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Breathe for It: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride On Book 4)

Page 12

by Chelsea Camaron

  The Hell she’s endured … I can’t even think about it right now.

  “So big, bad Ezra is gonna shoot us?” Jami taunts him.

  “Not until I have that pussy one more time,” he grumbles to Jami, and I start to dry heave.

  “Shoot me now, I’ll die before you touch me ever again.” She steps closer. “You see, Ezra, father or not, I’ve learned my worth, and that shit doesn’t come from you. Chased an escape from the memories of you for years. In the end, the power to forget is within me. I take away the scars you left on my soul. My body is no longer tainted by your touch. My mind is clear. So, go ahead, Ezra, do your worst; I’m still going to be standing strong.”

  In this moment of pain, I couldn’t love my sister any more. She is stronger than any person I have ever known.

  “You’re scum,” I say, spitting at his feet. “If I had known what you were doing to her, I’d have told someone about the abuse.”

  “Hennessey, my sweet girl, you wouldn’t go against your Papa.”

  I throw my hand up. “I’m nothing to you. And you are nothing but shit on my shoe.”

  He holds the gun steady. Honestly, I want him to shoot me now. I failed my sister in the worst of ways. I deserve to die. But I want to make sure Jami is alive. After everything she has gone through she needs to live a life filled with hope, happiness, and love.

  “You owe me an explanation,” Jami states with firm resolve.

  As much as I didn’t want to come back home, I can see why she needs this as part of her healing. Even if it gets us both killed, I see the difference in her already as she faces him.

  She steps closer to him. “Tell me why, Ezra. Shoot me dead, but tell me why? Why did you do all those things to me? I thought you loved me, even though you hurt me, I thought you cared.”

  He gives her an arrogant smirk. “You weren’t mine. You were a reminder of the man she fucked. I wanted you to hurt the way I hurt when she stepped out on me. In your pain, Jamison, I found my glory. Just like I find in the bottom of each and every bottle.” With his free hand, he grabs his bottle to take another swig.

  Outside, I hear what sounds like motorcycles pulling up. My attention goes back to my sister when she takes another step closer to her tormentor.

  “You have no power over me. She has no power over me. I’m free from it all. And I’m glad I remind you of him. I’m glad I can stand in your fuckin’ face and make you remember all the ways you failed your wife. All the ways you failed as a man.”

  Time stands still as the door opens and Rhett comes in with a gun aimed at my father.

  “She stepped out because you were shit, Ezra!” Jami yells as a pop sounds, and I jump to grab my sister.

  Another popping noise, and I look around to see Ezra falling to the ground as I catch Jami while she cries out. I pull her to me and feel warm liquid hit my arm.

  “No,” I yell as my sister’s eyes look to mine.

  “I have the power back, Jenni. He can’t hurt me anymore,” she whispers as I see the wound to her chest bleeding out all over me.

  “Jami, be strong. Hold on for me.”

  This can’t be how her story ends. He doesn’t get to do this to her.

  He doesn’t get to do this to me.



  Now I know what it is to truly feel at home

  Breeching the doorway, I do so with my eyes locked to my target, Ezra Rivera. With my Glock out and ready, I step inside the trailer. I don’t think. I see Ezra Rivera standing with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a gun pointed in the direction of Jenni and Jami in the other.

  The pop goes off from his gun. My finger pulls the trigger without hesitation.

  Ezra falls to the ground in a heap with a bullet to his head.

  I rush in as Jami falls into Jenni’s arms with a cry. Jenni is barely standing, struggling to hold her sister up as blood seeps from a wound in Jami’s chest Jami passes out, likely from shock.

  Tommy goes to Jami while I move to Jenni, who promptly falls apart in my arms.

  “I got you,” I whisper as the rest of the Hellions pile into the small space.

  “She needs a doc,” Tommy yells out.

  I pull Jenni closer, holding her tightly as my dad moves to help Tommy carry Jami outside.

  “Keys,” Tripp yells, “need her car.”

