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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 36

by Alex Grayson

  “Your willingness to please me makes me so happy.” I silently beg her to lift her chin, but she doesn’t. Never moving a muscle, the perfect submissive inside the bedroom, but only inside the bedroom.

  “So willing to follow my every command when we are inside these walls, but once we cross this threshold, you will do anything to defy me. Won’t you?” I pull her head back by her hair, devouring her mouth with mine. Pouring out all my frustration and anger at our impending separation.

  I know Morgan has no desire to be away from me for an entire two weeks, but there are things that must be done in preparation for her best friend, Rachael’s, wedding. I also have a multi-million-dollar company to run.

  Once I release my mouth from her lips, I continue down the right side of her neck. Nipping and sucking the sensitive skin as I make my way toward her breast.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers gently, her eyelashes flutter against my cheek as she tries to hold back her emotions. It’s at that moment, the tender hold on my remaining control snaps.

  I grip her under her arms, toss her onto the large king-size bed in front of me before ripping off my shirt and prowling up the bed. I cover her body with mine, grinding my hardening cock against her leg.

  Morgan stifles her moan by biting my shoulder while grinding her pussy into my leg. I shove my knee up, feeling her wetness begin to soak through my pants. Sitting back on my knees, I reach down and unbutton my suit pants. Her eyes zero in on my zipper, as I slowly pull it down releasing my cock from the confines of my pants.

  “Please,” she begs, panting as she leans closer almost drooling with the desire to have my cock between her lips. Without a second thought, I grip the back of her neck, shoving my cock between her waiting lips.

  “You want me to fuck your mouth with my cock, don’t you? You need it, just as much as I need you to do it.” I piston my hips back and forth, her saliva dripping down my cock pooling at the base of my pants. I look down at her face, eyes watering and have never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life.

  “Cookie, although I would love nothing more than to shoot my cum down your throat and have you lick me clean. I need inside that pussy. I need all those inbred country hicks to know you are mine.”

  She releases my cock from her mouth and leans back waiting for further instructions. Not one movement or sound, just waiting for me to tell her what to do next. “Turn around.” I step off the bed and kick off my shoes, followed by my socks and my suit pants.

  “Spread your pussy lips for me, I want to see what’s mine.” Morgan reaches back and spreads her lips, her pink flesh is calling me, but I wait patiently.

  Some people may call it torture, but I know a command is what she needs. “Finger yourself. I’m going to fuck you. Hard and fast, I want you to be ready for me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She moans out the phrase as her two fingers slowly plunge into her core. She pushes them in and out, slowly.

  “Faster.” I reach for my cock, gathering my pre-cum at the tip and begin to stroke back and forth in time with her fingers. My balls begin to pull up signaling my need for release.

  I take a step forward, pulling her fingers from her pussy. I suck them deep into my mouth, licking them clean, both of us moan in the process. I give her engorged clit a flick with my tongue for good measure before slamming into her pussy.

  “Do.Not.Fucking.Cum,” I say between clenched teeth as I fuck her into the bed. Using my right hand, I grip onto her waist and use the other to force her face down into the bed. “I want them to hear you all the way in fucking Hicksville. Let them know I own you.”

  The inhuman sounds that begin to leave her mouth now are music to my soul, all my insecurities about her leaving are still in the background, but right at this moment there is nothing and no one else but the two of us.

  “Come for me, Cookie. Come for me.” Her pussy clamps around me and we both succumb to our passion.

  Collapsing on the bed beside her, I pull her into my chest. Nuzzling my nose into her hair. “I love you. Don’t ever leave me.”

  Morgan wiggles her ass against my flaccid cock, causing it to spring to life once more before giggling. “Yes, Sir.”


  “If you don’t sit the fuck down and stop pacing, I’m going to strap your damn ass to the seat,” Taylor grumbles over the paper.

  The benefit of having your own private jet, being able to move around as you please in the air. I scowl at him before returning to my pacing, “It’s been days and nothing. Minimum phone calls and maybe one or two text messages, but nothing else besides that.”

  “She is helping her best friend, practically her sister, get ready for her wedding. Morgan also hasn’t been home in over a year, since she decided to stay with your needy ass until the wedding.” Taylor folds his paper and places it on his lap. He stands, calmly walking over to the bar as if my life isn’t falling apart at the seams.

  “I knew I should have made her stay until I could’ve flown with her. She is probably back in Hicksville with them telling her how she is too good for me.” I storm over to the bar and pour myself a finger of whiskey, I need something to take the edge off how I am feeling.

  Ever since Morgan left to go home two weeks ago, things have been different. She answered my calls and text messages when I contacted her; she knows she will get a little more than a swift swat on the butt for not answering, but something in our relationship is missing. I can’t help but feel like she is hiding something from me, something that could change everything.

  I down the entire glass in one swallow. “She is hiding something from me, I know it. Taylor, I can’t go through that pain again. I don’t know if I can survive it.” I place my now empty glass on the bar and rub my chest, hoping to quell the ache that is beginning to stir in my heart.

  Morgan knows my past; she knows how I was betrayed and made a fool of by the one person I thought would love me unconditionally. Is she that heartless to do the same thing to me again?

