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The Daily Struggles of an Immortal (Immortal Supers Book 1)

Page 26

by Kurtis Eckstein

  FRIL bikinis.

  Lily’s was black latex, while Freya’s was cherry red. They both also had straw hats on that they had purchased from a local store on the island earlier. Lily’s hat was adorned with purple flowers on top, while Freya’s flowers were white, making them both look extra cute.

  “Damn!” I exclaimed. “We’ll never make it down to the beach at this rate.”

  They both laughed. Freya bit her bottom lip seductively and stuck her thumb in her bikini bottom in order to pull it away from her body a couple of inches. She let it go, and it snapped back in place loudly against her skin. “You like?” she wondered in a teasing tone.

  I grinned at her. “Want to do our surprise now?” I asked. Lily already knew we had something up our sleeve, thanks to that idiot Dave, but at least she had no idea what was coming.

  Freya’s eyes brightened in excitement. “Oh! Yes! Let me grab my phone!”

  I already had the large flat box in my pocket. Lily probably assumed it was my phone. I grabbed her by the hand, interlacing my fingers in hers, while I reached up and grabbed a handful of her chest.

  Yep. Seeing and feeling her in latex was never going to get old.

  Lily gave me a wide grin, her eyes sparkling. I knew she was trying hard to be good, because she knew I was really pissed when Dave gave it away. However, in hindsight, I realized it wasn’t so bad.

  Since she knew something was coming, she was extra excited the whole time. I could see that the anticipation was killing her.

  When Freya reappeared, I led them out to the back patio and past the pedestal to stand at the circular outcropping. Freya went to go stand by the low stone wall, while I had Lily take a position where we were both clearly visible from the side. The palm trees between us and the beach were far enough apart to give us a clear view of the setting sun. Everything was perfect.

  I pulled the box out of my pocket.

  “So Freya and I made something for you,” I began.

  Lily gently bit her bottom lip in anticipation.

  “Ready?” I teased.

  “Yep!” She answered cheerfully.

  I opened the box for her to see the purple gem, but didn’t motion to hand it to her. Only to look.

  She gasped, holding her hands up to her mouth. “Sam! It’s so beautiful!”

  “It’s gold tungsten with a pink ruby set into it,” I explained. “Which is technically a combination of mine and Freya’s birthstones, since a sapphire is the same thing. It represents both of us.”

  She nodded to indicate she understood. “But isn’t that usually called a pink sapphire?” She wondered, her expression pensive. She didn’t wait for me to answer though. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as she returned her gaze to mine. She knew what a pink sapphire was commonly used for, because it represented trust, loyalty, and sincerity. It was the reason why I tried to be misleading at first.

  “What’s the occasion?” She wondered abruptly.

  I got down on one knee.

  She gasped, tears instantly filling her eyes. “Yes!” She blurted out.

  I chuckled in response. “I haven’t even asked you yet.”

  “Yes!” She repeated.

  I laughed again, holding up the box. “Lily, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, yes, yes!” She squealed. She threw herself on me just as I attempted to stand back up, causing us both to fall backwards with her landing on top of me.

  I set the box down when she grabbed my face in hers and pressed her warm lips against mine.

  “Sam, I love you so much!” She said in between kisses.

  I laughed again. “I’m surprised you aren’t bursting into flames right now,” I teased. But I understood why. Even though she was excited, she was also heavily moved emotionally, which didn’t usually spark her flames. Her eyes were still full of tears as she slipped her tongue into my mouth to make our kiss more intimate.

  Unexpectedly, Freya cleared her throat, holding up her phone still recording. “Lily,” she said in a teasing voice, “are you going to let him put it on you? I want to see how it looks.”

  “Oh!” She exclaimed. “Of course!” She lifted herself off me and sat back on her heels, automatically readjusting her straw hat and grabbing her blonde hair to pull it to the side over one shoulder.

  I grinned as I sat up and pulled the pendant out of the box. I then put it on backwards, fastening the clasp in front, before spinning it gently around her neck. It was a perfect fit, just snug enough that I could barely get a finger underneath if I tried.

  Lily automatically grabbed for the pendant, feeling it with her fingers. She looked up at a grinning Freya. “Can you take a picture, so I can see how it looks?”

  “Of course silly!” She reached out a hand to help Lily to her feet. “I want to get a few pictures of you and Sam too.”

  “And you too!” Lily added. “I know it’s an engagement necklace, but it’s a gift from you as well.”

  It was Freya’s turn to look a little teary eyed. She reached up to wipe the corner of her crimson eye. “Thanks,” she said breathlessly. “I’d kiss you right now, but I know how much you’re opposed to it.”

  “How about a hug?” Lily suggested instead, reaching out to wrap her arms around her.

  Freya accepted the offer gladly, so I snatched her phone to take a few pictures. I’d definitely be saving these for later. It was arousing to see my two women clinging to each other while dressed in latex bikinis.

