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Broken Lands

Page 22

by Boaz Klachkin

  The only thing I regret is not having been able to be close with my family and to take part in being a father. However, I always knew that Jezabilah raised Nairah with the best values. Our daughter reached the peak of her academic accomplishments and was everything her mother had hoped she would be. She passed all the subjects required by the Board of Education with honors and earned her academic diploma. During her last years of high school, she had also taken college courses and accumulated credits towards a BA in political science. Her character was nurtured by love. She had set her goals and felt that it is her duty to promote the fresh ideologies that represented a new era for all the future generations of Palestine.

  Proudly, Jezabilah knew that Naira was ready to be a member of the government and consequently gave her a position as an assistant to the Minister of Welfare. Jezabilah was at her office, watching the monitors that observed every major department in the government. She enjoyed watching our daughter go through the motions of keeping in contact with her officers and seeing the stability and charm that Nairah was exemplifying as she worked. The individuals on her team never held back from attempting to reach the heights of their potential at all times. They were employed because of their capabilities and worked proudly around the clock knowing that they were an integral part of a special system.

  The recent national poll showed that the public was satisfied by the services provided by the newly organized Welfare Department. The change that Jezabilah had sought, for so long, was now actualized. It replaced the old directives with a fresh new government whose members were decisively instrumental in the spreading of positive, energies and had the drive to implant fresh motivations for the people and a better Middle Eastern lifestyle.

  During their Friday night dinner, Nairah, who was sitting across the table from her mother, said, “You are so dear to me, Mom,” she sighed softly. “I not only have you to thank for my existence but also for the influence, direction and great meaning that your guidance has given me,” she said, smiling enchantingly as she spoke. Your support and inspiration have brought me to realizing the goals I want to set for my life, the core of my ideological identity, and the spirit to do good things for all. I love you so much, Mom.”

  “I love you, too, my sweet daughter. I have enjoyed every moment of our life together. I am likewise very proud of you. You have shown much love for the work you have done. Nairah, you and the young generation are the hope for the future of Palestine and the free world. With your perseverance and unyielding determination, our nation will grow and rise to further new heights of glory, unparalleled by any time in our history. You, like many influential women in the history of civilization, will lay the path for the women in the Arab world, and women of all other cultures. Your strength in leadership and persistent hope for a better world will be their foundation and inspiration.”

  “That sounds like some great speech material, Mom,” Nairah said emotionally. Her eyes were glazed with tears as she recalled the ideas that had lately been zooming through her mind, encompassing the future events of her life. She acknowledged the magnitude of realizing her political beliefs and contributing to ideological and the intellectual courses of development on firm ground.

  Winding through her mind were plans to unite the nations of the world by implementing cooperative projects to wipe out hunger – wherever it would be – to improve the quality of life, amplifying the abundance of nature, raising enlightenment and applying laws that would protect freedom and human rights. These were the symbols of her agenda that fueled her energetic enthusiasm in her everyday endeavors. Her inspiration came from having read about Israel’s achievements in aiding nations in times of need. The facts were very clear about the selfish processes of the major corporations in the world. Sharing their wealth was not their forte; not for the benefit of their employees, nor for those millions who struggled to survive one more day in dismal living conditions.

  It was obvious that not enough had been done. For decades, the funds that had been provided for the UN since its beginnings have mostly been wasted on administrative and logistical expenses rather than finding productive means to solve problems. But now with the scrutiny of some major banks and new government supervision, the majority of the approved funds would surely reach those in need with greater efficiency.

  Some of her ideas came from Udi who had been in touch with Nairah about some of the projects that he had been working on. One of the projects was growing sprouts and microgreens in simple green houses that could be constructed in just a few days. The successful business he created was an inspiration to thousands all across Israel. The process provided not only for self-reliance, but also served as a great source of income. Our government helped his project expand; not only by providing initial support, but also with a nominal levy on the produce that was being grown. A large percentage of the growth was donated to many organizations involved in caring for the needy. Nairah was greatly inspired by much of the information he shared.

  Nairah received a warm reception from the Palestinian community and media. It came right after her announcement that she was starting a special campaign to gather volunteers and project managers to reach out and help people in need. These programs would take place locally and in other nations around the world; but specifically, in Syria and Yemen. This was an important opportunity for all Palestinians who had been seeking an identity as a people and nation to see the world, to show their care and love for their brother nations. It was clear to her that many changes would have to be made in the near future. Finally, the new generation would have an opportunity to realistically see the world through their own open eyes, and not the censored images that had been projected by the media in past years. No longer would the public hear lies and fabrications from the mouths of their leaders and their puppeteer-controlled media coverage. People everywhere were enjoying the atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

  Nairah had organized street fairs in many venues: there was dancing and joyful singing, hundreds of food vendors, with all the people joyfully and peacefully celebrating their freedom. Nairah was amazed by the number of calls coming in at the public relations branch of the Inkasar party headquarters. International representatives from all over the world had been calling, requesting the honor of meetings with Jezabilah. Nairah was especially pleased to meet so many different people, but especially representatives whose focus was about assessing and improving the rights of indigenous populations all around the world. These groups, specifically, were enamored by Jezabilah and Nairah’s interest in learning about their heritage. One particular call which came in especially excited Jezabilah; that call being from Little Wing, who was now the Chairman of the NAU’s governing body. She immediately set up a date to see him and was thrilled at the thought of meeting him.