  Without putting space between us, I cup Jenni’s head to make her look at me. “Need your keys, baby. We got a doc waiting on Jami. I gotta get your keys.”

  “In the car,” she whispers.

  “In the car,” I holler back to Tripp who takes off.

  “Baby, need you to look at me,” I instruct, and she obliges. “Tommy’s gonna take Jami in your car to the doc. I’m gonna take you on my bike. Can you ride?”

  She nods and then peeks around me to where Ezra lays unmoving. “What about him?”

  I shake my head. “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  God, this shit sucks. I’ve made many impulse decisions in my life. Ones that usually result in trouble. This, though, I don’t have an ounce of regret. In the split second I had, it was Ezra or Jenni, and I will always choose Jenni.

  “I’m not. You saved me and Jami. Rhett, you saved my sister.”

  Guiding her out of the house carefully, so she doesn’t see her father’s lifeless body, I get us to my bike. We take off back to the compound where we have Doc Kelly waiting. Doc Kelly is the on-call physician for the Hellions. She is married to Head Case who is a psychologist; they met in college. They used to live in Catawba, but decided to retire at the coast. Luckily for us, they are both good at what they do. Head Case has enough medical knowledge to assist his wife when necessary. We have one of the duplexes on the compound set up like a surgical center, so that’s where Tommy is with Jami.

  We get to the place, and Tommy is in the common area with one of the bedroom doors shut. Blood covers his shirt and his pants.

  “Jenni, are y’all the same blood type?” Tommy asks panicked.

  “I don’t know,” Jenni replies with fear in her voice. “Does she need blood? What do I need to do?” Jenni’s voice cracks as her panic climbs.

  “Both of you, we gotta breathe.”

  My skin itches. I want to get high. In therapy, Dr. Angie said it would always be this battle in my mind. Fight or flight, and to my mind, the drugs are always the better answer. I know I don’t need the drugs. My mind is saying I want them, but I can withstand and I will.

  The common area fills with my dad and biological brothers. Tripp and the other Hellions stay back at the trailer and go about cleaning up any evidence on Ezra Rivera. Thank fuck for the people we payoff to fix shit like autopsy reports. By tomorrow morning, the newspaper obituary will read that Ezra Rivera died at home alone from heart failure. This is my world. The Hellions have my back.

  In this moment, I am grateful for the brotherhood. There is not a single doubt in my mind if this had gone down without the club at my back, I would be going to find a high right now instead of thinking through the next moves for Jenni and Jami.

  Jenni stays at my side with her arms around me.

  “Rhett,” she whispers. “Jami’s gotta be okay.”

  I nod. “Baby, they’re doin’ all they can. She’s strong.”

  We all stand around waiting. I’ve never been a patient man and this is killing me. Jami has to pull through. She’s put her body through worse than a damn gunshot. This cannot be how her life ends.

  Time passes before Head Case comes out. “She’s stable. The bullet missed her heart. Did some damage to her clavicle, so Kelly’s resetting it, and removing fragments that were left inside. Before we put her under, she requested no pain meds. Something about a drug problem.”

  I blink at his words and then give him the truth. “Yes, she and I were in rehab together. She is a recovering addict. Do what is medically necessary, but do so with precaution is what we are taught.”

  He nods and then reaches out to take Jenni’s hand. “Sh
e’s going to be okay. She’ll be sore, and her arm will be in a sling while the clavicle heals, but your sister is a survivor.”

  I feel the relief come off Jenni in waves.

  “Yes,” Jenni says, lifting her head to look at me. “She’s the strongest person I know, along with you, Rhett.”

  I shake my head, unable to process the compliment. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to take people saying good things about me after all the wrongs I’ve done. In time, maybe I’ll learn. Right now, I’m fighting the thoughts in my head from tearing me apart while I battle the craving only a high will sooth. I will not succumb though because my will is stronger than my want.

  We move to the couch where I keep Jenni tucked to my side. Leaning over, I whisper, “Scared as fuck I was losing you for good this time.” I press my lips to her temple.

