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Wanton (Blaze)

Page 14

by Lori Foster

  “Celia, it’s good to see you again.”

  “Hello, Mr. Giles.”

  She sounded nervous, and Alec wanted to kick his own ass for not doing more to reassure her before letting her go. He’d been intent only on his own pleasures, and on keeping reality at bay. It was bad enough when he’d stupidly stayed the whole night with her, leaving their association open to discovery. Luckily, Jacobs felt she was safe and hadn’t had her watched through the night. But it had still been pretty dark when Alec had left this morning, and he’d stuck to the shadows, being careful to avoid announcing his presence.

  “What do you think of my studio?”

  “It’s…it’s not quite what I expected.”

  “But it is perfect. The large space, the concrete floor and high ceilings, make setting up for shoots perfect. The reflection is ideal for my lighting equipment. I was thrilled to find it. And believe me, I’ve done some of my best work here.”

  “Then I’m really honored that you asked me to pose here.”

  “My pleasure.” There was quiet, some shuffling. “Now, Celia, none of that. No blushes. There are few relationships as close as that between model and photographer, so you’re going to have to accustom yourself to me touching you.”

  Touching her? Alec saw red and wanted to interrupt them right now. Much more of this stress and his heart would quit. Only Celia’s soft, teasing voice calmed him.

  “I’m just flustered to be here. I mean, it’s so exciting! To think I might actually be in a magazine!”

  “Oh, you’ll definitely appear in the spread. I can almost guarantee that.” There was a smile in the man’s tone that set Alec’s teeth on edge. “That is, if you allow me to do my job the best that I can—which means you’re going to have to relax. Now, why don’t we start with a few simple shots, and then you can change.”

  A small silence. “Change?”

  “Of course.” Alec heard a sound like a stool being dragged across the bare floor. “Here you go. Sit your pretty self right here in front of the backdrop while I adjust the lights.”

  “Oh. They’re almost blinding. I can barely see.”

  “Don’t worry about it, you’ll get used to it. I can see perfectly, and that’s what matters. Just put this leg here—that’s right.”

  Celia giggled, making Alec want to punch through the brick wall he leaned against.

  “And this leg like so—lovely. No, don’t pull your knees together. This is to be a relaxed pose. Now, chin up and smile.”

  “Like this?”

  “Come, Celia. You can do better than that.” The sound of a shutter clicking filled the air. “I want a coy, seductive look. Pretend you’re waiting naked in bed for your lover.”

  She laughed, and the sound was strained. “But I don’t have a lover.”

  Another pause. “Very nice—tilt your head.” Then: “No lover? Why, that’s an awful pity for a woman as sexy as yourself. Does this mean you’re entirely free?”

  “My eyes are watering.”

  “Go ahead and close them a minute.” His voice was oily, calculating. “Can you answer me, please?”

  “What? Oh, no, I’m totally free. I don’t want to tie myself down with some possessive ape. There’s too much I want to do still.”

  “Hmmm. Then perhaps you’d like to join me tonight for another party. You made quite an impression last night and there are a few other people Marc and I would like to introduce you to.”

  “Another party? My gosh, there’s so much going on here!”

  “Never a dull moment. So what do you say? Would you like to meet some more important people?”

  Even before she spoke, Alec knew what she would say. The little idiot would disregard the order he’d given her.

  “That would be wonderful!”

  Alec plowed both hands through his hair. Damn, damn, damn.


  “Will there be anyone there I already know? Like Hannah and Jade?”

  Alec groaned. Don’t push it, babe. Though she merely sounded excited, he didn’t want her taking any chances by trying to move too fast, or associating herself with one particular person.

  “Oh, of course! Hannah is one of Marc’s favorite girls. He takes her everywhere. I’m not sure about Jade, but I’ll mention it to Marc. I’m sure he won’t mind obliging you.” There was the rustle of papers. “Here’s the address. No, don’t get up, I’ll just stick it in your purse. Be there at six o’clock, dressed in something sexy. Actually, what you wore last night would work.”

