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Entanglement Page 23

by Max Ellendale

  "Billie," she moaned, licking and kissing my neck as the tension faded from her body. She relaxed, pinning my hand between us, and I slipped two fingers inside her when I claimed her mouth. She cupped my face, and we melted into a heavy make out session on the tiny sofa. I lowered her to the cushions, and she wrapped her legs around me while I slipped in and out of her.

  "You," she broke the kiss to say, breathlessly. "You. How?"

  "Just the same." I grabbed her wrist, urging her hand between my thighs less gently than the last time. My entire body trembled at the feel of her against my soaked core. "Like this."

  She nodded, raking her teeth across my neck as her fingers explored my folds. My lashes fluttered while she attempted to find a rhythm. We moved against each other, and she speared me, driving her fingers inside me the same way I'd done to her. A moan escaped me as I kissed her, grinding myself against the palm of her hand.

  For the first time, we melted together from lust to lovemaking on a sofa belonging to our friends. We came together, moaned together, and repeated it as much as we could. Both of us, starved for the connection, the release, and each other.

  By the time the first birds of the day began to chirp, we'd made it to the bed and I collapsed with my head on Mira's stomach. Mira's fingers tangled in my hair. We stayed like that for awhile it seemed, sharing our afterglow until my mouth watered for her again. I rolled between her thighs, nudging them apart as I began a series of small licks to her sweet folds.

  "My God," she said, gripping the pillows beside her. "Billie. Oh!" She exploded into a harsh, shivering orgasm that had her toes curling against my hips. "Yes." I kept at it, devouring her until she came again after that, and I nearly collapsed from breathing so heavily. Mira moaned when I crawled up her body, resting my head on her chest. We both panted, allowing ourselves to calm until she broke it to roll me onto my back.

  I watched her, my eyes wide as she crawled over me, gazing down at my body while stroking every inch. To my surprise, she mirrored my gestures, nudged my thighs apart and lay between them. I nearly came at the sight of her there and the way her hair covered my thighs and pelvis like a luscious, silky canopy.

  "Mira." I grabbed a handful of her hair, urging her on because fuck, I couldn't wait a second longer.

  She wasn't cautious with me, wasn't fumbling as I expected. Her mouth moved over my pussy like she'd done this every day of her life. I cried out, lifting my hips to her when she sucked my clit, with firm, hungry lips. With two fingers inside me, she shoved me over the edge of oblivion, into an abyss where only orgasms existed.

  I came against her, one rolling orgasm after another while she explored me. For someone who'd never been with a woman, she sure knew what the hell she was doing.

  A rush left me when I shouted, surrendering to the final release she offered me, and I collapsed into the pillows, a heap of bliss and afterglow. Mira crawled up my body, kissing a trail from my clit to my lips, until she tucked her face against my neck, both of us left breathless. I embraced her, turning to place soft kisses along her ear.

  Sleep found us easily, and my consciousness drifted with Mira's fingers laced with mine. Our energies, both shifted and aligned, informed our connection. In our entangled state, the awareness of my feelings for Mira escalated. What kind of system would we be? Were our subatomic particles in a sort of metaphysical quantum state? Probably not. My understanding of science barely deserved the label. All I could be sure of was my feelings for Mira and no matter where we ended up, or if we parted, I would never be the same.

  In the morning, Willa and Dax coaxed us out of our love haven for breakfast on the back patio by the pool. While we ate our eggs, bacon, and toast, I sat back to take in the panorama of beautiful sights. Trees rustled in the cool morning breeze, the mountains overlooked us in the distance, and the rolling fields gave a wide-open feel to the impressive expanse of the property. I tucked my feet up on the chair, my boots under my thighs while I cupped the hot coffee in my palms. I liked it here, maybe even more than Seattle.

  "You look thoughtful, Billie," called Willa, breaking my quiet. "What's got you spinning?"

  "It's beautiful here. And I've had a really great time." I drew my gaze from her to smile at Mira. "What do you think?"

  "It's been…probably the best few days of my life. Is that pathetic to say?" Mira's coy smile lifted around her bite of bacon. Across from me, Dax's smirk broadened and she glanced to Willa who gave her arm a squeeze.