  “Thank you for saving us, Rhett,” she mutters as her eyes come to mine.

  “Nothing, and I mean there is nothin’ I won’t do for you, Jenni.”

  With that, I lean down, not wanting to waste another second, and press my lips to hers.

  Electricity shoots through me, and I smile against her lips.

  Some things simply don’t change.

  I have been given a second chance at having a good life … now I want a second chance at love.



  Two weeks Later

  First dates don’t always suck.

  Jami is healing well. We are staying in Rhett’s river house. Surprisingly, Tommy has been staying with us, but Rhett has not.

  Tonight, I hope that changes. I miss him. We have talked every day. Hours and hours on the phone we have caught up over the years we have been apart. It’s sweet, but I want to see him, hold him, kiss him.

  He’s taking me to dinner.

  A real date.

  I haven’t had a date in years.

  Our first date was so long ago and we are two different people now.

  Life in Haywood’s Landing is better than I ever imagined. Rhett and Tommy own a company flipping houses and doing property management. Therefore, rather than working for someone else, they set Jami and I up to clean for them.

  It’s empowering for both of us to finally feel like we have control of our lives.

  With Ezra no longer a threat, we are enjoying each day as it comes. It sucks our mom died and we didn’t even know it, but Jami and I both know she wasn’t the best mom to begin with. It’s still something I think we are both coming to terms with, but time heals all wounds they say.

  Things are good.

  And tonight, I’m going on my first date with Crunch. That’s Rhett’s road name. He says they will go back to calling him that instead of prospect once he earns his rockers again. I’m learning about life as an ol’ lady, and it all fascinates me.

  Since I’m embracing my biker, I am wearing jeans with boots and a black halter top that shows a few inches of my stomach. My hair is braided back because we are taking his bike and my make-up is sultry.

  I hear the bike rumble in the driveway. With a quick goodbye to my sister, I rush out the door and down the stairs.

  Rhett smiles form his seat on his bike as I rush to him I can’t contain my excitement, and I greet him with a kiss.

  “You ready to ride with me?” he asks handing me a helmet.

  I nod putting it on and settling in behind him.

  He pulls around the circle driveway. “Why are we on the edge?” I ask, wrapping my arms around him.

  “Sand gets loose, baby, stay up on the edges where the grass packs it in.”

  I nod as I press my body to his. Honestly, I don’t care about going to dinner. It’s been so long, and I’ve been through so much with Rhett, I just want to feel him. With my thighs closed tightly around his, I run my hands up and down under his shirt.

  He lets out a laugh, but doesn’t stop my teasing. Trailing lower, I cup the crotch of his jeans as I breathe against his neck.

  “Fuckin’ hell, Jenni. You feel what you do to me?”

  “Yes,” I half pant. I don’t care about dinner, it’s been so long since I’ve had love like this, I want to be with Rhett.

  “You feel that vibration, baby?” he asks as we make it to the end of the dirt roads, getting ready to go out onto the paved one. “I’m gonna twist the throttle, and you’re gonna feel my bike come alive. That hum it’s going to climb from the tips of your toes, up your legs, your ass, and it’s going to make your pussy tingle. I wanna know when it hits you, Jenni. I wanna know when that sensation climbs up your spine. Every curve, you’re gonna press into me. You’re gonna feel me while my bike takes you on a ride. Every bump in the road, it’s gonna rock your core, baby. I want you to grind it.”

  His words turn me on so much, I don’t even notice that I’m now stroking his cock through his jeans in a rhythm.

  “Ride with me, Jenni.”

  At those words, he twists the throttle, and we move out onto the road. The bump up from the dirt to the pavement throws my ass down on the seat in the perfect timing where the vibration of the engine shoots through me. I yelp as the pleasure builds.

  Pressing my lips to the curve of his neck, I suck as I continue to stroke him, feeling his dick grow in his jeans.

  By the time we pull up to the restaurant, I’m not even sure where we are. I got so lost in the feel of the bike and Rhett I didn’t even pay attention to where he drove.

