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Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia

Page 24

by L. Mühlbach



  The king sat at his desk, assiduously engaged in writing, when the dooropened, and the queen entered. Her whole bearing breathed an unwonted,solemn earnestness; her head was proudly erect, her cheeks pale, and amelancholy smile was playing on her lips. In her left hand she held aroll of papers. The king rose hastily to meet his wife with a kindlygreeting. Louisa gave him her right hand, and laid her head for a momenton his shoulder. Looking into her husband's face with a sweet, touchingexpression, "Do you love me, Frederick?" she asked in so low and gentlea voice that he scarcely heard it. Frederick William smiled, and,instead of replying to her, imprinted a kiss on her fair brow.

  "Do you believe in me?" said Louisa. "Oh, my lord and king, I imploreyou by every thing that is sacred--by the memory of our children--tellme, sincerely and frankly, as if standing before God, do you believe inme? Do you believe in my love--in my virtue?"

  "Louisa," exclaimed the king, indignantly and almost aghast, "thisquestion is too grave to be a jest, and too ludicrous to be grave."

  "And yet I am in earnest," exclaimed the queen, in an outburst ofexcitement, which she was no longer able to restrain. "Look at thesepapers, Frederick. They contain a terrible charge against your wife--themother of your children--the queen of our people. They accuse the wifeof a disgraceful _liaison_, and the queen of the most infamousselfishness. Frederick, they charge me with loving the EmperorAlexander, and with having induced you, for the purpose of gratifyingthis passion, to enter into the alliance with Russia. Now, you know thedisgrace weighing me down, of which all Germany is aware by this time,and in which the malicious and evil-disposed will surely believe, eventhough the virtuous and compassionate may refuse to credit it. Readthese papers, my husband; read them in my presence, and if yourfeatures express but a shadow of doubt--if you fix your eyes but for amoment on me with an uncertain expression--let me die, and hide my headin the grave!"

  She offered the papers to the king, but Frederick William only glancedat them, and then laying them on the table, took from one of its drawersother papers. "See, Louisa," he said in his blunt, dry manner, "theseare the same numbers of the _Telegraph_; I have already had them for aweek, and read every word of them."

  The queen unfolded them. "It is true," she said, shuddering; "they arethe same papers; I read there again the terrible words, 'Queen Louisainsists on continuing the alliance with Russia, only because her hearthas formed an alliance with the fine-looking Emperor Alexander, andbecause she is passionately enamoured of him.' Oh, my husband, thesewords have engraved themselves as a stigma on my forehead, and shouldyour eyes behold it also, let me expunge it by sacrificing my life. Tellme the truth, Frederick! Have I deserved it--have I ever sinned by aword--nay, by a look? I have often thought and said, that there is avestige of truth at the bottom of every rumor--that it may be greatlyexaggerated, but cannot be entirely false. Is there any foundationwhatever for this slander? Consider well, my husband, and if you shouldfind that I have sinned by a gesture, by a smile, banish me from yourpresence. Tell me that I am unworthy of being called your wife; tear thebonds of friendship that unite you with the Emperor Alexander, andoppose him as an enemy, menacing and demanding satisfaction. There mustbe no stain on your honor, and if you believe the statements of thesepapers, show to the world that you will punish the faithless wife andspurn the treacherous friend!"

  The king put his hands on the glowing cheeks of his wife, and, raisingher head, gazed at her with a long and tender look. "Your friends had nomercy on you, then?" he asked. "They had to inform you pitilessly ofwhat I wished so anxiously to conceal from you? I would willingly havecut off my right hand if I could have expunged with the blood tricklingfrom the wound those lies from the public mind. But the world has now aslittle mercy on us as fate. Affliction has hitherto surrounded yourbeauty with the glory of a martyr; but mean men have been instigated tomake you a penitent sinner--a Magdalen of the martyr."

  "My beloved Frederick," cried the queen, "you evade my question; you donot reply to me! Tell me the truth. Do you believe in me? Or do you deemme guilty?"

