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Fueled Hate: A Dark College Bully Romance

Page 12

by A. J. Logan

  I’m very aware of his tender touch caressing my bare skin, the feel of his body pressed against mine, his enticing eyes beckoning to me. Under any other circumstance, I’d cave. Give in to him because there is part of me that wants him, which makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with me. But these aren’t normal circumstances. Nothing about this shit, or anything where Dylan’s involved, has been normal since the moment he materialized in my life.

  “You’re right. I don’t trust you.” Shoving away from him, I sit on the edge of the building. Leaning forward, I slide off and my feet hit the metal lid of the dumpster. Hopping to the rough pavement, Dylan follows, landing beside me.

  Every muscle in my body is tense. I want nothing more than to walk straight to my dad, beg him to tell me that everything I’d seen wasn’t as it appeared, then throat punch Dylan for twisting my world around his demented self. Instead, I head across the street. Back to the last vehicle I want to be in but the one that will get me away from here before I do something I can’t take back. I don’t know Dylan well enough to risk him following through on his threats.

  He unlocks the car and I quickly pull the door open, dropping into the passenger seat right as he slips into the driver’s seat. There’s a heavy silence as he starts the motor and drives off. It lingers until we pull into my driveway and I move to open the door. He reaches promptly across me, pulling it closed.

  “What?” I ask, avoiding his stupid face.

  “You’re going to help me, so you should stop fighting it.”

  “Or what … you’ll force me?”

  His tight expression tells me that he gets the underlying meaning of my words. “I won’t do anything to you until you tell me what you want.”

  Side-eyeing him, I laugh. He should’ve been a freakin’ comedian instead of a pompous ass. “I want you to leave me alone.”

  “Will do. At least for tonight. Then you’re going to do as I say with a smile on your face because you care more about them than you do yourself.”

  “I truly hate you.”

  “I’m sure you do,” he pushes a loose strand of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear with such tenderness it makes me almost forget the menace he is, toying with me. His words quickly remind me as he continues, “But you’re still gonna beg me to fuck you.”

  The self-confidence oozing from him does nothing but piss me off even further, and the only thing I’d like to do is knock that smirk off his face. Quickly lifting out my seat, I climb over the console to straddle him. My fingers glide into his hair, pulling him forward as his mouth crashes to mine. My thin cotton pajamas shorts leave no doubt in my mind how much he’s enjoying himself. And I’d be lying if I said kissing him wasn’t even better than I’d imagined, but there is something I want much more than him right now. That’s to toy with his emotions, just as he’s been doing to me since day one.

  Rocking against him, my head drops back as his mouth descends on my neck, his tongue trailing down to my collarbone as his hand grips my hip, pressing me down harder onto his lap. A smile forms on my lips as my mouth moves back to his, kissing feverishly before slightly shifting back as I whisper breathlessly, my lips brushing his, “No, still don’t want you to fuck me.”

  Tightly grasping my hair, he holds me in place. His voice is full of grit as his breath floats over my lips. “That’s a dangerous game to play, Sadie.” Crashing his mouth to mine, he spares no mercy as he ravishes me. Possessing my mouth with his, his need grows even more desperate when I allow myself to relish in him, kissing back for a few seconds before regaining my sense and shoving away from him.

  “I can’t do this. Not with you. I don’t want you.” Taking in sharp, deep breaths, I attempt to steady myself.

  “Then why can I feel your heart racing, pounding against your chest? Why does this feel so right? You can’t catch your breath because you need me to give it to you.”

  Okay. This wasn’t the best plan, but I’d wanted to show him what it felt like to be twisted, tormented only to discover everything isn’t as it seems. Nothing is ever as it seems. “I didn’t ask for any of this. You inserted yourself into my life, and now you want to control me … and fuck me to show me you can.”

  Brushing his knuckles up my bare arm, he speaks confidently but the uncertainty in his eyes speak louder, “One day, you’ll see that I’m the only one protecting you.”

  “But who’s going to protect me from you?”

