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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 26

by Alex Grayson



  I rolled over and pulled her warm body into me, kissing her gently on the shoulder as she slept soundly in my arms. I could already feel my cock starting to stir at the thought of how she fit against me perfectly. I closed my eyes, and that was when I heard a shrill scream from the other room.


  My heart thudded hard in my chest. Nikki couldn't come into this room.


  I pulled my arm out from under Ainsley and sat up, pulling on my boxers. "Wha...Where are you going?" Ainsley murmured.

  "Shhhh....go to sleep. It's just Nikki. I'll be right back."

  I left Ainsley and went down the hall to deal with Nikki. As soon as she was asleep, I made my way back to my bedroom. Opening the door, I found Ainsley sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed.

  "Ainsley, is everything okay?" I swallowed hard as I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her arms. As soon as I touched her, she was flooded with emotion. "Perhaps, this was not a wise choice." Her voice was thick with emotion.

  "DAAAAADDDDDYYYY," Nikki cried out again from the other room.

  "Fuck," I muttered under my breath. "Give me a minute." She turned and looked at me, her large brown eyes watery. "Please. Don't go anywhere."

  Ten minutes later, Nikki was asleep, and I could finally return to the bedroom, to Ainsley. She still sat in the same spot, her back to me. I shut the door behind me. "Now, onto you." I walked over and kneeled between her legs. "What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?" I asked, brushing a loose strand of hair from my face.

  "It's just…we shouldn't have," she said, glancing back to the bed. "What if my father finds out?"

  I looked at her and chuckled. "This...what went on here tonight, is our little secret. If you want it to stop, it stops," I said, leaning to kiss her. "If you want it to continue, then it continues. You say that word, babygirl. You’re in control here."

  She studied my face, my eyes, my lips, and slowly she leaned in and kissed me, slowly at first, and then with a little more passion.

  "I take it that is a yes."

  She nodded her head and smiled at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.



  I watched from my bedroom window as Spencer came walking up the walkway to our front door, carrying a box of beer and what appeared to be a bottle of wine.

  "Carly, I’ve got to go."

  "No fair, I wanted to hear more about RomanticAlpha42. You haven't spoken about him all week."

  "There is nothing to tell, to be honest. The fizzle wore out," I lied as I heard the doorbell ring and heard my father's voice.

  "That's too bad. I was seriously hoping for some Spencer stories."

  "Sure, you were, but considering it wasn’t Spencer, I don’t have any stories,” I lied. “I'll call you later okay."

  I hung up the phone and made my way downstairs. "Smells good, Dad," I said, stepping into the kitchen and coming face to face with Spencer. He smiled softly at me.

  "Thanks. Roast beef tonight. I invited Spencer to join us for dinner."

  "Very nice," I said, looking over at him, my cheeks heating as his eyes ran over me.

  I walked over to the cupboard as Dad and Spencer continued their conversation. I was about to reach for a water glass when I heard Spencer clear his throat. "I brought a bottle of wine for you, Ainsley."

  "Thank you." I reached for the wine bottle and opened it, pouring myself a glass.

  "Shit, I forgot to get something from the car. I'll be right back."

  I watched after my father as he left the room. Seconds later, I felt Spencer's hands on my arms and his lips at the back of my neck. I turned to meet his lips, and that was when the front door crashed. He pulled away from me, letting out a low, frustrated growl, and tore the wine bottle from my hand and began shoving the cork back in the top.

  "Forgot dessert," Dad said, ignoring us both and opening the fridge to put dessert inside.

  "How's things going with that chick?" Spencer asked my father as he sat back down, not taking his eyes from me.

  "Great, we have another date next week. Really, I don't know what took me so long to sign up."

  "What about you, Spence, how are things? You find anyone yet?" Dad asked while tending to the roast in the oven.

  Spencer cleared his throat and looked over to where I stood, watching me as he brought his beer bottle to his lips. "Um, I have. She is amazing, but I don't want to jinx it."

