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Marriage Training

Page 24

by Golden Angel

  During her writhing, as he’d teased her mercilessly, her legs had moved quite a bit and so he pushed them fully open again as his forefinger slid down and pressed against her anus.

  “Oh!” she gasped, squirming, as if she might be able to get away from his questing digit. “Gabriel, that isn’t what I meant!”

  “Ah, but you weren’t specific, were you, sweet?”

  Any response she might have made was lost as he pushed his finger past the clenching barrier of her anus and inside her, incredibly easily thanks to all the lubrication her dripping pussy had provided. Vivian felt the tingling burn of entry, the way his finger rooted back and forth as he explored her tight backdoor, and she closed her eyes against his molten silver gaze. It wasn’t that she hated having that area played with—she liked it too much, and she knew it wasn’t proper. From the way Gabriel was looking at her, she could tell he knew it wasn’t proper either, and the very forbidden nature of the act appealed to him.

  vivian supposed she should have been used to having that particular hole touched and filled by now, but Mrs. Banks had never looked at her with such hungry, devouring eyes when she’d invaded it. With Gabriel it was completely different; he had much more interest than Mrs. Banks ever had.

  She moaned as he shifted on the bed. She peeked through her eyelashes. He lowered himself between her legs. The cool air brushed against her wet nipples as they slowly dried, now a dark red from his ardent attentions to the rosy tips.

  “You smell so good.” His voice drifted up to her ears and Vivian’s body clenched. “I think I could just eat you up.”

  Vivian had never experienced anything like the long, slow, heated swipes of Gabriel’s tongue licking along her gaping slit. She shuddered and cried out with pure pleasure as he teased her tender folds.

  It was like a banquet of honeyed peaches, spread out for Gabriel’s delight. He kept one hand on the inside of Vivian’s thigh, ensuring she remained spread and open for him, as he settled himself down to the delights of her body. The tightness of her anus as it convulsed around his finger had his cock throbbing. Gabriel licked and nibbled at the tender lips of her sex, staring up the length of her body and enjoying the way she began to thrash her head back and forth, her breasts jiggling mightily as he worked her towards a quickly impending orgasm.

  All the teasing, combined with the sudden storm of sensation on her vulva overwhelmed Vivian. Her breath came in short pants, and then she screamed his name as he sucked her clit into his mouth. The sobbing cries poured down around him as he frigged her tiny asshole hard, his mouth and tongue working to wring every last ounce of pleasure from her quivering flesh.

  Unable to stop him, unable to control her own response, Vivian’s orgasm raced on out of control, sweeping her up every time she started to fall and setting off another chain reaction of ecstasy. For a moment, everything went dark, and when her eyes opened again she was still in the throes of a physical convulsion that had her crying out Gabriel’s name all over again.

  One day, he promised himself, after they were married, he would tie her up just like this and wring climax after climax from her gorgeous body until she was begging him to stop.

  And that day couldn’t come soon enough for him.


  FRIDAY WAS THE FINAL DAY OF THE PRACTICUM for the students of Mrs. Cunningham’s Finishing School. In the morning they were informed that a celebratory dinner would be held that evening at the house, with their family members in attendance. Vivian’s heart leapt—she hadn’t seen her family in ages—and then it sank again just as quickly. How would this affect her evening with Gabriel?

  At that moment, Gabriel was just as disgruntled as Vivian. He’d just received a note from Mrs. Cunningham informing him Vivian’s parents had requested to take their daughter with them after the dinner, rather than waiting for the next day as had initially been planned. Of course he wouldn’t deny Vivian time with her parents, nor such a small request on their part, but he’d been looking forward to one last night alone with her.

  He felt distinctly thwarted.

  At least there was only a little over a week before he and Vivian would be man and wife, and then she would be in his house, in his bed every night. The servants were already setting up the household in anticipation of their new mistress. He’d caught them preparing the adjoining room for her. Deciding that she should have her own space, he’d allowed it, although he’d forbidden them from adding a bed to the room. Propriety be damned, he was perfectly willing to be unfashionable and sleep every night with his wife, and he didn’t care who knew it.