  “Where are your balls at, dear cousin?” Taylor refills both of our glasses.

  “Says the man who doesn’t even have the balls to tell the woman he loves how he feels,” I growl in response, grabbing my glass off the bar and heading back toward my seat.

  “Careful, Theodore.” I know he must be serious; he never uses my full name. “We are thirty thousand feet in the air, if Morgan is done with you, I doubt anyone else would miss you.”

  “Now who needs to grow a pair,” I mumble into my drink. “Taylor, in all honesty, something is off, I can hear it in her voice. She rushes me off the phone, at times it seems like she is just going through the motions. As if it is a chore to even bother holding a conversation with me.”

  The plane begins to dip, signaling our decent. “You will know what is going on soon enough. Sit the fuck down and finish your drink.” Taylor pats me on the shoulder as he makes his way to his own seat.

  I buckle my seat belt and look out of the window. As the clouds drift by I can’t help but wonder how my arrival is going to pan out. Everything has changed from when Morgan gave me a kiss and I tucked her into the town car taking her to the airport.

  The biggest change is Taylor, although I love my cousin, he wasn’t originally planning to be joining us on this trip. Not only do I now have my cousin along, but the quiet nights I thought I was going to be spending with Morgan have changed as well. Taylor and I will be staying a few towns over in their local hotel, thanks to Morgan’s insistence.

  On one of the rare phone calls we have shared, she informed me that there won’t be enough room for everyone at her parents’ house and since she invited him along, we would need to move to a hotel. I originally thought nothing of it, but when she sent me the reservation for one room, I discovered she had different plans than I did.

  “Stop thinking so hard over there. I can see the smoke from here.” I scowl at my cousin as the wheels touch down on the ground. “Your future awaits.” Taylor has a shit-eating
grin on his face which is never a good sign.

  Once the pilot taxis down the runway we come to a stop at the small airport in Shawnee, Kansas. I have no idea what the population of this place is, but the largest city is Kansas City almost two hours away by car, you can imagine where we are.

  “What do they even do for fun here, anyway? I wonder why the population isn’t higher, it seems the only thing to do here is drink and fuck.” Taylor wrinkles his nose in disgust.

  “You are not helping the situation. Not only is this nothing like where we’re from, but what the fuck am I even supposed to talk about with these people.” I look down at my tailored Armani suit; I don’t know the meaning of dressed down. It’s suits or sweatpants, nothing in between.

  “Think about it this way. Such a big strong man as yourself won’t have any problem with cow tipping.” I shake my head at Taylor as I meander down the stairs and head to the waiting town car.

  “It can’t be that bad, but this is a lot more space than we are used to,” I mumble, ducking my head as I step into the car. I’m not sure if I am trying to reassure Taylor or myself. Not only am I anxious about this trip because of Morgan’s lack of communication, but I am also meeting both her parents for the first time.

  Debbie and Marcus O’Conner, high school sweethearts, born and raised in Shawnee. Never stepped foot out of the town they grew up in. I can’t blame them, as I watch the scenery go by, what in the hell do I have in common with someone like that. Not to mention they are roughly ten years older than me.

  Not only am I big bad wolf that has been keeping their daughter away, but I’m closer to their age than hers. This is not going to end well. I take a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves. Pushing all that aside, I just need to show all three of them how much Morgan means to me. Once they see that, everything else will fall into place—I hope.


  Morgan’s phone goes to voicemail, for the fourth time. I fight the urge to throw my cell phone across the room, opting instead to drop it on the bed and put my fist through the wall.

  “I see Morgan still isn’t answering your calls.” Taylor walks out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. “You know, they are going to make us pay for that,” he says motioning toward the hole I just put in the wall.

  We arrived in Shawnee yesterday around dinnertime. I was hoping to be able to at least have a conversation with Morgan, maybe some one-on-one time since we haven’t seen each other in what feels like forever. Instead, I seem to be having an intimate conversation with her voicemail box.

  “I’ll tear down and rebuild this entire city if I have too. Morgan has no idea who she is messing with.” I turn toward the bed and grab my cell phone. I open my contacts and search for Morgan’s number. Once I find it, I get ready to hit send but my phone begins to ring.

  “You have explaining to do, Cookie,” I growl into the phone. “You are one lucky little girl. If we were home, I would have you over my knee right now, paddling your bottom until it’s nice and red.”

  I can hear her breathing heavily on the other end, egging me on to continue. “We both know how much you love when I paddle your bottom. Is your pussy dripping wet for me, Morgan?”

  I wait patiently for her to answer. “Morgan?” Did I have a conversation with a ghost?

  Pulling the phone back from my ear, I check to make sure she is still on the other line.

  “Theo, I am glad to know that my daughter is so well … taken care of in the bedroom. However, as her mother, I honestly do not need to know about these things.”

  Fuck! I was worried about making a good impression on her parents when I met them at some point in time today, now I have apparently explained my bedroom habits to her mother.

  “I apologize, Mrs. O’Connor. I was under the impression that I was speaking with your daughter.” I wait, hoping she will say something or better yet give the phone to Morgan. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your phone call?”

