Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 18

by Connie Mason

  "Are you sure, Maggie1? About not bein' able to conceive, I mean Doctors do make mistakes " Chase had no idea why Maggie's disclosure caused a twinge of bitter disappointment, but it did

  "Of course I'm sure," Maggie replied, refusing to meet his eyes It wasn't the first time a woman had lied about such things, and it wouldn't be the last She didn't do it to hurt him, but to free him of all guilt and responsibility "Discussion ended Now will you kiss me1?"

  "Oh, baby, that will do for starters "

  The force of his kiss bent her head back against his shoulder, the fury of it parted her lips as he delved deeply to explore the inside of her mouth

  "Lift your bottom," Chase urged as his hands frantically sought the hem of her dress Since she rarely

  ventured outdoors, she had taken to wearing the one dress she had purchased in Dawson

  When her dress rode up around her waist, his fingers began working at the buttons on her bodice Then her breasts sprang free, and Maggie felt the wetness of his mouth tugging at her nipples, first one, then the other, sending jolts of pure fire pulsing through her veins Suddenly his hands were trailing through the golden forest at the juncture of her thighs, exploring the tender folds, stimulating the tiny bud of desire with his thumb

  "Spread your legs, baby," he moaned against the quivering flesh of her breast

  Maggie obeyed eagerly and a shudder rippled through her body when she felt his fingers slip inside, teasing, driving her mad with need "Oh, Chase, my Godl"

  "Easy, baby, take your time, we've got all the time in the world " He felt her soft flesh contract against his fingers and used the heel of his hand and thumb to increase her pleasure

  The sweet agony of what he was doing to her exploded inside her in a dazzling display of bursting lights and pleasure so intense Maggie could not speak for long minutes afterwards When she felt Chase release himself and ease into her, she shifted to avoid penetration His puzzled expression brought a teasing smile to her lips

  "Not yet. Chase I want to love you in the same way you loved me "

  Slipping off his lap and taking his hand, Maggie led him toward their bed before the fire She undressed him with leisurely slowness, kissing each part of him she uncovered, until he stood nude and unashamed before her, his manhood leaping proud and throbbing at her touch

  You're magnificent," she said, awed by the strength and power of him, the broadness of his

  shoulders, the muscular sturdiness of his thighs and legs

  "And you're dnvin' rne loco, baby," Chase growled, reaching for her Deftly Maggie eluded his grasp

  "I told you I'm going to pay you back for the torture you put me through " Her amber eyes glinted mischievously as she pushed him down onto the pile of blankets

  She disrobed unhurriedly, ignoring Chase's tormented groan as she posed seductively for his benefit "You little vixenl If you don't stop that, you'll find yourself flat on your back so full of me you'll be sorry you teased me so unmercifully," Chase growled in a torment of agony

  "I doubt that," Maggie murmured as she dropped down beside him

  She thought his restraint remarkable, given the torture she subjected him to Her hands, mouth and tongue, applied with amazing knowledge and practice for someone who had remained a virgin for the first twenty-five years of her life, explored freely and without embarrassment over every inch of his body His flat male nipples, the tiny indent of his navel, his long thighs covered with fine hairs that tickled her nose, the bold, thrusting male part of him that gave her so much pleasure

  "Damnation, Maggie I" he gasped, driven to the edge of insanity

  When he attempted to drag her upward and pull her beneath him, she resisted, giggling over the way she had rendered him nearly helpless—the same way he did her Then abruptly she put his agony to an end when she straddled him, taking him deep—deeper into her moist heat A strangled cry slipped past Chase's lips as his male aggressiveness took charge, grasping her hips in his huge hands and moving her to fit his rhythm Grinding hips met with bruising force as Maggie rode him, tossing

  back her head in glorious surrender Though goaded and teased past the limits of his endurance. Chase held on, gritting his teeth until Maggie screamed and contracted around him Only then did he seek his own hard-earned release

  November slid into December, but Maggie and Chase staved off boredom by making love frequently and talking She learned every detail about the ranch in Montana he loved so much, his unlikely friendship with the crusty Rusty Reed, and his life in the army fighting Indians in the west Chase heard how Maggie had developed her passion for reporting and writing from the dead father she adored, and her short-lived romance with Matt Creed, the sleezy character who had hurt her so badly Maggie discovered that Chase had established no romantic links with any one woman in particular, lavishing his attention freely on whores and women who held no expectations of marriage