  “I meant it, Sadie. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  My eyes close, unable to look at him. Not because of what he’s done, but for what I’ve allowed him to do to me. Unable to keep the tears from slipping down my cheeks, I let out a defeated breath, knowing this is just the beginning as I utter, “You already have.”

  Reaching over, I pull the handle, shoving the driver’s door open and quickly climb off his lap and out of the car. Thankfully, Dylan remains in his vehicle as I hurry back into my house. Closing the door behind me, I lock the dead bolt then go through the house checking every door and window, unable to figure out how or where he’d gained access. And now I’m more than certain he won’t be satisfied with simply forcing his way into my home, my life, and my world. He won’t stop until he’s pried his way into my soul. And after tonight, I know he’s already scratching at the surface. Question is—how deep will he embed himself before I break completely?



  Every ounce of my being longs to follow her. Instead, I watch as she disappears into her childhood home—a place I shouldn’t be. It was a desperate move, showing her exactly what her dad was up to, but I had to. She doesn’t trust me, but she needed to see she can’t trust them either. And I don’t give a shit how long she’s known Kyle, he needs to stay the fuck away from her. This was the only way I could ensure that. She’s mine whether she wants to admit it or not, but either way, she will never be his.

  Pulling my phone out my pocket, I swipe across the glass screen as I shift the car into reverse.

  A groggy voice answers.

  “Did you find anything out yet?” I ask.

  “Morning to you too, sunshine,” he grumbles. “Have you even been to sleep yet?”

  “No.” I glance at the sky, still dark but the sun will be coming up soon enough. I’ve had my fair share of nights without sleep. This one won’t make a difference. “Did you do what I asked?”

  “Yep, but no dice.”

  “Damn it,” I mumble.

  “How do you know it’s connected? We don’t even know if the accident wasn’t really an accident.”

  “I just know.”

  “Or maybe you just want someone to blame?”

  Clenching my teeth, I look at the unfamiliar town passing by as I finally pull into the parking lot across the street from the mechanic shop. “Yes. I do. And I will find every person who played a part.”

  “You know I’m all in, even if I think you might be losing your mind, but I need you to promise me you won’t do something stupid. Your mom is already gonna strangle us when she finds out we’re here instead of Florida.”

  “She won’t find out, because neither of us are gonna do anything stupid.”

  A big exhale comes through the phone. “Okay. Well, I really didn’t find out much about who’s dealing, but I was told that there’s a party at the frat house this weekend and there will be plenty of happy pills to go round.”

  “It’s a start.” And much further than I’d gotten. Bryce has a way of gaining people’s trust, making them think they’ve been best buds forever. Luckily, he really has been mine and still is. “Thanks, man.”

  “No, prob. Now, go to bed because I am. Some of us actually need our beauty rest.”

  “Yeah, sure,” I say, clicking the phone off and tossing it onto the passenger seat. Stretching, I look over to the auto shop owned by Sadie’s father. Why, out of all the people twisted up in this, did it have to be Frank? Eyeing the old metal building, I spot the garage bay light still on. I’ve watched this
place enough to know that means they are still in there. The light is always shut off when they’re done for the night. So, if they’re not done, then I’m not either. Shifting in the driver’s seat, I get as comfortable as possible, my eyes locked on the building. Watching and waiting for any person coming or going out of the shop. They’re all responsible and will pay the price when the time comes. But the real question is what—or more accurately who—will it cost me?



  Pulling the quilt up, I block out the sunlight peeking through the thin curtains. Every muscle in my body aches with exhaustion. Yesterday was bad enough with everything that happened with Levi, but Dylan made sure to make things even worse. The image of my dad crosses my mind. I’d listened for him this morning, wanting to talk to him without outright saying anything, but once I’d heard him stirring around the kitchen, I chickened out. What was I supposed to say? What can I say, especially with Dylan threatening me to keep quiet? None of this is good, and I really don’t want to make things worse. But I have to make sense of it. Even if I can’t directly ask the questions, maybe I can find something out.

