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Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia

Page 46

by L. Mühlbach



  A travelling carriage stopped in front of the house on Frederick Streetin which Major von Schill had established his headquarters since hisregiment had been sent to Berlin. The horses were wet with perspiration,and the carriage was covered with mud. Every thing indicated that theyoung man seated in it had made a long and hurried journey, and hisexhausted and anxious face induced the belief that the object could notbut be highly important. He alighted hastily, and approached the house,in front of which a crowd of idlers were staring at the windows.Addressing one of them, he asked, "Can you tell me whether Major vonSchill lives in this house?"

  "Yes," said the man, proudly; "every good citizen of Berlin can tell youthat Major Ferdinand von Schill, the favorite of our people and of allpatriotic Germans, lives here."

  The young man smiled. "And can you tell me whether Major von Schill isat home?"

  "Well, what should we stand here for, if Schill were not at home? We areonly here to see and salute him when he appears at the window, and toescort him when he leaves the house. He is always surrounded by a guardof honor, composed of citizens of Berlin, and the cheers never ceasewherever he may be. I myself have not yet seen him, for I was ill. Butyesterday was my birthday, and my wife presented me with a pipe-bowlwith Schill's portrait; my daughter says he is the best-looking man inthe world, and she has bought a locket with his portrait, which she iswearing on her neck. I have come to see whether the portraits so much invogue are like him, and whether he is not only the bravest soldier, but,as the girls pretend, the finest-looking man. I will cheer so vigorouslyas to shake the statues on the arsenal. I suppose you have also come tosee him?"

  "That is all I have come for," said the young man, and, turning to thepostilion, who had just unhitched his horses, he shouted:

  "Postilion, when you arrive at the post-office, order immediately somefresh horses for me and send them hither. I shall set out for home inhalf an hour!"

  He then walked toward the house, elbowing himself through the constantlyincreasing crowd, and reached the door. After rapidly crossing the hall,he went up-stairs. A footman, dressed in a rich livery, who was pacingthe corridor on the upper floor, looked inquiringly at the youngstranger.

  "Does Major von Schill live here?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "And is he at home?"

  "I am not quite sure--I rather believe he has gone out. He is subjectedto visits and invitations to such an extent, that I really do not knowwhether there are persons with him at present, or whether some of hisadmirers have taken him to another banquet to be given in his honor. Thepeople of Berlin are perfectly infatuated with my master, and if anangel should appear upon earth, they could not pay more deference tohim. The fuss they are making about him has positively made him ill. Dayand night he must attend parties, listen, and reply to a thousandspeeches, and take wine with everybody; and then, again, the ladies arenot the least active in demonstrating his popularity. Oh, the people ofthis city will certainly kill my dear, good master in this way, and Imust see to it that he gets occasionally a little rest, and is able totake a peaceful nap on his sofa. I think I must tell you now, sir, thatMajor von Schill is not at home. He returned only at daybreak from aball which the city of Berlin gave in his honor; at noon he will have toattend a banquet to which the governor of Berlin, General von Lestocq,has invited him, and which is in fact another testimonial of the publicrespect for him. Major von Schill must have some repose, or hispopularity will be the death of him. Please return some other time. Youcannot see him to-day."

  "But, my friend, I cannot return," said the stranger. "I am not one ofthe citizens of Berlin, but I am an enthusiastic admirer of Schill, andhave travelled three days and nights without interruption, in order tobring important news to him."

  "Ah, that alters the case," said the footman. "If you bring importantnews for my master, I will go and see whether he is at home."

  "Do so, my friend, and tell the major that Referendary von Bothmar hascome from Cassel expressly to see him."

  The footman nodded, and hastened into the room, the door of which he hadhitherto guarded with the affection of a friend and the obstinacy of afaithful sentinel. He returned in a few minutes, opened the door, andexclaimed: "The major requests you to come in!"

  M. von Bothmar entered. In obedience to the sign the footman made tohim, he crossed the anteroom and opened the door of the one adjoining. Afine-looking man in the uniform of a major, with a fresh, floridcountenance, and high forehead adorned with a broad scar, came to meethim. It was Ferdinand von Schill, the lieutenant of the queen'sdragoons, who, ever since the disastrous battle of Jena, had given suchbrilliant proofs of his courage and patriotism at Kolberg (and duringthe guerilla warfare he had afterward entered into on his ownresponsibility), that the people hoped he would become the savior of thecountry. The King of Prussia had promoted him to a majority, andconferred on his regiment the honorary distinction that it should be thefirst Prussian regiment that was to make its entry into Berlin after theFrench had evacuated the capital.

