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Take Me To Bed: Bedtime Quickies

Page 63

by Alex Grayson

  “You say that now” I state. “One day it will annoy you.”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  “Having spent my life with the pack, eventually you’ll want to get away.”

  Ari turns to peer up at me. Her eyes bright and her smile radiant. “That’s what we have that big house for. So you and I can run away and leave the mayhem behind.”

  “And do wicked things to each other?” I ask.

  “Of course. That goes without saying.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  “I hope so. You’re stuck with me.”

  Ari lets out a wistful sigh and leans back into me. We both watch the paranormals in front of us. Some are getting drinks. Others are eating. Sol and Ford glare at Dante and Mira. Carter is as well. Aries, who is supposed to be keeping the pack in line, is sitting with his mate by his side, kissing her temple every now and then. Kylest and Raven seem to be in their own little bubble, impervious to what’s going on around them.

  These paranormals are amazing. For all their bickering and posturing, even if they were to have a knock down, drag out fight, none of it would matter once the dust settled. They will always have each other’s backs, regardless if they’re in the middle of a fight or not.

  This life we lead, it’s not always happy. There’s death and destruction. More lives have been lost than I would ever want to count. I’ve lost my parents, members of the pack. Ari lost her grandparents and her dad. Too many are gone. But they fought for us. They fought so we could have this moment of joy and many more.

  The pack—this family—will always be a priority. We will always protect one another. We will stand and fight any enemy, no matter how big or small. And we will love with everything we have. That’s what we do. That’s what family means to us.

  And beside me, my mate. I will spend the next thousand years loving her with every ounce of my being. There’s no place in the universe I would rather be than right by her side.

  “I heard you!” she shouts and points at Sol, pulling me from my thoughts. “Don’t think I don’t know what you just said.”

  “You heard wrong because it was not about you.” Sol sticks out his tongue.

  “Oh, really? Then, do tell, who you were just talking about?”

  “Okay, fine. If you must know, I was talking about your wedding gift.”

  “I’m fearful of what that could be.”

  Sol closes his eyes and turns up his nose. He picks up a small box from the table and puts it in his pocket. “I’ll just return this.”

  Ari snaps her fingers and in under a second is standing next to Sol, reaching into his pocket.

  “If you wanted to get frisky all you had to do was ask,” he tells her with a smirk.

  “Shut up. I want my gift.”

  He brushes her hand away but not with much effort. He’s not really trying. It’s all a game to Sol. “I don’t think so. You’re not very appreciative of the time and thought I put into it.”

  “Just hand it over.”

  “I didn’t hear the magic words.” Sol is really putting his life on the line by baiting my mate.

  “Please,” Ari says through gritted teeth. I chuckle. That must have been hard for her.

  “Since you asked sooo nicely.” Sol takes the box and places it in her hand. There’s no point in waiting to open it. I know my mate and now she has to see what’s inside.

  Leaning back in my seat, I cross my arms and wait to see what’s so wonderful that it had to be made into a scene.

  Silver paper flutters to the grass as Ari tears into the wrapping. A small black box is revealed. Her eyes widen. Sol didn’t get us jewelry, did he?

  Ari opens the box, looks inside, and withdraws a small piece of paper.

  “What the fate is this?” she yells.

  “It’s a coupon for a hug.”

  “You can’t be serious!”

  Sol smiles wide. “I totally am.” Opening his arms, he says, “Come on. Bring it in.”

  I bust out laughing. “Do it, little mouse!” I yell to my mate. “Take him up on it!” Ari might be a big bad wolf shifter, but she will always be a little mouse to me, full of bite.

  She narrows her eyes at me. I can have fun, too.

  Leaning in, she hugs Sol, who wraps his arms around her. Jealousy flares inside me, however, the vampire would never harm or try anything with my mate.

  But then…

  Sol turns toward me and winks. He lifts his hand and in the blink of an eye, teleports them away.

  I jump to my feet and growl. That vampire has a death wish.

  Carter and Cash rush to my side. “We’re coming with you,” Cash says, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

  Ford lifts the paper that had fallen to the table before Sol and Ari teleported. The paper that was inside the box. He opens it up and grins. He teleports to my side and hands it to me.

  Tag! You’re it! it reads.

  And that’s how we end up playing a game of paranormal tag on our wedding day. Using portals and teleporting, we move all around the world in search of the next paranormal to tag. This is paws down one of the best days of my life.

  About Michelle

  Michelle Dare is a romance author. Her stories range from sweet to sinful and from new adult to fantasy. There aren’t enough hours in the day for her to write all of the story ideas in her head. When not writing or reading, she’s a wife and mom living in eastern Pennsylvania. One day she hopes to be writing from a beach where she will never have to see snow or be cold again.

  Visit her at

  Soul Mate

  A Helheim Wolf Pack Short Story

  Lauren Dawes

  Will they risk it all for a shot at forever?