  At this moment a low rap at the door interrupted them. The kinglistened, and then turned smilingly to his wife. "It is Minister vonZastrow, who comes with General Bertrand," he said. "I have granted anaudience to the Frenchman at this hour, to receive the letter and thepeace offers of Napoleon. He is proposing to me an alliance with France,and he, as well as his adherents here, I suppose, count on my havingread those papers, knowing in what sense malicious men are interpretingour alliance with Russia. The reply that I shall make to Napoleon'senvoy will be also a reply to your question; hence you shall hear it,Louisa. Enter my cabinet; the _portiere_ will conceal you from the eyesof my visitors while you will hear every thing that is said." He tookthe queen's arm and conducted her quickly into the adjoining room;hastily rolled an easy-chair toward the door, and requested her by awave of his hand to sit down on it. He then lowered the thick velvet_portiere_, and, taking leave of his wife with a smile, returned to hisroom.

  Louisa gazed after him. "Oh," she whispered, "how could I deceive andbetray him?--him whom I love as the cause of all my happiness, and whohas rendered my life sacred and glorious! Oh, my husband and mychildren! my conscience is clear, and accuses me of no guilt! Will youbelieve it, Frederick? Will those infamous slanders not leave a vestigeof mistrust in your mind? But hush, hush! the envoy is there already! Iwill listen to what the king replies to him." She bent her head closer,and her large blue eyes with their searching glances seemed to piercethe heavy velvet, so that she might not only hear but see what was goingon in the room.

  In obedience to a sign made by the king, the door of the anteroom hadopened, and General Bertrand, accompanied by General von Zastrow,entered. The king, standing in the middle of the room, returned thedeep, respectful obeisances of the two gentlemen by a careless nod, andfixed his quiet eyes searchingly on the French general.

  "Sire," said General von Zastrow, in a loud and solemn voice, "GeneralBertrand, adjutant of his majesty the Emperor Napoleon, in accordancewith the gracious leave of your majesty, has appeared here in order todeliver to you an autograph letter from his imperial master."

  "I am glad to see General Bertrand, and to make his acquaintance," saidFrederick William, composedly; "I like the brave; and not merely theFrench army, but all men, know you to be a brave officer."

  General Bertrand blushed. "Ah, sire," he said, "if I have not deservedthis praise hitherto, your royal and kindly words will stimulate me inthe future to strive with unflagging zeal to become worthy of it. I deemmyself happy because my august master the emperor selected me to be thebearer of his letter and of his proposition, for he thereby enables meto do homage to the noblest and best of kings--to the exalted sovereignwho bears prosperity and adversity with equal dignity. Your majesty willpermit me to deliver the letter of my emperor into your hands." Heapproached the king, and, presenting to him the large letter to whichthe imperial seal had been affixed, reverentially bent his knee.

  "Oh, no," said Frederick William, quickly, "a brave soldier must nothumble himself in this manner; rise, general!"

  General Bertrand rose, holding the imperial letter still in his hands,for the king had not yet taken it. Looking at him inquiringly, "Sire,"he said, "may I request your majesty to receive the letter of myemperor?"

  "Ah, I forgot," exclaimed the king. "You are the bearer of a letter theEmperor Napoleon has addressed to me. Let me confess my want of skill: Iam unable to read your emperor's handwriting very rapidly, and it isdisagreeable slowly to decipher such a letter. Moreover, what theemperor has to say to me will, doubtless, sound better when uttered byyour lips, than in the black words on the paper. I, therefore, requestyou to read it to me."

  "Sire," exclaimed General Bertrand, "I shall not dare to break the sealof a letter addressed to your majesty, and not to me."

  "Oh, you may do so," said the king, "I permit you to break the seal.What the Emperor Napoleon a
nd I have to write to each other need not besealed. Everybody may know it. And, I suppose his letters will be only asort of continuation of the bulletins he issued in Potsdam and Berlin.Such bulletins and letters belong to the world and history, which willjudge them."