  “Again? But—”

  The paper crinkled against the transmitter, for the moment blocking out all other sounds. But luckily Giles didn’t pay the pen any mind because Alec clearly heard the next words, telling him the pen hadn’t been disturbed.

  “You looked lovely in it, and no will notice or care, I promise you. Now, are you ready? Okay, turn the other way. No, like this.”


  “You’re very soft, Celia.”

  “Thank…thank you.”

  Alec’s hands bunched into fists. Nothing that was happening could have been any worse than his imagination. He wanted to kill Giles with his bare hands.

  “But it is hot under the lights, isn’t it? Even the air-conditioning doesn’t help. You must be smothering in that outfit.”

  Alec stiffened. The bastard. He was touching her and talking softly to her and he didn’t even have the decency to try for a believable pretense! His line was so obvious, he may as well have said, I want you naked now.

  Alec could feel Celia’s hesitation when she nervously whispered, “It is rather warm.”

  “Well, lucky for you, the magazine ad calls for a lot of skin to show. Sometimes we’re stuck modeling fur coats! That’s really miserable, I can tell you. But the ad I have in mind for you is for an all-over body lotion. I have to send them several shots of different models so they can decide who best suits them, but I honestly believe you have the very best chance. All we need to do is convince them of that, and then you’re on your way. Here you go, take this.”

  “What is it?”

  A rough male laugh. “Your costume of sorts. You’ll strip down and pose on the stool, using the length of velvet to insure your, ah, modesty. With your fair hair and golden eyes, along with the white backdrop, the red velvet will look…delicious, and make a startling contrast. You really do have excellent skin, so we need to show that off.”


  “Celia, you have a lovely body, one you should be proud of. Models are known, judged and selected for their bodies. If you’re serious about this, you have to be willing to flaunt your assets. And believe me, your body, slim but with plenty of proper curves, is an asset. Use it.”

  Say no, Alec thought, his mind rebelling, his muscles drawing tight, his heart crashing against his ribs, refuse right now and get the hell out of there.

  There was a heavy pause, pregnant with anticipation, and then he heard Celia ask very softly, “Where should I change?”

  Even as he was already moving, one plan after another jumping through his brain, Alec cursed and cursed again. When he got her home…

  Thinking of a dire enough threat would slow him down, and right now he needed to keep his focus. He could, and would, figure out what to do with Celia later.

  For now, he had to save her sweet little butt.

  * * *

  CELIA’S HEART DRUMMED so roughly she thought it might punch right through her chest. She clutched the red velvet in her fists, trying not to crush it, while fighting the urge to run.

  This was her test. Giles was testing her, probably at Jacobs’s urging, to see if she was genuine. A real model “wanna-be” in her desperate shoes would likely jump at the opportunity to show herself to favor, especially to the prestigious magazine people Giles claimed to know.

  A real P.I. intent on saving another woman wouldn’t hesitate to pass the damn test.

  It didn’t take her long to decide she had no choice,
none at all. She would see Hannah tonight, and somehow she’d convince her. Maybe Jade, too. She’d like to shut Jacobs’s entire operation down. She wanted him behind bars, where he couldn’t ever hurt anyone again.

  Her face turned red-hot as she thought about Alec listening in. It was even harder than she’d suspected, knowing he heard every word and that he was no doubt furious, cursing her even as she struggled with her decision. Please understand, Alec. I have to do this, I have to save Hannah.

  Her train of thought stopped cold when Giles put his hand on her bottom, urging her behind a very slightly curtained area—thankfully still close to where her purse sat so that if need be, she could summon Alec.

  “Hurry along now. We don’t have all day. You can just leave your clothing—all of it—on the hooks on the wall.”

  Celia drew in a deep breath. The curtain wasn’t all that wide or concealing. Giles could see her from the neck up and the knees down. Never had she felt so exposed, knowing he watched as she forced herself through such an uncomfortable, denigrating situation.