  King filled up his cup with beer from the keg and took a sip. The air around him was filled with the scents of freely flowing alcohol, lust, and sex. There were bodies everywhere, people either writhing to the beat of the music pumping through the four large speakers he had positioned around the living room, or discreetly fucking in one of the dark corners. Behind him in the kitchen, the granite countertop was getting a workout, holding about a hundred cups, bowls of chips, and the keg.

  The party had only started twenty minutes ago, but in true werewolf fashion, shit had gotten out of hand in under ten.

  And he wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  Walking through the crowd, he pounded fists with the males who held out their

  knuckles and kissed the females on the cheeks. This was his farewell party. Tomorrow, he was moving across the other side of the country to start as an enforcer for a relatively new alpha called Hamish. The guy was a Bitten wolf who had proved himself and earned a slice of territory in Florida. King had applied for the position as enforcer, not thinking he’d actually get it. He’d barely finished his training under the careful instruction of Sabel, the Helheim Wolf captain, so when he’d received the invitation to join Hamish’s ranks, he’d jumped at the chance.

  Rubbing a hand over his sternum, he tried not to think about how much leaving the Helheim pack was going to hurt. His family was here. His alpha was here…

  And she was here.

  Olivia Wolfe—daughter of the pack’s beta—and his best friend.

  He and Livvy had been inseparable since they were kids. They’d shared all their firsts together—first shift, first day at elementary and high school, first love and first breakup.

  But he wanted more. He wanted her.

  There was only one small problem with that; there was no way Livvy was going to up and leave her parents, her twin sister, and her life to come with him to Florida.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Still, he could dream, couldn’t he?

  Prowling through the living room, he drained the rest of his cup and stopped when a female stepped directly in front of him. Jessica was a Chaser, a female who routinely cycled through the trainees going through the pack’s enforcer training program. She, along wi
th another female, had managed to sleep their way through their ranks, like they were a fucking list they had to check off. In fact, she’d bedded his own sparring partner just last week.

  “Tonight’s your last chance, King,” she purred, cupping his dick aggressively. “You’re the only one I haven’t had.”

  “And it’s going to stay that way, Jess,” he replied, gritting his teeth. “I’m not interested in someone as well used as you are.”

  Her normally playful expression clouded. “It’s because of her, isn’t it? You got a thing for your best friend, King.”

  Removing her hand from his crotch, he said in a low voice, “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, Jess. Maybe you should stick to sucking dick.”

  Pouring himself another drink, he strolled back into the living room just in time to see Olivia walk in. She was dressed in a knee-length floral print dress, a small secret smile forming on her perfect lips when she saw him. Starting towards him, he tried not to notice how her hips swayed. He tried not to notice the way her blonde hair curled over her shoulder and down her back. He sure as hell tried to ignore the perfect swell of her breasts or the way her legs looked fucking fantastic in spiked heels.

  “King,” she said before launching herself at him. He caught her easily, her long legs locking around his waist, her arms winding around his neck. Burrowing his nose into her hair, he inhaled deeply. She smelled like home to him—like pack, and his wolf chuffed in contentment.

  “You made it,” he murmured into her ear.

  Olivia fought the shiver that threatened to rack her body. Being close to King hadn’t always elicited this reaction, but something had changed over the summer. She loved him. He was her best friend, but now she felt like that love ran a little deeper. She’d started to notice things about him that she’d always taken for granted like the single freckle on the corner of his mouth and the way he looked at her when he thought she wasn’t looking—like she was precious.

  He placed her gently back down onto the ground and she got a good look at him. He was wearing the Star Wars t-shirt she’d bought him for his last birthday and a pair of dark jeans that fit his muscular thighs like they were made just for him. He’d smelled like his signature cologne, a fragrance she’d also gotten him for his birthday. His dark hair was stylishly messy, that kind of purposeful disregard that made her want to run her fingers through it.

  God, she’d miss him when he was gone. She didn’t know whether she’d survive without him either. They’d been friends for years, and she didn’t realize how much she relied on him until the prospect of him leaving had become real. Asking him to stay would’ve been unforgivable. And selfish. He couldn’t pass up this opportunity. He was an exceptional male with instincts that would serve any alpha well…

  She’d just hoped Rhett would’ve kept him, then he would always be close to her.

  He had his own life, and despite sharing a lot of it with her, she knew it couldn’t last

  forever. They were both getting to that age where their parents expected them to settle down and start families. Her mother had even started hinting at eligible males in the pack. Her father had put the shotgun that usually stayed in the gun safe up onto the wall above the mantle.

  Yup, her dad was really subtle like that.

  “I was wondering when you’d get here.” He looked over her shoulder. “Where’s Jasmine?”

  “She’s parking the car,” she replied.

  “Let’s get you a drink.” Taking her hand, he led her into his small kitchen. The space was overflowing with liquor bottles, cups, and nibbles. He even had a keg perched on the end of the long counter, water pooling at its base and condensation rolled down its steel sides.

  “Did you get enough beer?” she asked dryly.

  Grinning, he shrugged and her heart made a break for it. Damn it, his smile had

  never done that to her before. She watched as he pulled open the fridge and retrieved a bottle of sauvignon blanc. “I got you your favorite.”

