he wasn't coughing or struggling for breath Fever still raged in his body, and he seemed genuinely confused by Maggie's presence Though she'd patiently explained her connection to Rusty and Chase, Sam appeared to understand little of what she said To pass the time she busied herself cleaning up the cabin, carrying in firewood, writing, and trying to spoon broth down Sam's throat After two days, Maggie became convinced Sam wasn't improving, and likely never would

  On the third day Sam started babbling about the claim, becoming excited when he told about finding enough gold nuggets and dust to assure the partners that they were on the right track He mentioned where he had found the gold and where the

  cache was hidden before slipping into a coma-like slumber

  Sam died quietly in his sleep that night After a life of hardship and deprivation, made more difficult since joining the stampeders to the Klondike, his heart gave out His illness and lack of proper medication contributed greatly to his demise, and Maggie realized that nothing she could have done would have saved him Not even Doctor Thomas could have worked that kind of miracle

  Burying Sam presented a dilemma Because the ground was frozen solid, Maggie was unable to dig a proper grave After considerable thought, she wrapped his body in a blanket, intending to drag it to the foot of the hill behind the cabin and cover it with stones until Scott arrived and saw to a proper burial Fate intervened in the form of two prospectors from upstream, thereby saving her from a harrowing ordeal They appeared at the door on the morning of Sam's death The two men seemed shocked to see a woman occupying the cabin

  "Who in tarnation are you1?" one of the men asked, genuinely astounded

  "Maggie Afton Who are you1?" At the first knock on the door, Maggie had grabbed the loaded rifle leaning against the wall nearby

  "I'm Bob Croft, and this here is Art Bench We're neighbors Our claim is upstream a ways We heard by the grapevine Sam was ailin' Thought we'd stop in and see if he needed anythin' as long as we're on our way to Dawson fer supplies "

  Maggie's grip on the gun relaxed The men seemed harmless and anxious to be of help "Sam died last night" "Mighty sorry to hear that, ma'am," Bob said, doffing his hat in a respectful manner "Are ya kin1?" "No, I'm a friend of the owners of Eleven Above," Maggie explained "Sam was sick and needed help

  when I arrived, so I stayed on Captain Gordon from Dawson will be stopping by in a day or two to escort rne back to town," she added "Is there anythin' we can do fer ya 'til the Mountie arrives. Miss Afton1?" inquired Art, the younger of the two

  "I have yet to bury Sarn, and I fear the task is beyond me," Maggie confided "I would greatly appreciate it if you'd see to it for me " The pair immediately offered their assistance

  Afterwards the men accepted coffee from Maggie, told her their story while she wrote it all down in her journal, and went on their way Before they left, they volunteered to take her to Dawson Grateful for the offer, Maggie nevertheless declined, deciding to wait for Scott

  The following day, two feet of fresh snow fell and temperatures plummeted to zero It was now dark most of the day

  Maggie ventured outside only for firewood and to feed the horses fodder earned up to Eleven Above Melted snow provided water, and writing in her journal helped pass the lonely hours That and thinking of Chase Where was he1? Had he made it to Dawson yet1? Was he searching for her1? Her meandering thoughts took her back to their times together, those wonderous nights when he had filled her with himself, holding back nothing In return she had offered him her body and soul Maggie had never thought it possible that a man, any man, could make her feel so wanted, so needed—so loved Did Chase love her1? In his own way, possibly, but certainly not enough to let it interfere with his life

  Before she met Chase, Maggie thought her career was all she needed in life to make her happy She had her job and her writing, and after this trip no one would doubt her ability again That was what she still wanted, wasn't it1? The answer shocked her

  She'd throw it all away in a minute if Chase loved her enough to want her with him always It was a statement Maggie Afton wouldn't have made three months earlier

  At the end of the time Scott had allotted her to remain at Eleven Above, Maggie had her things packed and ready to leave whenever he appeared When he hadn't shown up two days later, Maggie began to worry When another day passed, she grew frantic, convinced that something dreadful had happened to the Mountie, for he didn't strike her as a man who deviated from his word When he finally did show up later that day, he was slumped over his horse, his uniform in tatters and soaked with blood Maggie wanted to scream when she rushed out to help him dismount—scream in outrage and fear

  "My God, what happened?"

  "Help me inside and I'll tell you," Scott gasped weakly

  Maggie supported his body as he slid from his horse, then eased him into the cabin and over to the cotjust recently vacated by the ailing Sam

  Scott was lying on the cot flat on his back before he noted the old prospector was nowhere in evidence "Where's Sam?"

  "Dead It happened a few days after you left us Tell me what happened while I take off your boots "

  God, how he adored her, Scott thought groggily The responsible way she handled emergencies, prepared to face them with fortitude and res ours eflilness—her courage, her feminine charms, her beauty

  "Grizzly," Scott muttered, pain and shock bringing a grimace to his face "Came at me when I stopped by a stream to chop ice to melt for drinking Thought they'd all be in hibernation by now, but you can never trust a grizzly to do what's expected of him "

  "Ok Scott!"

  "I'm all right, Maggie I killed him I was lucky, he didn't maul me too badly As soon as I rest up a day or so, well leave "

  Though Scott protested, Maggie insisted upon helping him remove his outer clothes so she could cleanse his wounds with disinfectant Then his longjohns had to go, for his left leg had several large gashes that needed tending He managed to shimmy out of them while Maggie got the first-aid kit from his saddlebag

  "This one needs stitching," Maggie advised, frowning at the deep gash several inches above his knee

  "Can you do it?"

  "I've—never done it before "

  "I don't think I can do it myself, Maggie "

  Fortunately, shock, loss of blood, and pain caused Scott to pass out before Maggie had taken too many stitches, which allowed her not only to finish the job but to take a few additional stitches in another wound on his chest that needed sewing

  "What next?" Maggie asked herself, finding a spark of humor in the situation First nurse and now do
ctor, though truth to tell it was no more difficult than sewing apiece of linen Relaxing afterwards with a cup of strong coffee, Maggie pondered the events of the past few weeks She had a wealth of information jotted down in her journal, enough to write a book should she so desire Was it worth all she'd gone through to get here? Maggie reflected thoughtfully It didn't take long to search her heart for the answer

  If she hadn't begun this journey, she would never have met Chase—that wonderful, incredible, exasperating cowboy—and learned that love was a powerful emotion, fraught with many pitfalls Especially when love was one-sided, as she feared hers was Perhaps Chase hadn't cared for

  her enough to search for her after Bandy and Zeke earned her off No, Maggie refused to believe that Chase might not love her in the same way she loved him, but he did care about her If he hadn't arrived in Dawson yet, it was because Bandy and Zeke's attack left him unable to travel It was the only plausible explanation that Maggie would consider

  Scott slept through the night and awoke the next day ravenous, a condition Maggie was happy to relieve His hardy constitution literally assured him of a speedy recovery, though Maggie seriously doubted they'd be able to leave for Dawson as soon as Scott expected

  Later that day, Maggie sat on the edge of the cot to feed Scott the nourishing meal she had prepared for them The way he looked at her, devouring her with his eyes, following her every move, made her squirm uncomfortably It was a difficult task to ignore the adoration in his eyes

  "Don't look at me like that, Scott"

  "I can't help it, Maggie, I've never met anyone like you before I—"

  "No, Scott, don't say it"

  "I have to, Maggie I've fallen in love with you I—I want you to be mine "

  "Impossible We just met You hardly know me Oh, Scott, I'm not the woman for you "


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