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Breathe for It: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride On Book 4)

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by Chelsea Camaron

  Breathe for It

  Hellions Motorcycle Club

  Chelsea Camaron


  Breathe for It

  Content warning:

  Publication Acknowledgements

  Stay up to date

  Hellions Ride On Series Order

  Hellions Family Tree

  Hellions Family Tree

  Breathe for It

  Rhett “Danza” Perchton

  I. Part One

  1. Rhett

  2. Jennissey

  3. Rhett

  II. Part Two

  4. Jennissey

  5. Rhett

  6. Jennissey

  7. Rhett

  8. Jennissey

  9. Rhett

  10. Jennissey

  11. Rhett

  12. Jennissey

  13. Rhett

  14. Jennissey

  15. Rhett

  16. Jennissey

  17. Rhett

  18. Jennissey


  The End

  You made it to the end!

  There is help

  About the Author

  Other works by Chelsea Camaron

  Excerpt from:

  In The Red

  Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2016

  Content Warning

  In The Red


  Three weeks later

  1. Dover

  Breathe for It

  Hellions Ride On

  Written By

  USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author

  Chelsea Camaron

  Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2019

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Chelsea Camaron, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  This is a work of fiction. All character, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  1st edition published: November 18, 2019

  Thank you for purchasing this book. This book and its contents are the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied, and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

  Created with Vellum

  Content warning:

  This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Content involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18. All characters are a work of fiction.

  This is not meant to be an accurate portrayal of life inside a motorcycle club, but rather a work of fiction meant to entertain.

  Publication Acknowledgements

  Cover Photo Credit to Deposit Photos @nelka7812 Piotr Stryjewski

  Vector Image for cover credit to Shutterstock

  Author Acknowledgements

  This book and so many others wouldn’t be what it is without help from the following individuals

  First and foremost, God. Without faith I am nothing.

  Editing by Asli Fratarcangeli of EL Edits and

  Mandy Smith of Raw Book Editing

  Critique Partner who keeps me sane Ryan Michele

  Beta Readers Jennifer “Jenn” Rivera, Carol “Cola” Miller, Aunt Jan, and Author SM Donaldson


  Josh—Fall Seven, Rise Eight. I believe in the power of change.

  Wendy—my dearest friend, when your heart hurts, mine does as well. You are a pillar of grace. I love you so much and admire you more than I can ever put into words. I know this storm is mighty, but your faith is going to endure. I know no one with the strength, love, and grace like you.

  Wendi H—I know you don’t know me. I don’t even know if you read my books, but I saw your posts about what your son is going through, and I want to tell you I admire you. Thank you for your unconditional love of your son.

  Jeremy—Your mom said I saved your life that day. The day you passed out in the front of our office with your car still running. I believe God brings people into our lives for a reason, even if it is only for a brief moment. I pray for you daily. I hope you are clean once again. I hope you are writing your own redemption story.

  For anyone struggling with addiction—don’t lose hope. People love you. They don’t love the drugs. They don’t love what the drugs have done to you, the person they love, but you they love.

  For all the Hellions Readers everywhere—Ride on!

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  Hellions Ride On Series Order

  Hellions Ride On Prequel

  Born to It

  Bastard in It

  Bleed for It

  Breathe for It

  Bold from It

  Broken by It

  Brazen being It

  Better as It

  Brash for It

  Brave in It

  Boss as It

  Hellions Ride First Generation Series:

  One Ride

  Forever Ride

  Merciless Ride

  Eternal Ride

  Innocent Ride

  Simple Ride

  Heated Ride

  Ride with Me

  Originals Ride

  Final Ride

  Hellions Family Tree

  Blaine “Roundman” Reklinger

  (Haywood’s Landing Original – overall President and founder to the club)

  married to Claudia Reklinger – one child

  Delilah “Doll” Reklinger Crews

  Talon “Tripp” Crews (Catawba Hellions President in One Ride – ends up Haywood’s Landing and overall President)

  Married to Doll

  Tripp and Doll have two kids –

  Blaine Ward Crews (BW)

  Dia Nicole Crews

  Hellions Family Tree


  Rhett “Danza” Perchton

  (Haywood’s Landing Original – overall VP – retired) married to Mary Alice – one child

  Savannah “Sass” Perchton Oleander

  Frank “Tank” Oleander (Haywood’s Landing Hellions and overall VP)

  Married to Sass

  Tank and Sass have four kids -

  Kenneth “Red” Oleander

  Rhett “Crunch” Oleander

  Kellum “Pretty Boy” Oleander

  Thomas “Tommy Boy” Oleander

  Breathe for It

  Life rarely gives us a second chance at love. These two find it in this passion-fueled ride.


