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UnCage me (Savage Beast MC Book 8)

Page 3

by Hayley Faiman


  Why do I like that so much?

  “I need to go,” I say, clearing my throat.


  “He lets you leave?”

  How does he know? How does he know the way my father is? He hasn’t been here long enough to really know anything. Yet, he sees. I should feel uneasy, but I don’t, not when it comes to him and I’m confused as all hell about it too.

  “Only to do Meals on Wheels,” I announce as I stand.

  I walk away from him without looking back. I want to look back. I want to see him. I want to see if he’s watching me and the expression on his face. I want to see it all, but I deny myself because I know without a doubt that it is fake.

  None of it is real.

  He’s a prospect, he saw what happened and he’s still here. He’s just as evil as the patched members.



  Picking up the phone, I close my eyes as it rings. Hidden in the forest, I hope that nobody hears me, hears us.

  “You got balls,” Dragon growls.

  “Barely,” I snort.

  I’ve been in contact with him for the past few months. After I discovered what exactly was going on here, I couldn’t just sit back. I had to call him, then I found out that he promised to supply the Punchers with girls. Thank fuck that didn’t happen, but Jesus fucking Christ, I was wondering if I knew my own goddamn brothers.

  “Boys are getting itchy. They don’t want to wait. Got to admit, I want them off my goddamn plate.”

  “Yeah, shit is so much worse than you could imagine.”

  Then I explain to him what happens when the daughters turn eighteen. All of it. I tell him the details, all of the gory disgusting fucking details. He’s quiet for a long moment, not a single word is shared until I hear his growl.


  “That’s about it,” I grunt.

  “Two more months? Get her ass and bring her here. We’ll protect her.”

  Clearing my throat, I look down at my shoes, spitting on the ground, I kick the dirt and shake my head. “You don’t think he’ll come lookin’ for her? He’ll come for her and he’ll kill everyone in his path. Can’t do that. Think I’ve done enough.”

  “I’ll try to hold them off, but fuck me, I got men that are ready to blow that fuckin’ clubhouse to pieces.”

  “Wouldn’t blame them at all. I want to do the right thing. I gotta save her.”

  “You hard up for her?”

  “Don’t know. All I know is looking at her in the eyes, she don’t want to be raped by her father or by all these other men.”

  There’s a moment of silence, then he speaks and his question is one of the most important ones I’ve ever answered, probably in my life.

  “When this is done, you want back in?”

  I want to ask him if I’m out, but I already know the answer to that and know that I am. I did something unforgivable. I tried to kill one of my own brothers.

  “I’ll pay whatever price I need to pay. Whatever that looks like. If there’s a way to get back, I’d bend over backward. But I understand if there isn’t.”

  “We’ll see what happens. You help us out on this, you stay on the up-and-up and we’ll see. Stay in contact, be present. Give me everything. We’ll go from there.”

  “You’ll get shit for this,” I point out.

  “Let me handle it, yeah?”


  Ending the call, I stare at my phone and wonder what the fuck I’m going to do. Pretending to be part of this game, part of this club is eating at me day by day. It is beginning to own me in a way that I don’t like.

  Pammy wasn’t really correct when she said she was next. There’s someone before her. Next month. I’ve already been told that I’ll have my shot. I’ve earned it apparently and my stomach is in knots just thinking about it.

  I love sex.

  I love fucking clubwhores, party girls, whoever. I love it rough, and I know I’ve taken it too far before. I took it too far with Della more than once. I’ve never felt as guilty about it as I do now. She didn’t deserve the shit I gave her and yet I kept dealing it out.

  I didn’t love her. I just wanted to keep her. I wanted her and I didn’t know how to hold on to her, not without controlling her and keeping her down and under my thumb. If I not only survive this whole fucking Donkey Puncher shit, then the Savage Beasts, I’m going to apologize—something I’ve never done before.



  My father calls me into his office and I inhale a deep breath, holding it for a moment before I release it and walk toward the room. Walking past the bar, I feel a finger graze my thigh. My step falters and I look over my shoulder to see Dylan sitting just a few feet away.

  Pressing my lips together, I roll them a few times as I watch him. He’s got one of the clubwhores sitting on his lap, but he’s not touching her and she’s fully dressed. His eyes though, those deep eyes, they are focused on me and nowhere else.

  He smirks at me, but doesn’t say or do anything else. Licking my lips, I turn and walk away from him and stay on the path toward my destination.

  My father is sitting behind his desk, his head tipped down as he looks at something in front of him. When he senses my entrance, he lifts his head. His eyes search mine for a long moment as I stand uncomfortably across from him.

  I expect him to say something, but he doesn’t, not for a long time. The moments tick by in silence as I watch him—waiting. He does this when he’s trying to intimidate someone. He does this to keep someone guessing and nervous, to catch them off guard.

  It doesn’t work with me.

  He scares me, but I know without a doubt I’m safe until the day I turn eighteen.

  His men have been salivating over me for almost eight years, there is no way in hell they would be okay with him doing anything to me that would jeopardize their night of fun, their night of rape, something that they have decided they’ve earned in their twisted world.