  Vivian’s reunion with her parents was everything she could have hoped for. Unfortunately, her siblings were not attending the dinner; she wouldn’t see them until the wedding celebrations the following weekend. But it had been so wonderful to see her parents, to throw herself in their arms. Her mother had wept unashamedly, and even her father had become gruffly teary-eyed.

  They’d arrived several hours before the dinner and Vivian had been given permission to take her leave of Mrs. Banks and walk the grounds freely with her parents. It had felt rather odd, like a rite of passage, to have Mrs. Banks see her off with her parents. After tomorrow, Mrs. Banks would no longer be the constant companion of her life.

  Conversation flowed easily. Vivian was eager to hear about home and her brother and sisters, and her parents were eager to hear about her schooling. It very quickly became apparent to Vivian that they had no idea her lessons continued on into the evening, which rather relieved her.

  As her mother was admiring some of the roses in the garden, her father pulled her slightly aside and just out of earshot.

  “Are you happy, sweetheart? The earl has a bit of a . . . a reputation, and I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing, but we needed . . . We needed . . .” He flushed heavily and Vivian took pity on her poor, dear father.

  “I’m very happy,” she said, perfectly sincere. “He’s very kind to me. And I met his stepmother and his sisters and they’ve all been perfectly lovely to me as well.”

  Her father brightened. “Yes, the marchioness is extremely kind and generous. As is the marquess. We’re staying with them, you know, until the wedding next week. They’ve been quite gracious.” There was a touch of awe in his voice that such important personages, quite a bit above a mere baron, would be so welcoming to him and his family. Indeed, the baron was still unsure what had prompted the unusual proposal by the earl for Vivian. He’d heard rumors about the man . . . but he could see for himself that his daughter was quite healthy and seemed very happy.

  Indeed, she practically glowed in the afternoon light when she spoke of the earl. Even out on their estate, he and his wife had heard the gossip of how the earl had fallen prey to the whims of love. Although he would have used the earl’s desire for Vivian for the betterment of their family either way, the baron truly did want the best for his daughter, and was relieved she appeared to be more than content with the situation.

  That evening Vivian’s two worlds collided, with a surprising amount of harmony, although she couldn’t help but blush whenever Gabriel looked at her in her parents’ presence. Mostly because whenever she looked at him she was immediately aroused, wondering whether or not he would come to her room that evening. To be in such a state while having a conversation with her family was incredibly uncomfortable.

  Afterwards, the ladies retreated to the drawing room while the men stayed in the dining room for their port. It was wonderful to have her mother to herself for a bit. She introduced her friends, and the atmosphere was quite festive. That was when Vivian learned she would be leaving that evening, by special request of her parents. The marquess’s London house was close enough for her to return for the graduation ceremony the next day, and her parents desperately wanted as much time with her as possible. The earl and the school had granted the request.

  Vivian was conflicted. Of course she wanted time with her family, especially as she would soon be married
to Gabriel and would not be returning to her childhood home, but she’d also been looking forward to the earl’s nightly visit. Should she feel grateful he’d approved her parents’ request, or worried that his interest in her was already waning?

  When the gentlemen rejoined them, Vivian knew her doubts were invalid. The way Gabriel looked at her, the hunger in his eyes, proved he definitely still wanted her.

  Before the evening came to a close, he drew her aside by one of the windows. They were still within the full view of the room of course, but separate, and as long as they spoke in low voices, no one would be able to hear what was said.

  “I’d hoped for another night with you this evening,” Gabriel said, his voice low and intimate. She shivered and stepped a little closer to him. Almost too close for propriety really, but she had such an urge to reach out and touch him that she couldn’t help it. The green flecks in his eyes flashed brighter.