  The two of them finally turned towards me, Freya with her arm around Lily’s bare waist while Lily had her arm across Freya’s slim shoulders, so I was able to get a few more. Freya finally snatched her phone back and took a few pictures of just Lily, followed by a few more with Lily and myself.

  “Well,” Freya finally exclaimed, “are we celebrating the occasion in bed now or later.”

  Lily blushed, and I laughed. “We have all night for that.” I commented. “Let’s enjoy the sunset on the beach while it lasts.”

  They both eagerly nodded in agreement.

  Freya abruptly handed me her phone to stick in my pocket. She then scooped Lily up in her arms, prompting her to squeal in surprise, only to leap into the grass and take off towards the beach. I chuckled again and followed after them. Freya was just slightly smaller than Lily in almost ever way, so it was amusing to see the super-strong beauty carrying around the voluptuous supermodel like she was a child.

  When we got down to the beach, we saw that there were already three wooden lounging chairs set up by a palm tree. Freya plopped Lily down in one, and then scooted another chair up close to recline in. As I grabbed the third chair to set down on the other side of Lily, Freya spoke up.

  “I’m glad you like it,” she said quietly, interlacing her fingers with Lily’s on the armrest.

  Lily gave her hand a gentle squeeze, reaching up with her free hand to touch the pendant again. “I love it. It’s absolutely beautiful, and I love that you both put so much thought into it.” She sighed. “It really is perfect.”

  “And it looks perfect on you!” Freya added with a grin. She reached over with her other hand to gently touched the pendant on Lily’s neck, before running her fingers along the latex band. She then continued down her neck a little, trailing her collar bone before finally pulling her hand away. “Sorry,” she said nervously. “I was starting to get a little carried away there.”

  Lily squeezed her hand gently again, but didn’t say anything. I suspected she didn’t want to ruin the moment by telling Freya she was getting too touchy.

  I reached out to grab Lily’s other hand and gently stroked her forearm while glancing at the sunset again. The colors were a lot more vibrant now, with more red in addition to the orange, yellow, and pink. I looked back over at Lily, taking in her entire appearance. The straw hat with the purple flowers made her look super adorable, and the pendant was like the missing piece I hadn’t known was absent before. Her slowly churning orange eyes coupled with her blonde hair were just like how the su
nset looked a few minutes ago when we were taking pictures.

  And just beyond her was Freya with her crimson eyes contrasted sharply against her black hair. She glanced at me with a smirk when she saw me staring. I winked at her, and pulled Lily’s hand up briefly to kiss her on the back of the wrist.

  “I really love you both,” I said quietly. “I’m glad we’re able to do this together.”

  “Me too,” they both agreed in sync. They smirked at each other, before looking at the sunset again. I didn’t look back at the sky though. Instead, I continued to stare at my own personal sunset, admiring the same reds, oranges, and yellows in the two women who I was going to get to share my life with. The sunset was beautiful, but it had nothing on these two beauties. Especially not when they were together.

  Later tonight, as well as these next two weeks, and the rest of our lives was going to be amazing.

  Absolutely amazing.

  Later that evening turned out to be interesting. Considering how much sex Lily and I had experienced with each other in the last three months, we had tried basically every position imaginable. However, once we got back to the bedroom, Lily was adamant about doing my favorite position of all – reverse cowgirl.

  She sat backwards on my lap, with me deep inside of her, while we kissed for what seemed like forever. She had her head turned back towards me, her arm reaching around to grasp a handful of my hair on the back of my head. She even let Freya get closer than usual to watch, partially because the bed was smaller than what we were used to, but she still didn’t invite her to participate.

  However, we kissed for so long in that position, with my hands constantly roaming everywhere, that Freya ran out of time and needed to feed again. I suspected the short minute of her drinking my blood from my wrist, while I continued to kiss Lily passionately, was probably one of the happiest minutes of her life – at least if her moans while I teased her with an astral limb were any indication.

  It was honestly a lot of fun secretly being able to touch Freya without Lily knowing about it, but I had to be careful because Freya writhing around in pleasure was sure to tip Lily off. So instead, I just stealthily teased her the whole time.

  After Lily finally decided to finish me off, she kissed me for a while longer before going to occupy herself with making a late dinner, while Freya had a turn with me. Unlike usual, Freya had resisted the urge to have an orgasm herself, so when I got a hold of her she was burning with passion.

  At first, I wasn’t sure why she had held back, since she usually got off several times without a problem. However, when she backed up on me in order to take Lily’s position on my lap, I figured it out. Freya turned her head to kiss me passionately, having an orgasm almost immediately, followed by three more over the course of the next ten minutes.

  Lily had to come get me for dinner because Freya couldn’t seem to get enough.

  The next week was absolutely amazing. We spent every day just enjoying each other’s company, visiting the small shops on the island, having fun on the beach, playing games in the house, and of course having lots of sensual experiences in bed. Never sleeping myself, I was used to having alone time, so I went down to the beach for about thirty minutes every night to reminisce over the events of the previous day.