  “There’s shit going down. Stay in the clubhouse. No more Meals on Wheels until I give you the okay.”

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I look down at my sandal-covered feet and I inhale a deep breath before I lift my gaze to meet his.


  “Stay down in the basement, yeah?”

  I loathe the basement.

  A shiver runs down my spine at the idea of staying down there. Nodding my head, I turn and start to walk away from him. He calls my name when I’ve reached the door and I pause, looking back over my shoulder at him.

  His eyes slide up and down my body, then stop when they connect with my own. “You got four weeks. Don’t fuck this up and don’t make me look bad. You better bleed, understand?”

  A virgin.

  He’s expecting me to be a fucking virgin. That is what he’s worried about? Sick bastard.

  “I won’t disappoint you, Daddy,” I whisper.

  His lips twitch and when he doesn’t say anything else, I take the opportunity to leave—quickly. I walk as fast as I can toward my bedroom and I pack a small bag. Tears stream down my face as I throw my shit into a bag. It doesn’t matter what I take down there. I’ll be there for a month, then I’ll be used and given to someone as a fucking prize.

  Chapter One


  It’s time.

  I knew it would happen soon, but I had hoped that they could hold off a few more weeks. I can’t blame the Beasts. Not at all. I would have done the same, I’m surprised that Dragon could hold them off this long, to be honest. The Punchers started a war and the Beasts are going to swiftly end it.

  Riot shouts out an order that sends a chill down my spine. “Everyone in the clubhouse, it’s time to initiate Pamela.”

  “She’s not eighteen,” one of the men announces.

  Riot grins. “We gotta get the fuck out of here, and fast, but we’re taking her first.” I hear Riot scream to his men as people
run around. They’re loading up their shit, throwing guns and ammo in the backs of trucks, then they start gathering women and throwing them in cars.

  “What the fuck?” I bark, turning to Demo.

  He jerks his chin. “Shit’s going down. We fucked with the Beasts, we need to get going. Heard news that they’re traveling this way.”

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  He nods his head a few times. “Yeah, took them long enough. Got worried they were going to completely puss out.”

  I almost laugh in his face. The Savage Beasts do not puss out. They plan. It took them longer, as usual, because of me, but the Punchers don’t know that. They don’t know shit, actually. What they are, are pieces of shit who steal, sell, and abuse women.

  Riot barks at a couple of men to go and get Pamela ready. Meaning he wants her naked and strapped to a table, something I’ve discovered he only does when a girl is not particularly excited about her fate of being gang banged.

  Two men run past me and I freeze for a moment. But, I can’t stand out here and do nothing. I also can’t just let her get raped, not like that. I swore to myself that I was going to save her. I have been working with Dragon all this time to keep her from going through this shit.

  This is my one shot at redemption.


  “What about the women?” I ask Riot, trying to stall as much as I can to keep Pamela safe

  I know for a fact that there are women in the basement. One is missing, this is because I let Maci Marshall go, I handed her over to the Savage Beasts to do what they wished with her. It was all a big attempt to get inside of the Beasts’ clubhouse, and it worked, until it didn’t.

  The Donkey Punchers started this war, but the Savage Beasts are going to end it and I’m going to fucking help them and enjoy every second of it.

  “What about them?”

  I stare at him, surely, he can’t mean to just leave them there locked in the basement?

  “We need to load them up, yeah?”

  He snorts. “Cunt is a dime a dozen, Dylan. The sooner you learn that, the better. We’ll find a new home, get a new bunch of snatch. It’s all good, man.”

  I don’t argue with him too hard, knowing that the Savage Beasts will save them. The Beasts may not be completely legal, but they don’t hurt innocent women, not if they can help it. They’ll save those girls, I know it without a doubt.

  “Where we going?” I ask, not only trying to stall but also trying to get as much information as possible.

  He looks at me, then behind my shoulder before he shifts his gaze back to me again. “Shame. They’re all virgins. Oh, well. Got too many guns to grab them too.”

  I don’t say anything, my heart slamming against my chest. I’m stalling as much as I fucking can, at the same time, I want to make sure that Pammy gets out of this fucking hellhole before it’s too late.

  Instead of trying to beg him to take the women, I shrug a shoulder and clear my throat. The noise causes him to shift his gaze back over to me. The look in his eyes shifts from dazed to almost alert. Then he jerks his chin again.

  “We’re going to Oregon. It’s close by and we can hide out in the woods. Got a cabin in a little town on the coast. Middle of nowhere, it’s a good place to hide out, regroup and gather.”

  “Gather?” I ask.

  I know what he’s saying. I know exactly what he’s referencing, but I’m stalling and as much as I don’t want to hear the words, I push it anyway. I want to take as long as I possibly can. I want Riot and these fucks to get what they deserve.

  I want them to suffer.

  “Women. Some of the Old Ladies are packing up their houses, so the brothers will have their tail, but we’re a clubhouse and we need bitches.”

  Looking down at my feet, I lift my gaze and look up at him. He’s still looking past me at the clubhouse with a faraway gaze in his eyes. He looks as if he’s remembering something and then he starts to speak and I just hope that this is enough stalling.

