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Fallen Duet: Brody & Lola: Free Fall & Down Fall (Easton Family Duet Boxsets Book 1)

Page 40

by Abigail Davies

  I hadn’t spoken to Moira since she’d turned up at the diner with her so-called friends. Pulling in a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped outside. It wasn’t until the cool wind whipped at my skin that I realized all I had on were a pair of shorts.

  Moira stood on the path to the driveway, her face and hair done to perfection and a skirt and blouse covering her body. I didn’t feel anything, not even a pang of regret as I stared at her.

  “I wanted to inform you that I signed the divorce papers,” she said, her voice high, “and that your restraining order is no longer needed because I’m moving to France for six months. Cade will be living with you during that time.”

  There were so many things I wanted to say to her. I wanted to tell her she was being selfish leaving Cade right now and that he shouldn’t be punished for my mistakes, but it wouldn’t do any good. She’d become someone I didn’t recognize, and I had a feeling part of her felt that way too.

  “Okay.” There was nothing else for me to say. She wasn’t any of my business anymore, and if she wanted to go to a different country, I wouldn’t stop her. I’d take care of what was mine, and that only included Cade, not her.

  “I hope you’ll be happy with your new life and your new baby.” Her lips pulled up into a sneer, and I was sure she meant it to sound bitchy, but it came out in a genuine tone.

  “I hope you are too,” I answered, not really knowing what to say to that.

  She didn’t move her gaze off my face as she stared for another moment, and then she spun around, heading toward a car parked at the curb. It wasn’t until she got in the passenger side that I realized there was a guy driving. I watched them drive away, not caring about what she was doing one bit. All that mattered was how Cade felt about it all.

  I stepped inside the house, took the stairs two at a time, and headed toward his room. “Cade?” I called as I rapped my knuckles on his bedroom door.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” he replied. “I’ve got work in an hour. Can you take me?”

  I huffed out a breath and shook my head. I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted, because that was what I would have done before. Things were different now. I was here, and he was going to have to get used to it. I pushed open his door, my gaze finding him where he sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. “Tell me,” I demanded.

  His head shot up, his eyes narrowing. “I said I didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “Tough shit.” I leaned against the doorframe. “We’re gonna talk. Now, tell me how you feel about your mom moving to France.”

  “Why?” He stood, his hands clenched at his sides. “Why should I tell you? It won’t make a difference.”

  “Maybe it won’t.” I tilted my head. “But you’ll feel better for letting it out.”

  His nostrils flared, and a muscle in his jaw ticked. He was becoming a man before my very eyes. “It’s bullshit, but whatever. She wants to leave so…” He shrugged and moved across his room. “Let her do what she needs to do.”

  “She hasn’t had the easiest of lives—”

  Cade laughed so loud and brash it had my eyes widening. “Dad, seriously?” He shook his head at me like I was a kid and he was the adult. “She’s had it the easiest of all of them.” He grabbed his backpack. “There’s no point in talking about it. I’m going for a walk before work.”

  I opened my mouth, but he was moving past me and jogging down the stairs before I even had a chance to say anything to him. He was angry, I knew that, but more than anything, I could sense how hurt he was. I promised myself there and then I would be the best goddamn dad to him that I could.

  I stepped away from his room and spun around. Lola was waiting outside our bedroom door. “He just needs to process it,” she said. “He’ll come to you when he’s ready.”

  I scraped my palm over my face and let out a tired breath. “I know.”

  Her lips quirked at the corner. “What do you say we get back in bed for thirty minutes before we have to be adults for the day?” she asked.

  I stalked toward her, my lips lifting on one side the closer I got. “You have something in mind, kid?”

  She bit down on her bottom lip, her chest lifting on an inhale, her erect nipples showing through the thin cotton of her T-shirt. “I dunno, old man. Think you can give me what I need?”

  I reached out and grabbed her hips, yanking her toward me. “Shall we find out?”

