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Never a Saint (Polished P & P Book 2)

Page 7

by Lila Rose

  “We’re at the movies,” he said.

  “Yep, gonna see a kickass action one.”

  “The movies.”

  “Damn right.” I didn’t think it would be a good time to mention it was for our first date. Not since he was taking so long to catch up on the fact. I’d leave it for later. Maybe I’d tell him after he’d had his next reaction when I took him out for a drink after.

  With a hand to his lower back, I gently guided him forward to the box office. I bought the tickets, and Kylo was looking around as if it was the first time he’d seen the theater. Then I guided him to the food counter.

  “What do you want to eat?”


  I chuckled. “Food and drink, what’s your flavor?”

  He blinked. “You’re seriously takin’ me to the movies. This isn’t some prank, some game?”

  Well, fuck, he’d thought I was messing with him. I shook my head and smiled. “No, Kylo. No tricks here. Now, what do you want?”

  He studied me for a moment and then nodded once. He turned to the lady behind the counter. “Pepsi and popcorn, both large. Milk Duds as well.”

  Then I said, “I’ll have the same.” I caught Kylo pulling out his wallet, but he stilled when I placed a hand on his arm. He looked up at me. I shook my head and told him, “I’ve got it.”

  He nodded and put his wallet back in his pocket. I was just glad he wasn’t going to fight me on it. We took our items and moved to hand our tickets to the usher.

  Inside, we grabbed a couple of seats in the middle toward the back of the theatre and settled down. “When was the last time you went to the movies?” I asked before eating a handful of popcorn.

  Kylo shrugged. “Jesus, I can’t even remember. Must have been when I was a teen. I know I never went with my parents. I think Boom and Wendy took me to see something a couple of times.”

  Christ, I knew he’d come from a shit home, but it twisted my insides thinking he didn’t get a normal childhood. I was one lucky fucker to have one.

  He opened his mouth and then closed it. “What?” I asked. He shook his head. I knocked my knee against his. “Tell me or ask me.”

  He gave me side-eyes and then looked back to the screen when the ads started playing. “What about you? For the movies?”

  This was good. He was coming back into himself now that the shock had subsided. This was what a normal date was supposed to be like—talking and finding out about each other.

  “Couple of months ago. Another action flick I was interested in.”

  “If you come often, does that mean you know Marvel?”

  “Fuck yes. Marvel rocks.”

  He hummed under his breath.


  “Nothin’.” He was thinking of something that made him smile, and I wanted to know what it was.

  “Kylo,” I said in a low tone, knocking my knee into his again.

  He glanced down, saying, “Was at your place a while ago watchin’ Marvel with Lucas because Death and Wreck hadn’t seen it before. That’s when I found out about Lucas and Wreck datin’.”

  “Where was I?”

  He chuckled. “In bed, oblivious to everythin’.”

  I nudged him with my arm. “Shut up, man. I’d been busy.”

  “Hey, if Death hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have expected it either. Never would have thought Wreck would go that way.”

  “Shit, nor me.” And I wouldn’t have for me either, but I guess it took a special kind of guy to open your eyes to other possibilities. Not that I could say any of that shit. I had a feeling Kylo would get up and leave. He was fighting this for some reason, and I was sure it was because he didn’t trust I wanted to see where this could go. He thought I’d go back to women. Fuck, I hadn’t even thought of one since the first time. Hadn’t been with one since the second time, and that shit said something because I loved fucking. Before Kylo, I’d screwed around nearly every damn day, and since Kylo and I hadn’t been around one another for the last few weeks, other than for work, his absence had been getting to me.

  Eventually I’d tell him, but when he was used to this—used to me being around him.

  “But now I see it’s good for them. They’re all loved up and lookin’ to the future.”

  “They are,” Kylo agreed, and took a sip of his drink before eating more popcorn.

  The movie started and I relaxed back a bit more and got into it. But I half focused on Kylo. He laughed when it was funny, he liked it when the action happened, and I could tell he was enjoying himself.