  “You know, her mother was a hot fucking piece of ass, too. She was a cunt, but fuck me, her snatch was premium. Got her too hooked on dope though, fucked with her head too much.”

  “Fucked with her head?”

  He clears his throat. “We share, at least when it’s good we share. You see that, yeah?”

  I cough and nod. “Yeah.” Then I say something that makes my stomach turn. “It’s one of the reasons I love this club so much. I’m down with that shit, for sure.”

  He smirks. “Yeah, it’s fucking phenomenal, right? The bitch couldn’t deal, not without being high, then she couldn’t deal with life without being high. It was too much, but what really ended it? The reason I strangled her and killed her ass?”


  He leans forward as if he’s telling me some big secret. It’s something that should be kept a secret, all right, the sick fuck.

  “She wanted to keep Pamela away from me. Can you imagine? I knew what Pamela was going to look like. Even at seven, she was a knockout. I couldn’t keep that from my brothers, how goddamn selfish would that be? The bitch tried to tell me she’d run away, take her from me, keep her from me. So, I killed her.”

  The way he talks about killing his Old Lady, it’s so nonchalant, it confirms for me that without a doubt this man has zero conscience.

  “Selfish cunt,” I spit, hating myself for saying the words, even when I don’t mean them.

  “No fuckin’ shit. This is why I like you, Dylan. You got your priorities in line. You’re good, man.”

  “Go on and get in line to get your piece of Pamela, you deserve it brother. You’ve earned your shot. I’ll be right inside, gotta secure these guns first.” Knowing that the Beasts are on their way, I jerk my chin and turn from him, walking into the bar, then slipping down the hall to send a text to Dragon.





  How in the fuck do I stall even more?

  Making my way into the bar, I cringe as Pamela is being dragged from the basement to the bar. I watch as she is stripped down to nothing and hoisted onto the table before she’s strapped down.

  I have to adjust my dick, not because I like the idea of her being raped, but because being strapped down like that looks an awful lot like the women at the Savage Beast club who are getting ready to be branded. Pamela would look hot as fuck with a brand on her body.

  Looking around the hall, I bite the inside of my cheek and try to think of a way to stall. What the fuck am I going to do? I have to try and figure this out. If I don’t, I’ll lose my chance of ever going back home, of ever being a Beast again.

  And Pamela will be fucked up for life. Not that she already isn’t, but this will be irreparable damage. The men start to line up, and unlike the last time, they’ve already started undoing their pants, palming their dicks in anticipation.

  I stand in the back of the room, trying to look like I’m in line, but in reality, I’m trying not to puke everywhere when Riot appears.

  “Men, this is going to be quick. We have to get the fuck out of here and fast. Intel says that the Beasts will be here by end of day. I have been waiting for this moment for almost eighteen years. We’re going to celebrate early. We deserve this, we’ve earned it and we’re going to take it because tomorrow isn’t promised,” he shouts.

  My heart starts slamming against my chest, sweat gathers at the small of my back. I don’t know how in the fuck I’m going to get her out of this without getting both of us killed. Riot Turns away from the group and walks away with the promise to return shortly, claiming he needs to load up one more batch of guns before they get started.

  The men around me seem as though they can’t wait for him to come back, they are fucking drooling at the sight of her. Slipping my hand in the back waistband of my jeans, I tug out my gun, palming it in my hand as I try to think of a way to get both me and Pammy out of here alive.
  Fuck it.

  Riot isn’t here, these fucks literally have their pants down, they won’t be able to get to their pieces in time. Walking around the room, I make my way over to Pamela. She’s whimpering, crying as quietly as possible, her body jerking with sobs in her restraints.

  Lifting my gun, I point it directly at the men in front of me, right before the door bursts open. The sound of gunshots fills the room. Unhooking Pamela from her restraints, I drag her to the floor and gather her in my arms, shielding her naked body from the flying bullets.


  The three women in the cell across from mine huddle together. They’ve been huddled together for two weeks. I don’t know their deal, I don’t know who they are or where they’ve come from. I stopped talking to them about two minutes after I came down here.

  Unlike me, they aren’t free to roam around the space. They are completely locked away in a gigantic cell-like prison cage. They are fed, though not as well as me, and they are watered, though they shit in a bucket in the corner and I’ve yet to see them shower.

  I want to help them, but I don’t know how.

  Two men appear and I blink at the sight of them. They look even crueler than usual, and that cruelty is focused on me and nowhere else. I gulp, unsure of what is happening, but knowing that it’s not anything good.

  “You’re up, baby girl. Time to earn your place here,” one of them sneers.

  I don’t bother saying a single word in retaliation. Their meaty hands grab for me, each one of them gripping one of my biceps before jerking me up to standing. I walk with them, even though they’re half dragging me up the stairs and to the bar.

  My eyes widen at the sight of the men standing in line. I don’t even realize they’re tearing my clothes off until they’re mostly in shreds. I gasp and open my mouth, but one of them growls and it shuts me up completely.

  “It’s your turn, bitch. We’ve earned it,” one of them says, repeating his words from just a few moments ago.


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