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Page 37

by Shey Stahl

  I didn’t want to fight mad because it would mean I was reckless in the ring. That was the last thing I wanted. Being here now was leading to that. When you fought professionally, you needed to be cold blooded and not emotionally involved. Lucas certainly wasn’t making it easy for me. In reality, that was his angle against me.

  I tried to block his insults but the anger had been boiling inside me for too long. Dishing an angry glance his way was the worst possible thing I could have done in that moment. He knew he’d gotten under my skin. And then I saw Wes step into the bar. Out of the corner of my eye, I knew that blond wavy hair anywhere.

  Stupid son of a bitch.

  I wasn’t even hearing Lucas after I shoved him, but he was spewing all kinds of shit. It was like my mind went blank, unable to process anything and anyone around me.

  For the longest time, I stood there as he called me every name he could think of, and then some. I wanted to say something, anything, but not with Tallan there. I was afraid to have her here for this particular reason.

  “Destry.” She reached for me, trying to get me to back up. I hadn’t realized it but Lucas and I were now face to face, chest to chest.

  This motherfucker thought he was clever with the trash talking but he wasn’t. I’d heard it all before. When did he get to me?

  He knew my weakness for sure.

  “You mad, southpaw?” He gave a nod to Stella now beside him, who I refused to look at.

  And then I purposely glanced at Stella, letting my eyes wander over a body I used to worship. It wasn’t something where I was checking her out. No, never. She knew it too when my cold shallow gaze locked on hers as I spoke harshly through a clenched jaw, “Keep the bitch. I was done with her anyway.”

  Lucas stepped closer, his breath on my face. “Should I walk away with her too?” He looked at Tallan then, his eyes lighting up with the idea he’d gotten to me now. I knew one thing, he fucking lived for this shit right here.

  Lucas gave a cocky nod to Tallan beside me, and then winked at her.

  It was then I was ready to abandon my calm demeanor and give this piece of shit the streetfighter he was hoping would show up in Vegas.

  Fuck everyone, more importantly, fuck him. Why wait until the fight? I was ready to bash his face in now, no rules, no gloves, nothing. I wanted to kick the shit out of him and show him how easy he got off last time. “Think you can win from a fuckin’ hospital bed?” I taunted, shoving him again.

  For the briefest of moments, I thought about what it would mean if I did in fact hit him. It was my only rational thought of the night, even if it was brief.

  Adam rushed over knowing the exact moment I lost it and needed someone in my face. “Back up, man.” He placed his hand on Ray’s chest, and then mine, in my face. “Stop. Go back to you room and think about this.” I didn’t and he added, low and only to me, “You hit him here, in this bar, and it’s done. The fight will be called. You and I both know that.”

  Adam was no match for my strength, he and I both knew that. I pushed forward, sliding him about a foot before he glared. “I fuckin’ mean it, Destry.” He shoved back with all his strength, this time actually making a difference. My hip hit a nearby table sending glasses and plates flying to the floor. “Go back to your room, now.”

  Everyone stared at the two of us, waiting to see what was next.

  Wes chuckled, making himself known for the first time. “What makes you think he’ll actually listen to you?” he asked Adam, puffing out his chest, the black cotton of his polo shirt stretching.

  Adam knew all about what happened with Wes last year and took his chance to let him know what he thought of him, then, in front of everyone. “He’s loyal. Unlike you.”

  Sure, it wasn’t a downright jab at him, but still, the point was made because to a guy like Wes Callahan, loyalty meant the world. Or at least up until December it had.

  How Wes had the goddamn nerve to say anything to me was surprising.

  Reaching my hand up, I shoved Wes and knew damn well by the way his body jerked back he felt the sting. “Keep your fuckin’ mouth shut.” I stood there, waiting, as if I wasn’t afraid of anyone because I wasn’t. My eyebrows rose coolly.

  “Calm down,” Adam warned, stepping between Wes, me, and Lucas, who hadn’t backed up either.

