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Marriage Training

Page 5

by Golden Angel

  “WHAT DID YOU THINK OF MISS STAFFORD, my lord?” asked Mrs. Cunningham once Gabriel had settled himself in one of the comfortable chairs in her office. She had three seats arranged in a circle to facilitate the necessary conversations that took place there. Mrs. Banks would soon be joining them.

  “She’s just as delightful as I remembered, perhaps more so,” he said, smiling fondly. Sweet, gentle, submissive, and every inch the perfect young debutante.

  “Miss Stafford is quite lovely, and, if I may say so, is a well-chosen subject for the training we provide,” Mrs. Cunningham said, smiling. “Ever since she arrived at the school she’s been cooperative, very eager to please, and inherently submissive. I think she will be quite easy to train and will be one of the school’s most accomplished students.”

  The description aligned very closely with the impressions Gabriel had received, both when he’d first met Vivian and as he’d spoken with her today.

  “I think we must discuss exactly what you would like the training to achieve, once Mrs. Banks arrives. We would like to match her to your desires as precisely as we are able to.”

  “How so?” asked Gabriel, curious.

  “Well, for instance, some men prefer their brides come to them obedient but partially untrained so that they might finish the training themselves. Some prefer that their brides become accustomed to being constantly penetrated. Others want a bride who will obey any command instantly, some want their brides to associate certain punishments with pleasure, or being bound with pleasure. It all depends on the particular gentleman. And, if he so wishes, the desires of his particular bride.”

  “Will I be able to participate in any of the training?” Mrs. Cunningham hesitated. “It is not unheard of, although I do not recommend it for at least the beginning of training. You will, of course, have regular meetings with Miss Stafford, but at the outset it is likely she will be overwhelmed with her new studies and adjusting to new revelations about what a marriage entails. During that time, she will cling to her companion for explanations and reassurance; once she begins to accept the new aspects of her life, it will be easier to transfer her obedience from Mrs. Banks to you. It’s possible she might go through a period of resentment, especially if she earns any punishments, and it will be best if she has time to accept her new situation before you become a part of that aspect of her training.”

  Disappointed, but realizing that Mrs. Cunningham made a very good point, Gabriel nodded and sank back into his chair to think. Seeing that he was focused inward, Mrs. Cunningham did not press him. Instead, she waited with her ear cocked towards the door, listening for Mrs. Banks.

  A few minutes later there was a cursory knock at the door before it opened and Mrs. Banks walked in. Both Mrs. Cunningham and Gabriel stood; after all, he could not remain seated while there were ladies standing, his higher rank notwithstanding.

  “Mrs. Banks, please join us,” said Mrs. Cunningham with a sweeping gesture at the awaiting chair.

  The companion murmured a greeting to Lord Cranborne as she took her place. Gabriel’s keen gaze swept over the woman who spent so much time with his future wife and who would be responsible for guiding Vivian through the beginning of her intimate education. Mrs. Banks was younger than he’d expected, perhaps only a few years older than himself, with honey blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an attractive oval face. The blue and cream dress she was wearing set off her good looks and displayed her curves to perfection without being immodest.

  Gabriel was immediately struck by what an attractive pair she would make with Miss Stafford. Older, yes, but there were many gentlemen among the ton who would pursue Mrs. Banks in her own right. He had not thought about what his reaction to watching his future wife with her companion would be, but he now realized it would be quite a bit more enjoyable than he anticipated.

  Mrs. Cunningham turned to give Lord Cranborne an ingratiating look. “So, my lord, what would you like Miss Stafford’s training to achieve?”

  Shifting in his seat to a more comfortable position, and pushing away the erotic images now titillating his imagination, Gabriel took a moment to consider his words. “I’d like her to keep as much of her innocence as possible,” he said, deciding to be bluntly graphic. “I shall enjoy her blushes and attempts to preserve her modesty, and I don’t want her to lose that before we marry. I don’t mind if she protests, as long as she is obedient when she is given an order.”