  I felt the flush on my cheeks as he looked over at me.

  "That is great, Spencer, really. You'll have to show me a picture of her. Perhaps a double date."

  I picked up my cell phone and quickly typed out a message and hit send, Spencer's phone going off a second later. "I don't have one on me right now. Perhaps later," he lied as he typed a reply on his phone.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and noticed a message from RomanticAlpha42 on my screen. I clicked it open and sucked in a full breath.

  RomanticAlpha42: Can't wait to lick that sweet pussy later.

  "Ainsley, everything okay?" Dad asked, taking a drink of his beer.

  "What...Yep! Just Carly," I lied, taking a drink of my wine and quickly typing out a message. Spencer's phone went off almost immediately. I had to get out of the kitchen before Dad caught on. "I'll be in my room," I murmured, taking my wine with me.

  I stood behind my father as he rambled on to Spencer about Kate, the woman he had been seeing, and watched Spencer read the message I had sent. As soon as he replied, my phone went off again, and I took off down the hall, pulling my phone out of my pocket as soon as I got into my room.

  RomanticAlpha42: My place tonight, after your father has gone to bed. I'll make sure he is good and drunk by the time I leave. You've got nothing to worry about!

  I smiled to myself and typed out a response, agreeing to meet him. I quickly called Carly back then threw my phone down on my bed, grabbed my wine, and returned to join Dad and Spencer.

  About SL

  S.L. Sterling had been an avid reader since she was a child, often found getting lost in books. Today if she isn’t writing or plotting, she can be found buried in a romance novel. S.L. Sterling lives with her husband and dogs in Northern Ontario.

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  Hollywood Valentine

  A Let Me In Series Short Story

  Jessica Marin

  Hollywood actor Cal Harrington is on a mission to make his first Valentine’s Day with the love of his life, Jenna Pruitt, special and over-the-top. Except Jenna is not a glitz and glamour kind of girl.

  When Cal’s extensive plans blow up in their face, Jenna shows him all she wants for Valentine’s Day is him… naked in her bed.



  I look around the living room, a satisfied smile playing on my lips as I survey what’s in front of me. Numerous floral arrangements in all shapes and sizes are strategically placed around our living and dining room. Colors of white, light pink, hot pink, and red, illuminate our apartment, making the air smell sweet and floral. Today is Valentine’s Day-my first one with the love of my life, Jenna, and I’m determined to make it an incredible day for her.

  I flew in from my latest movie set two days ago and the jet-lag has rendered me worthless. Fortunately, I’m nearing the end of shooting my scenes and will get to come home soon. Jenna will be visiting me in Thailand during my last week there. We try not to be apart for more than two weeks, but even that can be tricky to maneuver with our schedules. Being separated has been rough on us, but I feel we’re becoming stronger as a couple as we learn to cope with our time apart.

  I wish this visit could’ve been a surprise, but with her busy work schedule, I needed to make sure she was going to get adequate time off. She runs her own corporate event planning business and Valentine’s Day is one of their busiest da
ys. She has two large parties to set up for and she promised to be done by late afternoon.

  She can bet that hot ass of hers I’ll be holding her to that promise.

  “Wow, are these all for mommy?” Avery, our five-year-old daughter, asks as she walks toward me from her bedroom and places her small hand in mine. I look down and smile at her look of wonder while she gazes around the room. I still can’t believe I have a daughter, and the fact that people tried to lead me to believe she didn’t exist, still makes me seethe with anger to this very day. I swallow down the lump of emotions every time I stare at her, the thought of me almost not being in her life still raw and painful. Fate had other plans and thankfully, both Avery and her mother are now permanently in my life.

  “All but three are for your mommy. Whatever three you can carry are yours,” I tell her and chuckle when she squeals with delight.

