Poetry Perfect
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wondered why,
Life had to end,
For one, so young,
Still learning how to live,
And though he got,
The call too soon,
Seth aimed his Harley,
Beyond the moon,
And leaped aboard,
For he, was heaven bound,
And Saint Peter,
Never had to wait,
Seth did a “wheelie”,
Through the gate,
And met with friends,
Who ride on streets of gold,
So when it storms,
And thunder roars,
Closely listen,
To the noise,
It’s Seth on his Harley,
Riding high.
Author: Randolph Knight
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The Final Good-Bye
As she gave me a hug,
I saw tears in her eyes,
This dear friend of mine,
Was saying goodbye,
And I couldn’t answer,
But, oh, how I tried,
For the lump in my throat,
Was larger than life,
Oh, I’d heard her say,
Goodbye before,
At the end of a phone call,
Or when leaving my door,
But by the sound of her voice,
And the tears in her eyes,
I knew this to be,
A final good-bye,
And I would never, ever
See her, again.
Author: Randolph Knight
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Another Day Burned
Today, I burned another day,
And it’s not coming back,
And now I’m one day closer,
To my first heart attack,
I should have done a little more,
Instead of being slack,
But today, I burned another day,
And it’s not coming back.
Author: Randolph Knight
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A Humbling Thought
Who could have known,
A century ago,
We’d ever get this far,
From a simple flight,
At Kitty Hawk,
To a rover landing on Mars,
But as I think of all our progress,
A humbling thought I ponder,
Although we’ve stepped,
Upon the moon,
Only He,
Has walked on water.
Author: Randolph Knight
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The Goodbye Letter
As I write this letter,
I can’t stop the tears,
For my broken heart,
Is more than I can bear,
And as my love is dying,
My heart speaks to my mind,
That from the start,
You never really cared,
When right away,
You told me that you loved me,
When right away,
You said, I was the one,
When right away,
You said, we'd be together,
But now I’m saying goodbye,
As I write away.
Author: T. Sky Handring
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Dear Father
Dear Father,
The evil on that day,
That day when so many,
Would pass away,
Down on our knees,
We cried and prayed,
Wondering why,
They couldn’t stay,
But they were taken,
And now they're gone,
Leaving us here,
To carry on,
But Father, you taught us,
To keep the faith,
So in faith,
We must depend,
For we know,
That one-day, Father,
We will see them,
Once again.
T. Sky Handring
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The Fighter
He stared at the gloves,
Being strapped on his hands,
How many more blows,
Could his old body stand,
Though an aging old fighter,
He was fighting again,
If only to contribute,
To a younger man’s win,
But, he needed the money,
To pay off some debt,
So he wasn’t quite able,
To quit the game yet,
He used to be champion,
A brave warrior at heart,
If only for a moment,
He could find that old spark,
As he stepped in the ring,
He heard the crowd roar,
And felt the adrenaline,
Rush like before,
He stunned the young fighter,
In the first round,
And again in the third,
By knocking him down,
But the fight would continue,
Rounds seven, eight and nine,
And his body grew tired,
His enemy was time,
And in the last round,
He caught a hard right,
Falling face to the canvass,
The old fighter lost his life.
Author: Randolph Knight
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Life Is Like a Bullet Train
This life is like a bullet train,
Pulling from the station,
Days pass like the turning wheels,
And mimic each rotation,
At first the train moves rather slow,
But begins to gather speed,
The youth on board cry, “hurry up”,
For they want more than they need,
Yet way too soon the bullet train,
Is cruising right along,
Giving the impression,
That this life goes on and on,
Then like a leopard the train will leap,
And move with blazing speed,
Causing one to wonder,
About this life indeed,
Still the train keeps racing,
Leaving nothing to hold on,
Except the one and only truth,
In a life that’s nearly gone,
But even a bullet train must stop,
And this life eventually end,
So praise God for his jumbo jet,
And the next life to begin.
Author: Randolph Knight
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The Writer
With pen in hand,
Sooner or later,
She’ll have an idea,
To write on the paper,
It may be romantic,
It may be sublime,
Or clever ideas,
May come to mind,
Yet nevertheless,
When the work’s finished,
Her share of the credit,
Is somehow diminished,
Too soon the work passes,
Through a money machine,
And what used to be read,
Now becomes green,
And there in the shadows,
Like a knight in white armor,
‘Tis the writer,
That makes the performer
Author: T. Sky Handring
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The Teacher
Teaching Adolescents,
Is like sharing a storm,
With each generation,
Of the recently born,
Who have reached the age,
Of twelve to twenty,
Whose trials seem endless,
Whose mistakes are many,
But most will get through it,
With guidance and care,
And change for the better,
As adulthood draws near,
But the teacher remains,
To share the nex
t storm,
With the next generation,
Of the recently born,
Who have reached the age,
Of twelve to twenty,
Whose trials seem endless,
Whose mistakes are many,
And this circle of life,
Should not be depressive,
But rather should encourage,
To keep your perspective.
Author: Randolph Knight
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The Missing Name
Every soul was present,
Not a soul was late,
As God called out the names,
In the Lamb’s Book of Life,
And when God closed the cover,
One lost soul cried out,
“God, I know you’re perfect,
But you’ve missed my name somehow”,
Yet, God would not answer,
It was like he didn’t hear,
For God never missed the name,
For the name was never there.
Author: Randolph Knight
Sky and I want to personally thank you for including “Poetry Perfect” in your ebook library. Sky and I have six other ebooks for your reading enjoyment, “Poetry From the Heart”, “Poetry Reveals”, “T. Sky Handring Poetry”, “Under Cover”,“Wiggle Room”, and “Purple Carrots”. These can be found at Scribd and other ebook retailers.
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