  “That is quite easily done,” said Mrs. Banks, nodding. Her soft smile brightened her countenance even further. “We shall allow her to indulge in her natural reactions without punishment. If she is given that small amount of latitude, while being trained into obedience, she will cling to those reactions for as long as possible.”

  “Wonderful,” said Gabriel, a slow, pleased smile spreading across his handsome face. “I would like her to become accustomed to being in restraints as well as holding herself in position without the restraints.”

  “Of course,” said Mrs. Cunningham. “Our training also usually includes accustoming the young women to the combination of pleasure and pain, unless you would like to keep them separate. It depends on what you’d like her punishments to be.”

  “She’ll be spanked on a regular basis, for both pleasure and minor infractions,” said Gabriel, leaning back into his chair with an anticipatory gleam in his dark eyes. “Larger infractions will be punished with a strap or a cane. I plan to use her bottom as well, for both punishment and pleasure. I want her to become accepting of it as a punishment, but not accustomed to it. I would also like her to be trained to please me orally, but I’d prefer she actually practice on me.”

  “I can start her out sooner than that, if you’d like, without involving another man,” Mrs. Banks said smoothly, obviously understanding that Gabriel was reluctant to share the favors of his bride-to-be. Indeed, she looked as though she were anticipating the lessons just as much as Gabriel was. “If she is introduced to the techniques beforehand she will progress much faster and be less resistant when confronted with doing such a thing on a man. I can use my fingers to simulate the act and therefore I will also be able to guide her more definitively.”

  “That’s acceptable,” he said, giving the widow a roguish grin.

  The group discussed further methods of Vivian’s training for the next quarter of an hour, before Gabriel had to be on his way. However, by the time he left the school he felt fully confident leaving the instruction of his bride in the capable hands of Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Banks. Although, of course, he was also understandably frustrated at the long wait he had ahead of him before he would be able to participate in Vivian’s training.


  A KNOCK ON THE DOOR HAD Vivian SITTING up abruptly. She’d just been about to drift off to sleep, despite all the thoughts whirling around her head, and the unexpected knocking sent anxiety shooting through her. The nervousness quickly turned to relief as the door opened and Emily stuck her head in.

  “How are you?” she asked, quickly sliding in and kicking the door shut behind her. They weren’t supposed to be in each other’s rooms at night, although Emily and Vivian did it often enough. Of course, Emily came to Vivian’s room much more often than the other way around, always being the more daring of the two. “Mrs. Banks said you weren’t feeling well.”

  With a lacy robe covering her dressing gown, Emily scampered across the room and sat down on Vivian’s bed, not at all deterred by Vivian’s supposed illness. The little slippers she was wearing were embroidered quite prettily. It occurred to Vivian that many of her own things, ever since she’d arrived at the school, were nearly as good in quality as Emily’s. For the first time, she realized that it must be because of Lord Cranborne.

  “Oh, ah, I’m feeling much better,” Vivian stammered, realizing that Mrs. Banks must have fibbed for her after Vivian had requested some time alone. The day’s events had thoroughly disoriented Vivian in a way that she’d never experienced before. She was enamored of her husban
d-to-be already, and yet she couldn’t shake Mrs. Cunningham’s warnings about her new training from her mind. She’d just wanted to be alone with her thoughts for a bit.

  “You look a little flushed,” Emily observed, looking her over carefully. “But not feverish.”

  “It’s been a rather interesting day,” Vivian said. “I had lunch with my betrothed today. The Earl of Cranborne.” Emily squealed loudly, bouncing on the bed, before clapping her hand over her mouth. Her brown eyes sparkled above her fingers as she hunched, both of them automatically waiting, expecting one of their companions to open the door and catch them in a misdeed. When the door didn’t open, both let out the breaths they’d been holding and smiled at each other.

  “What was he like?” Emily asked, whispering the question so loudly that she might as well have spoken in her normal tones. “Was he as handsome as I remembered?”

  Opening and closing her mouth, Vivian realized she didn’t have the words to adequately describe him. “Very handsome. Powerful. He looks like one of Mrs. Radcliffe’s heroes.” She flushed with pleasure. “He brought me one of her books for my birthday.”