  I don’t know where it all went so wrong. I was born a Hellion. I breathe for the club life, but at every turn, I put it all at risk.

  I am Rhett “Crunch” Oleander.

  I am still finding my way since losing the one person who meant the most.


  Once upon a time, I believed everyone had this good inside of them. Now, I see the darkness in every single person.

  I am Jennissey Rose Rivera.

bsp; Family over everything, even if it kills me inside every single day.

  She’s the only taste of Heaven he’s ever had. When given a second chance, he’s refusing to let go. The question is, will she walk away again or hang on for the ride?

  Rhett “Danza” Perchton

  The sins of my past are coming full circle. If I knew then what I know now, things would be very different. For my wife, for my daughter, for my grandsons, things would be different.

  He is my legacy.

  I won’t give up on him.

  Part One

  In the Beginning, they had love

  Two years before Bastard in It



  Once upon a time, the only thing I was hooked on was her.

  “Kiss me,” I whisper.

  Immediately, she rolls to her tip toes and presses her lips to mine. The same spark that hit me the first time I put my lips to hers rushes through me again. It’s crazy the way she makes me feel. I can’t get enough of her.

  “Oleander,” Coach Orr says sternly, “Break it up.”

  Jennissey pushes away, and immediately, I want her lips connected to mine. This is the shit that drives me crazy.


  All the adults around us always dictating what we do. We may be young, but damn, we’re just living life. I can’t stand people telling me what to do.

  I let out a low groan in frustration.

  When I’m with her, nothing else exists. The whole world fades away. We’re not at school. We’re not going to class. We don’t have homework. More importantly, we don’t have teachers interrupting our moments together.

  High school sucks.

  That’s the bottom line for me. I’m ready to walk the stage to make my momma happy and then get the fuck out of here.

  I’m so ready to be done with this place. Life is in front of us, and I’m ready to take on the world. If everyone wasn’t so hell bent that I had to get a damn diploma, I’d be long gone from here.

  Coach Orr is the basketball coach, and he’s one of the laid-back teachers, so I know he’s not going to send us to detention. If we get caught by one of the other teachers, well that’s another story.

  Frankly, I’ll serve as many detentions and suspensions as they give. When I want to kiss my girl, I’m going to kiss her. It’s that simple.

  Still, Jennissey is the good girl who doesn’t want to get in trouble. For her, and only for her, I don’t push the limits.

  Taking her hand in mine, I lace our fingers together as we walk to class.

  I want to kiss her again, but I won’t. I want to do it just so Coach Orr can see he isn’t the one in charge like he thinks he is. I swear teachers think they have all this power and they don’t.

  Even if I try, Jenni won’t let me now. One little reprimand and Jenni is ready to walk the line. At least, we have class together, and I can play with her hair while she tries to pay attention. Which is the only thing that gets me through the long periods of bullshit the board of education calls instructional time.

  Ms. Davey gives the same soft sigh she does every day when we walk in together. She’s an English teacher who loves to make us read tragic love stories. I think she’s one of those hopeless romantic types. She doesn’t have a ring on her finger, therefore I don’t think she’s married. Since she is the host teacher for like five of the school clubs, I don’t think she has a boyfriend either. If so, he’s some kind of traveling man and never home because I swear the woman practically lives at the school.

  Once we planned a prank to paint the anchor in front of the school red instead of the blue of our school colors. Five of us showed up after dark ready with the spray paint … only whose car was still in the parking lot—Ms. Davey. What teacher gets to school before seven and works until after nine? One without a life, that’s who!

  “Good morning, Rhett, Jenni, hope you’re ready to learn!” She greets us with exuberance like every day.