  I couldn’t though. My entire body felt like it was trembling with the war raging inside of me. Never had I let another person get inside my head. I did now.

  Lucas eyed me carefully and then looked to Wes and Stella. “You know what I think, southpaw?”

  I smiled a cold, bitter smile letting him know I didn’t care, my jaw tightening to the point where my teeth hurt from clenching them. “I don’t give a shit what you think and neither does anyone else.” I shoved Lucas again, hoping he took a swing.

  I figured if I provoked him enough, he would.

  Tallan rushed over. “Destry.” Her hands wrapped in mine, softness to my harsh reality. She sprang forward, latching onto me. I backed off and nodded when she added, “He’s right, let’s go. He’s an asshole and not worth it.”

  “Listen to your bitch.” Ray popped off, now five feet and ten people between us.

  Tallan wasn’t having that and spun around to face him, fire in her eyes. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  Lucas didn’t back down and grinned at her, his eyes on her chest. “Ah, come on, honey, you know you need the power of a real man.”

  You touch her and you’ll regret it.

  Wrapping my arms around Tallan in a protective manner, I pried her back into my chest. I had to hold her back at that point, though I was really fucking curious if she would have punched him like she did with Marcus.

  She never had the chance because we were asked to leave by then.

  Actually, we were escorted out by the security guards where Stella found us outside the bar where I was fighting against the security guards, my own bodyguard making his way over.

  “And where the fuck have you been?” Tallan barked at Mugsy.

  I brought him along as a bodyguard, but a lot of good that did. He seemed to be missing every time I needed him. He raised his hands in defense. “I was with Jared. I said I’d be right back.

  It was then I noticed Jared standing near Tallan, his protective side stirring as he positioned himself in between her and the crowd around us.

  Stella had pushed her way through the crowd with Wes where we were all gathered by the entrance.

  Shut the fuck up. Don’t say anymore to her or him.

  Adam held up his hand. “Go away, Stella.”

  “Let me give you some advice, Tallan.” Stella leaned in, so both Tallan and I could hear her, eyes trained on my girlfriend when we were walking away. “He’s the best fuck you’ll ever have. I guarantee that. But don’t ever forget how troubled he really is.”

  Never acknowledging Stella, I looked right at Wes and smiled. “You better have my fucking money tomorrow night.”

  He said nothing, his face blank.

  Adam grabbed my shoulders, knowing damn well I was close to taking a swing at Wes. “Calm down. You didn’t work this hard for so long to throw it away now.”

  He was absolutely right. Unfortunately, I was past the point of that rationalization. I jerked my shoulders up, shaking away Adam’s grip. “Get off me.”

  Thankfully, Jared and Mugsy were in the way too.

  Tallan, maybe upset by the commotion, walked away with Jared.

  I caught up with them, Mugsy staying with me.

  Tallan didn’t say anything to Stella, and I didn’t expect her to. When we were in our room and I was pacing the bedroom, she asked, “Is this about her, or the fight?”

  Twisting around, I gasped at her words as she removed her dress and let it fall to her feet.

  How could she ask me that? Well, given tonight, I knew why. Instinctively, my body tensed trying to decide how I wanted to answer that. My stare traveled over her body and as tempting as it was, I couldn’
t get past what she had asked me.

  “It’s about me.” I practically shouted at her, and then I realized I should say more, assure her. “I don’t love you the same way I loved her. I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to you. I’m sure you don’t love me the same way you loved Silas.” Her reaction was what I expected, as it should have been.

  You’re a fucking idiot.

  I wanted to immediately take the words back, but then again, I didn’t. She needed to see what I meant by that. “When I fell in love with her, I was a kid. I was sixteen, I had no idea what love meant or how to process anything besides hormones. With you, it’s a stronger, a more defined love. One that I feel deep inside my chest, a hurt when you’re away from me, like now.”

