Ascending From Madness

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Ascending From Madness Page 28

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “What? No!” Scrooge shook his head. “This is all a set up somehow. Part of his plan.”

  “You think I’m that bored?” Frosty replied. “This is all some elaborate plan of mine? Even if I was, the queen is not. If I was such a pet, I would have brought you straight to her long ago.”

  “Belle… she would never betray us. Me. And especially not our son. He was everything to her.”

  “Exactly.” Frosty tipped his round head. “What she did was out of a mother’s love, not betrayal. Though it can be one and the same. She knew the queen had access to medicines and doctors that might help Timmy. Her son’s life meant more than everyone else’s in that village. Even yours. She forfeited everyone’s lives, giving you all up to the queen. She divulged your location under the promise the queen would help the sickly boy, which you know the queen would have never done. There was no saving him. No medication which would have saved his life.” Frosty’s mouth twitched. “Belle was not expecting you to slip in the back and take Tim away… to end his life. Her sacrifice was all for naught. His life, hers, all the people she sacrificed in hopes of saving him.”

  “Shut. Up!” Scrooge shoved past Rudy, charging for the snowman. “Fucking shut up! It’s all lies!”

  “Scrooge, no!” Rudy tried to grab for him.

  “Let him.” Frosty held out his stick arms. “You want to let your anger out? Go ahead.”

  Scrooge collided into him, tearing into the snowy flesh, the hat and button eyes flying into the air. Scrooge roared punching, clawing, and shredding the snowman, the beast inside let free.

  Out of all the terrifying things I had seen here, he was possibly the worst. The beast under his skin was made of hate, grief, sadness, and guilt, building into a monster who had nothing to lose. Everything was already taken from him. Or so he thought. His wife’s betrayal had to cut far deeper even if done with good intentions. She forfeited everyone else, even knowing they would be tortured and killed for her actions. Her desperation in saving a boy who couldn’t be saved dictated everything. My heart hurt for everyone involved, but most of all it hurt for Scrooge. The fact she did that to save the son he ended up letting go of had to be crippling. Fresh torture.

  My feet moved automatically; the pull to him was constant. Powerful. “Scrooge.” I tried to grab his arm, but he saw nothing except tearing down Frosty. Pain grunted and cried up his throat. “Scrooge?”

  “Get the hell away from me,” he yelled, jerking away from me.


  “Jesus, what is wrong with you?” He backed up, his face full of disgust, but I knew it wasn’t really directed at me. “Everyone should get as far as they can. I’m worse than an LLS… suck you in and crush the life of everything I touch.”

  “No, you aren’t. You are not her actions. You can’t blame yourself for what she chose to do.”

  “I can’t?” He sputtered. “We’re no different. She thought she was saving his life from death, while I ended it, thinking I was saving him from a painful life.”

  “You were.” I stood strong in front of him, no doubt in my conviction. “It was what he wanted. You did it for him, she did it for herself. He would have died painfully. Would you have sacrificed all those other lives for his?” I motioned to the porch. “Look at them!” I demanded, gesturing to the figures on the porch. His head slowly snaked around to them, then to Hare and Rudy, finally stopping on me. “Would you have let them all die and be tortured to save one?”

  “Yes!” he bellowed, but his conviction crumbled instantly. “No. I don’t know.” Agony streaked his face, his back curving. “What kind of father am I? I would let my own son die…”

  “There is no right choice here. Tim was in pain, his life not a life at all. Do you think he would have wanted them killed because of him?”

  “No,” Scrooge croaked, gazing around at his family. “He loved them so much.”

  I could hear Dee sob quietly from the porch.

  “What you had to do? I can’t imagine. The cruelest choice anyone would ever have to make. Your wife thought she was doing the right thing in her mind. But was it right for Tim?”

  “Belle.” He choked on her name. “How could she do that to us? They loved her, trusted and believed in her, and she betrayed us all. I should have seen it coming. Sensed something.”

  “Are you clairvoyant now too?”