  Vivian picked it up from the little nightstand next to her bed, where she’d set it for reading. She couldn’t wait to get started on it, but tonight she’d been too unfocused to even make the attempt.

  This time Emily’s squeal was much quieter. “Oh, how thoughtful! This time I might actually have to borrow a book from you if my mother doesn’t send me a copy quickly enough.” Her eyes sparkled with happiness for Vivian. That was one of the most wonderful things about Emily: despite her high social position, she was an incredibly generous and sweet person, with not the slightest hint of artifice about her. “Did you like him? Did he say why he chose you?”

  Vivian hesitated for just a moment. “He said . . . He said he saw me and he felt a connection,” she said. Which, he’d implied, in a manner of speaking. Of course, she couldn’t tell Emily too much about it, without treading on dangerous ground. As to Emily’s other question . . . Vivian’s lips tilted up in a helpless smile. “I do think I like him, yes. He’s frightfully intimidating at first glance, but we had luncheon together and he was very polite and easy to talk to after a while.” In truth, she had been drawn to him, the same way the heroines in Mrs. Radcliffe’s books often were.

  Emily clapped her hands in delight. “I’m so happy for you, Vivian. Out of all the girls in this school, you deserve it.”

  Somehow, the way Emily said it made Vivian feel uncomfortable; she could almost swear she saw hidden knowledge in Emily’s eyes of the Staffords’s financial situation. But, if she was aware, of course she would never say it outright. Still, Vivian felt it best to change the topic.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling at her friend to cover her own unease that perhaps her family’s problems weren’t as well-hidden as they’d thought. “What did you do with your day?”

  Not at all perturbed by the change in topic, Emily chattered about the lesson she and several of the other young women Vivian usually studied with had in a new embroidery knot that afternoon, which Vivian had missed due to her luncheon. Since Vivian recognized the knot as one her mother had already taught her, she knew she would have no work to make up for. Emily, on the other hand, always had trouble with anything that involved sitting still for long periods of time and had no patience for embroidery.

  “Miss Norton said that I’m hopeless with a needle, but I can’t imagine a man actually choosing to wed me for my embroidery skills,” said Emily laughing. The gossip had restored Vivian’s equilibrium and she laughed along with her friend.

  “And riding a horse will make you more appealing?” Vivian teased back.

  “As long as he enjoys riding, it will,” said Emily staunchly, although her eyes were twinkling merrily. She glanced at the clock and sighed. “I must be getting back to my room, in case Miss Norton decides to check on me.”

  “Thank you for coming to see me, I’m glad we had a chance to talk,” Vivian said, as Emily leaned over to give her an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

  “Of course. I’ll see you in classes tomorrow.” Catching the look on Vivian’s face, Emily frowned. “Won’t I?”

  “Um.” Vivian faltered. “I might be having some special classes from now on. I don’t know what time they’re to be held, though. Mrs. Banks says that there will be specific things I need to know as Lord Cranborne’s wife.” Things she didn’t dare mention even obliquely to Emily, both because of her scholarship status, and because Emily would be full of questions that Vivian couldn’t answer yet—and wouldn’t even once she could.

  Obviously, her worry communicated itself to her friend, because Emily smiled reassuringly at her. “You’re going to be an amazing wife, Vivian. Whatever special classes you need, I’m sure you’ll be brilliant at them.”

  With that Emily gave her a quick hug before sneaking back out the door and down the hall to her own room.

  The next morning, instead of going to the usual dining room, Vivian was taken to Mrs. Cunningham’s private rooms to break her fast. When Mrs. Banks had come to fetch her and told her where she would be having her meal, she’d been quite shocked. She’d never heard of another young lady having a meal with Mrs. Cunningham.

  The beautiful vivid blue gown she wore gave her some measure of confidence, yet she felt as though both Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Banks were studying her every movement much more closely than ever before. It was an unnerving sensation, but she did her best to smile and engage in the light social repartee as they had taught her. They discussed the weather and the newest fashions, and complimented each other’s dresses. It was all what Vivian was used to, but suddenly it felt like a charade.