  They found their tempers and temperaments matched, explosive at times, quickly fired to anger but easily coaxed to forgiveness During those long, cold days and nights, Maggie discovered a passion she never knew existed before meeting Chase She fell so deeply in love she wondered how she would exist without him

  Chase discovered his passion for Maggie did not cool, no matter how many times he possessed her Loving her only made him want her more He wondered how he would exist without Maggie Yet, by mutual consent, all mention of love and commitment was carefully avoided Maggie wanted no promises of love from Chase if he did not truly feel that emotion, so she deliberately refrained from confessing her own tender feelings Chase cared deeply for Maggie, but knew her career would always come first with her It seemed inconceivable to him that Maggie

  would be willing to give it all up for a ranch in a remote location in Montana, so he kept his feelings buried within his heart

  While the temperature hovered above zero. Chase began working on the mound of gravel Sam Cooper had excavated near the creek bank He earned it inside the cabin a shovelful at a time and boiled it in a small amount in water to thaw the snow and clean the stones He was jubilant when the small pile of nuggets gleaned from the gravel grew daily Some of the nuggets were so large Chase felt certain Eleven Above would yield a fortune for him and Rusty Then one day the temperature abruptly plurnmetted to twenty below zero

  Everything two feet above the hot stove froze Steam from boiling water formed icicles on the ceiling, which they broke off and used for drinking water Only a dim twilight prevailed for three or four midday hours Then, curiously, at the end of December, the snow howling down from the mountains ceased and winds grew surprisingly temperate Chase decided to take advantage of the brief reprieve and go hunting for fresh meat

  "Be careful. Chase," Maggie said worriedly as he fastened snowshoes to his heavy boots For some reason she grew fretful and anxious whenever Chase was away from the cabin

  "Don't worry, darlin'," Chase cajoled her with a light, teasing tone He hated leaving Maggie alone, but for a man accustomed to open spaces and roaming freely, being confined to a cabin for days on end became unbearable Not that he didn't appreciate having Maggie with him He would have lost his mind by now if she hadn't been there to share his lonely hours "If I'm lucky we'll have steak tonight, or a hearty stew "

  Maggie tried to keep herself occupied during Chase's absence, baking sourdough bread and

  stewing dried fruit for their desert Perhaps he'd bring back a moose or caribou, she hoped, and she'd cook a nourishing stew with potatoes and onions It was a constant source of amazement to Maggie how well she did with the limited variety of foodstuffs available to her Many tasty concoctions had been prepared from the supplies brought from Skagway

  Faltering daylight slid into blackness, and Maggie grew anxious for Chase to return He should have been back by now, and she feared that something had happened to him The blood froze in her veins when she heard the howling and baying in the distance, easily recognizing the sound made by hungry wolves that freely roamed this desolate wilderness Had wo
lves attacked Chase1? Should she take the rifle Chase left behind and go looking for him1? She discarded the idea immediately Within minutes she'd be hopelessly lost out there in all that silent white tundra surrounded by towering mountains

  Suddenly Maggie was alerted by a sound outside, and she rushed forward to unlatch the door, calling his name in mindless fear "Chase I Darling, are you all right?"

  A blast of frigid air ushered him inside, an apparition out of hell The door slammed shut behind him, and he shoved his parka back from his head His eyebrows and whiskers were rimmed with frost, his hair plastered to his head His eyes were wild, the grin splitting his face filled with evil promise He held a rifle loosely in one hand

  "Youl" Maggie gasped in shock and sheer black fright "What are you doing here1?" She took an involuntary step backwards, he pressed forward with quiet menace

  Chapter Twelve

  "Did ya think ya'd escape me1?" Zeke sneered, his eyes red-nrnmed from cold and lack of sleep "Ya killed my partner Me and Bandy been together a longtime I can't just forget what ya did ta him I went through hell ta get ta Daws on after ya stole our boat, and I been dodging the Mounties ever since Now yer gonna pay—you and yer cowboy lover "