  “No.” Scrooge’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “Then how would you know?” I took a step to him, taking his wrist until my fingers laced with his. “Give yourself a moment. Your entire world just flipped on you. What you thought you understood and knew. But you will someday need to forgive her… and yourself.”

  “I don’t see how.”

  “Then we have no future.” I touched his cheek. “I won’t live with the ghosts of Christmas past haunting us. I’m too selfish. I want you all to myself.”

  Scrooge’s lids shut, his breath still clipped, but his hand squeezed tighter around mine.

  “Damn…” Hare came up to us, his gaze on the ground. “Anyone want shredded ice? Think I have some flavorings in the house.”

  “Let’s rebuild him.” Rudy stepped around us, bending down to start to reshape the snowman.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you.” Scrooge’s forehead tipped to mine.

  “You didn’t. I’m only heartbroken for you.”

  “Really? I just slaughtered a Christmas symbol.”

  “Eh. He’ll live.” I shrugged on shoulder, a small smile hooking my lip. “Kinda jealous I didn’t do it first.”

  “Can’t have all the firsts.” Scrooge stepped into me. “Thank you.” He didn’t say more, and he didn’t need to.

  I peered up into his blue eyes, my hands sliding over his scruff.

  “You know I would never hurt you, right?”

  “Only in the ways I like.”

  “Alice…” he rumbled, his hands clutching my hips.

  “First, I know you won’t, not because you’re afraid I could kick your ass even worse, but that’s not who you are.” I went on my toes, our mouths only a breath apart. “Can I tell you a secret? I find the beast part of you fuckin’ hot. I like that it can scare everyone else, but I know what happens when that brutal passion is alone with me.”

  His grip on me almost became painful, shooting electricity up my nerves as his mouth crashed down on mine, claiming and demanding. Fire exploded in my veins. Fierce need consumed me. Deepening the kiss, his hands slid back into my hair, his knuckles wrapping around my strands, tugging. A noise came from his chest, and I knew if we didn’t stop, everyone would be getting a totally adulterated version of being Scrooged.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if a porno was out there called Screwged. If not, then I wanted to make one soon.

  Breaking apart, both of us panting for air, a slow smile crept onto his face.

  “You should see the Whos right now.” His lips brushed mine again. “Think they’re gonna need to go to the institution I found you in.”

  I glanced over my shoulder, and a giggle burst from my lips.

  All fifteen stood stock still… their mouths parted, eyes huge, trinkets dropped on the ground. They looked beyond frightened. They reminded me of deer, frozen in fear, but at any moment they would all freak out and take off leaping and screaming into the forest.

  “The worst they probably have done is shake their fist at someone and then apologize for it later.”

  “And they’re gonna be fighting for us.” Scrooge kissed me, then leaned back, sorrow flushing over his features again. The new revelation about Belle would take a long time to process and deal with. I couldn’t imagine finding out someone you loved and trusted was the one who betrayed you. “We’re not fucked at all.”

  “We need more people. We need to get the word out that Santa’s Army is recruiting.”

  “Another reason you’ll be glad I showed up.” Frosty’s voice jerked our heads to the side. He still looked like a car accident, but his mouth and eyes were back i
n place, his three scoops on the thin side.

  “I don’t recall being glad you showed up for any reason.” Scrooge dropped his hands from me, turning to Frosty. Dee, Pen, Dum, and Rudy were surrounding him, filling in and patching him back up.

  “You should be kissing my button nose right now.”

  “I know what I want to do with that button.”

  “Hey. Hey.” Frosty’s one arm lifted, gesturing for him to backdown. “You’re scaring the Whos.”

  “Get on with it.” Annoyance flicked over Scrooge.

  “After I left Alice, I tracked down the other spies I had working for me.”

  “Working for you?” Scrooge frowned.

  “Yes.” Smugness twisted up his coal mouth. “You should be thanking me again… Matt Hatter.” Frosty’s smile curled higher on one side.

  A name, and it felt like he crushed my lungs under each syllable.

  “What did you say?” Scrooge sucked in, his chest expanding.

  “Once again, I saved your life. I made sure someone was there to intervene. To help you both return to Winterland.”

