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When Morning Comes: A Surprise Pregnancy Standalone Romance (Arrow Creek Book 2)

Page 14

by A. M. Wilson

  “I need a back rub.” I finally manage to squeak out without a single innuendo thrown in.

  “Are you in pain?” His voice exposes his concern.

  “Not really. I mean, a little. You’d think sitting all day would be a dream. And it is, for my cankles. Having to keep this belly supported off my thighs and not slouch is no easy task.”

  Without questioning any further, Nathan toes off his boots one at a time—how does he make even that look sexy?—and starts a welcome invasion of my couch cocoon. He slips between me and the back cushion, and the warmth of his body envelops me. A sigh of relief slips out as his big hands begin their magic.

  “I’m buying you a belly band.”

  “A what?”

  “I read about it. It’s an elastic band that you wear around your belly for extra support.” His deep voice rumbles in my ear.

  He read about it? I want to ask, mostly because I’m curious when he read this, but his hands feel way too good to continue that train of thought. I never did get that nap I desperately wanted.

  Relaxing further into him, I close my eyes and hum.

  “Do you feel this way a lot?” His voice drops to a gentle murmur as he continues his ministrations on my lower back.

  “Mm, sometimes, yeah.”

  I think I hear him swallow behind me, almost as if his throat went dry, and he needs a refreshing drink.

  My eyelids flutter, and my mind drifts away from thoughts of belly bands and baby daddies and low back pain.

  But before my mind goes fully blank, I swear I hear him mumble something about living together. All I can think is how nice it’d be to have a live-in, full-time masseuse.



  “I think you should tell me where we’re going.”

  Ignoring my burning question, Nathan asks one of his own. “Are you wearing something warm? It’s pretty cold outside.”

  I sandwich my phone between my ear and shoulder to grab my boots and new heavy coat from my closet.

  “I’m getting stuff together now. Do I need gloves?”

  “And a hat, please. I’d let you wear mine, but then my ears will get cold, and we just can’t have that.” His playful tone sends tingles down my spine.

  I don’t know what changed, but the past two weeks have been a lot lighter. Our time together feels like it used to, back when we were strictly friends and there wasn’t a literal bump growing between us.

  “You’re lucky Cami dragged me out to buy a new coat. My old one doesn’t fit over my belly anymore.”

  His noticeable cough sounds inexplicably like a concealed laugh. It takes me a minute to filter through potential reasons, and a frown graces my face.

  “It was you, wasn’t it?”

  “I plead the fifth.” His voice rasps in my ear, setting off another round of tingles. Stop that, Kiersten! Friends don’t give friends secret tingles.

  A wash of emotion comes over me. “Why would you do that?”

  The struggle in my tone triggers Nathan to soften his voice to match. “It’s not a big deal. I simply made a suggestion.”

  “I mean,” I croak and suck in a shuddering breath, “I would have gone out eventually, you know? It just would have been last minute, and I would have been freezing cold and wearing something that absolutely did not fit in order to run to the store.” A trail of tears breaks free and course down my cheeks. Somewhere through the uncontrollable blubbering, I hear a door slam and rustling like Nathan’s on the move.

  “Babe, it’s okay,” he calls.

  I ignore him. “Instead, I let my best friend take me out for a fun little shopping trip and a great dinner, and I bought this sweet new jacket that’s super warm, and I have tons of room to grow over the next few weeks. And while I thought it was sweet of her to take me out…”

  My front door swings open, startling me around. Nathan strides through, a knight about to slay the dragon and save his damsel, cell held to his ear and concern mars his brow. At the sight of him, I drop my phone to my side, forgotten.

  “It was all you.”


  I inhale sharply through my nose to stem my tears. “Why? Why would you do that and not tell me?”

  Guessing his thoughts is next to impossible. Is he mulling over the truth? Is it simply he noticed I was outgrowing my other one and doesn’t want to make me feel stupid for crying over it?

  Well, poo-poo on him because I can’t help being emotional while I’m pregnant. Hormones come with the entire package, thank you very much.

