Marriage Training
Page 18
When Mrs. Banks finished the lecture and stepped back, waiting for Vivian to stand so she could be stripped, his future wife’s big eyes flitted to where he was seated. Although he knew she wouldn’t realize it, he was already achingly hard, just from being so close to her and from the anticipation of what was to come. Slowly she stood, trembling, her fingers still twined about each other in front of her, as if she was afraid to break them apart.
“Turn around,” Mrs. Banks commanded, realizing Vivian was going to need some help to disrobe tonight.
She had never done so in front of a man—no less the dark, engaging, intimidating man who had paid for her schooling and training, to whom she owed her family’s well-being, and who wanted complete dominion over her body. The idea of being completely bare in front of him made Vivian’s heart race with a heady mix of fear and excitement.
Somehow, during the daylight hours, it had been all too easy to forget he was responsible for what happened to her in the evening. He was so charming, so considerate . . . and now he was sitting and watching with avid eyes as she was prepared for her nightly punishment.
Vivian avoided his gaze as Mrs. Banks unbuttoned her dress and helped her step out of it. A heated blush filled her cheeks and she felt quite faint as she was stripped down to her undergarments. She’d grown so used to this part of her routine that she hadn’t been particularly aware of her nakedness for days, but now she could practically feel her future husband’s eyes traveling possessively over her body. It made her nipples harden and press against the soft fabric of her chemise and already wet heat bloomed between her legs.
Just having him sitting there, watching, heightened every pleasurable sensation that went through her, even though she wouldn’t look at him.
She hesitated and whimpered a bit when Mrs. Banks tried to put Vivian over her lap for the first time, earning a sharp smack on the back of the thigh from her companion. The positioning would have her bottom and privates pointed straight at the earl, giving him a spectacular view that had not been shared with anyone other than Mrs. Banks. Marriage would allow the earl to view her body from every angle soon enough, but she hadn’t been prepared for such a display this evening.
So when she was finally arranged over Mrs. Banks’s lap, her hands bound behind her back, with her bottom pointed at the earl, she kept her legs tightly closed as unexpected tears of humiliation sparked in her eyes. It made her feel exposed, even though her pussy got wetter and wetter with each added step of the evening. When she wondered at her body’s response, she realized her fantasies were slowly coming to life as if kissed by Pygmalion, and just as unexpectedly as when the Greek sculptor had kissed his statue.
“That will be six extra with the hairbrush for your delays,” Mrs. Banks said severely, and Vivian moaned, shuddering. She hadn’t wanted to misbehave, but she was just so . . . So . . .
Smack! Smack!
The blows came down hard on Vivian’s bottom, one on the center of each cheek, and she jerked, her legs parting automatically. Then she remembered the earl was behind her and quickly snapped them shut again.
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Although Mrs. Banks was counting out each swat to Vivian’s delightfully twitching bottom, neither the young woman nor the earl were paying her any heed. Vivian was too busy concentrating on trying to keep her legs completely shut against the earl’s prying eyes, and Gabriel was too busy watching with delight as his future bride’s beautiful pink pussy peeked and winked at him. Her flesh jiggled under Mrs. Banks’s unforgiving hand, the soft folds of her pussy opening and closing as her legs began to kick.
It was as if the earl’s presence in the room had motivated Mrs. Banks to smack Vivian’s bottom even harder than usual. The young woman cried out, unable to twist or buck away due to the heavy arm across her back, which kept her held firmly in place. Her bottom was on fire and she no longer cared that the earl was watching. Her legs kicked out with abandon as she wept tears onto the floor. The growing ache inside her could only counteract the painful swats to a certain degree.
Fortunately, she had mostly done well during the at-home, and the spanking didn’t go on for very long in comparison to some of the punishments she’d earned in the past. Still, it was no relief to Vivian when it stopped, because she knew what was still to come. There was only a moment when Mrs. Banks shifted beneath her, and then the dreaded hairbrush came down on Vivian’s already blushing behind.