  “What are you talking about?” Scrooge took a threatening step to Frosty.

  Jingle bell rock…

  “Noel.” His name popped off my tongue, understanding where Frosty was leading us. “You are the leader of the Night Rebellion, aren’t you?”

  “Clever, dear girl.” Frosty’s grin expanded.

  “What?” Scrooge jerked back, his head shaking. “No fucking way.”

  “Why? Because you don’t want to think I’ve actually been the good guy the entire time?” The snowman skated a few feet away, Penguin and Dum hovering, still trying to perfect his shape. “I’ve been leading the Night Rebellion since the moment Jessica took hold of the kingdom, slowly invading her staff. It was slow and dangerous, but it was the only way to learn her weakness, to win the endgame. But once you two went to earth and were captured, I knew the time was up for us. The war was here. If my spies didn’t leave, their lives might be forfeit.” Frosty waved off the group reassembling him, gliding over the snow toward the barn. “You can come out now.”

  The snow crunched with movement. Lots of it. Shadows flickered over the snow as bodies moved out into the light.

  “Jack Frost’s nipples.” Hare stood in disbelief next to me, and all I could do was blink, making sure I hadn’t become bonkers again.

  Dasher, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and a mass of elves stepped out, swarming around us.

  “Holy-silly-noggin-heads,” Dee cried out, darting forward into the throng, crying and hugging her long-lost friends. Dum leaped in right behind her, their forms quickly absorbed by the group with excited yelps and cheers.

  Rudolph was frozen in place, his mouth parted in disbelief, his eyes locked on one figure. Tracking his gaze to see who had affected the always stoic deer-man, my eyes found a stunning reindeer staring back at him in the same way. Vixen.


  Rudy and Vixen? Something was there. A history I knew nothing about but could feel like webs of cotton candy.


  “Rudy!” Dasher held out his arms, breaking the moment between them. Rudolph jogged to his herd, immersed in his own greetings with his friends.

  Two elves parted the group, wandering up to me. The girl smiled at me. Friendly. Knowing. The guy next to her looked annoyed and bored.

  “Not Alice is Alice again. Your muchness is back.” The girl with long braids grinned up at me. There was something so familiar about her… about both of them. “You found what was lost.”

  “Dancing turtle doves… B-Bea?” I stammered, my jaw unhinging. My gaze snapped to the other one. “Happy?”

  He jerked his chin but didn’t respond.

  “I don’t understand…” I gestured to them. “You’re…”

  “Shorter.” Happy snorted derisively. “Elves usually are. She had the place spelled, to appear normal to outsiders. Our regular size would have certainly caused notice.”

  Bea tugged on her braid, her voice sing-song. “Though I fit perfectly in my skin.” Her eyes drifting away.

  “Alice.” A deep timbre came behind them. Amber eyes, dark skin, and a slight smile parting his lips.

  “Noel!” I didn’t even give him a chance to respond before I flew into his arms. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. “I’ve actually missed you.”

  “Actually, huh?” He squeezed me and then stepped back.

  “Oh, and whatever he said about me peeing the bed.” Happy stepped between us. “I didn’t.” He huffed and stomped away as Noel mouthed to me, he so did.

  “That’s one angry elf.”

  “He’s just bitter I cut him off the peppermint stuff.” Noel shrugged. “Now I’m thinking about getting him back on it after realizing Happy was only happy because he was drugged.”

  Bea still stood near us, playing with her hair, lost in her own world.

  Noel’s mouth flatlined.

  “Everyone at that facility had been held captive by the queen for decades.” He glanced down at Bea. “Some minds can’t be healed again.”

  “They will never be okay?”

  “What do you consider okay?” Noel responded. “She may have damaged their understanding of the world, but she never destroyed their spirit. And Bea, what she’s gone through? She is a tough cookie.”

  “Oh cookie? Is it snack time?” Bea’s eyes widen with excitement, clapping her hands.

  “I’m sure we can find you something,” I replied.

  “The key unlocked all the doors.” She giggled. “You let everything loose.”