  "Of course not. Honestly, Mira, it's been some of my best days, too. And the only semi-vacation I've ever been on," I confessed, glancing to Dax who nodded her agreement.

  "No vacation ever?" asked Willa, snickering when Mira made to say the same thing simultaneously. "Sorry."

  "No worries," Mira chirped, grinning with it. "We're both eager to know."

  I laughed at them, then stole a piece of bacon from Mira's plate. "Nope. No vacation ever. My parents didn't believe in that sort of thing, and when I got to Seattle, I had to start working immediately while going to school. Then prepared for joining the police department at twenty-one. From there, my life revolved around work and getting Robert out of Montana. When he arrived, it was about taking care of him," I explained, shrugging. "It just is what it is."

  "Have you ever been to the beach?" asked Mira, then sipped her coffee.

  "I haven't. Just lakes. Bays, harbors. Nothing along the coast."

  "Well, we'll have to change that sometime soon." Mira smiled at me from over the rim of her coffee mug.

  "I'm in." I wagged my brows at her and she laughed.

  "So, do you ladies want to stick around for the harvest market?" asked Willa, gesturing toward Dax. "We're heading out there in a bit."

  "You better say yes, Olsen." Dax pointed at me with her fork.

  I laughed and looked to Mira. "Do we bend to her bullying?"

  "Yes." Mira grinned as she leaned over and nudged me with her forehead. "But only for her."

  Willa nearly beamed when she heard that and poked Dax's cheek. "She's cute and convincing, isn't she?" Dax grabbed her hand and tugged her chair across the deck. Willa cracked up and hugged her immediately.

  "Adorable. Irresistible to lesbian veterinarians," I teased and everyone laughed.

  Mira's endless smile lingered while she watched our friends and their playfulness. Nothing made me happier than sensing the ease in our connection. Something changed for us, and her actions affirmed it. Excitement tangled with my steadfast hope. Maybe, just maybe, when we returned to Seattle, Mira wouldn't struggle as much. I never wanted her to feel pain, and to be the source of it nearly killed me inside. Today, and for the rest of the weekend, that worry faded. All I could do was hope that it continued.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "How was your time off?" asked Angelina on Monday morning when I set a cup of coffee down on her desk.

  "Amazing." The word fell from my lips before I could stop it and I glanced at her as I dropped into my chair.

  "How's Mira feeling?" Her cautious question had her peering over the computer monitor at me, a smirk on her mouth.

  "She's better. I'm sure Eve told you everything already."

  "Yeah, Billie. Of course. I wish you would've talked to me though," she said.

  "Why? So you could tease me like Eve does and then tell her everything I say? I'm not going to talk to you about my life if you can't keep things to yourself, Angie. Sorensen is easier to talk to because he's too dense to remember anything I tell him anyway," I said, glancing over when he grumbled from his corner desk. Angelina sighed softly, but Sorensen interrupted her response.

  "I heard that. Also, where's my coffee?" He huffed and puffed like a juvenile.

  "You're never on time so we never bring you any. Also, why are you on time?" I asked.

  "Walked my girl to work this morning. She's a nurse at U.W. Medical." He grinned and Angelina and I both rolled our eyes.

  "Another one," said Angelina, laughing with it.

p; "Yup. Put your eyes back in your head and butt out." Sorensen flipped her off right before Moreno walked in.

  "Olsen, take Lubbock with you out to Pike Place. We got a body on the waterfront. Sorensen, the M.E. is waiting for you downtown." Moreno pulled out his phone and tapped away. "Sending you all the details."

  "And off we go." I snatched my cup from the desk, and Angelina followed suit as we headed out to the vehicles. "Why did he tell me to take you with me? You're the veteran here."

  "Because he's fostering your ego. I'll drive."

  "Fine," I said.

  We loaded up and headed out while I checked my phone. A text from Mira lingered on the screen and I opened it.

  This weekend was incredible, Billie. Thank you for making it so good. xo

  An immediate smile curved my lips and I typed my reply, I had an amazing time with you and want to take Dax up on her offer to do it again. Hope your day is good. xo

  I can't stop smiling, so I think it'll be a good day. Have dinner with me tomorrow night?