  “I, too,” she said softly, tilting her head back to look up at him directly. “But I’m also glad to spend more time with my family. Thank you for that.”

  “Oh, Sunrise, you’ll be showing your gratitude later, never worry.” The wicked, rakish grin he gave her made her knees feel weak. Or maybe that was just the impulse to drop to her knees and do wicked things to him with her mouth. After all, that had become her normal activity for this time in the evening.

  “Will you be staying at your parents’ house, too?”

  “No. But I’ll be visiting quite often. And I expect you to be on your best behavior.” Gabriel shifted his weight, partially blocking her from the room. His hand came up, cupping her breast. Vivian gasped. Her eyes darted towards the rest of the guests, but she realized Gabriel’s broad shoulders effectively hid her from them, and them from her. The way he’d positioned himself also kept any of them from being able to see that he was fondling her so inappropriately.

  Of course, anyone could come over at any second and catch them. Her pulse sped even faster.

  Gabriel nearly groaned with the unfairness of it all. His bride-to-be was staring up at him with hot, welcoming emerald eyes, not even protesting his manhandling of her. The amount of trust she showed in him was overwhelming. And incredibly arousing.

  “I’m going to miss you tonight, sweet. I’ll see as much as possible of you over the next week.” Finding the tiny, erect bud of her nipple, Gabriel pinched it between his fingers and enjoyed her shocked gasp. He tugged it, and his eyes bored into hers as she bit down on her lip to suppress a moan. “You will be good, or you will pay for it later.” With every word, he increased the pressure on her tender bud, pinching it tighter and tighter in erotic warning. “You may touch yourself as much as you want, but you may not climax. I’ll know if you do and you will regret it.”

  Her cheeks paled in response to his words, which obviously both aroused and disturbed her. She sighed as he lessened the pressure on her nipple, simultaneously rolling it between his fingers to change the stimulation. He would bet his title that she was soaking wet right now.

  And he would have won that bet, if he’d been able to slip his fingers between her thighs and check. Vivian was achingly aware of how aroused she’d become from his fondling and threat, from the little bit of pain he’d induced in her nipple, and from the remembered pain of her punishments. She had to bite her lip again to keep from whimpering as he released her nipple and shifted away. The little bud ached from the rough handling, and the other pulsed with envy that it remained untouched.

  He’d given her permission to touch herself. She wanted to sneak off and pinch her other nipple so the slightly painful ache would at least be the same on both sides.

  Instead she followed along, her hand resting delicately on his arm, as they finished out the evening. It thrilled that deep, secret side of her to know Gabriel could touch her so intimately, rouse her so passionately, and none of these people in the room need know. Of course, being returned to her parents’ care dampened the thrill a bit, but only a very little bit.

  Over the weekend Vivian spent most of her time with her family. The graduation ceremony was short and they didn’t stay long at the tea that followed. There were too many things to do. Her mother was thrilled to be able to go about London with her, shopping for the various things they would need for her wedding next Saturday. She was fitted for her engagement ball dress and her wedding dress, which was done in the latest style, gorgeous frothy layers of silver and white, and they shopped for all the items she would need for a trousseau. Lady Audrey, as Vivian called her soon-to-be mother-in-law, accompanied them for some of the trips, adroitly adding her suggestions.

  vivian could tell that both of her parents felt somewhat awed and uncomfortable when in the presence of Lady Audrey or the marquess. He had told Vivian to call him by his title, Lord Salisbury, since she couldn’t seem to manage his name—the teasing look in his bright green eyes had caught her by surprise. The marquess was much less intimidating and much easier to talk to than his son was; he smiled, teased, and cajoled both Vivian and her parents into a semblance of ease at every meal. Yet she didn’t mind that Gabriel was much more serious; it made the times when he was playful or openly affectionate that much more special.