  And that had to be his plan. She remembered Hannah telling her Giles enjoyed frightening women. She’d had a taste of his methods already while in Marc Jacobs’s den, when Giles had pulled her close and kissed her. She’d wanted to throw up then, to claw his face. Holding back her panic had taken a lot of effort. But he’d known how the rapid familiarity had upset her, and he’d enjoyed it.

  Remembering made Celia stiffen her spine. She wouldn’t give the cretin the satisfaction of knowing how he’d thrown her off balance again.

  Smiling at him, watching his face light up with interest and his green eyes darken, she laid the velvet over the curtain rod and began unbuttoning her blouse. “How long do you think it’ll be before we hear about the photos?”

  Giles rubbed his hands together, making Celia’s stomach turn. His dark hair, usually immaculately in place, looked a little disheveled. Combined with the glee in his eyes, it gave him a slightly crazed look. “Not long, not long.”

  She kicked her shoes off, which safely lowered her breasts another three inches behind the concealment of the curtain. Her blouse was open now and she wondered if Giles could see the frantic racing of her heart, which caused a resultant trembling in her entire body. She shimmied her shoulders to remove the blouse completely, then put it on a hook. She let her bra straps slip down her arms. “I’m really anxious.” She smiled again.

  Giles stood, licking his lips and taking a step toward her—and suddenly alarms went off throughout the building. A loud, shrill series of horns and whistles blared and echoed everywhere, bouncing off the empty concrete walls.

  Celia’s eyes widened and she shouted, “What’s going on?”

  Giles, looking utterly panicked at the thought of an unknown threat, turned a complete, haphazard circle. He was obviously as confused as Celia by the alarm. And then the sprinkler system kicked in and water sprayed down on them both from high ceilings. Celia yelped, grabbing for her blouse and holding it over her head.

  Giles cursed foully and leaped from his camera equipment to his elaborate lighting to his desk littered with papers, trying to cover everything at once, trying to shield things with his body. Celia looked around, uncertain what to do.

  Giles spared her a frantic, harassed look. “Get the hell out of here before the fire department arrives!”

  His shout was mean and within seconds other people were in the room, rushing to obey his barked orders. Celia hesitated only a moment more, then shoved her feet back in her shoes, snatched up her purse, and headed for the door she’d come through.

  “Not that way!” Giles grabbed her naked arm, his grip bruising, and practically thrust her out through another exit. “Go down that corridor. There’s a door that opens into the back parking lot. And get dressed for God’s sake!”

  Celia shoved wet hair out of her face and rushed to obey. Icy water continued to spray her. The pandemonium behind her dimmed as she trotted toward a blinking exit sign. But as she stepped outside, now grateful for the heat and blinding sunshine, curiosity got the better of her. This might be her only chance to spy a little. She looked back at the large brick structure, more a warehouse than a studio, and saw there was a row of dark windows on either side of the door she’d just come through.

  She located a broken crate by a Dumpster and dragged it closer to the building. Her blouse was still clutched in her hand, her purse slung over her shoulder, her wet hair dripping down her back and making her shiver despite the warmth of the day.

  Just as she started to step up on the crate, an iron-hard arm closed around her waist and jerked her down. She started to scream, but the sound was cut off by a callused palm flattening over her mouth. Her body came into contact with a solid chest, and then she heard a familiar whisper in her ear. “Not a sound, damn it. Someone’s coming.”

  She was dragged behind the Dumpster and forced behind Alec’s body while two slender male figures ran outside, soaked through to their skin, hauling camera equipment. When they went out of sight around the corner of the building, Alec pulled her up and grabbed her hand. “This way. And hurry.”

  She tried, she really did, but the shoes made haste nearly impossible. She started to kick them off, but Alec took her arm and kept her moving. Shoving her toward a retaining wall, he said, “Don’t say a word. Not a single damn word.”

  Speaking was well beyond her anyway. She concentrated on discovering a way to scale the wall, when suddenly Alec grabbed her by the waist and practically threw her over it. Within a heartbeat he’d joined her and there was his truck on the side of the road, shielded by a cluster of wild bushes and a few sparse trees. They both jumped inside and Alec pulled away. “Keep your head down in case anyone sees us.”