  I look up and see we are at the same place he took me on our first date in high school.

  “You remembered,” I acknowledge as I fight to calm the need of my body to have him rather than dinner.

  “Not a single memory of you I’d ever forget,” he tells me as I reluctantly take my hand from his crotch.

  I look down at the impressive tent, and he shrugs his shoulders. “Gonna feed you, then if you still wanna play, baby, I’m yours all night long.”

  At his words, I want to tell him to forget dinner, but there is something about knowing he’s this turned on because of me that gives me this pride where I want to walk hand-in-hand with him. Even inside a fancy restaurant, I don’t mind that he’s not hiding his erection.

  I feel sexy.

  We eat and Rhett makes it a point to sit beside me instead of across from me. Throughout the meal, he keeps running his hand up and down my thigh. I wore jeans because of the bike but my body craves his touch and I wish I had worn a skirt or dress.

  The ride home the wind picks up and I feel like Mother Nature herself is giving me her blessing as I wrap myself tighter to Rhett.

  When we get home, I notice the house is dark and Tommy’s bike is gone. Checking my phone, I have a text from Jami.

  Crashing with Tommy on the compound. Figured you needed some privacy.

  I haven’t been away from Jami overnight since rehab. I thought this would make me anxious. Only right now I’m so turned on, I am grateful to have this time alone with Rhett.

  Walking up the stairs and into the house, I don’t hesitate to kick off my boots and make my way to the bedroom stripping as I go.

  “Damn, baby, this is one show you are givin’.”

  “Need you, Rhett.”

  “Wanna take my time, Jenni.”

  I shake my head. “We’ve wasted enough time. I need you, Rhett.”

  He gives a small laugh. “I won’t deny you anything.”

  “Then strip,” I command with a smirk as I take off my clothes and lay back on the bed. I have never been so ready to have sex in my life.

  Rhett stands at the end of the bed kicking off his boots and watching me. “Touch yourself, Jenni. I wanna see you work yourself up, baby.”

  I bite my bottom lip as I trail my hand south to my juncture. He removes his cut.

  “Gonna give me a show?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Nope, I’m enjoyin’ the one you’re givin’ me.”

  His words give me confidence as I tease myself rubbing my pussy lips. He lifts his shirt exposing his chest with his tatto
os including the newest one over his abdomen. The words fall seven, rise eight flex with his abs as he begins to undo his jeans. When he’s naked in front of me, I slide one finger in my heat as he strokes his cock and the metal jewelry in the tip glistens in the soft glow of the room.

  He steps towards the bed where he stops at the end and grabs my ankles pulling me to him. Spreading my legs wide, he drops his head to my core and devours my pussy. I arch my back and cry out as the sensations flood me. He fucks me with his tongue as I feel the climax building.

  “Rhett, I’m getting there but I want you in me.”

  In our many conversations I learned he got tested after he got clean since he used needle drugs. He is clean and I knew I was since my last doctor’s visit I hadn’t had sex.

  My legs begin to shake when he pulls his mouth from my body. Gripping my thighs, he slides me down more. Then I watch in fascination as he lines his cock up with my entrance and glides into me. As he fills me to the hilt, he leans down. I eagerly await his kiss.

  Instead, he whispers against my lips, “fuckin’ hard for you. Always you. I love you, Jennissey Rose. Always.”

  His eyes lock to mine as he begins to move. I can’t speak because I feel his piercing graze the walls inside of me and my entire body shakes. He sets a slow pace and begins to pick up. As he fucks me, he keeps his eyes to mine. When I feel myself climbing higher, he reaches between us and presses his thumb to my clit. Just as I cry out his name he presses his lips to mine.

  I taste myself on his tongue. The exotic mixture sends me shooting into another orgasm before I can even come down from the first.

  My body is spent as I feel him tighten and moan before his hot seed fills me. He breaks our kiss and pulls out of me while I swear I’m still seeing stars. Gently he moves me up the bed and tucks me to him.


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