  “You’re always looking after me.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck affectionately. “That’s

  because you’re my Livvy.” His lips were warm against her skin as he kissed her. “I’ll always be here to look after you.” When he pulled back, the carefree smile he’d been sporting slid from his face.

  She didn’t have to be a mind-reader to know where his thoughts had gone. Taking the

  bottle from his hand, she unscrewed the cap and found a clean cup. “Don’t go there,” she warned. “This is an amazing opportunity and one you should definitely take up.”

  Olivia poured herself a large cup of wine and swallowed a mouthful, keeping her eyes averted. She didn’t need to see the sadness in his eyes. Him changing his mind simply wasn’t an option. “Besides,” she said after downing half her wine. “We talk every day anyway. The distance isn’t going to change that.”

  “Yeah, but the difference is you won’t be five minutes down the road anymore. You’ll be a five-hour plane ride away.”

  She shrugged and tried not to let his words sting. “It’s a good thing I like flying, then.”

  Folding his arms, he leaned against the granite counter. “I thought you’d have brought that male you’ve been dating with you tonight. What’s his name again? Finn? Klim?”

  She laughed. “Syn,” she corrected. “And we’re kindofnotdatinganymore.” The words

  tumbled from her mouth and she winced. Way to go playing it cool, Liv.

  King’s mouth turned up in the corner. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get all that.”

  Blowing out a breath, Olivia downed the rest of her wine and said, “We’re not dating anymore.”


  “So tell me more,” King pushed, knowing he was needling Livvy. “Did you break it off, or him?”

  “I did.”


  “None of your business,” she replied, crossing her arms across her chest. The action pushed up her breasts, her cleavage a tantalizing sight.

  Giving her a cocky grin, he shot back, “Is it because of me?”

  She scoffed. “Don’t be a smug ass.” Pouring herself another drink, she downed a couple of mouthfuls and glared at the contents of her cup like it had just insulted her mother.

  Despite wanting to know all the details, he also couldn’t be happier that she’d jettisoned the tool. Syn was only going to hold her back—hold her down.

  He offered his hand to her and she stared at it.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Come and dance with me?”

  She bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with color. “You know I don’t dance,” she replied.

  “Then make tonight an exception. I am leaving tomorrow.”

  “Please don’t remind me,” she mumbled.

  “Come and dance with me,” he said into her ear. “Please?”

  When she put down her cup, he knew he’d won. He pulled her onto the dance floor, holding her close as the hardcore rap that was now pounding through the room cleared the space. Holding her close, he positioned her arms around his neck, his hands resting on the small of her back. Together, they swayed slowly, the friction of her hips against his causing his dick to sit up and pay attention. His head joined the party, throwing up all kinds of fantasies where they were alone and he could show her just how much she meant to him. His hands flexed around her curves, crushing the cotton fabric of her dress against his palms.

  Jesus, leaving her was going to hurt.

  “King?” she asked in a whisper, forcing him to lean down so her mouth was against his ear.

  “Yeah, Livvy?”

  Her fingers tightened around his neck. “I’m going to miss you. So much. You know that, right?”

  “I know.” He wasn’t under any illusions that once he was gone, there was a very good chance she would be mated and knocked up before too soon. And then all that would be left would be his regret. Regret for not telling her how he felt abo
ut her, how long he’d loved her. The thing was, no matter how badly he wanted to take their friendship to the next level, he wasn’t sure he was ready to risk it all. What if this ruined everything? What if he lost her because he couldn’t keep his fucking feelings to himself?

  Then on the flip side, what if she felt the same way about him but was too scared to act on it? What if her concerns were the same as his? Maybe this was his chance, right here, right now. Torn between keeping his trap shut and spilling his guts, for the first time in his life, King wasn’t sure what to do.

  He guessed there was really only one question he needed to ask himself: was he willing to just walk away without even trying? He’d never been a quitter so the answer was a resounding fuck no.

  He sucked in a deep breath and let it out. It was now or never. Hooking a finger under her chin, he focused on her lips.

  Her lips....

  He was dying for a taste.

  Olivia’s pulse thundered in her ears. The look on King’s face as he gazed at her was making her skin feel too tight for her body. She felt like she was the prey his wolf was stalking toward and she wanted to run—but not to escape. She wanted him to catch her. To claim her.

  Heat emanated from his body and her senses prickled with awareness. His eyes darted down to her mouth. Hunger burned in his gaze and she tilted her face up to meet his, their lips meeting in a brief, tentative touch. When he pulled away, she fisted the front of his shirt, and dragged him back down to her.

  “More,” she whispered, pressing her body flush to his so they were chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip. This time, his kiss was more bruising, but far less hurried. He took his time, stroking at the seam of her lips, seeking permission to enter. She opened her mouth, accepting him, her own tongue joining in the advance and retreat. She couldn’t believe she was kissing her best friend, the guy she had loved as a brother since she was a kid. Only, now she didn’t view him as just a brother.


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