  "Oh," whispered the queen, who had heard every word, "oh, why cannot Isee him in his proud calmness and dignity, and thank him for his noblewords!" She seized the _portiere_ with her slender fingers and pushed itaside a little, so as to be able to see what was going on in the otherroom. The king, perhaps, had noticed the slight rustling, for he;glanced quickly at the curtain; it opened immediately, the noble andbeautiful face of the queen appeared; she nodded with radiant eyes asmiling greeting to her husband, and kissed her hand to him; her headthen disappeared from the aperture, and the folds of dark velvet closedagain. General Bertrand and General von Zastrow had seen nothing. Bothstood with their backs toward the door, and respect prevented them fromlooking around toward the slight noise that reached their ears for amoment.

  A smile illuminated the king's face. "Well," he asked, almost jestingly,turning to General Bertrand, "you have not broken the seal yet? Do so,for you ought to understand that I am anxious to hear the contents ofthis letter."

  "Sire, inasmuch as you command me, I obey," said Bertrand. With a quickpressure of his hand he broke the seal and opened the letter.

  "Now let me hear it," said the king, gliding slowly and carelessly intothe easy-chair standing at the side of the desk. "There are two chairs;take seats, gentlemen!"

  "Your majesty will permit me to stand. My master the emperor is notaccustomed to have his letters read in another position."

  "Yes, he may require his subjects to pay to him the deference ofstanding when one of his letters is being read," said the king. "You maystand, therefore, if you please. General von Zastrow, sit down." Theking said this in so stern and imperious a tone that General von Zastrowfelt resistance impossible, and that he would have to obey the king'sorder. He took a chair in silence, inwardly aghast at this disrespectfulbreach of etiquette.

  "Read," said the king, dryly. General Bertrand unfolded the letter andread as follows:

  "Your majesty will receive this letter at the hands of myAdjutant-General Bertrand, who enjoys my friendship. I, therefore,request you to repose entire confidence in every thing that he says, andI flatter myself that his mission will be agreeable to you.

  "Bertrand will communicate to your majesty my views about the presentstate of your affairs. I desire to set bounds to the misfortunes of yourfamily, and to organize, as soon as possible, the Prussian monarchy,whose mediating power is necessary for the tranquillity of Europe.

  "Bertrand will also communicate to you the easiest and quickest way inwhich this can be brought about, and I hope your majesty will let meknow that you have taken the step which will accomplish this purpose inthe best manner, and which, at the same time, will agree with thewelfare of your subjects; that is to say, that you accept the peacewhich I am offering to you. At all events, I beg your majesty to feelconvinced that I am sincerely disposed to resume our former relations,and that I also wish to come to an understanding with Russia andEngland, provided these powers should be animated with the same desire.I should detest myself if I were to be the cause of so much bloodshed.But how can I help it? The conclusion of peace is therefore in the handsof your majesty, and it would be the happiest day of my life if youaccept my present propositions.


  "You have to make oral explanations to this letter of your emperor?"asked the king, when Bertrand paused.

  "Yes, sire, my master the emperor intrusted me with furthercommunications to you," said Bertrand. "But, in the first place, I begleave of your majesty to deliver the imperial letter into your hands."He approached the king and presented the paper to him with a respectfulbow.

  The king did not take it, but pointed to his desk. "Lay it there," hesaid, carelessly. "The purpose of this letter is accomplished; I knowits contents, and that is all I care about. And now, general,communicate to me as briefly as possible the verbal commissions withwhich the emperor has intrusted you."

  "Sire, his majesty the emperor authorized me to repeat to you that itwas his liveliest wish to resume his former amicable relations withPrussia, and that he would shrink from no sacrifice to effect it. Theemperor longs for nothing more ardently than to restore your states toyour majesty, and to conduct you back to your capital."

  "As his vassal?" asked the king, smiling sarcastically.

  "No, sire, as a free and independent king."

  "Not as Napoleon's ally, then?"

