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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 31

by Alex Grayson

  “Jake is bailing.” Kasey continues as Mia turns her phone around so I can see. “It’s just going to be us and your brother.”

  “Thanks,” Mia replies.

  “He’ll be here in fifteen minutes. So hurry the hell up.” Kasey taps on the door before she walks off.

  I wait for the click of her heels to fade before I speak. “Mia—” I try to fight off the tears. “He didn’t want to see me.”

  “You don’t know that.” She takes my hands in hers. “Didn’t he post on Instagram he has finals or something?”

  My shoulders slump, and I let out a deep breath. “It’s only a couple hours, Mia.”

  “It’s one night. I’m sure you’ll see him before we leave.” Mia tries to smooth the situation over.

  “How could I have been so stupid?” The tears begin to fall. “I came up with this plan when I was a stupid little girl who had a crush.”

  “You weren’t stupid.” Mia reaches for a tissue. “I was there, remember? I saw the way he was with you. He couldn’t allow himself to realize it then, but he’s older now. You’re older.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Come on, think about it.”

  “What is there to think about? I’m not even sure what’s real anymore.” I rise up and offer my hand to Mia, pulling her up with me.

  “Why did you pick this dress?” Mia spins me around to face the mirror. “You chose this look for a reason.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Humor me,” Mia urges.

  “Because it’s Jake’s favorite color.”

  “Why is your hair down?” She continues.

  I roll my eyes. “Because when I wanted to cut it. Jake may have mentioned he liked it long.”

  “He did,” Mia agrees. “And what about the kiss last year?”

  “He kissed me, but it was an accident. He didn’t expect me to look up when I did,” I explain.

  “Then why hasn’t he talked to you since?” She’s right. Even though I only saw Jake when he was visiting his family, he would still keep in touch by commenting on my posts.

  “Maybe he was busy with school or work—”

  “Or maybe you made him feel something he wasn’t prepared to feel.”

  No matter how many ways she tries to twist the situation, Jake canceled for a reason—and that reason could be me.

  “Guys,” Kasey pounds on the door, “Colton is here. Let’s go.”

  “You go ahead.” I circle my face with my finger. “I just need to fix this.”

  “Okay. Don’t take too long.” Mia twists the handle and runs right into Kasey.

  She peeks her head in. “Make sure you turn on the fan. It stinks in here.”

  “Whatever.” Mia pulls her back out. “Give the girl some privacy, will you?”

  “Is that what you gave her while she had the shits?” Kacey fires back as they walk to the front room.

  What am I going to do with those two?

  I turn back toward the mirror and lean forward to examine myself.

  Better yet. What are we going to do with you?

  “Hey, Chloe.” Colton points in the girl’s direction. “I thought they said you were getting ready?”

  “What?” Mia says turning around at the same time Kasey does. Both of their eyes go wide as I stand there with my hair pulled up, wearing sleep shorts, and my brother’s oversized high school sweatshirt.

  “Guys, I don’t think I’m going to be able to go out.”

  Mia narrows her eyes and throws her hands on her hips.

  “Yeah, I don’t blame you.” Kasey sticks her phone in her clutch. “After the way that bathroom smelled…” She waves her bag in front of her nose. “Whew.”

  Mia shakes her head.

  Kasey didn’t smell a thing but, she has such FOMO, she refuses to believe there was something else going on in that bathroom.

  “I’m not going to leave you here by yourself.” Colton comes over to feel my forehead. “You don’t feel warm.”

  I take a step back. “I think it’s just my nerves.”

  “About what?” Colton asks.

  “I don’t know. School? Moving to New York?”

  “Or maybe you’re coming down with something,” Colton replies.

  “Oh great!” Kasey groans. “Does this mean we’re staying in?”

  “Kasey!” Mia scolds.

  “No.” I sit down on the loveseat. “You guys are in New York, Colton will show you around.”

  “I don’t know.” Colton rubs his neck.

  “Please, Colton?” Kasey sneaks up behind him and massages his shoulders. “Your sister is fine. I’m sure all she needs is rest.”

  Colton tenses.

  “Yes, rest would be good. Please,” I beg. “They didn’t fly all the way here to stay in.”

  “She’s right,” Kasey agrees.

  “I’m sure if I rest up tonight, I’ll be good tomorrow.” I fake a yawn.

  Mia doesn’t say a word. She doesn’t have to. The look of disappointment on her face says it all.

  “Okay let’s do it.” Colton stands.

  “Awesome.” Kasey doesn’t waste any time making her way to the door.

  “Chloe, do you want me to stay with you?” Mia smiles softly.

  “Hell no! You look incredible in that dress.” I wave her off.

  “Fine, but I refuse to have a good time without you.”

  “Come on, Mia.” Colton places his hand on her lower back and guides her to the door. “Chloe, get some rest. I’m going to send over some soup, meds, and Gatorade.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I’m your brother. It’s my job.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  And just like that, they leave to have the time of their lives while I sulk about mine.



  My night has gone to shit. I thought by bailing on Colton I would finally be able to clear my mind enough to get some studying in.


  Now I can’t help but watch the clock and wonder where they are and what they’re doing. Is anyone hitting on her? Is Colton watching out for her?

