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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

Page 2

by Lila Rose

  “Do I get the job?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Give me the times you’ll be working at the compound and we’ll work around it.”

  I stood again and slipped a piece of paper out the back of my pocket. I’d already thought he would need it. I placed it on his desk and said, “See you Friday. That’s when I can start.”

  “I’ll have something set up for you.”

  My gut sank. I thought I wanted this. Now I wasn’t so sure, but I wouldn’t back down.

  Chapter Two


  There was enough evidence to say I wasn’t gay, but fuck me sideways, I enjoyed Kylo sucking me off in my office the other day. I didn’t think he’d do it, but it just proved that when two stubborn people wouldn’t back down, things happened.

  Now that scene pushed into my mind at the weirdest moments. When I was taking a piss, cooking, eating, when I was fucking a random, and when I was lying in bed waiting for sleep to take me.

  I hadn’t seen him since that day and he’d be in shortly for his first job. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see him. This shit felt strange and I wasn’t used to feeling uncomfortable, yet horny at the same time.

  And seriously, why the hell did I get head without protection? I’d never done that, and I kept trying to tell myself it was for the experience of receiving my first blow job off a guy, but I wasn’t so sure. My head was a mess.

  A knock sounded on my door. It was my door, even though I co-owned with Country, State, and Wreck, but they had an office on the top floor. We each took a turn at managing this local club and oversaw the other clubs via calls, emails, and videos with the others we’d opened.

  “Enter,” I called.

  It opened and in stepped Lucas, my brother. My eyes widened. “What are you doin’ here?” He’d never dropped into Polished before, why now?

  “A little birdy told me that Kylo has his first job tonight.”

  I snorted. “A little birdy? Do you mean that guy you call your boyfriend?”

  “Maybe.” He smiled. It was good to see him happy. Never thought it would be with a brother, but Wreck proved he cared for Lucas as much as Lucas adored him. It was strange, but who was I to stop something that was obviously good for each of them? Even when I was pissed after finding out they’d been seeing each other behind my back, and that, at first, I didn’t trust Wreck playing with my brother’s heart. It took only moments to see Wreck was real about it all, which was after I’d hit him in the face.

  Now they just made me sick with all the loving they had going on for each other.

  “Why come here for Kylo?”

  “The… idiot hasn’t been taking my calls or returning my texts ever since I found out he had an interview here. And this is after he told me at the first compound party I went to that he wasn’t really going to apply. I thought I’d catch him here since he’s also been dodging me everywhere else.”

  “Bro, I don’t think here is the right place. What happens if you mess with his head and he can’t do what he’s gotta do?” Not that Kylo had an appointment for sex that night. I hadn’t booked him in for one, but he did have a date with a rich woman who just wanted company while out to dinner. Could I have made an appointment for him with a woman or man for sex? Yeah, we were picking up in that direction, but the others we’d hired would be doing that tonight. They’d had previous experience in selling themselves in the bedroom… well, except for West, Lucas’s friend from college, but he was another who would be just going out on a date for company.

  “I’m not here to judge. You know me better than that. I just want to tell him to stop evading me. I don’t like it.” His smile disappeared and he looked to the ground. Yeah, Lucas wouldn’t like that happening. He didn’t have many friends and losing the ones he had would hurt him.

  “All right, just sit tight. He should be here soon. He has to come in here for his appointment card.”

  Lucas’s smile was back. “Thanks.” He’d made it to the seat across from my desk when another knock sounded on my door.

  “Enter,” I called.

  The door opened and West poked his head in. “Hey—Lucas,” West called, his voice higher than I’d heard it before. “What are you doing here?” West stepped through the door, closed it, and leaned against the wooden panel. He looked pale.

  Fuck. Not another one who hadn’t said shit to people. Sighing, I dropped my head back and then stood.

  “A-Are you working here?” Lucas asked.