  "You came all this way for revenge1?" Maggie squeaked, clutching her throat in horror She was terrified of this wild-eyed creature who had obviously become demented after the death of his partner Zeke never struck her as the brightest of men, and the killing of Bandy must have sent him over the edge

  "I'd go ta the ends of the earth ta punish the bitch what killed my partner After I finish with ye, woman, ya'll wish you'da drowned They're still talkin' in town how ya was found on a wrecked raft, half-drowned and nearly froze It didn't take much snoopin' ta find out that ya were up here with that cowboy I'da come

  sooner but the Mounties had a warrant out fer rne, and I had ta hole up fer a spell with a friend "

  "I—I'm not alone," Maggie stammered, slowly edging toward the rifle leaning in the comer

  "I know I saw yer lover leave I been watchin' the cabin fer hours I reckon he'll be in fer a surprise when he returns "

  Maggie took another step sideways, her eyes carefully averted from the rifle Keep him talking, she told herself above the furious pounding of her heart If she could only reach the rifle

  "Chase will be back any minute "

  "I aim ta take care of him after I finish with you," Zeke bragged, tossing off his heavy coat "Thought it'd be fun ta let him watch while you and me have ourselves a high old time "

  He looked around curiously, sniffing the air fragrant with cooking smells and licking his lips "Smells good in here Been a long time since I had a decent meal Fix me some grub, woman, but remember, I ain't takin' my eyes off ya If yer smart, ya won't try nothin' "

  Deliberately he removed a handgun from beneath his shirt and shoved it inside his belt within easy reach Then he moved the chair where he could keep an eye on both Maggie and the door He sat down and leaned the rifle casually against the chair "Get a move on, woman," he growled when Maggie seemed frozen to the spot "I want some grub and I want it now "

  Surreptitiously Maggie eyed the loaded rifle Chase left her, only a few feet away yet so damn far Did she dare1? Could she reach the weapon before Zeke realized what she intended1? If she didn't try, Zeke would surely force Chase to watch while he raped her, then he'd kill them both It was now or never, Maggie decided grimly as she propelled herself toward the rifle The sweet taste of success brought

  a spurt of saliva to her mouth Her hand touched the barrel, her finger curling through the trigger But victory turned to bitter defeat when she was yanked viciously backwards and flung to the floor The rifle left her hand and landed at Zeke's feet

  A sob exploded in Maggie's throat So close—so damn close Grabbing her upper arm, Zeke dragged her to her feet, shaking her like a rag doll "Try somethin' like that again and ya'll be sorry " While Maggie stumbled toward the stove, Zeke picked up the rifle, carefully removed the shells, and tossed it aside

  Zeke devoured every morsel Maggie placed before him, wishing she could lace it liberally with poison Her worry over Chase became a constant ache, wondering what was keeping him yet dreading the moment he would enter the cabin to find Zeke threatening him with a loaded gun If only there was some way to warn Chase, she reflected gloomily Then time ran out as she heard Chase at the door, knocking snow from his snowshoes

  Zeke reacted instantly, his rifle literally leaping into one hand as he grasped Maggie with the other, dragging her behind the door in order to surprise Chase Maggie opened her mouth to call a warning but the bite of cold steel against her ear persuaded her otherwise The door flung open and Chase stepped inside

  "Damnation, Maggie, I told you to keep the door locked " Stomping the snow from his boots, he placed his rifle against the wall, removed his gloves, and shrugged out of his coat "I was lucky, darlin', we'll have caribou steak for supper "

  Suddenly, unaccountably, the hair rose on the back of his neck, and a chill of foreboding shivered down his spine "Maggie1?" "She's right here. Cowboy"

  Chase whirled, his heart pounding like a trip-hammer "Who in the hell are you1?" he thundered "What do you want1?"

