Ice & Rapture

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Ice & Rapture Page 19

by Connie Mason

  "Take it easy, darlin', relax We'll find a way "

  "Oh, Chase, what if—11

  "No, don't even think it We'll get out of this somehow Let me think "

  Leaning against the back of the chair, somehow Maggie dozed, until she grew cold and woke up shivering "How long did I sleep1?" It amazed her that she could sleep at all

  "Not long," Chase said, his voice ripe with combined frustration and exhaustion

  "Why didn't you wake me1?"

  "You needed the sleep I've thought of somethin', and I wanted you rested before attemptin' it"

  Maggie's spirits soared "You've thought of a way to get out of this1? Oh, Chase, I knew you would Tell me "

  "Shhh, we don't want to rouse Zeke yet" Speaking in quiet tones meant to instill confidence. Chase whispered, "Before I came into the cabin I thrust my skinning knife into my right boot beneath my pants leg "

  "In your boot1? But, Chase, what good will that do us1? Neither of us can move "

  "Listen carefully, darlin' My feet aren't attached to the chair, just bound together Ifl shove them backwards far enough perhaps you can reach them with your bound hands and remove the knife "


  "Try, baby, just try " Straining forward. Chase thrust his long legs backwards, pulling against the ropes to gain the necessary slack "Can you touch my feet?"

  Her bound hands stretched to the limits as she scrabbled blindly, exhaling loudly when she touched a boot "Yes I Just barely " "The knife, darlin', find the knife " Despite the cold, beads of sweat dotted Chase's forehead

  Maggie moved her hands, slowly, painfully, but the ropes severely limited her exploration "I—I can't. Chase I can't work my hands to the knife It's no use " A sob of bitter disappointment caught in her throat and forced itself past her lips

  "Are you gonna give up1?" Chase chided, his voice brutally critical "The Maggie I know wouldn't admit to defeat My Maggie is courageous and determined and obstinate Try again, darlin', please "

  Chase was right, Maggie scolded herself, angry for giving in to defeat Their well-being depended entirely on her Once Zeke was awake, he'd rape her and afterwards kill them both He was a desperate man wanted by the police and had nothing to lose Drawing in a deep, steadying breath, Maggie concentrated on locating the knife in Chase's boot Inch by painful inch she stretched her arms until she thought they'd leave their sockets When her fingers touched the blade she crowed jubilantly


  Relief rolled over Chase's taut body in great waves "Good, real good, darlin' Easy now," he encouraged His legs had begun to cramp from the unnatural position they had assumed, but for Maggie's sake he banished all signs of pain from his voice "Draw it out, slow and easy Don't panic and don't drop it I'm dependin' on you "

  "I've got it, I've got itl"

  By now Chase's legs were trembling, but Maggie's words sent a surge of adrenaline pulsing through his veins, reviving his hopes and making all his pain worthwhile But they weren't free yet, the most difficult task still faced them

  "Slide the knife around until you're gripping the handle firmly Don't drop itl" he warned anxiously "My hands are just above yours Hold the knife up and start sawing on the ropes "

  "Chase, I can't see your hands," Maggie whispered, casting a wary glance at Zeke, who had stopped snoring and turned over Til cut you " "Don't fail me now, baby, I need you Don't worry about hurtin' me, just start sawin' on those ropes I

  can take it Zeke's likely to wake up at any minute

  Tears rolling down her cheeks, Maggie inched the blade upward, stopping when she heard Chase draw his breath in sharply "Dammit, don't stop I" he hissed from between clenched teeth "Forget me, forget everythin' but cuttin' me free "

  Agonizingly aware that she was probably cutting deeply into Chase's flesh, Maggie grit her teeth and tried not to think about hurting him as she sawed at the ropes with painful slowness Her hands became wet with his blood, but determination hardened her to his pain Black fear drove her, blind panic moved her hands She felt several strands of the twisted hemp give and heard Chase's words of encouragement, bolstering her courage Grimly she continued hacking away, concentrating so fiercely that her head began to pound She had no idea how much time had elapsed, all she knew was a terrible desperation to survive and experience Chase's love once more

  Suddenly Maggie felt Chase stiffen, the quick intake of his breath causing her to falter "He's awake " The warning hissed through his teeth "Don't move "