  West gulped. He looked at me, and I nodded toward Lucas, trying to tell him he needed to explain this to my brother. West rubbed a hand over his face and moved over to lean his ass on my damn desk as he faced Lucas.

  “Shit, ah, yes, I’m working here. The job I had wasn’t paying enough and they cut my hours back. I needed a new job that paid well with hours that suited me. This was it.”

  “But… you’re willing to sleep with people for it?” Lucas asked; then he noticed what he said and his hands shot up. “Not that I’m judging because I’m not. It’s just… I mean… um, that… ah, I thought you’ve only ever been with one guy.”

  West smiled. “I have, but it doesn’t mean we didn’t do a lot of things. Things that I enjoyed. Plus, Saint promised he wouldn’t have me be with anyone shady.”

  “We’re starting out slow,” I offered. “I’m only sending him out on dates where a man is looking for company, not sex. Yet.”

  Lucas nodded. “Okay, that’s good, and I’m sure the men will love you because you’re handsome.”

  “Can I tell Wreck you said that?” I asked. Lucas glared and I chuckled. Wreck was damn protective of Lucas. He didn’t like anyone looking at him or talking to him if he thought they wanted a piece of him. He also wasn’t a fan of Lucas saying shit like that. I just thought it was hilarious and often teased them about it.

  “He’ll know I didn’t mean anything by it,” Lucas said.

  I raised a brow.

  “He will,” Lucas stated. I grinned. “Oh, shut up, you.” Lucas looked back to West. “I’m upset with you.”

  “Because I didn’t tell you what’s going on and now this?”


  “I know. I’d be pissed as well if it was you. I just didn’t want to spoil what was happening between you and Wreck. I didn’t want to be a downer.”

  “Stop it. No matter when or where, you can come to me. I’m always here for you.” Lucas suddenly sat straighter. Crap, he’d had an idea and I wasn’t sure it would be good for Wreck in the end. “I know. You should come live with Wreck and me for a little while when we move into the new place in about a month.” Lucas could see West was about to say no, so he went on. “It’ll be cheaper than where you are now and closer to the college. The house is huge.” He waved his hand out and around him. “We won’t be in each other’s way at all.”

  Nope, Wreck would hate this idea, but knowing the punk-ass, he’d give in for Lucas.

  “Lucas, thank you for the offer, but—”

  “Don’t say no yet. Think about it. Come by tomorrow night for dinner and we’ll talk some more. Please?” As soon as he pouted and I saw West thawing, I knew West would agree.

  “Fine.” He sighed. “But can we make it Sunday night?”

  “Deal.” Lucas grinned.

  Another knock sounded, and my goddamn heart gave a hard thump.

  “Enter,” I said.

  I already knew who it was, and fuck me, I wasn’t ready to see him and his lips, or mouth, or tongue.

  The door swung open and Kylo stepped through. His smile was hesitant before it vanished when he saw Lucas sitting in the chair. He glanced at me and scowled, as if it was my fault he’d been dodging my brother and that Lucas had to resort to showing up here just to have a word with him.

  I rolled my eyes so I could get a quick look at his junk to see if he was hard. He was. It had my mind jumping straight to wondering if he was hard because he had to come in here to see me. Had he been thinking of sucking me? I’d not
iced he was hard after he’d proved he could make a guy come in minutes. He’d enjoyed it, and my body appealed to him. And when I stretched after receiving head, his gaze had run over me and stopped on my dick. At that moment, he’d looked at it like he wanted more.

  Shit. I quickly sat back down to hide the fact my dick thought it was preening time. It started thickening, listening in on my thoughts.

  “What are you doin’ here, Lucas?” Kylo asked from the still-open doorway.

  “Close the door,” I ordered.

  His jaw clenched, and he didn’t look at me, but he did as I asked. Kylo glanced at West, then Lucas again.

  “So you know he’s workin’ here as well?”

  “I do.” Lucas nodded. “Now, I want to know why you’ve been hiding from me.”