Vivian howled as the sturdy wooden implement caught her right beneath the curve of her buttocks, on her sit-spot, which was sensitive even when it hadn’t been recently spanked. Gabriel shifted in his seat. Despite her cries and tears, Vivian’s pretty pink pussy was becoming wetter and wetter, the glossy slick of her juices already coating the tops of her thighs. He was breathing in time with her, completely caught up in the eroticism of the act, though he ached with envy that she was over Mrs. Banks’s lap and not his. Her reactions were completely uninhibited, even by his presence, and the gift of her submission was beautiful to behold. She was everything he’d dreamed she’d be and more, and the need to claim her, heart, body, and soul, was overwhelming.
When the six blows of the hairbrush had finally been delivered, Vivian lay quiescent across Mrs. Banks’s lap, vowing to herself that even if the earl came with the companion to every punishment session from now on, she would not balk at disrobing before him. After all, being naked in front of him hadn’t hurt, no matter that he’d seen all of the most private parts of her body. Being spanked with the hairbrush, on the other hand, had hurt quite a bit. As well as being an added humiliation that he’d seen her misbehave and then be soundly punished for it.
It was well she had decided that before Mrs. Banks oiled her fingers and slid one into Vivian’s bottom, because the young woman tensed and almost protested again. But the tight, red skin of her cheeks, as well as her thoughts, stopped her before she uttered more than a squeak at having her person invaded before the earl’s watching eyes.
Gabriel was in sexual agony, watching how easily Mrs. Banks penetrated Vivian’s tight little rosebud. He could tell from the way Vivian’s cheeks clenched and then relaxed that she wasn’t entirely happy about being so violated, probably because of his presence, since he knew Mrs. Banks had begun performing this service last week, but she didn’t try to stop what was happening, either. In fact, after a few moments the bright pink cheeks of her bottom relaxed.
His cock felt like it was going to burst out of his trousers, and he shifted uncomfortably. Mrs. Banks glanced over at him, a knowing look on her face, and nodded. Taking that to mean it was almost time for what he was most looking forward to, Gabriel reached down and released his aching member from the tight confines of fabric. Unlike Vivian, he didn’t feel the least bit embarrassed about baring himself in front of the two women; all he felt was relief that his torment of waiting for his future bride would soon be over.
It was all he could do not to run his hand up and down the turgid shaft as he watched Mrs. Banks work a medium-sized dilator into Vivian’s little bottom hole. The soft whimpers coming from his bride’s mouth only added to his dilemma, but he held himself still, knowing the eventual reward would be worth the wait.
The steady stretch of Vivian’s rear entry was both pleasurable and uncomfortable, not in the least because she knew the earl was watching the thick rubber plug as it was worked back and forth in her tight channel. Her muscles strained to accommodate it, as they did every evening Mrs. Banks inserted the thing, until finally they loosened and the most bulbous part of the prod slid into place inside of her. Once it was securely lodged, Mrs. Banks helped her slide to her knees.
But instead of being presented with the companion’s fingers, Mrs. Banks stood and gestured for the earl to take his seat.
Seeing her future husband for the first time since she’d begun undressing, Vivian’s red-rimmed green eyes grew wide with shock and curiosity. She looked more than fetching as she knelt before the punishment chair. The position
made her feel incredibly small as her husband sat before her on the hard chair, the curious, fleshy appendage jutting out of his trousers in front of her face.
It was long and thick, with a rounded head that had a little slit in it where a drop of whitish fluid had gathered; at its base was a trimmed crop of matted dark hair. The color of his flesh there was darker than the rest of him, more reddish looking, and veins ran over its surface.
The rounded, blunt end looked soft and textured. Vivian couldn’t take her eyes away from it.
Although she’d known men and women were different, and she’d had some idea of what a man might look like from having seen the animals in the fields, nothing could have prepared her for the reality that was now only inches from her face.