  Her heart hammering furiously, Maggie heard Zeke yawn and thrash around in the blankets Then he grew quiet, and she began breathing again, thinking he'd fallen back to sleep But to her horror, Zeke staggered to his feet and glanced in her direction, his wolfish leer alerting her to his intention When he started in their direction, Maggie knew she couldn't let him find the knife in her hands, for he'd realize instantly what she was doing Stealthily, she slid the blade beneath the chair toward Chase's foot Chase felt it strike his boot and needed no instructions as he acted instinctively Deliberately he raised his foot and stepped on the knife, completely concealing it beneath his broad boot

  "I'm ready fer ya now, bitch," Zeke said, massaging his groin "A nap made me homier than a prize bull in a herd of cows "

  Zeke untied Maggie's feet and the ropes binding her to the chair, but paid scant heed to her hands, leaving them bound behind her back Then he pulled her to her feet and dragged her to the makeshift bed from which he had just arisen "Lay down," he growled, shrugging out of his clothes At the last minute, he decided to keep on his longjohns but removed his boots

  "Go to helll" Maggie shot back But her defiance did her little good as Zeke muttered something unintelligible and ripped open the front of her bodice

  His eyes popped open as her pale breasts spilled forth "Gawdamightyl" Zeke breathed reverently, reaching out a thick finger to test the soft quivering flesh "Just as purty and soft as two white doves What else ya hidin' underneath them clothes'?"

  Maggie attempted to tum away, but Zeke's hands prevented her from fleeing as he continued ripping her dress to shreds Behind him Chase loosed a mighty roar, tugging at his bonds with every ounce of strength he possessed When Zeke shoved Maggie to the floor, falling heavily atop her. Chase went wild From somewhere deep within his reserve of strength he found the power necessary to snap the ropes restraining his wrists Thanks to Maggie's efforts, they had been weakened sufficiently to give beneath Chase's brawn Zeke was so intent upon Maggie's soft body, arousing him, to raging lust, that he didn't see Chase's numb fingers find the knife beneath his boot and saw at the ropes lashing his ankles together It seemed like an eternity before they fell away and he was free

  Chase leaped to his feet, nearly falling flat on his face when his legs failed to hold up his weight Not only were his hands and wrists numb, bruised, and

  bleeding from numerous cuts, his feet felt like two blocks of wood

  Just then Maggie screamed, a high, thin wail that tore through Chase's pain and prodded his feet Through a red haze, he saw Zeke slobbering wet kisses over Maggie's breasts, then reach down to release his manhood Raising his rump, Zeke prepared to plunge into Maggie's wildly resisting body Two steps took Chase to the rifle lying on the floor, recognizing it as the one he had left for Maggie's protection Cocking and aiming, he squeezed the trigger, shock shuddering through him when he heard the click of the hammer against an empty chamber In quick succession Chase pulled the trigger again—and yet again Nothing

  Poised to drive home his first thrust, Zeke froze at the familiar sound "What the helll"

  "Chase I"

  "Move outta the way, Maggie I"

  Scrambling to his feet, Zeke eyed Chase wanly His pistol lay in the tangle of clothes at his feet and his rifle several feet away

  Wrapping the blanket around her, Maggie scooted into a comer, wondering what she could to do help She spied Chase's rifle sitting by the door, but it was across the room and her hands were still tied behind her She stared longi
ngly at Zeke's weapon, but the outlaw had the same idea, for he reached for it even as Maggie started to crawl forward

  "Stay outta the way, darlin'," Chase repeated, his mouth set in grim lines He knew as certain as breathing that this confrontation would end in someone's death He didn't want it to be Maggie's

  Tossing the useless rifle aside. Chase ducked as Zeke swung around, discharging his rifle at the place where he expected Chase to be He grunted in pain as Chase slammed into his middle, sending him flying Chase dove for Zeke and they grappled on the floor.

  each fighting for the loaded rifle Suddenly Maggie could stand it no longer Scrabbling to her knees, she scooted toward Chase and Zeke The only sound in the room were the grunts and panting of the two men fighting for their lives