  Who better to explain to me what the fuck is going on with Morgan than her own mother? “The thing is Theo; I am not one to meddle. However, my daughter has her head stuck so far up her ass that I doubt she knows what she is doing now.”

  “I’m not sure I’m following you, Mrs. O’Connor.”

  “Call me Debbie. I believe after you threatening to paddle my bottom, we are on a first-name basis.”

  I have to make sure Taylor never hears about this conversation; I look in his general direction and notice him hiding a smirk behind a copy of the Shawnee Gazette. I doubt there is anything in the paper keeping him that amused.

  “All right, Debbie. I am fully aware that Morgan is avoiding me. The bigger question is why?” Debbie seems like a straight and to the point woman, no sense beating around the bush any longer.

  “I like you, Theo. However, I’m not one to meddle. I am going to tell you that my daughter is on her way to your hotel to decorate the bridal suite for her best friend’s nuptials tomorrow. Lucky for you, she decided to leave her cell phone here so she wouldn’t be tempted to call you while she was there.”

  A grin spreads across my face. “I know you aren’t one to meddle, but did you happen to make that suggestion to her, Debbie?” I can tell this woman may just be my new partner in crime.

  “I quite possibly did, but I also may have copied your number from the phone before she woke up this morning, just in case. Now stop wasting our time, Morgan should be there already.”

  “Thank you, Debbie.”

  “You’re welcome. Next time call me Momma,” she responds hanging up before I can get a word in. I take a seat on the bed, resting my forearms on my knees.

  “Morgan has been avoiding me.”

  “We both know that, Captain Obvious. The question of the day is why?” Taylor finally cuts the charade of reading the paper, turning to give me his full attention.

  “Debbie did say she didn’t want to meddle, but Morgan is going to be here setting up the bridal suite for Rachael and Liam’s wedding tomorrow.”

  “Gotta love those southern mothers and their need to be in everyone’s business.”

  We both sit there staring at each other. I’m not too sure of my next move. When Morgan left San Diego, I would have said our relationship was strong and in a good place. Now, I feel like whatever she is hiding will change everything.

  “What the fuck are you still sitting here for! Get your ass up and go get your girl,” Taylor shouts, standing from the chair. “If you sit here and worry about everything that could go wrong, you are going to miss your chance to see her and that just means the longer you will have to wait for answers.”

  Nodding my head in response, I stand from the bed, shove my phone in my back pocket and head for the room door. “Don’t wait up.”

  “Oh, I won’t. I’ll have booze and a return flight home scheduled for when you get back, we will be either celebrating or commiserating.” I can hear Taylor chuckling as the door shuts behind me.

  I head to the elevators, lucky for me there is a map of the entire hotel right there. “The bridal suites are on the tenth floor.” Hitting the button for the elevator, I watch the numbers change as I wait. It isn’t too long before the elevator light goes out, signaling its arrival. As the door opens, I go to step but hear a surprised gasp.

  My head immediately shoots in that direction. “Morgan.”

  It seems things have become a lot less complicated than they were ten minutes ago. I reach in and grab her by the wrist, pulling her out of the elevator before the door can close.

  “Cookie, you have some explaining to do,” I growl as I pull her behind me down the hall toward my room.

  “I don’t have time to play your games, Theodore. I have important things to do. Now let me go.” I stop in my tracks. She has never called me by my full name.

  “When did my love for you become a game, Morgan?” I ask in a hushed tone. We stand in the middle of the hall for a moment. I stare into her eyes, searching for some reason as to why she i
s acting this way but am unable to find any.

  “You’re going to talk to me. Now. Whether you like it or not, whatever you were doing I will help you with or better yet, I’ll send Taylor. Since you insisted on inviting him, he might as well be of some use.”

  “I thought things would be easier for you if your cousin was here,” she says barely above a whisper.

  “What would have been easier for me would be if you weren’t ignoring me.” I shove my keycard into the door, pull Morgan inside and shut the door behind me.

  Taylor is lying across the bed, watching something on television. Before he can open his mouth, I cut him off. “Get out. Go to the bridal suite on the tenth floor and do whatever needs to be done. Morgan and I need to talk.”

  I turn toward Morgan, daring her to protest but she says nothing. Lucky for him, neither does Taylor. He walks past us, grabbing some bags by the room door I didn’t notice before letting himself out.

  “I consider myself a patient man. However, when you bring me all the way to Kansas to ignore me. I think I can at least expect an explanation.” I don’t turn to look at her, if I do, I know this conversation is going to go much different than I wanted.

  “Explain yourself,” I demand as I take a seat at the small table. “We aren’t leaving this room until I have some answers, whether I like them or not.”


  I attempt to remain calm, but my knee begins to bounce as I wait for her to answer my question. Morgan crosses her arms over her chest, directly below her tits. I can’t stop myself from remembering how they feel beneath my fingers.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Theodore. I’ve been busy. You aren’t a little kid; I wasn’t aware that I had to keep you occupied at all times.” She refuses to look at me. It’s as if the very sight of me disgusts her.


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