  "Yes, sire, as the emperor's ally, but as free and independent as he ishimself. It is true, the emperor hopes and wishes that Prussia will befriendly toward France; he relies on your majesty's assistance in hisstruggle with Russia, which, in that case, will soon bow to the unitedwill of France and Prussia, and be compelled to accept a treaty ofpeace. In return, the emperor will surrender to the just wishes of yourmajesty seditious Poland, which, as the emperor has become satisfied,is unable to bear an independent existence. The rebellious provinces ofPrussian Poland shall speedily be compelled to yield unconditionalobedience to the Prussian sceptre, and your country shall occupy oncemore the position due to her in the council of European nations. It willbe unnecessary for her to make for this purpose any sacrifices to thefriends and allies of France; all her fortresses and provinces shall befully restored, and so soon as the treaty of peace will have beendefinitively concluded, the French troops will evacuate the Prussianterritory."

  While General Bertrand was speaking, the face of Minister von Zastrowhad brightened, and was now really radiant with joy. Animated by thecheering words of the Frenchman, he rose from his seat, and looked atthe king with clasped hands and imploring eyes. But the countenance ofFrederick William remained impenetrable and cold; not the slightestexpression of joy or gratification was to be read in it.

  "Are you done, general?" asked the king, after a pause.

  "Yes, sire. I am waiting for your majesty's reply."

  "This reply will be brief and decisive," exclaimed Frederick William,loudly, rising slowly and with truly royal dignity. "I will not acceptthis alliance and this peace!"

  "Your majesty," said General von Zastrow, in dismay, forgetful of therequirements of etiquette, "your majesty, that is impossible! You cannotbe in earnest; I beseech you first to hear the opinion of yourministers, and to consult a cabinet council."

  "Silence!" said the king, indignantly; "the only voices that I ought toconsult with regard to this question are not those of my ministers, butthose of my conscience and honor. It behooves the king alone to decideupon war or peace. I repeat, therefore, I will not accept this peace norenter into the alliance offered under such circumstances. I mightcontent myself with this declaration, but I shall tell you the reasonsof my refusal that you may repeat them to your emperor. I cannot accept,for it would be a defeat and disgrace more humiliating than the loss ofa battle. What, sir! I am to receive by the grace and _bon plaisir_ ofyour emperor the gift of a position to which I am entitled by my birth!The Emperor Napoleon condescends to restore my states after forciblyexpelling me from them! If I were to accept this offer, I should therebycondemn myself; and this war, into which I entered so reluctantly,because I foresaw its disastrous consequences, would be nothing but areckless adventure, abandoned by myself because unsuccessful. If Iallowed Napoleon to reinstate me in my rights, what would I be but hisvassal? Not a king by the grace of God, but a king by the grace ofNapoleon--not the ruler of a free and independent German state, but thegovernor of a French province--the despised oppressor of an enslavedpeople, robbed of their honor, independence, and nationality. Now, Icommenced this war for the sake of my own honor and that of my people. Icommenced it to set bounds to French cupidity and thirst for conquest;to preserve to Germany her German and to Prussia her Prussian character,and to drive back the Confederation of the Rhine beyond the frontier ofthe Rhine. The fortune of war has not sustaine
d me in these efforts, andvictory perched upon the eagles of France. But the Prussian eagle is notyet dead; he may still hope to rise again, and, endowed with renewedvigor, reconquer what belongs to him. What was taken by the sword can bereconquered only by the sword. My honor, as well as that of my army andpeople, was wounded on the battle-fields of Jena and Auerstadt; itcannot be healed by the balm of Napoleon's grace; it can only beredeemed by blood!"

  "Sire, I beseech you, do not allow yourself to be carried away by theardor of your heroism," exclaimed General Bertrand, feelingly. "Rememberthat after the rejection of this peace the Emperor Napoleon will be arelentless enemy of yours, and leave nothing undone in order toannihilate Prussia. Your majesty ought also to take into considerationthat you lack an army--that your forces have been dispersed, and thatyour fortresses have surrendered."

  "Colberg and Graudenz are still holding out," exclaimed the king, "andso is Dantzic."

  "Sire, if you reject this peace, the first step of the emperor will beto take Dantzic by assault," said General Bertrand.