  I swear to fuck this woman thinks it’s her job to be fucking sunshine or something. Ms. Davey is four-feet-eleven, with brown hair she always wears pinned back in a bun, round rimmed glasses on her face, and a Hufflepuff pin attached to every dress she wears. She is a self-proclaimed super nerd and proud of her Harry Potter obsession. She’s only in her twenties, but tells us all often that she’s an old soul.

  Her soul … not my business. As for her obsession with all things Potter life, that’s not my cup of tea either.

  Me, I’ve never read the books. Jenni has, but Jenni is smart and likes to read.

  Mom forced a family night where I watched one of the movies. That single evening is the extent of my Potter knowledge. Let me be extra clear, one. I only watched one, and trust me, the struggle was real. For mom, I dealt with the weird language, a special owl, and a magic school.

  My older brother, Red, watched all the movies with Mom; but me, I dealt with the single one my dad said we had to sit through, and that was it.

  Kellum and Tommy Boy didn’t watch the others either. I swear, if Mom had asked Red to read the damn books, he would have. Thousands of pages, he would have read them all. Fuck, he might have done it without being told. I don’t know because we’re not close like that.

  Truthfully, I’m nothing like Red. He’s the golden child.

  We all have our place. The pecking order, the birth order, whatever you want to call it.

  Four boys.

  My place is the pot stirrer, the havoc maker, and the chaos king.

  With four sons and no daughters, it’s a good thing my mom is full of sass to reel our asses in regularly.

  I guess Mom needs one of us to be the good one. Kenneth “Red” Oleander is the example and takes his role as firstborn seriously. He does what they ask, when they ask, and never gets in trouble. In fact, he’s prospecting for the club my dad is the VP of and my grandfather helped create now and will easily earn his rockers and final patch at twenty-one. I have no doubts in his ability to be the perfect son and stepping into his place in the brotherhood that is the Hellions MC.

  Me, I wonder if the club life is for me. There is this half of me that says it’s my birth place, and then the rebel inside screams not to do it just to stand out from the others. Really, it’s not like anyone would miss me.

  There are two years roughly between each of us. Kenneth is nineteen and will turn twenty in two months. I’m eighteen, Kellum just turned sixteen, and Tommy Boy is fourteen. After four boys, Mom said enough trying for a girl; she would just spoil Dia who is like a sister to us, but is really Tripp and Doll’s daughter.

  Whatever makes Mom happy keeps us happy.

  I love and respect her more than anything or anyone in my life. Mom, she really should have had at least one girl. She always loves and wants time with her boys. I imagine if she had a girl they would be the best of friends. Mom loves us all though. She also doesn’t take shit from us either. Nor does she hold back. In fact, with her soft mom smile that says she loves us, she tells us straight up, we better not knock a broad up because she’s not dealing with daughters’ fathers. We all laugh it off.

  Red isn’t going to knock anyone up. He’s got his future all mapped out with Rochelle “Shelly” McFadden. She’s a high-class piece who thinks money and pussy run the world. While her pussy might run my brother, he couldn’t give a shit about the money her parents have. See, he’s that good of a guy. Whatever his girl wants, he’ll give her. It used to piss me off, but now having Jenni, I’m pretty sure there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for her.

  Kellum is too jaded to fuck around and knock a broad up. As for Tommy Boy, he’s still young, hasn’t gotten his dick wet yet, so he doesn’t know what he’s missing.

  Mom worries about me, saying I’m her fearless child who always jumped off the couch to see if I could fly. Honestly, maybe if I hadn’t found what I got with Jenni, the story could be quite different. I’m not that kind of guy, though. Jennissey is it for me. I don’t need to look for anybody else; she makes me a
better man. We may be young, but we know we’re going to tackle life together.

  I’m the second-born and considered the problem child to most. Does it bother me? Nah, I wear the shit like a badge of honor. Someone’s got to be the hell-raiser around here.

  My gramps, Rhett “Danza” Perchton, believes I choose to be difficult because I have the soul of a gypsy. I don’t disagree. Seeing the world appeals to me. The idea of staying in one place, staying here even, doesn’t sit well inside me. I can’t explain it.

  I want to be here; it’s familiar. I also know I’m expected to patch in with the Hellions. My gramps is an original, after all.


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