  I fold my arms over my chest and feign patience. My watery blue eyes lock with his soulful brown ones.

  Massive strides with his brown booted feet eliminate the distance between us. His proximity forces me to tilt my head back to maintain eye contact, and he slants his down to do the same. A warm palm curls beneath my chin, and his thumb sweeps across it just millimeters below my lower lip. The urge grips me tight to taste it with my tongue.

  “Friends take care of friends.”


  Like being doused in cold water, I blink a few times and seem to return from a dream. Dreams don’t cause pain, and there’s a small ache in my chest. I rub my fist over the spot.

  “Right. I appreciate that.”

  His grip on my chin tightens fractionally.

  “Because we’re friends, right? Just friends?” Brown eyes flit back and forth between mine as the little crease appears between his brows.

  I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, hoping I don’t look too creepy while I do it, and nod. It’s impossible to miss the way his gaze flicks to my mouth.


  Using his sustained hold, he tilts my face down and presses a lingering kiss on my forehead.

  Those tingles erupt again from the spot his lips contact and cascade down my body like a warm waterfall.

  “I’m glad you have the gear because you’d be miserable tonight without it. Ready?”

  No, I’m most definitely not ready. I need another hour or two to settle the growing feelings in my stomach and process what is happening. Unfortunately, there’s no time for that, and it’s probably just indigestion. I paste on a smile and end the stall.


  Darkness settles over a snowy Arrow Creek. The headlights of Nathan’s truck illuminate the treelined road before us, and the quiet hum of the engine occupies our silence as we wind through a dense forest about ten miles outside of our little town. We’re lucky someone came out this way to clear away the snow after our Christmas blizzard because I’d be useless if the truck got stuck.

  Speaking of the Christmas blizzard … it trapped me at my parents’ house. While it was wonderful to spend a few extra days with my family who I see far too little, I missed the opportunity to spend the holiday with my friends, which is precisely why Nathan set up this little adventure for us tonight.

  Past years were filled with too loud music and drinking in excess with Cami and Nathan, belting Christmas songs and playing board games, or traipsing out to Calypso’s for shots and dancing. This year, I’d bet my favorite red lacy thong that nobody would want to see me pop-lock ’n dropping it while carrying around a belly the size of a small asteroid.

  At that thought, I glance at the driver’s seat in time to see Nathan flick his gaze back to the road with a content smile on his face.

  Well, maybe one person would be okay with it. A warmth weight settles in my chest. I lucked out in the baby daddy department.

  I have an inkling to where we’re headed, but he refuses to answer my nagging questions thus far, and I stopped asking a while back. Hence the silence.

  The first telltale signs of Christmas lights twinkle through the trees. Iridescent blues and whites sparkle in the darkness, bleeding away to purples and reds as we approach the sign arching the road that reads: Arrow’s Light Show.

  A smile overtakes my face, and giddiness fills the space surrounding my heart.

  “I thought we might be hea
ded this way. I haven’t had a chance to come out here yet,” I announce and look around in wonder. We’ve barely cleared the gate, and I’m already in awe. “Did you know this place is the biggest light city in the entire country?”

  “I didn’t.”

  “It’s HUGE! It ends up all over social media and wins awards every year.” I stare out the window, and a frown replaces my grin when the narrow road gives way to a massive clearing. “Is it open? Where are all the people?”

  He concentrates on backing his truck into the open lane near a little shack-like building, uncommunicative other than a chuckle.

  “Better park nice and close to the entrance, buddy. It might be a bit of a nightmare getting out of here,” I drawl.

  He cuts me a sharp side glance, but the squint of his eyes contains no heat.

  “I’d rather you not slip and fall on a sheet of ice in the lot.”

  Oh. That is … thoughtful.

  “I’m not a fragile flower. I can walk across some snow.”

  Nathan draws his keys carefully from the ignition. “No, you’re not. But you do have an adjusted center of gravity, and I’d rather not witness you wipe out on your ass.”

