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Born a Queen (The Queens Book 3)

Page 31

by Nikita Slater

  "For surviving; for giving me a reason to continue breathing."

  Raina didn't know what to say to that, so she kissed his chin and whispered, "You're welcome."

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  "How do I look?" Raina asked, turning to face her father.

  Joe blinked rapidly and then ran a finger under one of his eyelids. "Like a queen." His voice was choked as he spoke.

  He leaned down and kissed Raina's forehead before pulling the veil over top of the crown on her head and covering her face.

  Raina's wedding day was an elaborate affair. Between Diane, Cassie and Vee, Raina barely had to lift a finger for it. Her gorgeous Marchesa gown had arrived two weeks earlier and fit her like a glove. It had a classic bell skirt with a sweetheart neckline and short sleeves. Diane had sewn the veil herself using a crown that Vee provided.

  Cassie had harassed every flower shop in Miami until she finally settled on one that could supply her with everything she demanded. She wanted roses in every colour. There were blue, purple, red, pink, white and even black roses. The colourful combination was surprisingly stunning and elegant. There were two sections of chairs, one on either side of the aisle that Raina and Joe would walk down.

  Moments earlier, Raina's bridesmaids had made their way down the aisle; Cassie, Angela and one of Mateo’s sisters who flew in from Venezuela. On the other side stood Mateo, looking handsome and regal in his tuxedo. Beside him, standing tall, was his best man Sotza. Beside Sotza was Danny and Giovanni.

  It was a beautiful summer day and everyone on their guest list seemed bright and happy. Many of them had already been through Raina's bedroom to wish her luck. Mateo's mother, Ana Victoria, had brought Raina a small spray of blue flowers which they pinned to Raina’s skirt so she could wear something blue.

  Raina hadn't had much time to spend with Mateo's family. They were polite but distant, a trait Mateo shared. It saddened Raina that Mateo wasn’t close with his family. Circumstance had kept them separated over the years. He'd been busy working up in the Venezuelan mountains and flying around the world securing Sotza’s investments. He also hadn’t wanted his lifestyle to put their lives in danger or put them under the scrutiny of authorities.

  Joe and Diane had flown in the week before, along with Cassie and Noah. They had all accepted Raina’s and Mateo's invitation to stay at the mansion, which was large enough to hold many houseguests. Cassie and Diane had thrown themselves wholeheartedly into the wedding, supervising every detail, right down to the nail polish that Raina would wear. They chose a pink one with a light sparkle called Princesses Rule.

  Vee and Sotza had flown in two days before the wedding. It was generally understood that Vee did not have a lot of time or patience for things like weddings, but she tried. She militantly kept everyone organized and in line when it looked like there might be an argument. Raina could definitely see how her mother had once been the boss of Miami.

  "Are you ready?" Joe asked Raina.

  Raina gazed up the aisle toward her future husband. Yes, she was ready. Finally, ready. She had feared this man, hated him, and loved him fiercely. Now, she couldn't imagine a life without him. She wanted to tie herself to him in every way possible so that going forward they would always be united.

  "Yes, I'm ready." She gave her father a radiant smile and took the first step onto the aisle, a section of close-cut grass with flower petals strewn across.

  Raina's train dragged behind her as she walked confidently toward Mateo. Her eyes were on him and he never once looked away. His expression did not change from his usual somber seriousness, which Raina appreciated. Perhaps Mateo was a man of few words. He wasn't particularly romantic and sometimes he said the wrong thing. But his heart was pure, and it beat for her alone. Only a fool wouldn't take hold of it with both hands and keep it safe.

  As Raina approached the front, she turned to look at her father who lifted the veil from her face and set it over her head. Once again, he kissed her cheek. As Raina stepped toward Mateo, Sotza took a step toward her, waylaying her. He laid a hand on her shoulder and said, "I haven't had much of a chance to be a father to you, but I want you to know that you are the daughter of my heart. If you ever need anything you have only to call."