  “You’re the bestest daddy ever!” she says as she throws her little arms around my waist and attempts to squeeze me in a hug. I get down on my knees to be at her level and embrace her tightly, breathing in her sweet shampoo while I kiss her head. Hearing her call me daddy in that cute, tiny voice of hers is the best fucking thing in the world. I start to nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck, her giggles traveling straight to my heart and filling it with even more love. She wiggles her way out of my arms and walks over to inspect the flowers.

  I watch her stick her nose into one of the arrangements on the table and laugh when she pulls away to show me the petal stuck in her nostril. She amazes me every day with how funny and smart she is. She resembles Jenna with her hair and cheekbones, but those blue eyes and pale English skin are all me. I’m not blind to notice that my daughter is beautiful now and will be even more exquisite as an adult. I’m fully prepared to scare away all future assholes that try to weasel their way into her heart.

  The vibration of my cell phone tears my attention away from Avery. I lift my phone off the counter to see a text from Robert, Jenna’s assistant and one of her closest friends. I asked him to come over to inspect my handy-work with the flowers, and he reluctantly agreed. He lets me know he’s on his way up to our apartment, prompting me to walk over to the front door to unlock it for him. I respond to his text and tell him to walk right in.

  Less than five minutes later, I hear the door open, and in comes Robert, his cheeks red and eyes watery from the cold weather. “She’s on to you, man,” he says while shutting the door behind him.

  “What do you mean, she’s on to me?” I ask with a questioning stare and raised eyebrow. No one knows the full extent of my plans for Jenna tonight - not even Robert, who I did enlist to help with some things.

  “Every time she sees me looking at my phone, she has this knowing smile on her face and her eyes are screaming ‘I know who you’re talking to’,” he says in a voice that’s supposed to be mimicking Jenna’s when she scolds him.

  “Just ignore her and act normal,” I advise, not understanding why he’s being so dramatic about it.

  “I can’t just ignore my boss, Cal, especially while we’re working. She’s only questioned me once about who I keep texting and I lied, telling her it was my date for tonight sending me a dick-pic.” He shrugs his shoulder as if sending dick-pics are a normal occurrence.

  “Watch it, Robert,” I warn with a growl, my head tilting to where Avery is standing, her back toward us as she continues investigating the flowers. Avery is a sponge right now, soaking up everything we say and do. I can’t have her repeating what she heard today in front of Jenna.

  “Oh shit, I didn’t see her. Sorry, Cal,” he whispers with an apologetic look on his face. “I wouldn’t worry about it though; Avery never listens to me.” He looks over at her but does a double-take when he sees all the flowers. His mouth parts slightly in awe as he gazes around the room.

  “So, what do you think?” I ask proudly, and I can’t help the smirk that spreads across my face while I puff out my chest in victory over pulling something of this magnitude off. Thanks to Robert, I knew exactly when Jenna needed to arrive for work, so I scheduled the florist to deliver everything ten minutes after she left.

  “It’s beautiful-” Robert hesitantly responds while walking through the living room. “-for a funeral.”

  My smile fades like he just took a needle and burst my balloon of excitement. I narrow my eyes at him to see if he’s joking, but his face appears to be dead serious. He stares at me for a couple more seconds before bursting out laughing.

  “Cal, are you seriously upset right now?” he asks with a look of astonishment. “As much as I love flowers, even this is overwhelming for me. You know Jenna doesn’t like over-the-top kind of gestures.” He waves his arm at the flowers and my stomach sinks at the realization that he’s right.

  “I told Avery she can pick out three bouquets and put them in her room. Maybe I can take a couple to Jenna’s mom when I drop Avery off,” I suggest, liking the idea the more I think about it. Jenna’s parents plan on watching Avery for us tonight, so I would only score more brownie points with Pamela Pruitt if I brought her some flowers. Not that I need to work her over - she already considers me her future son-in-law.

