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The Daily Struggles of an Immortal (Immortal Supers Book 1)

Page 24

by Kurtis Eckstein

  Lily rolled her eyes. “Oh please. I’m sure we’re just imagining it.”

  Freya scoffed. “I saw your first date in your thoughts Lily. I know she propositioned you two.”

  Lily made a fake gagging noise. “All she did was give us her number in case we wanted to hang out. I’m sure it was harmless.”

  “Uh huh,” she teased. “Sure Lily. Whatever. You can’t lie to me though. If I recall correctly you told Sam, ‘that’s awkward’ and asked him to delete her number.”

  Lily rolled her eyes again, and Freya poked her in the side.

  The waitressed brought our drinks, along with some breadsticks. I tried to ignore her as she stood a little too close, but it was impossible to ignore her staring at me with a pleading expression. Sometimes my second-sight really was a curse.

  Damn. This chick was convinced we had threesomes together and wanted in on it. I was sincerely doing my best to disregard my bothersome ability, so it took me a second to realize her hair was dark red now.

  I looked up at her in surprise. “How did you do that?” I asked seriously, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  Her voice was exceptionally sweet. “I can change the color of my skin and hair to almost any color I want,” she replied proudly. Then to illustrate, her pale skin transitioned to a rosy red and her hair turned white, basically reversing the colors. The combination was actually really attractive. “The only thing I can’t change is my gold eyes,” she added.

  “Oh,” I said in surprise. “I thought it was just your contacts.”

  “Nope,” she said cheerfully, shifting back to her original appearance.

  I realized in my second-sight that both Freya and Lily were glaring at me, so I quickly looked down at my menu and gave her my order. She seemed disappointed by my reaction, and then even more disappointed when she saw Freya and Lily’s reactions.

  When she finally walked away again, having taken all our orders, her posture was dejected.

  “What was that all about?” I wondered in confusion.

  Lily humphed, and Freya spoke up. “You just seemed awfully friendly with her,” she commented. “Especially considering she clearly wants a piece of Lily for herself.”

  “I was just surprised is all. I wasn’t trying to flirt with her. Seriously, you two are more than enough. I’ve never had more than one woman in my life, so I’m not about to start trying to add more.”

  “Good,” Freya scoffed, “because I’m not into other women.” She paused. “Just Lily.”

  “Freya,” Lily whined.

  “What?” She replied innocently, “he should probably know.”

  I just gawked at them. I was about to blurt out the obvious, considering she just admitted to being into Lily, but decided it was wiser to just let her explain. “Know what?” I hedged, feigning ignorance.

  Lily leaned back in her seat and sighed heavily in defeat. “How Freya really feels about me,” she said tentatively.

  Freya chimed in before I could respond. “Remember the obsession thing I talked about?” She waited for me to nod, though I could already see where this was going. “Well, I’ve had the same thing going on with Lily for the last fifteen years.”

  “Oh,” I said simply. I felt like I was treading on thin ice here, even though I hadn’t said anything yet. When she didn’t continue, I decided to try stepping out a little onto that ice. “So…are your abilities stopping you two from…”

  Lily glared at me. “No Sam. I’m not into women at all. Not even Freya.”

  “And I’m not either,” Freya added. “Just Lily.”

  “Oh.” I took a sip of my drink and grabbed a breadstick. “Right.” We all grew awkwardly silent while I munched on my garlicy bread and the other two just stared at me. “Are you expecting me to say something else?” I finally asked.

  They glanced at each other and then back at me. Freya answered me. “You just don’t really seem to be reacting to that revelation very much. Like, not at all.”

  “Oh. Well, I mean, what’s there to react to? So you’re obsessed with Lily too. I’m not upset by it, or jealous, or even really that surprised I guess. Maybe I would be if it was someone else, but it’s Lily. If anything, I feel like that’s actually a good thing, since we’re in this relationship together now.” I took a deep breath. “And if you ever need to drink my blood to…you know…that’s fine.”

  “Sam!” Lily exclaimed abruptly. “Not going to happen!”

  I held up my hands defensively. “I’m just saying! I’m not asking you to do anything you don’t want to, I’m just letting you know I’m fine with whatever as long as it’s between the three of us.”

  “And only us three,” Freya added with a glare.

  “I was just curious about her hair,” I groaned, slightly annoyed. “I wasn’t even trying to notice. If it wasn’t for my ability to see without my eyes, then I wouldn’t have noticed. But I can only do so much to ignore that.”

  Freya unexpectedly looked apologetic. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It just made me a little jealous.” Lily nodded in agreement.

  “Well, please don’t be jealous. Because I only have eyes for the two of you. So let’s enjoy our date and not worry about the waitress who is super upset that she can’t join us in bed.” I finished my statement with a grin, and they both rolled their eyes. “But seriously,” I continued. “Why don’t we talk more about this vacation or something?”

  That got them talking.

  They wanted to pack light, so they began discussing clothes and accessories, before moving on to activities that might be available on the island. In the meantime, while I watched their discussion become more animated as their excitement grew, my mind lingered elsewhere as I developed my own plans of this vacation. Plans that I needed to involve Freya in, so we could surprise Lily together.