“This is your husband’s cock,” Mrs. Banks said, stroking Vivian’s hair in a soothing manner, as if she expected her young charge to be upset by her first glimpse of a man. Upset wasn’t what Vivian was feeling, though; she was more curious than anything else. Curious and aroused, her bottom tightening around the thick rubber as her insides clenched. So close to the earl, she could smell the clean, woodsy scent of his cologne, as well as something muskier, earthier. She wanted to lean into him and breathe in those intriguing scents.
Mrs. Banks pressed on the back of Vivian’s head, pushing her closer, and Vivian went willingly. “You are to treat his cock as you have my fingers.”
Startled, Vivian looked up, first at Mrs. Banks and then at the earl. The cock was much, much bigger than Mrs. Banks’s fingers and Vivian wasn’t sure how it was supposed to fit into her mouth. The hungry intensity with which the earl was looking at her quite unnerved her as well.
But the hand on the back of her head was insistent, and Vivian found herself leaning forward. Her mouth pressed against the stiff rod and she was surprised at how hot and hard it felt against her face. Experimentally she flicked out her tongue and licked it.
The earl groaned and rolled his hips, pushing his cock at her. Vivian was fascinated by the discovery that such a small touch could have such a large effect on him.
“Again,” he said, in the deep voice that stirred her insides.
Not at all loathe to continue her experiments, Vivian began to lick up and down the length of his cock the same way she had occasionally done with Mrs. Banks’s fingers. While she knew she was expected to put the large appendage inside her mouth, she fervently hoped the earl and her companion would give her some time to work up to it. It was a rather intimidating prospect.
Fortunately, the earl seemed quite pleased by her efforts, watching her with glittering dark eyes as she explored him with her mouth, working her way from the base up to the tip.
Mrs. Banks knelt to the side of and partially behind Vivian. Sliding one hand between the younger woman’s legs to seek out the wet folds of her pussy, she reached into the cleft of Vivian’s bottom to find the base of the dilator still wedged inside of her. While she would leave Vivian’s ultimate pleasure up to the earl, she would tease and build the young woman’s climax. It was the best way to ensure Vivian associated this act with pleasure.
As she traced her fingers along the wet folds of Vivian’s pussy, Mrs. Banks twirled and pumped the dilator in the younger woman’s back door with her other hand. Vivian’s eyes glazed over as the sensations washed through her, her hands twitching in their restraints behind her back. Seeing the sensual enjoyment on his future bride’s face, Gabriel reached out and slid his hands into her hair, bringing her lips to the tip of his aching cock.
Distracted by the wonderful sensations in her pussy and the slight discomfort but still enjoyable sensations in her bottom, Vivian automatically opened her mouth to accept the offering before her lips. Her jaw had to open much further to fit his cock into her mouth, but she found something rather satisfying in the act.
Gabriel groaned as his future wife took him deeper, her sultry, wet mouth suckling at his flesh with enthusiasm. He was both envious and aroused at watching Mrs. Banks touch Vivian so intimately, wanting to replace her hands with his own, and yet enjoying the sight all the same.
Soon she would be all his, to touch and caress and pleasure and punish. Already Mrs. Banks was beginning the transfer of dependence from herself to him, manipulating Vivian’s body to feel pleasure as she pleasured him, introducing him into their nightly routine. Every night this week they would take her a little further, push her a little harder, until he and Mrs. Banks had switched roles, and she would be the observer and he would be the disciplinarian.
Using the gorgeous, flaming locks of Vivian’s hair, Gabriel began to move her head back and forth on the length of his cock. She tried to pull away as he went deeper, almost touching the back of her throat, and he stopped his momentum. While he didn’t allow her to pull away, he didn’t push her, either, and waited until she had relaxed.
“Breathe through your nose,” he instructed her, kneading his fingers into her scalp to help relax her. “Try to swallow me down your throat. You don’t have to succeed yet. I just want you to try.”
He moved her head again, sliding her mouth until just his head was between her lips, and then forcing her to take him deeper. Mrs. Banks began to pinch at her clit, and Vivian moaned with pleasure around the thick meat in her mouth, automatically relaxing her throat, and to her surprise the head of his cock slipped quite easily into that space. It felt strange and thick, but before she could panic from realizing it cut off her airway, the earl was sliding her off of him again.