  "Your majesty, have mercy on Dantzic," exclaimed General von Zastrow,imploringly; "have mercy on your blockaded fortresses--on your poordistressed subjects! So soon as your majesty accepts this peace, theEmperor Napoleon intends withdrawing all the French troops from Prussianterritory. Oh, pray take into consideration how dreadfully your peoplehave suffered by the heavy contributions, and the enormous supplies tothe troops! Remember that they are overwhelmed with wretchedness, andare kneeling and crying to God and to their king to restore peace."

  "O my God," murmured the queen, "inspire him with the true decision,and grant that he may perceive and choose what is right!" She knelt downbehind the curtain as if to hear better the king's words, that to herwere the words of God. The king did not seem to notice his minister'ssupplication; his eyes glanced at him coldly and disdainfully, and werethen fixed gravely on the face of the French general.

  "I am not quite done with my reply to your propositions," he said. "Ihave told you the reasons why I cannot accept peace. It only remains toexplain why, though the terms were honorable, I could and would not beallowed to enter into this alliance. By virtue of it I should be obligedto espouse the cause of France against her enemies, and to wage waragainst Russia, my ally. I am to violate the only sure compact remainingto me in order to become a mere cipher in the hands of Napoleon! I am tobetray him who has been faithful to me! The Emperor of Russia is mypersonal friend. At the grave of Frederick the Great I swore with him tomaintain the alliance of both our hearts and our states, and no othervoice induced me to take this step but my inclination, my policy, and myreason. The Emperor of Russia, true to our mutual oath, renewed hisprotestations of friendship in the hour of danger, and his army is readyto uphold our common cause. If, now that France is offering peace to meat the expense of Russia, I were to accept it, I should commit aperfidious act, and, as a Prussian soldier, as a friend of the EmperorAlexander, I must decidedly reject any idea of such a desertion. AGerman keeps his word, and does not trifle with treaties he has swornto. German fealty has not yet become an empty sound, and France will beobliged to admit that she is struggling with an adversary who does notsell his honor for provinces or for money. Now you know all I had tocommunicate. Tell Napoleon that intrigues and slanders cannot separateme from my alliance with the Emperor of Russia any more than adulationand advantageous offers. My resolution will remain as firm as a rock.And now, good-by, general!"

  He waved his hand to Bertrand, and received with proud calmness therespectful bows with which the French general withdrew.

  No sooner had the door closed than the queen appeared. Her eyes filledwith tears, and stretching out her arms toward her husband, seemed apicture of beauty, grace, and love. The king hastened to her and pressedher firmly against his heart. "Are you satisfied with my answer,Louisa?" he asked. "Do you know now what I think of those wretchedcalumnies?"

  The queen bent and kissed his hand. "I thank you, my beloved husband,"she whispered tenderly. "Wise and kind as you always are, you knew howto comfort my heart, and by your heroic words to fill my soul withenthusiasm and delight. My husband and king, you have restored my honor.I care no longer for the abuse of the world, but shall always think ofthis sacred hour, for my king believes in me, and my husband still loveshis Louisa; he knows that the mother of his children is innocent, andmay freely raise her eyes to heaven."

  "I know more than that," said the king, laying his hand on his wife'shead, as if blessing her; "I know that in these times of adversity youare the only hope left me; I know that I derive courage and consolationfrom you, and that in my misfortunes I still deem myself fortunate,because you are by my side--the angel of my life!"

  "Ah, Frederick," exclaimed the queen, bursting into tears, "Frederick,how rich and happy you make me! Am I not an enviable wife, possessed asI am of such a husband!" In passionate tenderness, she threw her armsabout him, and in loving embrace rested long on his breast.

  Some one rapped repeatedly and discreetly at the door. Louisa, blushing,raised her head and dropped her arms. The king ordered the person towalk in. It was General von Zastrow who entered, pale and gloomy.Frederick William smilingly beckoned him to approach.

  "You are dissatisfied with me, Zastrow?" he said, in a pleasant tone;"you believe it would be better to make peace?"