  When she didn’t react quickly enough, he flattened his large palm on the crown of her wet head and pushed her down in the seat, her cheek to his thigh. “Stay there until I tell you it’s clear.”

  His idea of clear didn’t come for some time. Her head rested practically in his lap, her body twisted painfully. It was a good ten minutes before he stopped at a traffic light and looked down at her. He was plainly enraged.

  With his foot tight on the brake, he skinned out of his cotton shirt and dropped it on her. “Put that on.”

  Celia narrowed her eyes. “Is it okay if I sit up now?”

  A grudging, sharp nod was her only answer. Celia saw his hands flex on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. Cautiously, she slid up into the seat. For comfort’s sake, she kicked out of her heels and dropped her sodden blouse onto the floor. Remembering his order to inform him of things up front, she said, “Ah, I have a party to go to tonight…”

  “I heard.”

  He wouldn’t look at her, and she felt bereft. Licking her lips, she tentatively asked, “The sprinkler system?”

  “Always goes off when someone sets a fire.”

  “You?” She shouldn’t have been so surprised. Alec was a quick thinker, and he obviously understood the predicament Giles had put her in. When he did no more than ignore her, she said, “Thank you.”

  And those soft, humble words seemed to set him off.

  “Goddammit, Celia.” She jumped a good foot, then sat staring at him. He was beyond furious. “Do you have any idea at all what Giles would have done to you once he had you naked? I doubt screaming would have even brought you any aid, considering everyone on his payroll is likely dirty. You could have been—”

  “I know.”

  “You know? You know!” He was so angry, she suspected his shouted words could be heard by the cars passing them by. His neck was red and his black eyes glowed like hot coals. “Then why in hell did you agree?”

  “Because I had to. Because it was the test.”

  He put the truck in drive and lurched back into traffic. “And you have this harebrained idea that you owe the world something because of Raymond. You think you can make retribution? Baby, you don’t know anything about it.”

he drew in a slow breath. “It may have started out that way. At first, I only wanted to make myself feel better by helping other women. I did see it as a debt of sorts I had to pay.” She reached across the seat and touched his arm, right where the tattoo decorated his biceps. She felt his muscle flinch. “But now, I have to do it. I have to save Hannah and the other girls—”

  His head jerked around to stare at her. “Other girls?”

  She drew a deep steadying breath. “I met Jade, a very young, very lovely girl, and there were others I didn’t meet, but I saw them at the party. I don’t doubt I’ll see them again tonight.” Her fingers tightened on his arm. “Alec, I want to shut Jacobs down.”

  Alec’s fist hit the steering wheel. “Goddammit!”

  She wished he’d quit swearing like that. It made her heart jump every time, and drove home how opposed he was to the entire effort. “He has to be stopped—”

  “That’s not what you’re being paid to do.” He tried to sound reasonable, but his voice shook. With anger? “Mrs. Barrington just wants Hannah back. The rest of it…”

  “Yes?” She knew Alec’s conscience, knew he wouldn’t be able to abide the idea of Jacobs walking free any more than she could.

  Surprised that the steering wheel didn’t crack under his hands, Celia waited until finally Alec sighed. He flexed his jaw several times and she knew he was striving for control. “So do you have some grand plan that’ll convict Jacobs without putting all the girls through the scandal, because believe me, the press will have a field day with a story like this. Every young woman involved will end up very well known for things they’d likely rather forget.”

  Lifting her chin, Celia said, “I’m going to be the one to testify against them. Blair Giles took pictures of me and made false promises—you heard that much.”

  “And have it on tape.” His expression was stony, but resigned. “The receiver to your transmitter was attached to a small tape recorder.”

  Celia grinned at him, relieved that some of his anger seemed to be dissolving. “You’re fantastic, Alec.”

  “You won’t think so after I turn you over my knee for scaring me half to death.”


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