  “Avery, I think you deserve to have the second-largest flower arrangement in your room,” Robert tells her and grabs the standing open heart-shaped arrangement of pink roses, and carries it with the easel into her bedroom. As Avery grabs the bear made of red roses and follows Robert, I look around to see if there’s one more bouquet for her to take, but everything else is too large for her small room. I find a petite square clear vase with white calla lilies and decide to put that on her dresser.

  She directs us on where to put her flowers, and I chuckle at her inheriting Jenna’s sassiness. Once she’s satisfied with their new location, I tell her to get ready for our day together. Robert and I leave her bedroom, and I close her door so she can have privacy.

  I grab the three large bags of rose petals off our kitchen counter and hand a bag to Robert. “Help me scatter these around the apartment,” I tell him, and he eyes the bags with skepticism. I point my finger and wave it back and forth, my eyes commanding him to keep his fucking mouth shut. I’m done listening to him tell me this is too much for Jenna.

  Nothing is too much for my woman.

  I rip open my bag, take a handful of petals, and toss them on the floor. I make a path with them straight from the living room to the bedroom. Once my bag is empty, I turn around and find Robert following me, a look of horror on his face as he surveys my work.

  “You’re such a guy,” he says with exasperation and a shake of his head. He puts down his unopened bag, kneels to the ground, and spreads out the pile I tossed right outside the bedroom. “You need to make whimsical trails with the petals and not treat them like your raking up a pile of leaves to throw in a garbage bag!”

  I smile in amusement, not understanding what the hell he means. I lean against the bedroom door frame and let him rearrange my petal trails. He’s way better at this shit than I am. Once he’s done, he inspects his work and nods to himself in approval. He looks up at me and I wave him toward my bedroom.

  “Work your magic in here, Tinkerbell,” I joke, and he narrows his eyes in disdain at my nickname for him. “And don’t forget to spray some fairy dust all over the bed, please.”

  “You know rose petals will stain the sheets, right?”

  I look between his smug face and the bed, not realizing that they would. I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day before with someone as important as Jenna is to me. I’m flying by the seat of my pants, and quite frankly, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I just want to make Jenna happy.

  “Thanks for the tidbit, but maybe Jenna will like her sheets stained as a beautiful reminder of all the naughty things I’ll be doing to her tonight.” I give Robert an evil smile, and he starts to make gagging noise, pretending he’s going to throw-up.

  “Stop it with the visuals! You’re hurting my brain.” He squeezes the bridge of his nose
and closes his eyes as if he’s really in pain. “Seriously, Cal. No petals on the bed. Jenna will barely notice anyway since all she’s going to want you to do is suck on her lady bits like it’s an ever-lasting gobstopper.”

  “What’s a gobstopper?” Robert screams like a girl as Avery startles him from behind with her question. “And why would mommy want daddy to suck on her?” Her face scrunches up in confusion. “And what are lady bits?”

  “Avery Rose Harrington, what has your mother told you about creeping up behind people and listening to their conversations?” Robert scolds her, his hand placed over his erratic beating heart. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing out loud as Avery gives him her most innocent puppy-eyed look.

  “I’m sorry, Uncle Robert. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She bats her eyelashes at him and he’s a goner. She has had Robert wrapped around her finger even before she was out of the womb. Robert was here for Jenna when I wasn’t. Sometimes I envy him for the years he’s had with them.

  “It’s okay, Boo-Boo. We just need to try a little harder, okay?” He picks her up and kisses her cheek. She hugs him back, and I hear his sigh of contentment as they stay like this for a couple of seconds before he puts her back down.

  “You want to help me with the rest of these petals?” Robert asks her and she nods with enthusiasm. He gives her a handful of red petals, and they throw them all over the bed. Next, they scatter some over the bathroom counter near Jenna’s toiletries and then go back into the living room to get the last bag. Robert makes it a game by having Avery follow him, stomping her feet while he sings “We’re following the leader” from Peter Pan.


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