  I twist my lips to the side. “Hmm.”

  His knuckles tighten around the steering wheel at my indifference to the topic. Could I wipe out on my ass? Absolutely. Genetically, I’m a klutzier than a kitten on catnip, and we both know this fact. Am I worried about it? Not really. I’ve made it through my entire life without any major injuries and don’t intend to start now.

  After a lengthy stare out the windshield, Nathan shakes his head and opens his door to exit the cab.

  “Hey, you didn’t answer my question!”

  I tug on my warm fleece gloves and wait for him to round the truck. I’d get out myself, but he appears to be in a mood, and I don’t want to continue setting him off.

  For one, I’m excited to finally see the light show.

  For two, he planned this night out without any suggestion from me, and the last thing I want to do is spoil our time together.

  For three, I may be a modern woman, but I like chivalry every now and again.

  My door opens with a click and a rush of chilly winter air, and then he’s there waiting for me.

  “Get out of the truck.” A jerk of his head punctuates his words, but a gentle grin softens them.

  My gut happily flip flops at the terse command. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t poke the bear a little.

  “Bossy much? I don’t remember taking orders from you.”

  “Funny. I don’t remember so much backtalk when I was ordering you to come for me.”

  My jaw drops indignantly, but secretly, my stomach somersaults. Well, that sure as shit backfired on me.

  “You did not just say that to me.” The outrage is fake, and he knows it.

  Nathan rolls his lips in to hold back a grin. “Get out, babe.”

  I huff and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not so sure now. I think I’d rather go back home.”



  His torso forces me back against the passenger seat. “You liked it.” His breath puffs warm against my lips, and his eyes flicker with interest to my mouth. That same mouth that suddenly needs an ice-cold drink. “Now get out.”

  Nothing left to do after that exchange. He clearly won, no argument about it. Unclicking my belt, I slither out of the truck. Our bodies press together in the tight space, forcing him back a step. I land smack between his arms. Looking into his deep, brown eyes, I smirk.


  He grabs my gloved hand, hits the locks, and tugs me to the curb. “Not as happy as you’re about to be.”



  “Hey guys, glad you could make it,” Rhett says, stepping out from the door to the wooden shack in front of us.

  “What are you doing here?” Kiersten’s question entices me to laugh. The answers are about two minutes away if she can hold on. Her inherent lack of patience this evening is her own personal agony. A quality I find both amusing and endearing.

  Rhett spares her a glance before returning to me without answering her question, and he holds out his hand.

  “Hey, man. Are we too late?” I reciprocate the brief shake and shrug my arm around her shoulders. She stiffens as if she’s contemplating throwing my arm off. This line in the sand to our friendship is hard to abide by, but I can’t blame her for enforcing what she thinks is best. My conflicted feelings would be easier to manage if not for the incredible sex she sends my way. It’s like scratching an itch without relief.

  What about what I want? Do I even know the answer to that?

  To my utter relief, she snuggles in deeper, and I relish the warmth of her body close to mine. If this is all she can give me, I won’t turn it away.

  “Nah, you’re on time. A skeleton crew roams around here somewhere so you might see some people milling about. You didn’t tell her?”

  My arm tightens involuntarily around her shoulders. “I figured she’d be up for the surprise.” I reply, having a hard time concealing the humor in my voice.

  “Is someone going to tell me what’s going on?” Annoyance rings loud and clear at this juncture. If only she knew the effort I went through to bring her here tonight. Not that I wouldn’t do it a hundred times to see the childlike wonder on her face again.

  Rhett looks at Kiersten with a warm smile. “I’ll leave you guys to it. You shouldn’t need me for anything else, but if you do, you have my number.”

  “Grateful, man.”

  We watch as he fades into the inky blackness beyond the empty parking lot.

  “If there’s a skeleton crew here, where are all their cars?” she asks.

  “They have a volunteer and staff parking lot back that way. Rhett’s helped out here for the past year. He could navigate the land with his eyes closed.”