  Slowly Zeke's hand felt for the pistol he'd left in the tangle of his clothes Grasping the butt, he whipped it out Maggie's warning scream alerted Chase to his imminent danger In the ruck of time he seized Zeke's wrist, but his own maimed hands hadn't the strength necessary to wrest the gun from the desperate outlaw At that point Maggie decided to enter into the melee, and she threw herself at Zeke He wore a surprised look as he went skidding across the room

  "Get the gun. Chase," Maggie panted

  Chase reached for the gun, but by then Zeke had recovered and came bounding back, kicking Chase in the groin Maggie screamed and sought to intervene, but Zeke shoved her hard, sending her flying His eyes gleaming in triumph, Zeke reached for the gun Suddenly the door burst open and Captain Scott Gordon blew in with a gust of cold artic air

  "Drop it, Zeke I" Zeke froze

  Scott's gray eyes fastened on Maggie, overwhelmed with relief when she appeared unharmed "Thank God I'm in time " His glance slid to Chase "Are either of you hurt1? I came as soon as I heard Zeke was skulking around in town asking about you "

  "I'm fine," Maggie said, "but Chase "

  "I'm okay, Maggie, just give me a minute to catch my breath Untie Maggie's hands, Gordon "

  Slipping out his knife, Scott obeyed instantly, cutting away Maggie's bonds and rubbing her wrists in order to restore circulation "Whose blood is that1?" he asked with tender concern

  Suddenly aware that the Mountie's attention had strayed, Zeke took a foolish risk It turned out to be the last foolish thing he ever did He made a wild sprint for the door, pushing past Scott into the icy deep-freeze of winter, shoeless and scantily clad in dirty longjohns

  "He's getting away I" Maggie screeched, pulling the blanket tightly around the tatters of her clothing

  "He won't get far," Scott said, amazingly unperturbed as he slammed the door on the arctic chill that had begun to turn the cabin into an icebox "It's twenty below zero outside He'll freeze to death inside five minutes "

  "He probably has dogs and a sled nearby," Chase warned, alarmed at the thought of Zeke escaping so easily

  "I passed it about a mile down the trail He'll never make it," Scott assured them "If I thought he'd escape, I'd be out there hunting him down Nature has away of dealing with men like him Are you sure you're all right, Maggie1? Zeke had a good head start on me He didnt—?"

  "He intended to rape me and make Chase watch," Maggie said in a quavering voice "He would have—done it right away, but he was tired and took a nap first He tied us up while he dozed "

  "The bastard wouldn't have gotten the drop on us if I hadn't gone huntin' and left Maggie alone," Chase said with self-reproach

  "Why didn't you bring Maggie back to Dawson like you promised1?" Scott asked, accusation bitter on his tongue "I warned you it wasn't safe out here for a woman "

  "It's not Chase's fault," Maggie said, leaping to her lover's defense "We did start back, just as Chase promised, but there was an accident A snowslide buried the sled and killed the dogs I would be dead now if it wasn't for Chase He refused to let me die

  in an icy grave He dug me out and breathed life into me Fortunately, two prospectors picked us up in their sled and brought us back to the claimsite or we would have been forced to walk "

  "I've a sled and dogteam outside," Scott said, his eyes lingering on Maggie He caught a glimpse of the tattered garment beneath the blanket she clutched about her and had a good idea of the ordeal she'd been put through "Well leave as soon as you're ready "

  "I—no, I don't think—"

  "Captain Gordon is right, Maggie," Chase concurred "You don't belong here You'll be more comfortable in Dawson "

  "Am I not allowed to make up my own mind1?"

  "Not when it concerns your well-bein' "

  "Have you grown tired of me so soon1?" Maggie seemed to have forgotten that Scott stood nearby, trying not to listen but finding it impossible not to

  "Damnation, Maggie girl, I'm not gonna argue with you about this Pack up your belongin's, you're goin' with Gordon I feel badly for not protectin' you properly "

  Realizing she was wasting her breath, Maggie reluctantly acquiesced to the combined efforts of Chase and Scott With deceptive calm she collected her meager belongings Most of her clothing had been left behind at the Dawson Arms, but she had her precious journal and sheaves of notes When everything was done up in a neat bundle, Scott earned it outside to the sled, giving Maggie the opportunity to change her clothes and bid Chase a proper good-bye