  Still, I didn’t think she was satisfied with that answer, or the way I said it. She shook her head as if she were disappointed in me.

  Join the list, sweetheart.

  When she didn’t reply, I got pissed. “You know what,” I snapped, stomping off into the bathroom, “I don’t need this shit right now.”

  Before I could slam the door shut, Tallan was there blocking me. “Don’t you fucking dare go hide out in the bathroom after saying that to me,” she warned, her glare so focused on me it was actually adorable. Her brow arched, challenging me. Defiantly, I crossed my arms over my chest. “Get back here and explain.” I didn’t budge from my place in the bathroom. “I knew coming to this fight could test our relationship, but you will not treat me like I’m your fucking doormat. Talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you and let me help you through it.”

  She saw through all of it. She knew I was burning inside with such raw emotion that I didn’t know how to process it. Still, she wasn’t going to let me treat her like she had anything to do with it.

  Tallan huffed out an aggravated breath. “When I asked about Stella, it wasn’t me questioning your love for me. I understand what we have and I know it’s completely different to falling in love for the first time. Our love is stronger, more defined in its meaning. You said yourself it’s like tasting wine a second time and you could finally appreciate the flavors. I thought it was cheesy for you of all people to say that, but I get it. So no, I’m not questioning that specifically. What I’m worried about is that you are going to step into that ring tomorrow with a head full of lies and the wrong reasons. You need to step into that ring for you, Destry Stone, and no one else. You’re not proving anything to anyone but you.”

  I stepped forward, brushing past her to sit on the edge of the bed, my eyes on the dark red carpet.

  For a long time, I thought to myself, maybe I had been too young to be the champion because of this, my ability to lose my cool so easily. Maybe I’d been too young to hold onto something I didn’t realize I needed. So I told her, “Maybe I had it too early and I didn’t know how to hold onto it.”

  I couldn’t tell if I was talking about love, or fighting. Maybe both.

  “Or.” Tallan kneeled before me, her hands on my thighs attempting to have me look at her. This time I did. Her beauty, strength and commitment stared back at me. “You needed to be led down this path to find where you were really meant to be in the beginning.”

  I processed her words, let them sink in.

  Sliding her hand away from my thighs, I brought our bodies together on the bed and then rolled so I had her underneath me. Rubbing her palms down the muscles in my back, she held me there until I felt the beating of her heart with mine. “Do you believe me?”

  Closing my eyes, I whispered that I loved her as our lips touched.

  Gripping the sheets beside her head, I groaned when my erection stirred and carefully nibbled on her neck. How could it not? She was practically naked.

  “This has me so fucked up.” My nose swept from her throat to her jaw bone, curious if she understood the meaning behind the words.

  Shifting my weight to the right, I let go of the sheets with my left hand.

  Her skin felt abnormally warm to me, burning my lips that ran from her neck to her temple now. Trickling my fingers down her ribs, I wanted her to see, I too was fucked up and needing her to be there, and right now, she was.

  Hitching her leg over my waist, I kissed her and pushed my erection between her thighs, exactly where I wanted to be. I ached for this so fucking bad, but I knew I couldn’t.

  So, I kissed her, hoping that sedated me for now.

  Her lips were warm, full of love and exactly what I needed to calm down, her love heavy on my tongue.

  With only my slacks and her panties separating us, I pushed forward once more savoring the feeling that rushed through me, the excitement, and then moved away from her.

  Tipping her head back with my fingers, I kissed her once more. “I love you.” I exhaled against her lips.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, smiling. “Champ.”

  When I sat up on my knees, she followed and then touched my cheek with her palm. “This, the fight, you, and how you feel, it’s heavy. In reality, it’s you, the power you hold deep inside, that’s the real stabilization. It’s not the power behind your left hook or that scowl that never seems to fade. You, the man inside, the man who knows what he wants and is fighting for it, that’s more valuable than any title you will ever hold, champ.”