  Fuck, it felt good being here with him. Especially as it was something different for him since he hadn’t been in so long and was something I loved to do.

  By the time the credits rolled through, Kylo had a smile on his face. He turned to me and said, “That was a fuckin’ good movie.”

  I grinned. “Knew it would be.” I stood and added, “Maybe next time I’ll let you pick though.”

  “Sure,” he said straightaway without thinking. Then his brain caught up. His eyes flashed for a second before he righted them. “Right, we goin’?” He nodded toward the aisle.


  He followed me out silently. I didn’t know if I should give him time in his head or talk some crap that got him out. I’d let him have it until we got to our next destination.

  The drive to the bar was short. I parked down the road and got out.

  Kylo’s door opened, and he called, “Where we goin’?”

  “Gettin’ a drink. There’s a cool place down the road.”

  “I’m not really feelin’ it.”

  “Come on, one drink, and then we can go,” I said, and started down the path. I heard his door slam closed. I locked the car, and then his footsteps ate up the concrete as he pulled up beside me.

  “One drink?”

  I winked. “Promise.”


  I stepped through the door and noted the place was busy, but not packed, which was good. We’d be able to find a place to sit and chat for a while. “Go find a place to park our asses. I’ll get us a beer.” Kylo nodded, and I watched him make his way over to the far right where there was a spare booth.

  I grabbed our drinks and took them over. Once I placed his on the table and got a thank-you, I sat and scooted around to sit closer to him. I noted his pulse in his throat ticked up faster. I smiled to myself and took a sip. When Kylo took a gulp, I noticed how his throat moved and wanted to know what it would be like to shift in and kiss him right there.

  Shaking my head, I glanced away and around the bar. I couldn’t deny it—I wanted to know what everything felt like with Kylo. I’d never kissed a guy. I wondered if it would be so different to a woman—already getting a blow job was, but what about fucking? What would it feel like to slide into his ass?

  My cock throbbed from the thought.

  “What’re you thinkin’?” Kylo asked.

  I snorted. “You don’t want to know.” I glanced at him and whatever he saw made him nod. I winked and chuckled.

  Kylo cleared his throat. “Did you always think you’d end up where you are?”

  “What? In a bar with you?”

  He coughed. “No. Just… the business and in the MC?”

  “Nah. In high school, I thought I wanted to be a truck driver. Then by the end, I knew I wanted to run my own business, but I didn’t have a clue how. I went to college for a year on a business degree, but fuckin’ hated it. I got out, went from job to job, and then met State and Country one night out where I used to serve drinks. There was a fight. They had each other’s backs, but I lent a helpin’ hand because I knew they hadn’t started it and were outnumbered. This was before the other brothers could get there and help. I was intrigued by the brotherhood. I had friends, but no one I could depend on to have my back like that. I had Lucas, but we weren’t so close. Not like we are now. Before State and Country could leave, I approached them, askin’ what it took to get into the club. Country patted me o
n the back and said I’d proved all I had to that night. I became a prospect.” I smiled at Kylo. “Did all the shit jobs until I was a full member. It was then I spoke to them about runnin’ our own business of pussy. With enough willin’ women in the club, they might as well get paid for it.” I shrugged. “It took off from there, and not once have I regretted my decisions.” I took a sip and looked at him. “When I make my mind up about somethin’, I make sure it happens, to get what I want.”

  Did he understand what I was saying?

  By the way he swallowed slowly and how his chest rose and fell quickly, I reckoned he did.

  “Things happen for a reason,” I said.

  He hummed under his breath. “I guess they do, but some things that happen shouldn’t, and it needs to stop.”

  Was he trying to say we needed to stop?

  There was no way in hell. I hadn’t felt this fucking comfortable on a damn date before. Christ, I hadn’t really been on a date. I fucked women, but that was it. We hooked up for sex. I didn’t take them places like I wanted to with him.

  This wasn’t stopping. He’d learn that soon.