  "Let me welcome you, my dear sir," said Schill, kindly offering his handto the young man. "You told my footman you had come from Cassel to bringimportant news to me. You are, therefore, a good German patriot, and Imay greet M. von Bothmar as a friend and brother. But let me hear whatyou bring--glad tidings, I suppose?"

  "No, major, but important," said M. von Bothmar.

  Schill became uneasy, and a deep blush crimsoned his cheeks for amoment. "You know Doernberg?" he inquired.

  "I know him, and I was also aware of his plan, and of the day and hourwhen his blow was to be struck."

  "Then he has commenced already?" asked Schill.

  "Yes, commenced and ended," said Bothmar, mournfully.

  "Our noble Doernberg expected too much of the patriotism of the Hessians.He arrived with the legion of his peasants as far as Cassel, and calledupon the soldiers to join him in order to expel King Jerome and hisFrench minions. But the soldiers did not listen to him; they obeyed theorders of their officers, and turned their arms against their Germanbrethren, who were soon routed and dispersed."

  "This is really dreadful!" ejaculated Schill. "And Doernberg?"

  "Doernberg succeeded in making his escape; he will probably go to Prague,where the Elector of Hesse is at present residing."

  "Well, I am glad that he is at least safe," exclaimed Schill, breathingmore freely. "The defeat is a disastrous blow, to be sure, but the goodnews that we have just received will afford us consolation for it. TheArchduke Charles has gained a glorious victory over the French at Hof."

  "Can that be positively true?" exclaimed Bothmar. "During my wholejourney I did not hear a word about it. On the contrary, I learnedeverywhere only the mournful intelligence that Napoleon had put himselfat the head of his army, and was advancing victoriously in the directionof Vienna."

  "And yet my statement is perfectly true. General Lestocq, governor ofBerlin, in joyful commemoration of this victory, issued to-day thecountersign of 'Charles and Hof!'"

  "Heaven grant that you are correctly informed, and that the general isnot mistaken!" said M. von Bothmar, sighing. "Pardon me for not sharingyour confidence. The deplorable turn our affairs have taken in Hesse hasdiscouraged me, and then--but I am not through yet with the news whichbrought me to you."

  "Speak, sir,--what else has happened?" exclaimed Schill.

  "Excuse me," said M. von Bothmar, "should I assume the semblance of oneof your most trusted confidants, and take the liberty of speaking to youabout your most secret plans. You intrusted to your faithful friend andfollower, Romberg, letters and proclamations to be circulated inWestphalia. Am I right?"

  "You are."

  "Yon gave to him private letters for Counsellor von Ledebour, atBielefeld, and for Colonel von Sobbe, who were to head the insurrectionin that part of the country?"

  "I did, sir; you are right."

  "Well, then, major, Romberg was arrested at Magde
burg; all his papers,letters, and proclamations, were seized, and General Michaud sent himunder guard to Cassel."

  "Romberg imprisoned! My dear, faithful Romberg in danger!" exclaimedSchill, mournfully.

  "No," said M. von Bothmar, solemnly, "Romberg is no longer imprisoned;he is not now in danger."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that Romberg, immediately after his arrival at Cassel, was triedby a court-martial, and that sentence of death was at once passed uponhim."

  "He has been shot?"

  "Yes, Schill, Romberg has been shot."

  Schill uttered a cry, and covered his face with his hands. "Oh!" hemurmured, "I have lost my most faithful friend, and Germany one of hernoblest sons. He was an humble peasant, but the heart of a great patriotwas throbbing under his blouse. He was the Andrew Hofer of the North,and his death is a terrible disaster! But I will not complain," addedSchill--"no, I will not complain. Blessed are the dead, and who knowshow soon we ourselves shall have to bid farewell to life? The storm isthreatening us on all sides."

  "And it is threatening our noble Schill, the hope of Germany," exclaimedM. von Bothmar. "I have told you that all Romberg's papers were seized,and among them the letters which you wrote to your friends Ledebour andSobbe. Your proclamations were read by the French authorities, and asthey thereby became aware of your plans, they will at once take steps toput a stop to your agitation, and, if possible, put you to death. WouldPrussia be powerful and courageous enough to protect you, if the King ofWestphalia should charge you with being a traitor and demagogue, and ifNapoleon should insist on your punishment?"

  "It is true," said Schill, "you point out to me an imminent danger, fromwhich I can only escape by striking immediately. If we give our enemiestime to mature their plans, all will be lost. We must, therefore, act atonce. We must hesitate no longer, but begin even before my comrades herehave learned that Romberg did not succeed in his enterprise. We may bemore successful, for God will perhaps be merciful to me: He has decreed,perhaps, that Schill shall first of all break the chains imposed on usby the foreign despot."