  Are you asking me out, Professor Lewis?

  "Quit giving your phone flirty eyes and talk to me, you smitten little thing," Angelina teased, and I scowled at her.

  I am. Will you have dinner with me tomorrow, Detective Olsen?

  Yes. Always.

  Hooray. :) I'll text you details later. Class about to start. Be safe.

  Okay. Have a good day, baby. Tell them all the truth about quantum entanglement.



  I pocketed my phone and looked up to see Angelina staring at me while we sat in traffic. "Oh, you're back now? Do I exist?"

  "Shut up already."

  "I want to talk about what you said before," she began, heaviness falling around her.

  "I don't really want to."

  "I know, but it's important. We're friends, really good friends, and I don't want you to feel badly. I didn't know that you were bothered by teasing, Billie. It was meant to be playful, not harmful," she said, her voice somber. "I'm sorry."

  "I'm not usually. But everything with Mira has been really difficult and it felt like no one's supported me. Eve kept saying that gay girls don't get straight girls, and kept trying to knock me down. I can't talk to you about how I feel because you'll tell her. Ciara tries to temper Eve's negativity, but it doesn't work. And it's complicated. This is the first time I've dated anyone seriously in years, and I got no support." The words tumbled from my mouth without an emergency brake to stop them.

  "I'm sorry, Billie. I really am. I'm glad you're dating Mira. When we met her that first time, she only had eyes for you. I saw it. Straight or not, her energy responded to yours," she said, glancing at me then back to the road. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

  "I know you didn't mean to. I think you should reconsider your 'I tell Eve everything' rule, Angie. At least for me." I shrugged, leaning my head back against the seat while watching the slow-moving traffic ahead.

  "I will." She paused, her fingers tightening on the steering wheel. "So, what was it like when you told Mira how you felt?"

  My lips pursed, and I warred with myself about telling her anything. "I don't know. Can we talk about something else?"

  "All right. How was it seeing Dakota Stocker again? Is she good?"

  I smiled at that question as it seemed more appropriate. "She's really good. A little quieter than she used to be, but good. Her girlfriend, Willa, is lovely."

  "Did you and Dax get to spend time catching up?"

  "Yeah. She didn't know that Josh told me they were on vacation when I tried to get in touch with her while she was missing. It surprised her, but I think she appreciated learning that. It seemed to remove barriers to us talking about things." I paused while thinking about it. "Her farm is so beautiful, Angie. She has such a good life now."

  "I hated that man so much. Such a know-it-all. I never understood what Stocker saw in him back then."

  "I think she saw a challenge and some excitement."

  "Makes sense. I'm glad her life is good. And that you reconnected. She was your best friend for a long time," Angie said, her sensitivity at an all-time high.

  "Yeah. She was."

  We drove in silence for a few minutes until she asked, "Why don't you want to talk about Mira?"

  "Because you won't keep it to yourself and Mira's story is her own to tell."

  "I will keep it to myself," she said, glancing at me.

  "No, because then you and Eve will have it out."

  "We won't."

  "Then tell me what she's told you already."

  "Just that Mira passed out after seeing a gruesome injury that took out a player on her opposing soccer team. And when she woke up, she called you her girlfriend," said Angie. "In front of Eve, Ciara, and Saoirse."

  "Yeah. All that happened."

  "So, she is officially your girlfriend?"

  "Yes. But don't go telling people yet. Let her tell who she wants. She's coming over on Sunday to meet Robert and Eleanor as my girlfriend instead of a friend. It has to be up to her," I said, as we finally made it to the crime scene. "We could've walked here faster you know."

  "I didn't feel like sweating."

  "Oh my God." I laughed at her and shook my head. "Angie, come on."

  She chuckled as she pulled off the road where other emergency response vehicles lingered. As we exited the car, Angelina said, "I'm happy for you, Billie. Mira seems like a good match for you. And I really am sorry for not supporting you."

  "Thanks, just…don't do that anymore, okay?" I smirked as we headed toward the pier.

  "I'll do my best."