  My phone starts playing “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra—a ringtone Colton set to remind me he’s graduating on time while I still have a year to go.

  I answer hitting speaker. “What? You miss me already?”

  “Fuck no, but I need you to do me a favor, it’s my sister.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I think she’s just rundown.” Colton mumbles. “Can you do me a solid and grab her some soup, meds, and maybe some Gatorade?”

  “Yeah, I can do that.” I hop out of bed and pull on a tee. “Do you need me to stay and keep an eye on her?”

  Please say no.

  “Only if you think she needs it.”

  “Okay, just text me the address.” I pull on a pair of jeans.

  “Will do. Thanks, man.”

  “No problem.”

  So much for avoiding Chloe.


  I can’t believe I wasted an hour on trying to find something to watch. Figures when you want to binge-watch, nothing is worthy.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Perfect timing.” I run to the door and swing it open, expecting to see an Uber Eats driver. Jake stands there instead.

  I can’t help but let my eyes roam. His hair is tucked beneath a hat flipped to the back, showing off his emerald eyes that glisten under the hallway lights. His broad chest pulls at the simple black t-shirt, his biceps filling the sleeves nicely.

  His arm flexes as he shifts a paper bag to his other hand.

  Is that a tattoo?

  “Cat got your tongue?” Jake laughs awkwardly as he pushes past me. “Your brother called and said you’re not feeling well.”

  Of course he did.

  He walks over to the kitchen and sets the bags down.

  “Make yourself at home.
” I laugh sarcastically.

  “Thanks. This place is nice.” Jake scans the open area as he sets up a spread of Styrofoam bowls. “Your dad has some sweet connections.”

  “I know.” I pull out a stool and sit.

  “So I picked up tomato basil and the cure-all: chicken noodle with extra chicken.”

  I reach for the chicken noodle. “You remembered.”

  “How could I not? Your mom would smack our hands when Colton and I would try to spoon out just the meat.” He flashes me his perfect smile.

  “What can I say?” I pull off the lid and reach for a spoon. “I’m her favorite.”

  He doesn’t disagree. “The tomato smells good.”

  I pass him a spoon. “Help yourself.”

  “Thanks, but first, you need to take some meds.” He dumps out a white plastic bag. “I’ve got something for a headache—”

  I give him a thumbs down.

  “Stomachache? Heartburn?” he asks.

  I shake my head no.

  “PMS?” He raises a brow.

  “Nope.” I roll my eyes. “You got PMS meds, but not chocolate? Jake Morgan, you have a lot to learn—”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bag of plain M&M’s—my favorite. “You were saying?”

  “Fine—you can keep the meds, but toss the candy here.”

  “I’ll think about it.” He smirks.

  I set down my spoon and wipe my mouth.



  “You’re in luck.” Jake peers into the other sack and pulls out a variety of drinks. “Take your pick.”

  “You really did think of everything.” I grab the ginger ale.

  “I did.” He reaches into the bag. “You ready for this?” Jake pulls out a rainbow box of tissues. “I saw this and thought of you.”

  He thought of me.


  Jake didn’t have to come over here. He didn’t have to buy me food and meds and a box of rainbow tissues. He did it because that’s what he does. He takes care of me.

  “Chloe, you don’t look so good.” Jake turns to face me. “Are you sure you’re not getting sick?”

  “I-I’m f-fine,” I stutter.

  “Are you sure?” He’s even closer now. “You look a little flushed.” Jake raises his hand slowly.

  What’s he going to do? Cup my face? Kiss me?

  Wishful thinking.

  Jake chuckles as places the back of his hand to my forehead. “No fever.”

  “I told you.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” Jake leans back against the island. His hands grip the marble behind him, causing his biceps to flex and his new tattoo to play peek-a-boo.

  “I’m scared of New York.” It’s a half-truth. I’m not really scared of New York, but what it represents.


  I didn’t wait my whole life for this moment to give up. I’m eighteen, he’s twenty-three. Age is no longer an issue.

  “Why are you afraid?” he repeats.

  I close my eyes and whisper, “You.”

  “Me?” I can feel him in front of me.

  I slowly open my eyes. “Yes, Jake. I’m afraid that once again I’ll be so close to you, but never get to feel you. I’m afraid moving here will end up being the biggest mistake of my life.”

  He cups my face. “Please don’t cry.” He swipes away a tear I didn’t know was falling.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. But it’s what I came here to do. I need to know. “But most of all, I’m afraid of never finding someone who will make me feel the way you do.”

  “Fuck,” Jake growls, tipping his head back to the ceiling.

  “I know.” I grab ahold of his wrists to free myself of his touch.

  “Don’t,” Jake warns, tilting his head to the side so his lips barely brush over mine. Not in a teasing move, but a testing one.

  “Jake—” I beg for something more. He runs his fingers through my loose waves.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking of me,” he breathes.

  “I do.” I wrap my arms around his neck and thread my hands through his hair, knocking his cap off.

  “You’re so young.”

  “I’m the same age as my mom when she met my father,” I remind him. “It can work.”