  "Your majesty, I am afraid you have rejected an advantageous alliance,and will, perhaps, be compelled soon to accept by far more rigorousterms."

  "You do not know, then, that large Russian forces are advancing, andthat the Emperor Alexander himself probably leads his troops against theenemy?"

  "Pardon me, sire, but I do not believe in the friendship of Russia. Yourmajesty uttered words so generous to-day, that my eyes filled with tearsof admiration, and I felt proud as a man and subject, although my heartas a general and minister was overwhelmed with sorrow. May Russiadeserve your fidelity! may she not disappoint your hopes, and commit as,you said, a perfidious act, by entering into an alliance with France atthe expense of Prussia! But may your majesty, above all, get an armycourageous and strong enough to brave all your enemies, and restore thegreatness of Prussia!"

  "You do not believe, then, in this army?" asked the king, gloomily.

  "Your majesty, in order to organize an army, money--a great deal ofmoney--is indispensable."

  "And you mean to say we have none?"

  "Your majesty, not only your privy purse is entirely exhausted, butthere is also no money in the state and district treasuries. Gold andsilver seem to have wholly disappeared; stocks and commercial paper aredepreciating every day, and the bankruptcy of the state will beinevitable!"

  "Ah!" exclaimed the king, indignantly, "do not utter such a word! Nevershall I permit such distress to be inflicted upon my poor subjects!"

  He commenced rapidly pacing the room; suddenly, however, he stood stillin front of the queen, who had softly withdrawn into a window-niche,where she had watched every movement of the king. "Louisa, will yourrepasts be as agreeable to you on porcelain plates as on gold andsilver?"

  The queen smiled. "The little Princess of Mecklenburg was accustomed totake her meals off porcelain," she said, "and I honestly confess thatthe Queen of Prussia at times envied her her plain white plates."

  The king, turning again to his minister, said: "We are not yet so pooras you seem to believe; our large golden dinner-set, the heirloom of ourancestors, was safely removed from Berlin, and is now here at Memel. Itembraces pieces of the highest value, for which millions have been paid.May my ancestors pardon my giving away what they collected! I am notdoing so in a reckless and extravagant manner, but with profound sorrowand with a mournful heart. But it cannot be helped! General von Zastrow,I shall issue the necessary orders to have my large golden dinner-seteither sold or pawned. We shall receive at least a million dollars forit."

  "And the privy purse of your majesty stands greatly in need of thismillion," said General von Zastrow, drawing a sigh.

  The king shrugged
his shoulders. "Not a dollar of it shall be paid intomy privy purse," he said. "The money shall be distributed among thepublic treasuries, that the lack of funds may be temporarily relieved,and that my poor suffering subjects need not fear that the state becomebankrupt."

  "But if your majesty should carry out this generous resolution,"exclaimed the general, "you may soon be in danger yourself ofprivations."

  The king cast a long, inquiring glance on his wife. Louisa smiled andnodded kindly to him. "If questions of economy and family matters are tobe considered," she said, "a woman may be permitted to say a word in thecouncil of men, and to give her opinion as a housewife. I think we aretolerating a great many superfluous and very expensive things in ourprivate household, and, if my husband does not object, I should like toask for a few changes."

  "I shall never dare to contradict you," said Frederick, kindly. "Let me,therefore, know the changes you wish to make."

  "In the first place, I think that we have too many servants, consideringour present circumstances, and the small house in which we are living.As we do not give dinners, the people attached to the kitchen may begreatly diminished; most of the cooks, as well as the legion of footmen,may be discharged. It is necessary, too, to reduce the number ofcarriages, and to sell most of the horses standing uselessly in thestable. A plain vehicle, drawn by two good horses, is sufficient for mychildren, and whenever I want a ride, I believe my husband will lend mehis yellow travelling-coach."

  "Provided you allow me a seat at your side," said the king, smiling."Are there any other suggestions you deem necessary?