  While Maggie was packing her belongings, Scott had spoken in quiet tones to Chase His probing questions led him to the conclusion that Chase cared deeply for Maggie And judging from Maggie's words earlier, the feeling was reciprocated, though

  obviously no promises had been exchanged

  "I want you safe, Maggie, you know that," Chase said once the door closed behind Scott "I'm not sendin' you away 'cause I don't want you with me Your safely is important to me I'm givin' you half the gold for expenses in Dawson " He pressed a weighted sack in her hands

  "I don't like other people making choices for me. Chase " "I care about you What we have together is special" "Evidently not special enough," Maggie sighed regretfully

  "Wait for me, darlin' Wait for me in Dawson I'll be there in March We'll talk then We've never really discussed the future, but somehow I can't think of a future without you How important to you is your career1?"

  Maggie was stunned Were Chase's words meant as a commitment1? Did he love her enough to dedicate his life to her1? She knew he loved his ranch in the wilds of Montana and planned to return there Did she love him enough to give up her career after she'd come so far, done so much, proved she was as capable as any man1?

  Maggie hesitated so long that Chase felt compelled to add, I know what you're thinkin', darlin', but I swear it doesn't matter if you can't have babies I never thought much about kids anyway " A deliberate lie "Too much responsibility " Another lie "I—well, dammit, Maggie, I love you "

  "You—love me?"

  "Did you doubt it?"

  "I—no, not really," Maggie admitted "But, Chase, about babies—"

  "Maggie, are you ready1?" Scott called through the door "We should leave "

  "Go on, darlin' We'll talk about this later, when I get to Dawson Think about what I said, about your career and all I have a feelin' Gold Bottom is gonna pay off big We'll be rich "

  Maggie wanted to tell Chase that she wasn't barren, that she'd deliberately lied so he wouldn't feel obligated to offer marriage, but there wasn't time And since he apparently didn't want children anyway, the subject was moot Would he be disappointed to leam she wasn't barren1? she wondered, suddenly sorry she had told that one little lie

  Kissing her soundly. Chase pushed her toward the door All she managed before she left was a few breathless words "I love you. Chase, I always have " "March, Maggie, wait for me "

  Maggie stared gloomily at the words she'd just written, her eyes adjusting to the meager light Resting her elbow on the desk, her mind traveled back to the cold, uncomfortable trip from Eleven Above to Dawson Bundled in fur robes, she rode in the dogsled driven by Scott over the frozen tundra and breathtaking vistas The only bad thing that had happened to mar their jo
urney was the discovery ofZeke's frozen, mutilated body a short distance from the cabin Wolves had already found it, and not much was left to bury Two days later they arrived in Dawson without mishap

  Maggie had to admit that racing across the frozen white expanses in a dogsled was an exhilarating experience that she wouldn't trade, but nevertheless she was happy to see Dawson The city in mid-winter had literally swelled at the seams Wooden shacks along the river sprang up overnight, and every hotel room was taken, often shared by several men Saloons thrived, supported by starnpeders sheltering in the city for the winter, nearly six thousand men.

  Scott told her Yet the town had never become a lawless hellhole like Skagway, due entirely to the Canadian Mounted Police and their vigilance

  There were even two other women in Dawson, besides saloon girls, who had come by ship via St Michael, Alaska, and the Yukon River in Maggie's absence Mrs Adams had a cabin built, and it was rumored she made thirty dollars a day mending and sewing for miners Mrs Willis bought half interest in a claim on Bonanza Creek, hired two men to work it, and paid their wages from baking and selling bread for one dollar and fifty cents a loaf and from laundering the miners' clothes She made enough money to buy the other half of the claim and was now sole owner Maggie had it all down in her journal and spent most of her lonely hours spinning her tales on paper

  Maggie had been in Dawson a month now, and the weather had turned bitter Fifty degrees below zero had been reported At that temperature, the cold was so intense it burned men's lungs and froze their skin She worried constantly about Chase in his remote cabin, alone with no one to ease his boredom or offer comfort He was not a man accustomed to being confined to small spaces for weeks at a time It was due mostly to Scott's attentiveness that Maggie did not suffer the same boredom Scott's attentions had never wavered despite the fact that she considered him merely a friend


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