  She turns to face me, still wrapped snug beneath my arm. “Okay. Are you ready to tell me what’s really happening?”

  I steer us down the sidewalk and almost forget how to answer when the lights fully come in to view. I can’t see more than the first few feet in front of me because I’m struck still at the sheets of lights draping down from the trees. The brightness of them combined overtakes my vision. Hundreds of tiny blue icicle lights arc over the pathway we’re on.

  I remove my arm from around her shoulders to scoop up her gloved hand in mine. If only I could feel her bare skin rather than all this fabric. A single tight squeeze initiates her look at me, bestowing her full attention like a gift.

  “You and I need a night alone that doesn’t involve something normal like dinner or a movie, though I’m always happy to feed you.” I grin at her and propel us forward.

  “Are you trying to say I’m fat?”

  I stop us abrupt from the entrance. “Fuck, no,” I growl, intensely angry at her flippant remark. “Don’t say that shit again.”

  I lock eyes with her to convey how serious I am. Being surrounded by women my entire life, it’s easy to understand all the pressure they feel on a daily basis to look their absolute best. It’s also fucking bullshit, if you ask me. I may have a bag of balls hanging between my legs, but I can give a damn straight opinion. Understanding it and allowing them to talk badly about themselves in front of me are two different things, and I won’t tolerate the latter.

  “The mother of my child isn’t going to insult herself in front of me. Let’s get that straight, yeah?”

  Kiersten makes cute as hell wide eyes and chews her lower lip. “Sorry, dude.”

  The look entices me to reach out and tug her lip free from her teeth with my thumb. “That’s a start.”

  God, those crystal blue eyes are gorgeous. She’s the entire package wrapped up in humor, spirit, and life. It doesn’t hurt that she’s beautiful as hell and as bright as the goddamned sun, either.

  She clears her throat, pulling me from my intense admiration.

��You’re probably getting cold. We should keep moving,” I say to save the moment. Taking her hand again, we continue our stroll through the arc and into a city of lights.

  “Whoa.” She looks around in wonder. “Look, there’s the Eiffel Tower. Ohh! There’s the Statue of Liberty.”

  Notable buildings decorate each side of the path, made from hundreds upon hundreds of string lights. Rhett told me how incredible it was, but nothing could compare to seeing the details myself. Knowing how badly Kiersten wanted to see it makes it that much more impressive in my eyes.

  The initial awe of the places tamps down the longer we stroll, and we carry on an easy conversation while enjoying the city of lights.

  “Do you want to grab a hot chocolate?” I gesture with my head toward a snack stand fifty feet ahead. The cold bites into my exposed skin, making a little extra heat necessary and raising concern to how Kiersten’s faring.

  “How’s there hot chocolate if the place is closed? Wait a sec.” She stops short, forcing me to stop as well. “You still haven’t explained how we’re here.”

  “I drove us.”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  If it wouldn’t be creepy, I’d pull out my phone and snap a picture of her right now. Gray beanie with a brown pom-pom on top, rosy cheeks and blushed nose, and a big puffy black coat with her belly protruding beautifully, but the best part is her perky grin.

  I tug on her hand to keep us moving. We need to keep our blood pumping because we’re not done yet.

  “First, snacks. Then … I’ll answer the second part of your question.”

  I swear I hear her stomp as she follows my lead.

  “You can be so infuriating, did you know that? I hope our son takes after me in that department.”

  Our son. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep the embarrassing grin inside.

  “Oh, as if you aren’t ever stubborn, hardheaded, persistent, inflexible Oof!”

  A hard shove in the middle sends me into a bank of snow.

  “Huh. That shut you up quicker than I thought it would.”

  A quip readies itself on my tongue when my breath catches in my throat. Backdropped by the glowing string lights, she appears goddamn near ethereal. The spot over my heart grows both warm and achy at these rapid-fire thoughts about a woman labeled as simply my friend. I’m committing the biggest act of betrayal in my life, and at the same time, nothing feels more right.


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