  "I wish the servants surrounding us to appear in a plain dress, and theexpensive liveries, covered with gold and silver lace, to disappear. Aplain black cloth coat, trimmed with white, is sufficient. It is not,however, to signify that we are in mourning, but only to represent thePrussian colors, and on looking at them I shall always feel proud andhappy, while now, on beholding the liveries covered with gold andsilver, I cannot suppress my shame, for I think of the distress of oursubjects, and of the misery of our country. Let us begin, therefore, aplain, unpretending existence, my husband; let us set an example ofsimplicity to our people, and show them that one may be contented,though deprived of the splendors of wealth and position."

  The king took her hand and pressed it against his lips. "I consent toall your wishes, Louisa," he said; "I will issue to-day the necessaryorders to the steward.--You see, general, our privy purse will not lackmoney, for we shall realize a handsome sum by the sale of our horses,carriages, and the gold and silver lace of the liveries. Moreover, thewar will not last forever, and we may, perhaps, look soon for a finaldecision."

  "Your majesty, war, then, is absolutely unavoidable?"

  "You still ask this question? Yes, the war will be continued. I willhear nothing further about peace."

  "In that case," said General von Zastrow, trembling, "I must humblyrequest your majesty to accept my resignation; the continuation of thewar, and the rejection of the peace offered to Prussia, are so contraryto my conviction, that my conscience does not permit me to assist incarrying out your plans."

  "The first duty of every faithful servant is to comply with his master'sorders," said the king, sternly. "I cannot accept your resignation, forI know that you are an honest servant, and that only your momentaryanger has misled you. I give you, therefore, time to collect yourthoughts and regain your temper. Work and activity are the best remediesfor that purpose, and possibly there may soon be a favorable turn in ouraffairs, proving to you that you were wrong, and causing you to changeyour mind. Until further orders, therefore, you will remain my ministerof war, but I shall give you an assistant. I shall appoint Hardenbergminister without portfolio, and give him a seat and vote in the newministerial council which I am about to organize."

  General von Zastrow started, and his face became paler. "Your majesty,"he faltered in a low voice, "I--"

  "The matter is settled," said the king, calmly. "I do not wish to hearfurther objection, general. We shall hold a meeting of the ministerialcouncil to-morrow, and Hardenberg must be present. Good-by!"

  General von Zastrow dared not contradict; he bowed in silence to theroyal couple and tottered to the door.

  When he had retired, the queen, turning to her husband, exclaimed, "Youtouched his sorest spot. He hates Hardenberg, and it will greatlytorment him to have him at his side."

  "He deserved some punishment," said the king, gravely. "For it wascertainly owing to him that you were informed of those infamousslanders. Who laid the papers before you?"

  "The Countess von Truchsess, my reader."

  "Zastrow's niece! My supposition was right. It was a deep-laid intrigue,designed to drive us into the meshes of the peace party, and induce usto give up the Russian alliance."

  "Do not be angry with them," said the queen, "their intentions weregood."

  "I know the good intentions of those so-called friends," exclaimed theking, vehemently, "They drive a dagger slowly into our breast, and whenthey see the wound bleeding, they excuse themselves with the pretextthat their intentions were good! But he who has really honest intentionstries to spare his friend every pain. My 'intentions' were also goodwhen I concluded to place Hardenberg in company with Zastrow. I do notlike change; but if Zastrow, in the course of a few weeks, should notaccustom himself to the presence of Hardenberg, he must withdraw, andHardenberg remain."[31]

  [Footnote 31: The united efforts of the peace party, headed by GeneralZastrow and Cabinet-counsellor Beyme, did not succeed this time inkeeping Hardenberg out of the cabinet. The king reposed confidence inhim, and when, a few weeks later, the Emperor Alexander paid a visit tothe royal couple at Memel, he distinguished Hardenberg, and ignoredGeneral von Zastrow so completely, that the latter was deeply offended.His mortification was still augmented by the fact that Hardenberg wasselected to accompany the king to the camp of the united Prussian andRussian troops. General von Zastrow then sent in his resignation, forthe second time, and it was accepted. Hardenberg became minister offoreign affairs in his place.]


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