  35: Planning the Surprise

  Later that evening, after we got back to Lily’s place, they both took turns having sex with me and then went to bed. Freya had her way with me first while Lily took a shower, and then they switched places. Lily and I ended up spending a lot more time participating in foreplay, giving me plenty of time to recover so I could get there again. In the meantime, Lily ended up having two separate orgasms.

  We then all three snuggled together, with Freya in the middle for once. Lily and I wanted her to feel extra loved, given the situation. We both knew that transforming in front of us bothered her enough that she might have nightmares about us reacting differently.

  Needless to say, Freya was in heaven being smothered by the two of us. It may have also helped that I secretly teased her occasionally with one of my astral projections. Not to mention that she was wearing one of Lily’s black latex nightgowns again, and Lily was in a vibrant blue one.

  Freya was apologetic to Lily for needing to feed on me due to being horny again, but Lily was sympathetic and let it go. The two of them talked quietly more about our vacation plans while I listened and chimed in occasionally. As Lily began falling asleep, Freya commented that she thought we should all just stay home tomorrow after all, and that she would tell us what she found out about John.

  Lily only mumbled quietly in response, barely awake now.

  Once she was out, I let Freya drink some more blood from my wrist while I played around with her for another thirty minutes using my extra limbs. We also kissed passionately almost the entire time, which was unusual for us. Granted, we also hadn’t begun acting more like a normal couple until recently either. I knew that part of her passionate arousal was coming from touching Lily while she kissed me, but that certainly didn’t bother me at all.

  “I love you,” I whispered when she finally seemed satisfied after at least five orgasms. I honestly had never known a person capable of such a feat, and she had no reason to fake them, so I had no doubt they were real.

  “I love you too,” she said just as quietly. “Seriously Sam. I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.”

  I kissed her gently on
the lips again in response.

  “Do you need me to help you?” She wondered. It was obvious she was really tired though.

  I shook my head. “I’m okay right now.” She pouted, so I added. “You can let me enjoy you in the morning if you want. That morning sex a week ago was amazing.”

  “I really enjoyed taking care of you,” she agreed quietly. “Wake me up a little early so I can screw you.”

  “You don’t want to sleep in?” I wondered seriously.

  “I can always go back to sleep if I’m still tried.” She then made a cute noise after an adorable yawn.

  I kissed her again, and snuggled up tight against her, pressing her more into Lily. I waited until she was sound asleep too, before I got up and began doing some research on my tablet. In order to plan my surprise for Lily, I first needed to figure out how to make my idea work considering how hot Lily’s body could get.

  In the morning, I woke up Freya like we had discussed and carried her into the living room. As I plopped down on the FRIL couch, she snuggled in my lap, curled up against my bare chest. “How did you sleep?” I whispered.

  She took a deep breath and sighed heavily in contentment. “Wonderful.” She buried her head more into my chest, kissing my skin gently. “Just give me a moment and I’ll get to work on you.”

  I chuckled quietly. “Actually, I was wondering if we could talk about something first.”

  She glanced up at me in surprise, her curious red eyes worried briefly before she registered my smile. “Of course.”

  I lowered my voice. “This vacation we’re planning to do, I was wondering if you would be alright with me using the opportunity to ask Lily to marry me.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise, before she squealed and clasped her hand over her mouth. “Oh Sam! That would be wonderful! She’ll be so happy!”

  “But I want to involve you,” I clarified.

  She gave me another confused look. “How so?”

  “Well, I need your help with the jewelry portion. For the wedding band, I can get her a gold-colored tungsten ring, but an engagement ring is out of the question since if she ever had to defend herself then she would destroy any gems in the ring.”

  “Right,” Freya agreed, staring off into the distance, “because her hands get so hot.”

  “And knowing her,” I continued, “she might be reluctant to defend herself to prevent damaging it.” I paused. “So I was thinking about a necklace instead. Which is where you come in.”

  Her eyes widened again. “Oh! Are you wanting me to make her a necklace out of FRIL?”

  I nodded with a huge grin. “Yep! You can probably make a choker necklace and we can have a clasp custom-made out of tungsten. And then we can attach a pendant to that to create an engagement necklace.”

  Her eyes lit up with delight. “That will be wonderful!” She was then pensive. “But what would you do for the pendant then? A diamond set in tungsten?”

  I shook my head. “I was researching it last night and came up with an idea. Diamonds have a super high melting temperature, but the problem is that they can actually burn at low temperatures, becoming discolored and ruining their appearance. Instead, I was thinking about a pink sapphire, which is a popular engagement gem and has a melting point a lot higher than both steel and glass. Plus, she likes the color purple, with many pink sapphires looking more violet than pink. But most importantly, if she does need to use her flames, then it won’t burn the gem like it would a diamond.”

  Freya nodded, seeming pensive. “Not to mention it will be on her neck, which I doubt gets anywhere near as hot as her hands.” She looked up at me. “I really like that idea Sam.”

  “But that’s not the only reason I want to do a pink sapphire,” I hedged.

  Her eyes narrowed as she thought about it.