  Lily had spent some time turning some of the sand on the beach into glass in order to both practice her superpower and to just enjoy the process of creating glass sculptures. None of the objects she made were very impressive, but that wasn’t the point. It was fun to watch her play with her power, and she seemed mesmerized by the process of melting sand into glass in her hands.

  I also continued my usual routine of cooking Lily and myself breakfast in the morning, and making sure Freya had a cup of black coffee waiting for her when she woke up.

  Lily’s skin tanned a little during that time, though she never developed a sunburn since the radiation from the sun didn’t bother her at all. In fact, I realized none of us wore sunscreen. Freya’s skin didn’t react to the sun at all, and my skin would heal just as fast as it burned. In the end, Lily was the only one who had even a slight reaction to all the sun exposure.

  Everything was going perfectly until the middle of the second week when Freya discovered she had gotten a voicemail in the middle of the night. She sat down at the table with her cup of coffee, listening intently with her phone held up to her ear. Lily and I were already starting on our breakfast.

  “That’s weird,” Freya commented after listening to the message.

  “What is?” Lily wondered, setting her fork down.

  Freya stared at her phone for a moment before answering. “That was a message from the woman who runs the orphanage where I grew up,” she replied. “She said she urgently needs to speak with me.”

  “You’re still in contact with them?” I asked in surprise.

  She nodded. “Yes, I donate to them yearly to make sure they stay running. The woman – Elise – is a distant relative of the woman who was in charge when I was there.” She sighed heavily. “The same woman who was like a mother to me when everyone else rejected me.”

  Lily and I exchanged a glance. I cleared my throat. “So are you going to call and see what she wants?”

  Freya met my gaze for a moment. “Yeah, I guess so. It was just weird hearing her voice. I haven’t been by to visit the orphanage in almost twenty years…” She paused to take a deep breath. “Elise just sounds a lot older now. It makes me a little sad. I wish I had taken the time to visit her more often.”

  “How old is she now?” I wondered as Freya began calling her. She put it on speaker phone so we could all hear.

  “She should be in her mid-fifties,” she explained. “Not really that old, but her voice just sounded a lot different from when I last saw her in her thirties.” She paused when the ringing stopped.

  Elise spoke up right away, without a greeting. “Freya! I’m so glad you called! We’ve got a situation here!”

  Freya’s eyes widened in surprise. “What’s wrong? Is it a financial issue?” She wondered urgently.

  “No,” Elise said breathlessly. “We had a little girl show up roughly around the age of eight. Freya…she says she’s your daughter.”

  Freya laughed abruptly. “Oh Elise, I’ve never even been pregnant! I don’t have any kids!”

  Elise’s voice was reserved as she continued. “Freya…she has red eyes…and she looks exactly like you. Comparing her appearance to an old picture of you at her age, there’s almost no difference. She could be your twin…”

  Freya gasped, looking at both of us in shock. “B-But that’s not possible,” she stuttered.

  “No,” Elise agreed, “not unless…she’s a clone.”

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  Special thanks to:

  Esther Eckstein

  Sam Mansfield

  Patreon Super Supporters:

  Kerry Eckstein (Apr 2018)

  Tanner Dutmer (Sep 2018)

  Luke Campbell (Sep 2018)

  Angel de'Haven (Sep 2018)

  About the Author

  Kurtis Eckstein is a huge fan of books, anime, and coffee! He has always wan
ted to create his own stories, but never felt like he had the time to invest in a full book. Finally, he decided to settle with writing short-stories, only to discover he loved it so much that it became his primary hobby. Within six months, he had written three novels and was over halfway done with two others.

  Now, in addition to writing full novels, he also writes short-stories regularly on his Reddit page r/AuthorKurt in order to continue improving his writing skills and develop new story ideas. Check out his page on Reddit to view a ton of great content for free!

  Table of Contents


  1. The Immortal Super

  2. The Hassle of Immortality

  3. Dinner with a Hottie

  4. Falling for the Girl

  5. Making the Commitment

  6. The Fruits of One’s Labor

  7. Kidnapped by a Hottie

  8. And Then There Were Two

  9. When the Plan Backfires

  10. Another Immortal Super

  11. A Turn for the Better

  12. Two Hotties and a Show

  13. The Curse of Immortality

  14. The Blessing of Immortality

  15. Making Everyone Happy

  16. A Mysterious Past

  17. Connections and Obsessions

  18. A Betrayal Worth Killing For

  19. Revelations of the Truth

  20. Unexpected Reactions

  21. Coping with Stress

  22. Shit Hits the Fan

  23. If You Play with Fire

  24. You Will Get Burned

  25. Equilibrium of Three

  26. A New Perspective

  27. A Secret Obsession

  28. Wishful Thinking

  29. Morning Delight

  30. A Close Call

  31. A Room Full of Secrets


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