And then he pushed her back down, but this time she was prepared. The groans that came from his mouth as her lips slid down almost to the base of his cock made her shudder with pleasure. There was something intensely satisfying about hearing him make such involuntary noises and knowing she was the cause.
The burgeoning pleasure in her own core made her even more eager to suckle on his cock, her tongue and throat working as need built inside of her. It was an almost automatic response, as she had no control over the way Mrs. Banks was touching her, but she had some control over how she sucked on the earl’s cock. And the needier she was for climax, the more enthusiastically her mouth worked on his turgid flesh.
Even the stopper in her bottom had begun to feel good as it was pulled and pushed, her insides clenching in delight as every last nerve was pleasurably tantalized. Yet she couldn’t quite reach climax, as Mrs. Banks knew the warning signs too well and immediately removed her fingers from Vivian’s clitoris and returned to teasing the young woman rather than satisfying her. Feeling almost frantic, Vivian sucked even harder on the earl’s cock.
“God!” His head fell back as his hands tightened on her head. “I’m going to cum . . . Swallow it all, sweetheart . . . Oh, bloody hell . . .” His fingers spasmed and then tightened again. If she could have, Vivian would have asked what she was supposed to swallow, but just as she thought of the question, she received her answer.
The rod in her mouth throbbed, expanding and pressing against her tongue, and the underside of it pulsed as spurts of fluid was forced through it and out the tip, straight down into her throat. Salty, bitter sweetness filled her mouth, and she might have spit it out in surprise, but with the earl’s tight grip on her head she had no choice but to swallow it down. The hot fluid seemed to burn her throat and stomach, even as her ears were filled with the earl’s satisfied groans.
Once the pulsing stopped, the hard flesh in her mouth seemed to soften and shrink a bit, allowing her to get her breath back. The earl’s fingers on her head loosened and he rubbed her scalp, making her hum with pleasure again. Her own body was still throbbing with need and she rocked her hips, only to cry out as Mrs. Banks gave her clit one last teasing pinch and withdrew.
“Good girl,” the earl said, and a rush of pleasure went through her. She looked up at him, her mouth still wrapped around his shrinking cock, and she didn’t know it, but pleading filled her eyes. Fortunately for both of them, her pleasure was already part of the plan, for after that performance he didn’t think h
e could deny her anything. Gently he removed her swollen lips from around his cock, which was still half hard and if she continued sucking on it he knew he’d be back to full mast in a matter of minutes. But now it was time to see to her and her pleasure, to reward her for a job well done. “Come up here, Vivian.”
Gently he helped her to her feet and then to straddle his thighs. She blushed as her wet pussy folds were parted by the position, her breasts thrust into his face, but she was too needy to truly care about her modesty. Neither of them noticed as Mrs. Banks quietly slipped out the door. Vivian was too far gone in her erotic need, and Gabriel was enjoying having her soft womanly curves on his lap, her wrists bound behind her and her body completely open to him.
While she knew her position was completely immodest and that she should be embarrassed by the way she was splayed out over his lap, Vivian’s pleasure-driven senses didn’t care how wanton she appeared. The taste of him was still in her mouth and she couldn’t deny that she yearned for his touch on her skin. His hands were larger and rougher than Mrs. Banks’s.
“So beautiful,” he murmured, cupping her breasts and squeezing them gently.
Vivian closed her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.
She loved hearing that he thought so. The way he looked at her made her shiver with delight, but she couldn’t look at him while she thanked him for such a sentiment. Despite her desperate need, she still had too much ingrained modesty to feel comfortable expressing gratitude over his perusal of her body if she had to look into his eyes while she did so.
The harsh pinch of her nipples had her eyes flying wide open as she let out a shocked cry, her back arching.
“Eyes on me, sweetness,” he said sternly, his dark gaze boring into hers. Tears sparked in her emerald depths as she wriggled a bit on his lap. Between his fingers her nipples throbbed, the tight pinch biting into her flesh even as it caused her insides to clench with anticipation.