  Considering she had been alive for so long and had spent a lot of that time in the fashion industry, I suspected she could figure it out on her own. Especially considering our birthdays. Having a July birthday, my birthstone was the ruby, and hers was the sapphire since she was born in September. Which meant we shared the same gemstone, because rubies and sapphires were the exact same thing, with the only difference being the color. A pink sapphire was also called a pink ruby – they were identical.

  Freya gasped, her eyes unexpectedly tearful. “It represents both of us,” she whispered.

  I nodded with a grin. “You’ll have the choker necklace made, I’ll have the pendant made, and the stone will represent our engagement, as well as the two most important people in her life. I think it will be perfect.”

  “Oh Sam!” She wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a heavy kiss on my lips. “I love you so much! I can’t wait! This is going to be wonderful!”

  I grinned as she returned her lips to mine. I was planning to respond, but she quickly made it impossible as her excitement shifted to passion. She moved down to kiss my neck, prompting me to tilt my head back for her, knowing what she wanted.

  When she was done, she licked her lips and reached into my shorts to grab me while she held my head tight against her latex covered chest. “Oh baby,” she whispered seductively. “I’m going to be doing you sexual favors forever for allowing me to be a part of this.”

  I smirked. “Please do,” I teased.

  And she did. She took care of me for almost an hour, insisting she continue playing around with me even after I got there the first time. We continued to enjoy each other until I noticed in my second-sight that Lily had woken up. Freya went to go meet her while I decided to make Lily and myself breakfast.

  I started with brewing coffee first, followed by chopping up some potatoes while the skillet warmed up.

  Lily greeted me a few minutes later, wrapping her arms around me from behind. I had my hands busy frying the diced potatoes and cooking eggs, but that didn’t stop me from reaching back to grab her butt briefly. She kissed me on the shoulder for a few seconds before going to sit down next to Freya at the table. I glanced back at them and laughed when I saw them both still wearing their pajamas – Lily in bright blue and Freya in black.

  “What?” Lily asked with a playful smile.

  “We’ve been dating for eight months now, and the effect of seeing you in latex still hasn’t gotten old. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to it.”

  “Good,” she said cheerfully. She was then serious. “That’s something that’s always bothered me about relationships. So many people seem to get familiar with their partner and start to lose interest in them.”

  I scoffed. “Maybe for them, but I could never lose interest in you, even without the seductive clothing.”

  Freya chimed in. “And you know I can’t lose interest in either of you, even if I tried,” she added.

  Lily ducked her head, her cheeks a little rosy. After a second, she sighed. “Well, I’m really glad to have both of you in my life.”

  “Me too,” I agreed, fixing her a plate of food. I delivered it, along with a cup of black coffee for Freya, and then sat down at the table with them. I took a bite from my plate and looked at Freya taking a sip from her cup. “So is this a good time?” I wondered. “Or do you want to wait to talk about what you found out?”

  Freya shrugged. “Now is fine, as long as Lily is okay with it.”

  She nodded in agreement.

  Freya continued. “Well, Camila was the head of that kidnapping-torturing-filming operation and she was exceptionally wealthy because of it. She was sincerely dating Nick, and even really liked him, although that didn’t keep her from cheating regularly. Her illusion ability allowed her to basically sleep with any guy she wanted, since she could make herself look like anyone she wanted. But Nick was someone who she could be around without using her ability.”

  “But wait,” I countered. “I saw her just after you killed her. She was actually really pretty.”

  Freya shrugged. “It was a side-effect of her ability. She had a really low self-esteem, which prompted her to subconsciously proje
ct an illusion that matched her perception of herself. Pictures would reveal what she really looked like of course, but she never stopped perceiving herself as ugly.”

  “But she was wealthy!” I exclaimed in disbelief. “And she slept with a ton of guys!”

  She shrugged again. “Having money and lots of sex doesn’t mean you have a healthy self-esteem. Plenty of people in those situations commit suicide. Happiness isn’t something money can buy.”

  I sighed, realizing she was right. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel about that information, given that she was responsible for kidnapping and almost killing Lily, so I just held back further evaluation for now and continued to eat while I listened.

  Freya took another sip of her coffee. “I’m not sure how Nick will handle the news that she’s dead. Apparently, she broke up with him after he called her up to tell her about Zoey. It happened on the same night as the kidnapping.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “Wow, Nick hasn’t said anything all week,” I exclaimed.

  “Maybe he’s embarrassed about it,” Lily suggested.

  Freya just shrugged again. “Either way, there was no evidence to suggest that she was involved with the shadow company. The reason she was involved with John is because she was originally planning on killing him.” We both gawked at her as she continued. “He was the one who paid for Lily to be tortured and killed, so she blamed him for what happened. However, when she realized what his ability was capable of, which is in fact to mimic the physical attributes of other people’s superpowers, she decided to try to brainwash him to make him work for her. After all, she suddenly found herself without any employees for the heinous business she was running.”

  I scoffed in annoyance. “So then, I’m guess she probably would have come after Lily again too.”

  Freya nodded. “Yes. After she recruited new members, she would have gone after Lily and then moved on with business-as-usual. It’s good we took care of that problem, before we had two threats to deal with instead of one.”


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