  Raina had done so well at keeping her tears in check, but in a few words, Sotza summoned them to the forefront. The big, tough regal man who never unbent was allowing her space in his heart. A heart that belonged to Raina's mother.

  "I know," she whispered, then smiled up at him. "Same to you. If you ever need me, I’ll come to your rescue."

  Sotza chuckled. "Just like your mother." He bent down and kissed Raina's other cheek then took his place next Mateo.

  Their vows were simple and traditional, both agreeing that neither were poetic enough to write their own. Raina didn't mind, she loved hearing that he would hold her in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for the rest of their lives.

  The ceremony was short and when it was over everyone was ready to party. Their reception was a mixed group. Some of Raina's friends from her hometown and from her university. A bunch of Mateo's contacts. Even the formidable Bolivian boss, Reyes, and his wife, Casey, had made the trip down, along with Reyes second-in-command, Alejandro, and his wife, Gina, who was soft and sweet, her belly round with pregnancy. The look suited her.

  Raina had been ecstatic to finally meet Casey in person and the women had chattered as though they were long-lost friends. Casey loved everything about the mansion renovations, which was a relief to Raina who worried coming back to the house would be traumatic.

  Casey had admitted to some hesitation, but said she quickly got over it when faced with a home that looked nothing like the one she shared with Ignacio Hernandez. Though technically Casey was more Vee’s friend than Raina's, Raina suspected that she and Casey had more in common, and that they would become even better friends in the future.

  They ate and partied well into the night until Raina didn't think she could eat one more cocktail shrimp or dance one more dance. Of course, when Cassie dragged her back onto the dance floor for one last twirl, Raina had no choice but to concede gracefully. Mateo watched from the sidelines as his new wife imitated silly dance moves with her best friend. His eyes shone with happiness and Raina felt pride. She had put that look there and she would do whatever it took to ensure that it remained.

  Raina was pretty much dead on her feet when Mateo intercepted yet another person attempting to get her to dance again.

  "Are you cutting in?" she asked, smothering a yawn against his shoulder.

  He didn't answer. Instead he took her arm and beelined off the dance floor, away from their guests. Several tried to wave them down, but Mateo wasn't having it. He wanted his bride to himself. Raina trailed after him, her steps lagging with exhaustion. She'd had a long and very satisfying day and now she wanted nothing more than to kick off her heels and collapse into the nearest bed.

  She was pleased to note that Mateo was dragging her through the mansion and up towards their bedroom. She was surprised when he stopped in front of the master suite. After the bombing, Mateo asked Raina to leave the renovation of the bedroom to him. She'd been curious but backed off, working on the other rooms instead. Mateo continued to share Raina's room, though he finished the master suite days ago.

  She smothered another yawn, her eyes scrunching shut as Mateo pushed the door open and then bent to lift Raina off her feet. She giggled and clutched his neck, then gasped as she caught sight of the room.

  "Oh my god, Mateo!" He set her on her feet so she could have a good look around the room.

  "Did you knock down a wall?"

  The room looked so much larger than it had before, as though it was two rooms in one.

  He chuckled. “The bomb did that, I took advantage of an opportunity and made the room bigger.”

  A huge California king size bed occupied the middle of the room with a gorgeous canopy over top. The filmy material falling from the canopy definitely
didn't suit Mateo. He had chosen it for her, and her heart ached with happiness as she looked around noting all the touches that he'd made for her comfort.

  There was a brand-new make up table, a hope chest with a beautiful hand quilted blanket across the top. Raina touched the blanket with her fingertips as she recognized Diane's work. There were a series of three pictures gracing one of the walls and Raina's eyes filled with tears as she looked at them. They were all of her. A picture that Mateo had taken of her in a candid moment, with her head bent over a book and her hair swirling around her face, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She had been in deep concentration when the picture was taken.

  It had been taken in Venezuela two and a half years ago. She’d heard the click of his phone as he was taking the picture and she looked up sharply. She'd yelled at him for interrupting her, for always interrupting her. For following her around and harassing her, for insisting that she stay inside instead of sitting in the garden.