  “I don’t agree” was all I said. “What about you? Did you always want to be a male escort?” I wouldn’t call it a hooker because he wasn’t one, not since he didn’t sleep with his clients. And if I had anything to do with it, which thank fuck I did, he wouldn’t be sleeping with a client ever.

  Kylo laughed before frowning. I had a feeling he wanted to stay on the conversation of how things shouldn’t happen, but too bad. I wouldn’t have it as he’d just keep thinking this was all wrong. I would prove to him eventually that women didn’t matter to me when all I could think about was him. I had the lust part down. Now I wanted to get to know the man better.

  He shook his head. “Hell no, but when opportunities arise to set up your future, I’m goin’ to take it. You’ve heard my sob story and why.”

  “I’m sure Boom and Wendy would help out if needed.”

  “That’s the thing. I don’t want to rely on them. They’ve done so much for me already by takin’ me in. I want to get out on my own two feet. I’m fuckin’ twenty-three for fuck’s sake. It’s time I moved out of home, and to do that, I need money behind me.”

  I nodded. “I can understand that. But you’ve been workin’ within the compound for ages….”

  “You askin’ me where the money has gone?” He smirked. “I didn’t blow it, well, unless you can call my ride a waste of money.”

  “Fuck no.”

  He tipped his drink my way. “There you go.”

  “You’ll be a full member soon. You lookin’ forward to it?”

  His grin was big. “Yeah, I won’t have to take as much shit. But I do like workin’ the bar and shootin’ the shit.” The door opened, and a group of women stepped through. Kylo whistled. “Check them out.”

  I’d forgotten he was bi, not gay. So then why couldn’t he understand I could be bisexual as well? Maybe because it was still new for me and even Kylo. Honestly, I hadn’t opened my eyes until him, but I knew for certain at least that I was bi for Ky.

  “They’re comin’ this way,” he said, smiling.

  Fuck no.

  “Hey, guys—”

  “Go,” I clipped. Kylo’s gaze spun to me and he jerked back slightly when he saw I was pissed. He didn’t get to smile at them like that, like he wanted their attention and company. Not when I was sitting right fucking there next to him on our first damn date.

  Giggles started around us. One said, “Sorry? We just thought you two would like some—”

  I moved my hard gaze from Kylo to the women. There were five. They were good-looking, but none of them interested me.

  “We ain’t after anythin’ from any of you.”

  One huffed. “You don’t need to be a dick about it.” They turned and walked away. I shot back the rest of my beer and moved out of the booth.

  “Let’s go.”

  He didn’t move.

  I faced him, rested my hand on the table, and leaned in. “Get the fuck up, Kylo. Now.” Annoyance and some anger left my chest heavy. We’d been having a good time. We’d been getting to know one another, and then he went and wanted attention from pussy.

  Shaking my head, I started for the door. If he followed, I knew he was sorry. If he didn’t, then I knew he didn’t want something with me.

  I went out the door and strode down the path with my hands fisted and jaw clenched. I’d been sure he was into me. He looked at my body a lot like I was something he wanted to lick and keep. Had I made up that he was interested? Was my head that fucking cocky I thought I saw something that wasn’t actually there? Hell, maybe he still wanted my brother and I was the replacement.

  All that ran through my head but suddenly stopped when I heard heavy footfalls coming my way.

  I wasn’t stupid. I wasn’t making this up. He wanted this, but it was his nerves. He didn’t understand me and what I wanted… that messed him up.

  He’d come after me, so maybe he was sorry. When he fell into step with me, I knew it even more by the way he went to speak a few times but didn’t. Instead, he knocked his shoulder into mine as we reached the car. I glanced at him, and he offered me a small smile and a shrug.

  Yeah, he was sorry.

  I gave him a chin lift as I unlocked the car and opened his door. He climbed in and I shut his door. Would he think he was going home? That I’d drop him off at Boom and Wendy’s?

  He’d be wrong.