  I loved that she kept calling me that, a reminder that no matter what, I was. They could strip me of everything, but it didn’t matter. I still held the title with her.

  A clinch is a last resort defensive technique. It’s when one boxer holds onto the other to avoid being hit, or to muffle an opponent’s attack.

  I couldn’t sleep. I was too restless and obsessing over the fight. Through my tossing and turning, I got up and went into the bathroom, stared at myself and then tried shadowing boxing to relieve some stress. Nothing worked and I was left with the same nervous energy I had before every fight, only now it was worse.

  Around three, I was up again and shadow boxing. It still didn’t work. Tallan was sound asleep, sprawled out on the bed and drooling peacefully. I would have taken a picture and sent it to Jared for blackmail, should I need it someday, but I didn’t. Instead, I was rooted in place by her pure beauty with the early ambient light pouring through the blinds. Drawing in a deep breath, I kneeled next to the bed, watching her snore softly.

  Would she still be here tomorrow morning?

  If I lost, would she leave?

  The answer was so simple now. She wouldn’t. It didn’t matter how it played out. She wouldn’t leave. I leaned forward, my head resting against the mattress, my lashes brushing against the Egyptian cotton sheets when I blinked. The air conditioning powered on with a thump and I prayed for sleep, anything to rid myself of these thoughts for a moment.

  Sighing, I peeked up at Tallan again, who’d shifted in bed and revealed her ass, thankfully covered with panties, to me.


  That would help. Sex would most definitely help.

  Noooo, Destry. No. Absolutely not.

  Finally, around four, I crawled into bed beside her, and drifted into sleep with the sounds of her breathing.


  7 A.M.

  MY EYES DIDN’T lie that morning when I woke up at seven. They told me I was a man looking for his redemption. In the bathroom, I stared at my reflection, the door slightly ajar. I looked over my muscles, each one defined and ready.

  Was I more prepared physically for this fight than the last? I would have said yes, had someone asked. I trained harder, with more diligence and determination. There was more up for grabs this time.

  “You okay?” Tallan asked, pushing the door open enough to stick her head in the bathroom.

  Prying my eyes from the mirror, I looked over at her. She was dressed in another sexy dress, one that clung to her curves.

  When I didn’t say anything, she moved into the bathroom to stand behind me, her arms curling around my chest to my pecs. Leaning in, she kissed my bare shoulder. Our eyes caught in the mirror and she saw something new,
something she hadn’t seen in a while because she smiled, slow and steady. “You’re ready.”

  Standing up straight, I turned around to draw her close. “I am.”

  I would have liked to say it was because of her, but it wasn’t entirely true.

  It was me now.



  10 A.M.

  WE MET AT the Sports Pavilion in Caesars for the weigh in. I wasn’t a big fan of the weigh in because it was another staged drama used to pump up the interest of a fight. I’d had enough of that bullshit for a lifetime.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen… we welcome you to the official weigh in of the Lucas verses Stone World Boxing Organization Title Bout at Caesars Palace.” The announcer in the middle of a room filled with hundreds held a microphone to his face, speaking in an exaggerated tone as most announcers did. “We invite our principals to the scales.”

  I went first, being the challenger, weighing in at two hundred and sixteen pounds.

  When it was Lucas’s turn, I walked away. I didn’t care what he had to say or if he was going to provoke me again. I’d had enough the previous night.

  Think about that, asshole.

  After weigh in, I went back to my room with Tallan and caught pieces of the publicity around the fight. The press was selling the fight as “The Redemption” which to me, made a lot of sense given the fight in December and how I felt about myself. The emotional connection I had to those words fit perfectly.

  Back in my room, I did a lot of thinking that morning. The odds were against me. The press speculated that months out of the ring would have given me ring rust. Lucas had fought twice since becoming the new champion. Me… I hadn’t fought professionally since then. What they weren’t considering was that I had fought every day since then, just not inside of a ring.

  I would show them what redemption really meant.

  These are the fights that lead up to the main event.


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