  Jezabilah had been keeping a hectic schedule; continually working on new ideas, always on the move, burning up all her energies, despite having a large support staff. It seemed predictable that in time, the pace would affect her mentally, physically and emotionally. Eventually, she was completely worn down and became very ill, and could not continue with her duties. During her recuperation, her old friend Zara came to visit her. She looked at Jezabilah, proud to have such a wonderful friend. Holding her hand, she leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. Jezabilah opened her tearing eyes and smiled, clutching Zara’s hand firmly.

  “Well, here we are together alone again. How are you feeling my dear friend?” Zara asked with an emotional quirk in her voice.

  “I am feeling much better now. Thank you for your concern. I guess I thought that I could go on forever without taking a break. I have missed you and the times we used to spend together.” Jezabilah’s tone was soft and tender. “I have been reflecting on my life’s journey, filled with introspection about the importance of my position. I definitely need to slow down.”

  “I agree. You really must relax and take some time off,” said Zara with genuine conce
rn. Jezabilah, I am going to leave you now. I have tons of paperwork on my desk at the office. But I’ll be praying for you all the time. Promise me that you will start taking care of yourself,” she said, beaming into Jezabilah’s eyes. “I want to see you well and healthy. Everyone needs you and cares about you.”

  “I promise I will, my dear friend. Thank you so much for visiting and caring. You have always been very supportive. You are truly a good friend.”

  Zara kissed Jezabilah, and left the room, passing the guards situated outside, feeling gratified to be so close to such a wonderful, accomplished person, the President of Palestine.

  After Jezabilah was released from the hospital, I called her at her home many times.

  “Jezabilah, how are you feeling today?”

  “Much better now. But I definitely have to slow down.”

  “I agree. You have really been moving around a lot lately.”

  “Yair, I feel that I need to take a new direction in my life. Now that everyone is happy with the results and accomplishments made by Inkasar, I am confident that there are enough excellent, motivated people in my administration who could carry the load of running the government. I have made up my mind. Palestine is now a stable nation with all the means and continued support for a successful future.”

  “This is quite sudden news, but I understand how you feel. That is exactly why I left the Organization. As you know, I am doing quite well in legislating new laws.”

  “I know Yair. I am proud of you for all you have been doing for so many people all over the world. I too am ready for a major change in my life. I had decided to turn the Presidency over to Khaled, whose devoted work I appreciate and respect. However, when I conversed with Khaled about the option of taking over my position as President, he felt that it should be filled by Nairah. We discussed his idea, and in the end, I agreed with his rationale. She is due to visit any minute, so let’s talk later on. Bye for now, my love. I hope to see you soon.”

  “I love you, Jez. I’ll make sure to set up a meeting for us. Rest and relax. You have good people behind you. Shalom.”

  Naira was somewhat tense when she arrived; she wasn’t used to seeing her mother in such a frail condition. “Mom. How are you feeling today?”

  “I feel a bit better, but I need to rest and take a break. The years have taken their toll, and I realize that I need to make some changes. Everyone feels that I must unwind.

  “I must speak to you about an opportunity that was presented to me by Khaled. I am about to make an announcement that I am stepping down from my position as President, and I want you to take my place. Khaled and Zaid insisted that you would be the best choice in keeping the tradition of Inkasar aflame in the hearts of our people.”

  “Goodness, Mom! I didn’t know that you were that worn down. At least you never showed me any such signs.” Nairah was worried, but then broke out in a grin. “This is such an incredible break for me.” She was relatively calm, considering the things that she had just been presented with.

  “I wouldn’t have brought this up unless I truly believed that you can do this.”

  “Well, you have taught me to be adventurous and resilient, so yes, Mom, I am willing to take on the position. And I will have your inspiration as my power to drive me forward and continue your ideals and methodology.” She kissed Jezabilah, and hugging her warmly, she pressed her own cheek to her mother’s. They sat and talked about the process and what was to come ahead.

  After Jezabilah went on the air and made the special announcement describing her desire to transfer the Presidency to Nairah, the public lightheartedly accepted the news. There was a surge of calls made by some members of the government, including calls and emails made by many private citizens approving Nairah’s placement as the President of Palestine. It was backed by a valid formula for success; unquestionable achievements, and the freedom of choice. Regardless of the fact that Jezabilah’s desire to initiate the change had met with public approval, it still meant that a show of respect for the democratic process would be manifested by new elections.