  Now, she understood that he been worried over her safety. He was always worried for her safety. Raina knew that this would be a fight they continued for the duration of their marriage, between his desire to bubble wrap and put her on a shelf versus her need for freedom. But they would find a balance.

  Each picture on the wall was the exact same. Except each one was done in a different colour tone. One was blue, one was pink, and one was purple. It was a beautiful homage to her, and it filled her heart with happiness to see it. She also noted that on her new make-up table was two photographs. One of Diane and Joe and the other Vee and Sotza. Raina was surrounded by the people that loved her.

  She twirled on the spot and launched herself at Mateo, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing tightly. "I love it so much."

  He held her tight, clutching her against his body before setting her away, taking her hand and leading her toward another door. "Come see the ensuite."

  Raina was excited. What woman didn't love a brand-new bathroom?

  The ensuite was a slightly different colour palette from the bedroom. She suspected Mateo had handed over the reins to her interior designer. She was so glad. Vito, the designer, had gotten to know her well over the past few months and had installed everything he knew Raina would want. A deep whirlpool tub, his and her sinks, and an environmentally friendly flush toilet. Lots of beautiful bright lights with the heat lamp above the tub. Next to the tub was a marble shower with a rainspout for a showerhead.

  Raina grinned at Mateo and shook her head. "You've outdone yourself, gangster."

  Mateo touched the back of her dress, his fingers lingering on the zipper. "May I?"

  Her mouth went dry. It was strange, they'd had sex many times over the past few months becoming more and more adventurous with each encounter. Raina hadn't thought it possible, but her satisfaction with Mateo and sex was constantly increasing until she didn't think it could get any better. Yet he kept proving her wrong, sending her spiraling toward new heights.

  Marriage though… that was different. She was about to become his wife not only in name, but physically as well.

  Raina knew it made no difference to Mateo. He considered her his wife the moment he decided their union would happen. Today was just another day to him. Today was for her, the bride. Mateo wanted her to shine and gave everyone around them the leeway needed to create an incredible wedding.

  "Yes," she whispered.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Mateo slid the zipper of her dress down until it reached the base of her spine, stopping just above her butt. His fingers lingered there, sliding through the zip and touching her skin. She breathed in deeply and let it out on a sigh.

  It felt so damn good to have him touch her. The wedding excitement had been going on for weeks and they became gradually more and more separated through the entire ordeal. The culmination of everything had been a wonderful and beautiful occasion, but Raina was ready to have her husband to herself.

  Mateo slid his hands over her shoulders and then down her front, sliding them into the top of her gown which was loose now. His hands lingered at her breasts, the rough fingertips barely grazing her aching nipples. That simple stroke over her sensitive skin sent arrows of pleasure shooting through her.

  She moaned and turned in his arms, tipping her face up for a kiss. Mateo did not disappoint. He gripped her face with a hand on either cheek and pulled her up onto her toes where he plundered her lips with a heated, desperate need. He wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her even further into his body, as though he couldn't get enough of her.

  Raina clutched him, feeling the same. Having so many people in the house, interacting with them, being polite and always the gracious host had been a challenge. Mateo and Raina had been constantly on, every night falling into bed too tired to make love.

  But this was their night, their time. Mateo reached out and turned the tap on in the shower. Then he helped Raina finish undressing. He touched and looked his fill with each part of her that was exposed to his hungry gaze. He dropped to his knees in front of her, and buried his face against her pussy, his hands clutching the backs of her thighs.

  Raina gasped and grabbed his head, hanging on for the ride as he thrust his tongue against her slit, gathering the moisture that was rapidly growing there before attacking her clit. It was an incredible erotic moment, she standing over top of him in a position of power but also vulnerable in her nudity. Him, big, broad shouldered, kneeling at her feet, his face buried in her pussy. Her pale hand threaded through the strands of his black hair.