  It was Wednesday, the day of his engagement ball, and Gabriel hadn’t managed a private moment with his fiancée since his last night with her at the school. All because of his sisters. Apparently bored with their own lives, they’d taken it upon themselves to interfere with his. During the day, Vivian was busy with her mother and Audrey, putting together the necessary preparations for their wedding. In the evenings, Henrietta and Diana came over for dinner every night, attaching themselves to Vivian like limpets.

  When he’d suggested they must miss spending time with their husbands, they’d just laughed and retorted they had the rest of their lives to spend with their husbands and they wanted to get to know their new sister. If it hadn’t put such a look of pleasure on Vivian’s face, he might have asked his father to intervene, but he wasn’t going to deny Vivian such a simple joy. It was obviously important to her to have his family’s approval, even if he didn’t care whether or not they approved. So he gritted his teeth and continued his useless attempts to get her alone enough to steal a kiss. And his sisters continued to thwart him. When he’d obliquely suggested to his father that he spend the night there, his father had just given him an amused look and said to ask Audrey. Gabriel didn’t bother.

  Tonight, he’d better be able to have a private moment with her, though. Gabriel wanted to feel the silky softness of her skin, smell her sweet scent, and taste her lips, even if it was only for a fleeting moment. While balls often provided plenty of opportunity for clandestine meetings, he knew his father and Audrey would be displeased with him if he stole Vivian away for any real length of time. Much as he might want to.

  Standing in front of his valet, he let the man fuss over his cravat. His mind was already churning, wondering where he might be able to sneak Vivian off to where none of his family members would be able to find him, in a house they all knew like the back of their hands.

  He was less than pleased when, after he arrived at his parents’ house, the first person he ran into was Diana. She smirked at him, ignoring his glare and chattering at him about the decorations. He had to admit, Audrey had outdone herself. The entire main floor of the house was lit with glittering candles; the dining room was elegantly outfitted in deep forest green and ivory, colors that would set off both Gabriel and Vivian’s looks despite their very different coloring.

  When he finally set eyes on his fiancée, Gabriel’s breath caught in his throat. She was riveting, in a gown the color of lilacs, her hair done in an elegant coiffure, exposing that smooth, unadorned throat he wanted to run his lips over. The gown stood out among the forest green of the decor, and heightened the effect of her creamy skin and bright hair.

  “Stop looking at her like that, it’
s not at all civilized,” Diana said, nudging her elbow into his side none too gently.

  “Like what?”

  “Like she’s a particularly tasty éclair and you’re going to skip all the other courses and get straight to dessert.”

  “I recall saying much the same to Alexander when he first met you,” Gabriel said dryly, and had the pleasure of seeing his sister blush.

  “Really?” The delight in her voice was obvious.

  “Ah, not so uncivilized now, is it?”

  Diana gave him a look and flounced over to Vivian to greet her, forcing Gabriel to follow behind. She hovered while he kissed the back of Vivian’s hand, all very correct and boring. There were so many other places on his bride’s body he’d like to put his lips.

  Unfortunately, he was given no chance. They were seated too far away from each other at dinner, which consisted of a select group of friends and family numbering about fifty. Dinner was superb, but Gabriel couldn’t enjoy it because all of his attention was on Vivian as she charmed her dining partners.

  The waiting was becoming unbearable.

  It wasn’t until he and Vivian opened the evening with their first dance, celebrating their upcoming nuptials, that he was able to hold her in his arms and speak semi-privately with his bride. It was the most he’d managed to touch and talk with her in days.

  “Are you well, my lord?”

  Gabriel’s silver eyes glittered, and Vivian almost wished she’d held her tongue. But she was nervous; he’d looked so dark and brooding every time she’d seen him for the past few days that she was beginning to worry he regretted his decision to wed her.

  “I believe I told you what would happen if you called me that when we’re in private,” Gabriel said, his voice low and disturbing. All of her senses tingled as he held her closer, much too close for propriety even during a dance as scandalous as the waltz. It had become quite a fashionable dance, but Vivian had never danced it quite like this when she’d been practicing with the other young ladies at the school.


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