  Not when I had my house to myself. But if he thought we’d be fooling around, he’d be wrong again. I was in the mood to snuggle. I smiled to myself as I walked around the car, because I couldn’t wait to see how Kylo took to being the little spoon.

  Chapter Nine


  It felt like a date. I was having a hard time thinking it wasn’t because he took me to the damn movies and a bar. He knocked back women and got pissed when I checked them out.

  Did it mean it was a date? Did it mean he was interested in me as more than just a hookup?

  Jesus Christ, what was Saint thinking taking me on a date? Maybe my blow job skills had messed up his mind. I knew I had talent in that area but not enough to change a guy. I’d never been with a straight guy before. I’d only hooked up with men from a gay club, so I was totally out of my element with Saint, to a point I didn’t know what to believe.

  I knew we weren’t driving toward my home, but I couldn’t point that out verbally. Did it mean he was taking me to his place? Would it be better if I did open my damn mouth and say I wanted to go home? But did I? I had no fucking clue, which was why I stayed silent and let him pull into his drive. He got out. I did the same and followed him up to the front door, where he unlocked it and entered. As soon as I was through the door, he closed and locked it.

  He moved off into the kitchen where the only light shined, and I trailed behind him. “Want a drink?” he asked.

  “Nah, I’m good,” I said, and put my hands in my pockets when he faced me.

  His eyes ran over me as his lips twitched. “Come on, then.” He walked by me, and I could have gone to the front door, out it, and made my own way home. I didn’t. I followed him, heading to where he’d just switched a light on, knowing it was his bedroom.

  The room was smaller than mine. It held a walk-in closet down the end of it, a bed beside the closet door, its headboard up against the wall under the front window. Bedside tables sat on each side of the bed, and a dresser sat on the wall next to the closet doors. A TV and an Xbox were on top of the dresser. It was plain but nice. It suited Saint.

  I should have been paying attention to Saint, though, and not checking out the room because then I would have seen him remove his boots and tee. He had his thumbs hooked into his jeans when I looked, and he caught my eyes as he slowly slid them down his legs before kicking them off. He climbed into bed with his boxers on and placed his hands behind his head.

  “Grab the light before you jump in,” he said.r />
  Wait… what the fuck was going on here? Did he think I’d spend the night? Why would he want that? My heart danced in my chest. The hair on the back of my neck rose as my nerves kicked up another notch.

  I couldn’t stand here like an idiot all night. I either had to walk out or get into bed. If I got into bed, then what? Would we fool around, and then he’d ask me to leave?

  I didn’t want to question what was happening as then it’d all be out in the open and real. I wasn’t ready to hear real. If I was honest with myself, I was a little scared to hear what he wanted, where he wanted this to go. And Jesus, that made me the biggest pussy out there.

  “Kylo,” Saint called.


  “Stop fuckin’ thinkin’. Get undressed, turn off the damn light, and get in bed.”

  His words pushed me into action. I pulled my tee off, toed off my shoes, took off my socks, and then quickly removed my jeans. I left my boxers on like he had before I switched off the light and slipped under the covers.

  The room was dark, but there was enough light coming through the window behind our heads since the curtain wasn’t closed. I lay straight and as stiff as a board next to him, blinking up at the ceiling. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be there in bed with him. I did. I liked his assertiveness, his confidence. I got off on those things, of someone else taking control. But my nerves were getting the better of me.

  Did I make a move? Was that what he was waiting for?

  I wasn’t sure my nerves would let me reach out and touch him.


  I was in Saint’s bed. With him.

  Never would I have thought I’d be here. Not with Saint.

  He rolled my way, and in the next second, he had my body facing toward the door, and he was flush to my back with an arm over my waist.

  What was this?


  “Shush, and it’s Zion. It’s time for sleep.”

  Maybe I could if there wasn’t a hard-on pressing into my ass. My body had a mind of its own and pushed back against it. Also, what was the deal with him wanting me to call him Zion? As far as I knew, the club members only wanted their…. All right, I would not go there. I would not let that thought finish because it was too intense.


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