  We spent the next four hours combing the shore of the bay, and watching the ferries take their usual trips. The body belonged to a man in his early twenties, with signs of blunt-force trauma to his head and torso. While crime scene did what they needed to, Angelina and I spent some time canvassing the area where the body washed up. Eventually, we made it to the local bars and shops to ask questions.

  It took us well into the evening, and finally, around six, we returned to the precinct and ended our shift after starting reports.

  Eleanor was the only one home when I turned up, and she beamed happily when I leaned over the back of the sofa to annoy her with a series of obnoxious pokes.

  "Beej, how was your weekend?" She laughed and squirmed, then hugged my arms afterward.

  "Great. How about you, Miss Independent?"

  She giggled and sprawled out on the sofa. "Good. I did literally nothing except eat food and play videogames. Finn and Riley got Call of Duty so we've been playing together."

  "Who's Riley?"

  "Finn's best friend. We're trying to get Olivia to play but she hates games."

  "You should have them all over sometime. I'd like to meet them."

  "Cool," she said, yawning faintly. "So, did Mira go with you?"

  "She did, but Ellie, please don't say anything at school. Let her life be hers to share."

  "I won't. Told ya she liked you. I'm good at picking up on things like that." She tapped her temple and grinned at me.

  "Clearly." I chuckled softly. "Do you like anyone? Hmm?" I leapt over the back of the sofa to join her on it.

  "I'm not sure." She sighed dramatically. "I have a conundrum."

  "Do you?" Eleanor's cuteness made me smile. Of course, I worried about her, but I had to let her grow. A little. With oversight.

  "Yeah. So…I kind of like Riley, and he's transgender. It confuses me because I don't understand how I feel," she admitted, propping her feet in my lap. "He's seventeen, by the way, so don't panic."

  I chuckled softly. "I'm not panicking. If Riley is a transgender man, he's still a man, right?"

  "Yeah. And looks like a guy so it makes sense like that." Ellie met my gaze, her expression marred with worry. "But I like him."

  "So ask him out, sweet girl. If you like him, it sounds like he's a good guy."

  "He is. His dad is kind of a jerk, but his mom is okay.
We connected on that. He goes to the LGBTQ Center all the time. Did you go there?"

  "At first, yes. When I got here at your age, they helped me out. I lived there until I could afford my own apartment. A colleague of mine works there. Her name is Alice and she used to be a cop, too."

  "Cool. So, he can come over?" Her question accompanied two lifted brows. "He drives."

  "Absolutely." I rubbed her legs affectionately. "I'd love to meet him."

  Her cheeks tinged pink and she nodded. "How about on Friday after school?"

  "Sure. He's still a minor so make sure you get his mom's number for me at least, cool?"

  "Yeah. Of course." She beamed, her smile broad. "I'm excited."

  "Good, sweet girl. I'm happy for you."

  "I'm still nervous, but I'm excited."

  "That's a fun place to be." I gave her hand an affectionate stroke. "Do you need anything? Stuff for school? Clothes? We should go shopping this week."

  "I don't need anything else. I mean, I'd say videogames, but Robbie buys everything so that helps." She snickered and squirmed. "Oh, I know," she said, her voice lifting. "Can you help me open a bank account? Jordan thinks it's a good idea. And a savings account."

  "That Jordan is super helpful, huh?" I grinned at her. "We'll go on Thursday to the bank. They have later hours."

  "Awesome. What's for dinner?" She yawned again and flopped her hands on her stomach.

  "Well, considering I haven't gone grocery shopping yet and the two of you were home all weekend, I'm guessing we're having pasta and hard-boiled eggs."

  "Gross, Beej!" She laughed at me and it made me smile.

  "We better order takeout then. And I'm too lazy to go get it so get the Uber people to pick it up." I waved at her phone. "Your choice. Whatever you want."

  "Best. Sister. Ever."

  I adored spending quality time with Eleanor. Despite what she'd been through, her positive outlook and playful nature made life more joyful than I expected. We settled on Indian food and gathered in the living room to watch a movie together.

  At the midway point, and after I'd finished my chicken curry, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked down to see a text from Mira.


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