  "Germany hopes in Schill," exclaimed Bothmar, enthusiastically, "andhence I was bold enough to violate the oath of allegiance which I hadtaken to King Jerome, and disclose to the German hero the dangermenacing him. I am a referendary at the department of state in Cassel,and accordingly I soon heard of the danger to which you are exposed.Under the pretext that I intended to enforce tranquillity and obedienceamong the peasants on my estate, situated a few miles from Cassel, Iobtained leave of absence for six days, and hastened hither. I set outfrom there three days ago, and, thank God! I have found you in time togive you warning."

  "Thanks to you," exclaimed Schill, affectionately embracing M. vonBothmar; "you have saved my life, perhaps; at all events, you haverendered an important service to the sacred cause of the fatherland."

  "Every one must serve the fatherland in his own way, and according tohis ability," said Bothmar, gently; "you are serving it by your heroicarm and soul-stirring example; I am doing so by trying at least toprevent mischief, and to assist my brethren as much as I can. My tasknow is accomplished! Farewell! and may Heaven grant victory to yourpatriotic zeal!"

  "Where are you going?" said Schill, grasping Bothmar's arm and detaininghim. "You must not leave me yet; you must remain here at least to-day,that--but what is the meaning of this bugle-call?"

  "It means that the postilion has arrived with horses, and calls me,"said M. von Bothmar, smiling.

  "What! You have travelled three days and three nights, and are departingso soon?"

  "Have I not told you that I obtained leave of absence only for six days?Well, then, three days hence I shall be in Cassel again, and, I believe,I have improved my six days in a highly commendable manner."

  "Farewell, noble young man! when we meet again, Germany, if it pleaseGod, will be free and happy!"

  "Oh, may it be so!" said M. von Bothmar, sighing. "Be prudent, sir, donot endanger your life; remember that it does not belong to you, but tothe fatherland, and now farewell! The impatient postilion is soundinghis bugle again. Farewell!"

  He quickly left the room, but Schill accompanied to the staircase thefriend he had gained so suddenly. He returned to his room and hastenedto the window, to wave his hand once more to M. von Bothmar. Loud cheersgreeted him as soon as his countenance was recognized behind thewindow-panes; the crowd in front of the house constantly increased, andwhen he appeared to the longing eyes of the citizens, they could notsuppress their loud huzzas.

  "They do me too much honor," said Schill to himself, smiling, andstepping back from the window. "But their love and its boisterousdemonstrations are not exactly intended for myself individually. Thesekind people greet in me the first hope dawning to them after a longperiod of darkness; and, therefore, I will joyfully indulge them, and Iwill thank them by brave deeds. Yes, by deeds! The time ofprocrastination is over. I must hesitate no longer: I must act!"

  His servant entered and handed him some letters just brought for him. Heopened and read them rapidly. The perfume of the first, written onrose-colored note-paper, made him smile. "It is the sixth declaration oflove that I have received to-day," he said, in a low voice, "and thesixth request for a rendezvous to-night. Oh, women! how innocent in yourenthusiasm for poor Schill! You imagine you love me, and do not knowthat it is the fatherland that you love in me! I will reconquer yourcountry, and bring back that sweet liberty which the tyrant has takenfrom us. Until then, no Cupid's love! My heart must belong wholly toGermany!"

  He read the second letter. "Another painter asks me to sit to him! Why,have not the people already portraits enough of poor Schill? Has notevery old citizen my head on his pipe or his snuff-box? Does not everypretty girl wear my scarred face in her locket? I have no time to sparefor painters; I must take the field!"

  He opened the third; but while he read it, his eyes were sad. "Again thesame admonition which I have so often received. Do they doubt mypatriotism? Do they believe that I am a traitor, and will suffer theopportunity to pass by without improving it?"

  He looked at the letter again, which contained only the following words:"Brutus, thou sleepest, awake!"[45]

  [Footnote 45: Schill received almost daily, from various parts ofGermany, letters containing nothing but those words. A secret society,extending throughout Germany, seemed to have made it a special duty toinstigate Schill to strike the blow, lest the homage he received inBerlin should render him forgetful of his mission.]

  "No," he exclaimed, in a powerful voice, "I do not sleep. I am awake,and behold the golden dawn of freedom! O Germany, my arm and my honorbelong to thee! To thee--and to her!" he whispered, almost inaudibly."Yes, to her--the genius of Prussia! For her I will sacrifice my life!"