  On a clear, bright day, Little Wing’s flight arrived at the newly built airport on the outskirts of Jericho. Now that there was a truly binding peace, the Israeli government felt at ease about helping to finance the construction of an airport in the Palestinian territories. The airport had the most advanced security mechanisms that were constantly monitored by both Palestinian and Israeli intelligence. The process of extreme vetting was now an international standard that diminished, if not completely eradicated, the likelihood of radical extremists transferring dangerous materials and weapons into any specific nation.

  As Little Wing was heading towards the passport control booths in the Arrival Terminal, he was getting wide-eyed glances and broad smiles from passersby. It wasn’t every day that people saw someone dressed in traditional Indian apparel, adorned by broad necklaces made of bones, teeth, stone and wooden beads. While standing in line at the border control booth for diplomats, Little Wing received a call from Moses.

  “Hello Moses. I landed just a while ago. It’s good to hear your voice. How are you?” asked Little Wing.

  “I’m fine, Little Wing. Everything is developing nicely. I hope you will enjoy your stay. During your meeting, let Jezabilah and Nairah know that they are now honorary citizens of our new Native American Nation. Make sure she understands every element of our past and the facts behind Tree’s legacy, but do it in a subtle way; I don’t want anyone fainting or losing control.” Little Wing could have sworn that he heard a slight giggle in the background.

  “By the way, just a few hours ago, the resolutions to realign the oil pipeline that was originally built through our territories, have been put forth. This decision was ever so important for our agenda. Tom Jacobs is on the air as we speak, presenting a special report concerning the environment and the protection of the animals, forests and water on our lands.”

  “Glad to hear the good news, Moses. I am sure everyone is elated about this. I’ll be contacting you soon. Peace unto you, my brother.” Little Wing disconnected while looking around the building, admiring its architectural planning.

  When he stepped out of the terminal, there was a representative of the Palestinian government waiting to transport him to the Central Government Compound in Jerusalem. During the ride, Little Wing was impressed by the archaic style of the surrounding towns. He was especially elated when he saw camels lined up in caravans and by the sight of herds of sheep grazing whose mass appeared to form a lush, white lake against the soothing, crimson hues of the Jordanian mountains, all caressed by the cerulean sky. When he arrived at the Government complex and entered through the security gates, there was a cordial reception by some Ministers, one of whom was Zaid.

  “Welcome to Palestine, Little Wing. My name is Zaid, the Minister of Agriculture and the Environment. We will do our best to make your visit a pleasant and memorable one.”

  “Thank you all,” responded Little Wing. “I am delighted and honored to visit Palestine. I am sure that this trip will be very inspiring. I am quite excited to meet Jezabilah, Nairah and members of your government in person. I was very impressed by the overall atmosphere of your countryside while we drove from the airport. It’s heartwarming to see the collected presence of people working in the fields. Everything is so peaceful.”

  “Yes, it has been quite obvious to many who have visited us. The peace has made quite an impact on the mood of the people. Please, let us go in. I know you have a scheduled meeting soon.” Zaid raised his arm in the direction of the entrance and they both walked into the building. Little Wing was accompanied to a guest room where he showered and prepared himself for his meeting with Jezabilah and Nairah.

  The appointment was set for 3:30 PM, but Little Wing arrived at the reception hall a few minutes early. The guards that flanked Nairah’s conference room directed him to the waiting room that was adjacent to
the Presidential Office. He was obviously anxious: the words Moses conveyed were embedded in his memory. His appearance was quite novel to the guards; they occasionally glanced at him, smiling.

  Minutes later, one of the guards, after receiving an order in his earphone, approached Little Wing and spoke assertively. “Good day, sir, please come with me. The President will see you now.”

  “Thank you,” responded Little Wing cordially, as he got up and followed the guard. Little Wing was enchanted by the ornate, aged cedar doors to the Presidential Offices: spectacularly hand carved with an ornamental treatment with floral patterns and geometric shapes in the metalwork. These door panels have been presented as a gift from the Israeli government in recognition of the sacrifices that had been made and the overall cooperation during the bilateral negotiations and agreements that had been put into action by Inkasar. The doors did not have a lock; this symbolized the openness by the new government. The electronic monitoring implanted in and around the venue was quite sophisticated enough and sufficient for the purpose of providing the ultimate security. Little Wing entered the office carrying his attaché case. When he entered the office, Nairah was already standing to greet him.

  “Good day sir, and welcome,” said Nairah, smiling. She stepped forward and shook Little Wing’s hand. “I have been very excited, ever since my mother mentioned that you were coming to visit us.”

  “I’m much honored to meet you in person,” replied Little Wing. “Thank you for this wonderful privilege. I am truly thrilled to be here.”

  “Please have a seat. Jezabilah will be joining us momentarily. Would you like something to drink in the meantime?”

  “Yes, thank you. Some mint tea will be just fine.”

  Nairah pressed a specific link on her computer and placed the order which immediately showed up in the kitchen with a secure approval code.


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