  “You drive me crazy,” Jake admits. “That kiss last year. I felt it.”

  “You did?” I ask needing him to say it again.

  “It’s why I’ve been ignoring you.” Jake rests his forehead against mine.

  He’s teetering on the edge and I need to find a way to tip him over.

  “I don’t want to be ignored anymore. I want you to see me. See I’m not the little girl you once knew, but a woman I want you to get to know.” I tilt my head up and lick my lips. “I want you to kiss me, Jake Morgan. Like you mean it.”

  I don’t have to ask again. His lips crash with mine with a passion I’ve never felt before. “Chloe.” Jake sucks my bottom lip into his mouth.

  I whimper.

  “I don’t know if I can stop.”

  “Then don’t.”

  Jake pulls his phone out of his pocket and texts Colton.

  “You really know how to spoil a mood.”

  His phone chimes.

  “I just scored us a few more hours.” He tucks his phone into his back pocket. “Now, where were we?”

  “You were about to take me to bed.”

  “Was I now?” Jake smiles.

  “Uh-huh.” I nod as Jake sweeps me off my feet and into his arms. “Jake!” I scream. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to bed.” He weaves his way around the counter and barrels down the hall. “Right or left?”


  “Damn straight, this is right.” He lowers his lips to my head, and in a move that is so last year, I lift my chin and capture his lips with mine.

  “Mmm…I could get use to this.”

  “Me too.”



  Being around Chloe has always been easy. It’s as if she has this magnetic pull. Every time she was near, I was drawn to her. If she smiled, I smiled. If she was upset, I tried to make her laugh. If she fell, I fixed her.

  I was her protector. Fuck, I still am her protector, and my need to be around her hasn’t dissipated, it’s stronger. Now, when she smiles, I want to be the person who put it there. When she cries, I want to wipe away the tears. When she falls, I want to catch her.

  Everything changed the moment I walked back into the Prescotts’ home and saw seventeen-year-old Chloe sitting on that couch crying. I knew she had more than my friendship, and when our lips touched for the briefest of seconds, I knew she had my heart. I was just in denial.

  But there’s no denying this. There’s no going back from what we’re about to do.

  “A penny for your thoughts.” Chloe traces my lips with her finger.

  “You.” I smile.

  The moment we walked through that door, I wanted to rip off every single piece of clothing and claim every inch of her body, but when her baby blues met mine, I knew we had to take this slow.

  She wasn’t mine to take. I was hers.

  “Are you having second thoughts?” Her brows pinch together before she falls back on her pillow. “Oh God, Jake.” Chloe takes the sheet and pulls it up under her chin. “You are.”

  “What?” I lean up on my elbow. “You can rest assured that isn’t the case.”

  “It’s not?” She bites her bottom lip.

  “The evidence is underneath the covers.” I wink as I hook the top of the sheet with the tip of my index finger and drag it down. She shivers, and her nipples instantly harden as my finger grazes between her breasts and down her stomach to circle her navel.

  “Really?” She lifts her head, trying to cop a peek. “I can’t tell.” Her lips curve into a small seductive smile.

  I fall to my back, and the sheet tents. “If this isn’t obvious, I don’t know what
is.” I turn my head to the side to see my beautiful girl laying next to me. Her body screams she wants me. Her eyes tell me she needs me.

  She licks her lips.


  “Come here.” I pull her on top of me.

  “What are you doing?” She shrieks as she straddles my lap and pushes herself up. “O-Oh!” Her hands fly to cover her face. “What are you doing?”

  “Chloe, I’m all yours.” I hold my arms out wide. “Take me how you want me.”

  “How I want you?” she repeats, peering through her fingers before she lets them fall.

  “I’ll try.” She rests her hands on my stomach as she begins to explore, running her fingers through my chest hair. “I like this.”

  Her eyes roam and her hands follow, threading her fingers through my longer locks. “This is new too. I like it.”

  “It wasn’t intentional.” I tilt my head to the side and reach up to run my hand down the side of her breast to the curve of her hip. “Between school and work, I didn’t have time.”

  Her eyes close, letting a small whimper escape. “That feels so good.” She wiggles, causing my dick to jump.

  “Oh my!” Her eyes pop open as she loses balance and falls forward. My hands move to her sides as Chloe’s land on my biceps.

  “I got you.” The meaning is so much more than this moment.

  She clears her throat and is about to say something when she spots my tattoo. She pushes herself up and begins to trace the Chinese symbol.

  “What does this mean?”

  “Warrior.” I give her the answer I give everyone else.


  “No—it’s the symbol for rainbow.”

  She stops mid-trace. “When?”

  “When I was at Penn State.”

  She gasps. “That was three or four years ago.”


  “Why?” She asks the one question I asked myself a million times.

  “Honestly, I don’t know.” I let my hands fall to the tops of her thighs, rubbing small, lazy circles as I continue. “The team decided to get tattoos. They all knew what they wanted, but I didn’t.” I reach down with one of my hands and grab her free one, bringing it to my lips for a kiss. “But when I walked through the doors, I was smacked with a wall of bright colors which reminded me of your room. The artist handed me an album to inspire me, but when he started to talk about his girlfriend, I knew.”


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