  He glanced at Maggie, her eyes dark and wild with terror Had this man harmed her1? Chase wondered, clenching his fists in impotent rage He took in everything in one sweeping glance, the maniacal gleam in the man's eyes and the gun pressed against Maggie's sweet flesh

  "We met before, yajust don't remember," Zeke said, cackling mirthfully

  "Zeke, my Godl" Chase spewed, comprehension dawning

  "Yep, that's my name Over there," he motioned with the gun "Sit down where I can keep an eye on ya Ya got more lives than a cat"

  "Eyou hurt Maggie I'll—"

  "Ya ain't gonna do nothin' Sit down, I said " The gun gouged painfully into Maggie's neck and she whimpered, bringing about Chase's instant obedience

  "I ain't hurt no one yet," Zeke said, "but I will if ya don't do what I tell ya "

  "What do you want1? There's a small amount of gold hidden in the cabin, take it and leave "

  Zeke's eyes glinted greedily "Damn right I'll take it But first I got a little score ta settle with this little bitch She killed Bandy and she's gonna pay "

  "Let Maggie go, Zeke, take your revenge out on me," Chase offered, stalling for time

  "Both ofya are gonna pay," Zeke promised, dragging Maggie across the room From a pile of supplies stacked against a wall he retrieved a length of rope

  Realizing Zeke meant to render Chase helpless, Maggie cried out, "Don't worry about me. Chase, do what you have to do " "I—can't, darlin' " Chase choked "I can't let that bastard hurt you "

  "He means to kill us anyway You have to try "

  "Shut up I" Zeke growled, approaching Chase with the rope while pushing Maggie forward with the barrel of the rifle "Tie him up " Maggie balked, digging her heels in and refusing to move Abruptly the rifle barrel swung around until it was pointed at Chase's head "Do it or he's a dead man "

  "Do it, Maggie girl," Chase urged, trying to convey a message of hope with his eyes He didn't want Maggie to do anything to make Zeke angry until he could think of a way out of this mess He wanted to encourage her, to ask her to trust him, but he feared Zeke's reaction Chase wasn't frightened for himself, but for Maggie

  Sobbing in frustration, Maggie tied Chase's wrists behind his back according to Zeke's instructions, stretching them to their limits behind the chair he sat in Zeke tested the rope, then growled, "Tighter!" Gritting her teeth, Maggie complied "Now his feet" When she finished to Zeke's satisfaction. Chase was trussed up like a Christmas goose

  "You won't get away with this, Zeke," Chase warned "This isn't Skagway The Mounties always get their man "

  "Shut up. Cowboy Woman," he barked, motioning to Maggie, "over there " He pointed to the pile of blankets on the floor that served as a bed "Looks like as good a place as any ta have our fun "

  "Don't touch her I" Chase roared
, straining against the ropes

  "I been drearnin' of this fer weeks. Cowboy, thinkin' of all the thin's I'm gonna do to the little bitch Havin'you watch while I diddle her makes it even more excitin' Take off yer clothes, woman," he growled, rotating his hips in an obscene manner

  No I" Maggie resisted, raising her chin belligerently "I'll fight you every step of the way I'll bite and scratch and make you sorry you ever walked in

  the door If you're going to kill us, you might as well do it now because I'll never submit to you "

  "Aw, shit," complained Zeke, snorting with disgust "I ain't in the mood fer no fight I'm too damn tired right now I been runnin' behind a damn dogsled fer two days without sleep " He slanted Maggie a baleful glance "I reckon ya'll keep while I get some shuteye "

  A reprieve, even a short-lived one, lent Maggie renewed hope She directed a meaningful glance at Chase, which he returned with a silent nod of encouragement Using the rope remaining after trussing up Chase, Zeke made Maggie sit on the floor with her back against the back of the chair Chase sat in Then he tied her hands behind her, fastening them to the chair Next her ankles were bound together, rendering her as helpless as Chase

  "That oughtaholdya 'till can do ya justice, woman," Zeke gloated, yawning hugely "A couple hours sleep and I'll be rann' to take ya on "

  After feeding the fire, he rolled up in a blanket and fell immediately asleep

  "Are you all right, darlin"?" Chase asked, his voice choked with worry He had to admit they were in a hellishly dangerous situation

  "Yes, I'm fine, what about you1?"

  "It's you I'm concerned about Can you move at all1?"

  After a few minutes of straining and pulling against her bonds and gaining nothing but bruised wrists for her efforts, Maggie sobbed in frustration and disappointment "It's no use. Chase, I can wiggle my hands a little, but that's all"


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