  “Because I couldn’t stand it if you didn’t accept this. It’d make me feel like the shittiest person. You won’t understand my reasonin’. You have great parents, and you know I didn’t. Drugs were their life.” He laughed without humor. “There were days they had no money for food and I had to go without. When they didn’t pay the power bills, I went without light in that hovel of a place. When they didn’t pay the gas, there was no hot water. I never had a lot until Boom took me in. I don’t ever want to feel that again in my life, so I’m making sure I’ll have money to set me up. This is a fuckin’ good payin’ job.”

  Kylo looked away from my brother. He seemed disappointed, not by Lucas, but in himself, and I wanted to stand in front of him and protect him.

  Wait… what the fuck? No, I didn’t. I shook my head at the ridiculous thought.

  Still, I felt bad for him, and what he’d said made a lot of sense.

  “Kylo,” Lucas whispered. I ground my teeth together, not understanding the feeling from hearing my brother say Kylo’s name like that. Lucas stood and made his way across the room to Kylo, who he pulled into a hug. I stretched my neck side to side, suddenly feeling tense.

  “You never have to justify yourself to anyone. Be who you want, do what you want, and you’ll always have my friendship.”

  “Mine too,” West added.

  Kylo put his arms around Lucas’s shoulders since my brother took after our mom, who was damn short. My gut clenched, and I put it down to hunger.

  I clapped my hands. Immediately, they startled and moved apart, all of them looking at me. “Now we know it’s all good, can I get down to business?”

  “Right,” Lucas started. “Yes, of course. Anyway, Wade will be waiting for me. I better go.”

  I shook my head. It was yet another strange thing, hearing my brother call Wreck by his real name. We’d been brothers of the Dimond MC for years and I’d never used his real name.

  “Talk soon,” Lucas called as he slipped out the door and closed it after himself.

  “West, here’s your information about tonight. You’ll have clothes set out in room 203, and you’ll be expected at the Bell Apartments by seven.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, coming forward to grab the sheet of paper. “All right, I can do this…. It is just dinner?”

  I gave him a smile. “Yeah, man. Just dinner and your company, which you’ll be paid well for. Until you get used to it.”

  “Cool,” he said, and as he walked to the door, he said to Kylo, “Good luck tonight.”

  “You too, West.” Kylo gently punched him in the arm before West walked out. Kylo looked back at me. “What you got for me, boss?”

  Was it the lighting in here, or were his cheeks a little redder?

  I grabbed his piece of paper and held it out. He walked closer, took it, and read the information.

  “A woman named Fiona in her fifties, looking for some company while out to dinner.” He flipped it over and then lifted his head. “That’s it?”

  “Yep. Just take her out to dinner and woo her.”

  “Nothing after it?”



  “Your clothes are in room 405. There you’ll also find keys to a Chrysler. You’ll pick her up at the address provided by 8:00 p.m. She likes late dinners. I’ve booked you in fifteen minutes after pick-up at Le Cirque. Be on your best behavior.”

  His jaw clenched. “You didn’t say that to West when he left.”

  “What?” I asked, leaning forward to rest my elbows on the desk.

  “Be on your best behavior.” He must have registered that he sounded like a teenager because he quickly added, “Forget it.”

  “Kylo,” I called when he started for the door. He turned back. “You and West are the least experienced in selling your body. I have others who have done it for years to pick up those clients… for now. You’ll be watched like all employees are when they leave our premises. If I hear good things about the way you work with the client, then you’ll be put into a different position. Until then, you and West will be having the same details each time.”

  He nodded and faced the door again.

  “Kylo,” I called, and I wasn’t sure why I did it. When he looked over his shoulder, I added, “You understand my choice?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  “Good, then you can go.”

  He did and the room quieted when he closed the door after himself. I knew outside that door people were working their asses off by either taking clients to their rooms or off getting ready for one. The other co-owners had wanted their office far away from the action, which was why they picked the top floor, but I wanted mine right in the mix of things. It was soundproof when the door was closed, but as soon as it opened, I heard it all. I also liked not being far from the front entrance in case there was a problem. Yeah, we had other brothers who took care of the security details, but I was always willing to help out when things got difficult.