  She continued to stare down as he used a finger to thrust up inside her driving her over the edge as his tongue continued to lash her wet and swollen clit. Raina threw her head back and moaned her pleasure as an orgasm washed over her, radiating from her center and hitting her in waves. Her knees buckled and Mateo clutched her close, holding her up. When she looked down, it was to find him looking up at her, her juices on his chin, deep possession in his eyes.

  "Mi amor."

  Her heart melted. Yes, she was his love. She would always be his love. She knew that because no one could love her the way Mateo loved her. He loved with his whole being, no part of him separate from her.

  While he was still on his knees below her, he shoved his tuxedo jacket off his broad shoulders and let it pool on the floor. He undid the buttons of his shirt and yanked it off as well. Then he stood, towering over her, his hands going to his fly. Raina placed her hands on top of his.

  "Let me." Her voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.

  He nodded and allowed her to unbuckle his belt, undo his button and unzip his fly. She pushed his pants over his hips and down to his feet. As was his usual, Mateo wasn't wearing any underwear.

  Raina attempted to drop to her knees, but Mateo stopped her, forcing her to stand straight again. "My woman does not kneel for anyone. You’re my queen, never forget that."

  She was awed by his words, the full meaning impacting her as she thought of their future together. Still, she was disappointed. "But what if this queen wants to suck your dick?"

  Raina hadn't done that yet. She had never gone down on anyone before. Though they'd spent months exploring each other, this was one thing she hadn't done yet. Mateo hadn’t encouraged it, believing that she would drive him over the edge faster than he wanted.

  Of course, Raina had taken that as a challenge and had sought other ways to push him over the edge before he was ready. Mateo usually punished her with more orgasms than she thought her body could take. He was the king of multiple orgasms.

  "You will not kneel." Mateo sounded firm and Raina continued to pout as they showered together.

  Mateo's hands washed sensually over Raina's body, touching her everywhere, probably more than necessary to get her clean. She didn't mind though. His hands were incredible, and he knew how to use them.

  When they finished, he used a new fluffy white towel to dry first her and then him. While he was drying himself, Raina walked back into the bedroom an
d over to the bed. She cast a look over her shoulder and then reached down to flip the big fluffy quilt over. She smiled as she saw the book on Mateo's side of the bed, sitting on his nightstand. It was a battered copy of Johanna Lindsay's Captive Bride.

  Mateo walked up behind her, sliding an arm around her waist, and pulling her against his chest. He put his chin on her head and they stood that way for a few minutes. She could feel his cock between the cheeks of her ass, hard and ready to go, but they needed this moment together first. Breathing in sync, each contemplating their future together.

  Finally, Mateo turned her in his arms and dropped his head for a kiss. As his lips held hers, he tried to gently push her down on the bed, but she resisted. He pushed harder; Raina resisted harder. Then, she maneuvered them so that his back was to the bed and she was facing him. She broke the kiss, looked up at him and grinned. Then she used both hands to shove his shoulders.

  She should've known he wouldn't actually fall back on the bed as she intended. He frowned down at her as though wondering why the tiny fly was buzzing against his chest. She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes. "Can you please lay down on your back? We’re going to pretend that I aggressively threw you down."

  Mateo didn't move. "If you think that you'll be taking the dominant role on our wedding night, you need to think again."

  Raina narrowed her eyes at him and stepped up, pressing her bare breasts against his chest. She tilted her chin to stare him in the eyes. "If you ever want a mouth on your dick again, you will lay down on your back, arms behind your head, eyes on the canopy."

  To his credit he stood his ground for about twenty more seconds as he tried to determine the importance of blowjobs to his existence, then growled a stream of Spanish swear words, climbed onto the bed and lay down on his back. He followed her instructions to the letter, his hands behind his head, his biceps bulging and his eyes on the canopy.

  Raina leapt onto the bed between his legs. She must have scared him because he flinched when she landed. She laughed out loud, then crawled up his legs toward his cock. She really did want to tease him more, but she was also dying to see what he tasted like. She took hold of the base and squeezed. Gently at first and then harder as she realized she could. She leaned over, the wisps of her blond hair having escaped from her intricate updo as she took the tip of his cock into her mouth.


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