  The door opened again, and the footman entered. "Major, there is anothergentleman who desires to see you on pressing business. I wanted to turnhim off, but he said it was indispensable for him to see you. He told mehe wished to deliver to the major something that would gladden hisheart. His name is High-Chamberlain von Schladen, and he said he hadjust arrived from Koenigsberg."

  "Show him in at once," exclaimed Schill, but, in his impetuosity, hehimself led the way and opened the door.

  "Come in, Mr. High-Chamberlain, and forgive me for making you wait evena moment," he said, offering his hand to M. von Schladen, and conductinghim into his sitting-room. "You come from Koenigsberg?"

  "Yes, major, and I bring you greetings from your friends, from thebrethren of the great league, and also from the king and the queen."

  "She really told you to greet me in her name?" asked Schill. "Oh, do notdeceive me; tell me the truth! Did the queen really tell you that?"

  "She did more than that, major," said M. von Schladen, smiling; "sheintrusted to me a present for you, which I am to deliver to yourself,and which she made for you with her own hands."

  At this moment Schill was a truly handsome man. If the ladies and thepainters of Berlin had seen him just then, they woul
d have beentransported at his noble countenance, as his black eyes sparkled withjoy. "The queen sends me a present!" he exclaimed--"a present which sheherself has made!"

  "Yes, and on which she inscribed your name with her own hand, that itmight be to you a plain and undeniable proof of her favor."

  "Oh, give it to me, sir!" exclaimed Schill, stretching out his hands.

  M. von Schladen drew a small package, wrapped in paper, from his bosom,and handed it to Schill.

  "On my knees will I receive this present from my queen!" exclaimedSchill. "Oh, it seems to me as though she were standing before me,looking at me with that sad smile which brings tears into the eyes ofall who behold her! When I was at Koenigsberg the other day, it waspermitted me to speak to her, and press my lips on her hand. With thatkiss I devoted myself to her for my whole life, and she is ever beforemy eyes, clothed in a sort of divine beauty--as a Madonna holding theMessiah of Freedom in her arms! And the noble queen, to whom I prayevery night as to a saint, sends me a present which she has made for mewith her own hands? Oh, am I worthy of such kindness; have I done anything entitling me to such a proof of condescension on her part, and amI thus honored by her who is the guardian angel of Prussia!--whomNapoleon hates, because he fears her zeal and fidelity. As a vestal, shehas kept alive the fire of patriotism on the altar of her country. Whenall despair, she still hopes for the redemption of her people from avictorious but merciless enemy. I will consecrate my life anew to her,though unworthy of the distinguished regard she bestows on me by thispresent, the work of her own royal hands."

  "Yes, but you are worthy of the favor of our noble queen," said M. vonSchiaden, solemnly, "for you are the representative hero of Germany, andHeaven has decreed, perhaps, that you should break the first link of thechain with which the usurper has fettered our country. As soon as thatlink is broken, it will be easy to break the rest. You, Major vonSchill, are the hope of Germany--the hope of Queen Louisa. Take, then,the present which she sends you, worthy champion of the cause of hercountry!"

  He handed the package to the major. Schill, kneeling, took it andunfolded the wrapper. It contained a magnificent memorandum-book,embroidered in gold, and closed with a gold pencil. Schill admired therich art displayed in the book, and, opening it, looked for theautograph of the queen. He uttered a joyful cry. The queen had writtenthese words, in small, neat characters: "For brave Major von Schill.Louisa."

  Schill pressed his lips on the words, and then, closing the book, put itinto his bosom, and rose from his knees. "It will rest on my heart aslong as I live," he said; "its every pulsation belongs to her! And now,M. von Schladen, what is the state of affairs at Koenigsberg? What hopesare entertained there?"

  "Hopes!" exclaimed M. von Schladen, with a mournful smile; "none--onlyapprehensions."

  "And they do not yet think of bidding defiance to the tyrant, and ofrecalling noble Baron von Stein?"

  "No, they dare not do so. Stein, proscribed by Napoleon, forsaken by hisking, who sacrificed him at the emperor's behest, is living in exile,deprived of his whole property, which Napoleon confiscated; he iswithout employment, without influence, far from his country, far fromhis friends. The Emperor of Austria did what the King of Prussia darenot do: he gave an asylum to the proscribed patriot; Baron von Stein isnow with his family at Bruenn."

  "And the king?" asked Schill. "Does he not feel it as a wound to bow tothe tyrant's behest, and dismiss his noblest and ablest servant?"