  I picked up my phone and pressed in a contact. “Saint,” Torch answered.

  “You’ve got Kylo tonight, and tell Death he’s on West. Both are dates only, but you never know what can happen.”

  “Got it, but who the fuck is Kylo?”

  I rolled my eyes. “The prospect.” Kylo didn’t have a club name until he graduated to a full member. Until then, we only knew him as the prospect, like the other few wanting to be a part of the club.

  “Which one?” he asked.

  I sighed and heard Death say something in the background. Torch made a noise. “Right, the one who’s your brother’s friend.”

  “Yeah, him.”

  The one who sucked my dick like no one had before.

  “What room is he in?” Torch asked.

  “Room 405, and tell Death that West is in 203, but he won’t be there long. He’ll need to move his ass to get there.”

  “On it. Recon later,” Torch said and then hung up.

  “Fuck,” I clipped, after I dropped the phone to my desk. I scrubbed a hand over my face and slouched. I’d lied to West and Kylo. Out of the other men we’d hired, only one had experience. The other five hadn’t. However, since Kylo and West were my brother’s friends, I would hold them off as long as I could before moving them into the other position.

  At least, that was what I was telling myself about Kylo anyway.

  Chapter Three


  As I got dressed in a suit and tie, I tried to calm my jitters. At least things with Lucas were properly sorted; it would be good to have him back in my life since I didn’t need to dodge him anymore. Only that thought drifted from my mind because my nerves were taking control. I couldn’t help but think things would have been fine if I hadn’t seen Saint. I wouldn’t be a jumble of goddamn nerves and feel like I would vomit any second. But I was feeling anxious—not over the job I was about to do. I could woo a woman of any age—my skills were just that on point—but fucking hell, seeing Saint messed with me. There was no doubt he’d be on my mind for the night, and not my job.

  Shit, I just had to switch my mind off and stop thinking about him.

  About his dick.

  About how he tasted, felt, and sounded when I took him in
my mouth.


  Yeah, not thinking about him wasn’t working too well. It hadn’t been ever since it happened. I’d lost count of the times I’d jacked off to the memory, and of course, my mind added some other images to the pictures playing in my head.

  But I couldn’t think of it now. I was already hard, and I needed my dick to go down, or the client could get a different message. It was weird that I wasn’t nervous about meeting this woman. Yet, I’d been close to having a heart attack when I’d knocked on Saint’s office door.

  Shaking my head, I grabbed the keys from the bedside table and pocketed them along with the one to the room. I took the jacket from the bed and hooked it over my arm as I made my way to the door. Opening it, I jumped and yelled, “Fuck!” when I saw Torch standing on the other side.

  He smirked and lifted his chin in greeting along with “Hey.”

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  His hand shot out. “Clip this to your suit. It’s an alarm. Hit it if something happens and I’ll be in to help get you out.”

  When I didn’t take it, he looked up. “What?”

  “Seriously?” I had no clue this was how the club worked, and I didn’t understand why. “Employees actually need this and the security?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He reached out and clipped the little pin to the suit. He then turned and started down the hall. He glanced back and said, “Get movin’, prospect, and I’ll explain things on the way down to the car.”

  I did, quickly shutting and locking the door behind me. It looked like the room was meant to be mine since the key had been in it when I arrived, so I pocketed it now and raced after Torch.

  “We learned early on that the security for Polished had to be top. We got taught that after a bad fuckin’ mistake where a woman of ours was assaulted. The guy who’d done it paid. Now we make sure it never happens again. The girls have alarms in their rooms and when they’re out of the club, they take alarms that’ll ring to the guard appointed to them for the night. I’m it for you tonight. It might be a harmless date with an older woman, but we can never be sure, so it’s better to be safe than fuckin’ sorry. Get me?”


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