  And that was exactly what we did.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Jan’s hands covered my eyes, trying to stop me from seeing inside the diner. I wouldn’t tell her I’d had a sneak peek when I’d gotten out of her car only moments ago and witnessed all the pink banners and balloons, so instead, I stayed silent and waited as she walked us inside and pulled us to a stop.

  “Okay, so we’re the first ones here but, surprise!”

  She pulled her hands away from my face, and I glanced around. Every table was covered in pink cloth, balloons floating around in the air, and a huge banner that read “It’s a Girl!” hanging above the counter.

  “Wow.” I wasn’t sure what I should say. It was more than I’d expected, and the damn pregnancy hormones were kicking in already. “Jan… I…” I turned around and threw my arms around her shoulders.

  She squeezed me just as hard as I squeezed her and sniffled. “Anything for baby Belle.” She’d taken to calling my bump that after I’d told her what had happened at the ultrasound when we found out it was a girl. It felt so natural, as if the baby was never meant to be called anything but Belle.

  I pulled away, wiping my fingers under my eyes and hoping my mascara hadn’t run. “Where’s everyone else?”

  “Sal went to his trailer to get changed.” She rolled her eyes and huffed out a breath. “He said I’d made him sweat with all the blowing of balloons.” I chuckled and walked toward the table that had a huge centerpiece of diapers with pink ribbon wrapped around it. “And Cade is—”

  “Here,” his voice announced. “Cade is in the building.”

  “Another slacker,” Jan whispered. “You’d think he’d want to put his growing height to good use, but apparently, I’m too bossy.”

  “No apparently about it,” Cade said as he walked over to us, his grin looking similar to Brody’s. “You’re a tyrant.”

  “I am not!” She slammed her hands onto her hips and narrowed her eyes at him. “I run a tight ship, that’s all.”

  Cade snorted, and I grinned at them both. I was happier than I’d ever been just watching the two of them banter back and forth. I’d been living in Brody’s house—our house—for a few days, and it was so natural that it scared me a little. Waking up next to him every morning was the best part of my day, especially when he was pressed against me, warming my body in all sorts of ways.

  I shuffled on the spot and bit down on my bottom lip when I thought about the way he’d woken me up this morning. He hadn’t been pressed against my back that time, but pressed between my legs, his lips working their way to my—

  “Earth to Lola!” Jan waved her hand in front of my face. “Where did you run off to?”

  “No-wh-ere,” I croaked out, turning around to stare at the food covered in Saran wrap. “I was just thinking.”

  “Mmmm,” she said. “I’m going to go and find Sal. He should have been back by now.”

  Her footsteps pounded on the floor as she walked away and out of the diner, but I still didn’t look back at her, aware of the heating of my cheeks. The door whooshed open and closed behind her, and only then did I look up at Cade.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Hey.” He looked down at the diapers on the table and then glanced over at me. “So...any chance I could get some free tutoring this year?”

  “Free?” I asked, placing my hand on my hip. “And why would you think you’d get it for free, Cade Easton?” I raised a brow, trying to keep my lips in a straight line.

  He shrugged. “Figured th
at being your boyfriend’s son should come with some perks.” His lips quirked on one side. “Plus, my little sister will need a college graduate as her big brother, which means I can’t fail out of high school.”

  “Ohhh.” I narrowed my eyes. “You had to bring out the big brother card, huh?”

  “I was told it works.”

  “You were correctly informed.” My lips finally broke out into a smile. “Yes, I’ll tutor you, but I can’t promise you shakes and fries this time.”

  The door whooshed open again, footsteps pounding on the floor, but neither of us looked away from each other.

  “Maybe a grilled cheese instead then?”

  I opened my mouth, but a deep, gravelly voice replied, “Lola always did make the best grilled cheese.” My heart thumped in my chest, my eyes widening. What the hell was he— “You not gonna invite me to join you, Lola?”

  I swallowed and turned, Cade beside me as I stared at the man on the opposite side of the diner. He took two steps forward, his clunky boots bashing against the floor in a warning sign.