  Having met the earl yesterday, she could only assume Mrs. Cunningham wished to speak with her about her upcoming training. Engaging in meaningless social chatter was becoming almost tiresome, making her more and more anxious to discuss what they were really there for.

  As the meal ended, Vivian felt her emotions winding up tighter and tighter as if she were being stretched and pulled like wool around a spindle. So far, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and yet that did not comfort her. Why would Mrs. Cunningham invite her for a private meal only to discuss fashion? There must be some purpose behind her presence here, especially after the events of yesterday, and she was becoming quite desperate to know what.

  Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore.

  Putting on her social smile the way a warrior might don his armor, Vivian raised her emerald eyes to meet the hard agates of Mrs. Cunningham’s. “Thank you so much for the invitation to break my fast with you, Mrs. Cunningham,” she said. “It was quite an unexpected honor.”

  Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Cunningham exchanged pleased smiles. Not only had Vivian lasted much longer than most of the young woman in inquiring about her presence, but she had done so subtly and politely. Some young women became quite aggressive at this point, and others never got up the gumption to say anything at all.

  From her reading of Lord Cranborne, Mrs. Cunningham was becoming more and more assured that Miss Stafford was exactly the right kind of young woman for his lordship. Submissive but spirited and with a well of inner strength that would make her final submission to him all the more glorious.

  “But one well deserved,” she replied to Vivian. “After all, you have proven yourself to be one of the most exemplary students at this school. Now that you’ve been informed of your upcoming training and had the chance to think things over, as well as meet the earl, I wanted to speak with you again.”

  “Thank you,” she said carefully, trying to decide how to word her myriad of questions. “I do appreciate it.”

  But before she could ask anything, Mrs. Banks reached across the table to rest her hand on Vivian’s.

  “Tomorrow your training will begin in earnest,” said Mrs. Banks. “During the day, you will join the other young women in a practicum we have created to give you all experience in the actual running
of a household. In the evening, you will forgo the usual activities to begin your marriage training.”

  “Not all of it will be pleasant,” said Mrs. Cunningham, her voice cutting through Mrs. Banks’s softer tones. “But some girls have found a good deal of pleasure in their training. You will be punished when necessary, and rewarded as deserved.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully,” Mrs. Banks said, giving Vivian’s hand a squeeze. Vivian’s heart jumped and she bit down on her lower lip, made nervous by Mrs. Cunningham’s words even as Mrs. Banks had sought to reassure her.

  “She’d better,” Mrs. Cunningham said acerbically. “We have a reputation to uphold.”

  “Of course she will, she’ll be a credit to us all.”

  It didn’t occur to Vivian that the scene being played out before her was well rehearsed, designed to both set her off balance and realign her emotions positively towards Mrs. Banks. The handsome widow’s support bolstered her spirits in the face of Mrs. Cunningham’s doubtful tone and foreboding expression.

  “I will certainly do my best,” said Vivian truthfully, not wanting to let down Mrs. Banks’s confidence in her. Mrs. Cunningham nodded her head as if to say she knew that Vivian would try her best, but that didn’t entirely convince her that she would do well. Mrs. Banks gave Vivian’s hand another squeeze.

  “Wonderful, my dear,” Mrs. Banks said, giving both her and Mrs. Cunningham a brilliant smile. “Now, come along. Your new lessons don’t begin until the morrow, but there are still things to do today.”

  Gabriel swirled his scotch around the bottom of his glass, listening to the musical clinking of ice against crystal as he stared out into the night. After his meeting at the school, he’d come to his father’s house in London to have a visit with the family. They were, of course, all eager to hear about the woman that he’d finally chosen as his bride.

  Both of his younger sisters had married before him, both to men who were also part of the wilder set. In fact, Jonathan, his youngest sister’s husband, had been one of his good friends since they were at Oxford together. They’d both spent time at the private parties that catered to the clandestine activities their group enjoyed.


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