  "He does, perhaps," replied M. von Schladen, hesitatingly; "but he doesnot say so. The afflictions of the past years have broken his courage,and rendered him irresolute and timid. As soon as he received Napoleon'sorders, he dismissed Baron von Stein, without bestowing any token ofkindness or gratitude. Every true Prussian deeply felt this treatment;one of the most faithful and upright servants of the king,District-Councillor Scheffner, who has every day interviews with thequeen, dared even to write a letter to the king, informing him of theindignation prevailing everywhere. He asked the king to gladden thehearts of all good Prussians, and to give a courageous proof of hisroyal gratitude toward the eminent minister, by conferring the order ofthe Black Eagle upon Baron von Stein."

  "And what did the king say to him?"

  "He replied that he was very sorry that he was unable to comply withthis request. Although he entertained the highest respect for Baron vonStein, and would be glad to confer this exalted distinction on him, itwould be highly improper at the present time to make so dangerous ademonstration."

  "Such is the gratitude of kings toward their faithful servants!"exclaimed Schill, in a tone of bitter reproach; "such is the manner inwhich they reward those who have sacrificed for them their property andlife! But we do not struggle for kings and princes; we are serving theadored fatherland; we are fighting for liberty, and the death which wefind on the field of honor is an order of the Black Eagle which thegreat fatherland confers on us! O Germany, one day I shall also receivethis honor at thy hands; free Germany will adorn my corpse with it!"

  "Oh, what desponding words you are now uttering!" said M. von Schladen,anxiously. "Who can be courageous and hopeful when Schill talks ofdeath?"

  "I am not desponding," exclaimed Schill, smiling, "but I have aforeboding that I am to seal my love for Germany with my heart's blood.I am almost glad of it, for friendships so sealed are said to beeternal, and Germany will, perhaps, revere my memory when I die forher.--And Louisa! What says the queen? How does she bear these days ofhumiliation?"

  "Like a heroine! Like a queen whose kingdom is not of this world. Hercheeks are pale, but a spirit of resignation pervades her countenance,and when she turns her blue eyes upward, there is an expression in themthat plainly reveals her yearning for a home in heaven!"

  "But her health is good?" inquired Schill, anxiously. "She is not ill?"

  "That is to say, she is not positively ill, but her whole life is thatof a martyr. Her heart is broken; she suffers mentally, while she is notaltogether free from physical pain. But she never complains, and, alas!the physicians know of no remedy. There is but one for our smiling,suffering queen, and that is the deliverance of her country!"

  "Germany must and shall be delivered," exclaimed Schill,enthusiastically. "Something must be done! We must arouse the sleepers;we must compel them to act!"

  "You are right! The nation must wake and rise. That is the opinion ofall patriots, as well as of the queen. And we are looking with trustinghearts toward you; we hope that you will give this impetus to ourcountrymen. It is out of the question to hesitate longer; we must act.Austria is in the field; her people are exultingly marching to vanquishthe tyrant, who, with his proud armies, has again penetrated intoGermany. The report that the Archduke Charles has gained a victory is asthough it were the first herald announcing to us safety and restoration.Hope fills every heart. As soon as Schill unfurls his banner and callsupon his brethren to commence the holy struggle for the liberation ofthe fatherland, patriotic men from all the states of Prussia and NorthGermany will rally around him; the enthusiasm of the people will rushlike a torrent carrying away the king and his ministers in spite ofthemselves; their hesitations, fears, and cowardice, will be overwhelmedby the public determination. The hope of the queen is in Schill's heroicexample; it is the hope of Gneisenau, Bluecher, and Scharnhorst; it isthe hope of all!"

  "And it shall be fulfilled," exclaimed Schill. "Brutus does not sleep.He is awake, and ready for action. I swear it by this precious gift ofmy queen!" He drew the memorandum-book from his bosom. Solemnly layinghis hand on it, and raising his eyes toward heaven, he said: "I swearthat I will draw my sword now for the fight of liberty--that I will notsheath it until this sacred cause has been carried to a gloriousconclusion, unless forbidden by death longer to serve my queen andcountry!" He pressed the book against his lips, and then opening it readagain Louisa's words. As he turned over the leaves, a scrap of paperfell upon the floor. Picking it up, he saw that it contained a singleline written in the same small handwriting: "Der Koenig schwankt; Schill,zie
hen sie mit Gott!"[46] "Yes, Heaven is on our side, to fight forGermany and her noble queen!" exclaimed Schill. "I will departto-morrow!"

  [Footnote 46: "The king hesitates; Schill, march with God!"]


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