  “Jace,” I breathed. His slight limp was noticeable, and the scars on his face shone like a beacon. Scars that hadn’t been there the last time I saw him. “What are you doing here?”

  He glanced around, his grin turning into a sneer when he looked at Cade. I wanted to take a step in front of him, to protect him from Jace, but he’d see the move as threatening, so I kept as still as I could.

  “Can’t an old friend join in the party?” He took another step closer and pulled something from behind his back. “I figured it was about time we caught up, no?”

  His dark-blue eyes narrowed, and my stomach lurched as he lifted his hand and scratched the side of his head with a gun. Cade’s hand reached out, grasping mine, and I wasn’t sure if he was seeking comfort or trying to give it.

  “I…we could catch up,” I managed to croak out, hoping Brody would turn up any second.

  “Good.” Jace grinned. “I take it this is Brody’s spawn?” he asked, pointing the barrel at Cade. “And that one too?” He aimed it at my stomach, but I couldn’t get a word out. “Answer me!” he roared.

  “Yes,” I replied, the word coming out in a rush. “Yes.”

  Jace nodded, but I got the feeling he already knew that. “See, this funny thing happened after Ford killed Ted.” Ford had killed Ted? “Hut didn’t trust anyone but me.” Jace raised a brow and leaned against a booth. “He didn’t trust you most of all.” He shook his head. “So he had me go…hmmm…undercover I suppose.” He winked. “Oh the irony.”

  My pulse thrummed, whooshing sounding in my ears. I wasn’t sure if I was swaying or if the ground was moving beneath me.

  “Some interesting things have happened over the last few months, don’t you think?” He didn’t give me a chance to answer. “First, you disappear. Then Brody arrests Hut, and Hut is killed by some mysterious person.” My breath caught in my throat, and from the look shining in Jace’s eyes, I knew he knew. “Then Ford goes missing, nowhere to be found.”

  “I’m not sure what—”

  “But you know what’s even more interesting? The fact that I was there every step of the way.” He grinned. “How did you think Hut knew where you were and about your DEA boyfriend, huh?” He chuckled, but it sounded off. “I watched you plunge the knife into Hut’s neck. I wanted to kill you there and then for taking him away from me, but then they turned up.” He sneered, his nose screwing up. “And then I put it all together. You were in on it.” He pushed up off the booth and pointed his gun at me. “You knew what was happening all along, and so did Ford and Quinn.”

  I shook my head and stepped forward, letting my palm slip from Cade’s hand. He tried to hold on tighter, but I yanked from his grip.

  “We didn’t know,” I told him. “I swear, Jace—”

  “Yeah, you did.” His voice was calm, too calm. “But no matter. I took care of Quinn.” He winked. “Did your boyfriend show you my handiwork?”


  “No, he probably wouldn't have, not with all the secrets he likes to keep.” He shook his head and stepped forward. “Ford is next on my list. He knows I’m coming for him now. It’s just a matter of time. But you…” He took one last step, only ten feet separating us. “You were worth the wait. You took the one person I loved more than anything in the world away from me.” He loved Hut?

  I frowned at him, trying to piece it all together. He’d always been there, in the background, watching the way Hut interacted with people. I’d thought he hated the way Hut tried to keep the crew away from me, but I was starting to realize it wasn’t that at all. He didn’t like me around Hut.

  I stumbled back a step at the realization, and his body tensed, causing everything to slow down as he growled out, “This is for Hut.”

  The loud bang resonated in the diner right before I was knocked to the ground. My back hit the hard floor, but I didn’t feel pain anywhere. I couldn’t feel blood seeping from any part of my body, and when I finally looked over, I saw Cade next to me, holding onto his shoulder as he groaned in pain.

  “Fuck!” Jace stomped over to us. “Goddamn kid!” He lifted his gun and Cade tried to move in front of me, but Jace’s swift kick to his ribs stopped his forward momentum.

  “Let’s try this again.” He pointed the gun at me, his eyes sparkling with some insane pride, and pulled the trigger.