  I sure did.

  “When doors are left open.” She squinted her lids in thought. “What should you fear? The monsters that can get in or the ones that get out?”

  Chapter 37


  Excited mumblings buzzed in the air as the man himself stepped down from the porch. He had cleaned up since I’d last seen him, his snowy white beard cut closer to this chin, his hair clean, trimmed, and brushed back. He wore a pair of red pants and a white shirt which stretched over his snow globe belly, and shiny black boots.

  He looked exactly how you’d picture Santa Claus. Rosy-cheeked, happiness and warmth bursting off him in gooey waves. He opened his arms, a smile lighting up his face.

  “How I’ve missed you all.”

  The Whos, elves, and reindeer circled him, crying with happiness their hero was back, packing in closer and closer, hugging and crying with their idol.

  “Scrooge?” Rudy’s hesitant tone snapped both our heads to him. It was still level, but I could feel the caution in it. “We might want to move them back a little before…”

  “Before what?”

  “I haven’t really had a moment to tell you—”

  “Get the hell away from me,” Santa suddenly bellowed, pushing away from the horde, his voice laced with annoyance. “All I need is more intruders. More eating my food. Invading my space. Why can’t you all leave me the hell alone for once.”

  “Oh, elf tits…” Scrooge shut his eyes briefly, his lips rolling together. “I was afraid of this.”

  “Santa?” A handful of elves reached out for him, concern crumpling their faces.

  “Jesus… you guys are all still so needy. Shouldn’t the time without me have taught you to stand up on your own feet? Stop looking at me to lead you? Lead yourself for once.”

  “Bu-but… Santa?”

  “But-But.” He parroted the elf, mocking them until the elf started to cry. “Haven’t I done enough? Santa, I want this. I want that. You always want more and more. Take. Take. Take! Wonder why I left you guys.”

  “What the hell is up his ass? A tinsel thong?” Hare thrummed his stump into the snow.

  “Nick.” Scrooge pinched his nose. “Shit, I had hoped I was wrong.”

  I recalled the strange expression Scrooge had before we left. The concern to leave Santa in charge.

  “Nick and Santa are having a ha
rd time meshing together,” Rudy replied. “Nick doesn’t want to go quietly into the night.”

  I stared back at the group staring at Santa in confusion and heartbreak. Not understanding the change in the kind soul they knew.

  “Seriously, go! I was happy without all you little assholes hanging on me.”

  “All right!” Scrooge’s voice boomed, sharp and angry. “That’s enough, Nick.”

  “Who are you, my mom?”

  “Yeah. I’m your mom.” Scrooge grabbed his shoulders, twisting him to the cabin, shoving him back onto the porch toward the door. “Think you need a timeout.”

  “Let me.” Dee came up to them, her warrior “in charge” expression and tone stopped both the men. “I handled it before.”

  Scrooge looked over at Rudy. He nodded his head in agreement. “She was the only one who was able to get through last time.”

  Scrooge stepped back as Dee took his place. Nick rolled his eyes.

  “Oh goodie, my babysitter is back.”

  She didn’t respond to his jab, taking Nick’s hands in hers and stared up at him.

  “It wasn’t your fault. She hurt us, not you.” Dee looked up at him. “Say it with me. It’s not my fault.”

  Nick shifted on his feet, glancing to the side.

  “You’re my best friend. So many love and miss you. It wasn’t your fault,” she said earnestly. “Say it.” I felt like I was imposing on a private moment between them. It reminded me of how people handled those with trauma.

  Nick’s lips tightened, and finally his head fell forward.

  “But it was,” he whispered, the agony in his voice bowed me slightly forward. “I should have stopped her. Seen it coming. And the reason she even became that way was because of me. How I treated her.”

  “We can’t change the past.” Nothing of the child-like goofiness was in Dee as she spoke. She was the ancient elf, wise beyond her looks. “But we can still change the future before it becomes the past. We need you, Santa. We need you to be by our sides. You are the one who needs to fight her. Fight the memories. Not let them consume you.”


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