  I lunged out of the way, but the bullet pierced through my thigh. Cold, wet blood spurted from the wound, and I gripped my leg, trying to hold the blood in but it poured through my fingers. I had to get away, I had to move. But my body wouldn’t allow me. It was stuck in a place of unbearable pain.

  “That’s just the starter,” Jace threatened, stepping toward me a second time.

  He raised the gun again, and there was nothing I could do but squeeze my eyes closed as a final gunshot rang out.


  I grabbed my jacket off the back of my office chair and gripped my cell in my hand. I was just about to shoot off a message to Lola when my office phone rang out. I puffed out a breath, knowing I should have left ten minutes ago for the baby shower. The guys were waiting for me so we could all go over together, and now I’d have another thing to deal with before I could leave. Being the boss of a whole department was more work than I’d thought it would be.

  I picked up the receiver, placing it next to my ear, and said, “Brody Easton.”

  “Special Agent Easton?” There was a pause. “This is Detective Montgomery from Cresthill.”

  My back straightened, and I caught Jord’s eye where he was waiting outside my office, leaning against a desk. I tilted my head for him to come inside as I said, “Yes.”

  “I managed to get some more footage from the Quinn Baltera murder. I’ve just emailed it to you.” I clicked my mouse to bring my computer to life, opened up the new email, and pressed play on the video as he continued, “We’ve put it through facial recognition but couldn’t come up with anything.”

  I stared at the video, leaning closer to the screen as Jord came to stand beside me. It was grainy at first but cleared up the closer the figure got to the camera. I frowned, feeling like I recognized him...

  “But,” the detective continued, “we had a hit on his face not five minutes ago near Sal’s Diner in—”

  “Motherfucker!” My nostrils flared as I slammed my hand on the spacebar to pause the video and pointed at the screen. “It’s Jace.”

  “Jace?” the detective asked.

  I shook my head and looked at Jord, who was staring at the screen with a frown on his face. “Did you say you’d just gotten a hit on him?”

  “Yeah, about five minutes ago at Sal’s Diner—”

  I didn’t answer him. Instead, I slammed the receiver down on the handset and ran out of the office, Jord on my heels. “What’s going on?” he asked, tapping Kyle and Ryan on the shoulder as we ran past. I didn’t have time to wait for the elevator, so I took the stairs two at a time, trying to
get out of the building as fast as I could.

  “It’s Jace,” I managed to get out between breaths. “And he was spotted by Sal’s.”

  “Shit!” Jord swore, his long legs nearly catching up with me, but he wouldn’t be able to. There was nothing like the determination that lit a fire under your ass when your loved ones were in danger. Lola and Cade were at the diner, and that could be the only reason he’d been spotted there.

  “He’s going after Lola,” I said as we made it to the front doors, but my legs didn’t stop sprinting me toward my car. “He’s behind it all.” I pressed the button to unlock my car when I was around fifty feet away, and within seconds, I was yanking my door open to slip inside. The engine roared, and just as I was about to reverse out, Jord pushed into the passenger side.

  I didn’t have a siren to put on the top of my car, but I raced through the streets and hit speed limits I’d never gotten to before. If I didn’t get there in time…

  I couldn’t think about what would happen if he hurt her. I couldn’t comprehend what my life would be like without Lola in it.

  As I pulled in front on the diner, I slammed my foot onto the brake so hard I thought it might go through the metal. I pushed my door open just as a shot rang out, and my body jerked. My stomach dropped, and anger like I hadn’t felt before washed through me.

  It took ten steps to get to the door, and in that time, another shot rang out. I was pulling my gun from my belt and raising it before I knew it. It took me only seconds to take in the scene in front of me.

  The diner was decorated with everything pink, but it was Cade lying on the floor with red seeping from his shoulder and Lola half lying, half sitting as she held her leg that had me squeezing my trigger, aiming right for the back of Jace’s head as he loomed over them.

  His body swayed, the gun he held clattering to the floor, and then he went down, missing Lola’s body by inches.


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