  Shoving the quilt down, I search for my phone—still nowhere in sight—then I head to the bathroom. Before long, I’m dressed and getting into my car. The short drive to my dad’s shop is long enough to cause dread from the anticipation of facing him. Just the thought of looking into his eyes scares me. How can the man who’d raised me be someone so different than I thought he was? What if he’s in trouble? Maybe he’s being forced to do it, I know the feeling thanks to Dylan because all I want to do is point-blank ask my dad to tell me the truth. To explain to me how or why he would do such a thing. Instead, I have to tiptoe around my dad, my home, and the place that once felt like a second home.

  Reluctantly, I push the door open, getting out my Mustang. I walk over to my dad’s shop. It looks different in the light of day, less dodgy than it had last night. But now, it feels different. It no longer feels comfortable or safe. It feels out of place and foreign. Just like everything in my life.

  Stepping into the first garage bay, I spot Mr. George returning from the lobby area.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be restin’?” Mr. George gives me a no-nonsense look.

  “I’m fine,” I lie, managing a half-smile. So far, Mr. George seems to be the only person that is as he appears. “Is my dad here?”

  “He’s back in his office.” Mr. George holds the door open, motioning for me to walk into the main building area.

  “Thanks.” Hurrying through the doorway, I’m glad to avoid the garage bays for a little while longer because I don’t want to recall the scene from last night just yet. I need to see my dad before I back out completely and leave Staffordsville.

  Lightly tapping on the door, I hear my dad call out that the door is open. He used to never be in his office, now that’s the only place I find him. Is that why he’s actually been using his office? To sort out or cover up the type of things he’d been doing last night?

  Holding my breath, I prepare myself. I don’t want to lie, and I don’t want him to lie to me, but I know that’s all that is about to happen. Even so, I need to see him. Pushing the door open, I’m not met with the challenge of facing my dad, but rather the familiar brown eyes of a pissant who seems to be every which way I turn.

  Shoving the door completely open, I step inside the office. My eyes on the last person I’d expected to see in my dad’s space. “What are you doing here?”

  Dylan flashes me a charming smile that I want to punch off his face as he stands, positioning himself between my dad and me.

  “Sadie, you’re supposed to be taking it easy.” Dad looks way too relaxed for my liking. How does he not realize the vileness of the human in the room?

  Looking to my dad, I respond, “I’m fine.” I’m so tired of telling everyone I’m fine and trying to convince myself. Turning my attention back to the jerk in the room, I say again, “What are you doing here?”

  “You kept telling me what a great shop your dad had here, so I had to swing by and meet him. Check out the garage on my way to pick you up.”

  “Sadie, Dylan says y’all met at school?” Dad asks, a hesitant tone in his voice. I’m sure he is confused because I sure as hell am. “I didn’t realize you had a friend coming to town.”

  “We’re not friends.”

  Dad glances to me as Dylan smirks. He knows he’s got me cornered, and I can’t lash out at him. It would bring up too many questions that I can’t explain to my dad.

  The receptionist calls out for Dad, and he glances to me before slowly stepping past me, motioning for me to sit in the chair. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  Once Dad is out of earshot, I repeat, “What are you doing here?”

  Dylan casually resumes his seat, looking comfortable as hell.

  Moving to the chair beside him, I plop down, not taking my angry scowl off of him. I know he’s not going to answer my questions, he never does, but this is crossing the line. Again. Is there nowhere off-limits to Dylan? I doubt he thinks so.

  Slightly shifting, he reaches into his pocket, pulls out a phone then hands it to me. “Thought you might want this back.”

  My phone. The son of a bitch had my phone. Wait. “You took this last night. Were you in my room? How long were you in my house?”

  No answer.

  Big fucking shocker. “I’m done with this game.”

  “Okay,” he says nonchalantly.

  “‘Okay’? That’s it?” Too easy. Nothing is ever easy with Dylan.

  “Sure.” Dylan makes a dramatic move of looking around the outdated office. “How’s the local PD around here? They big on stopping drug smuggling?”

  That’s all he had to do, and he knows it. Even if I don’t buy his stupid threats about harming my dad or Levi, he knows I don’t want to just hand my dad over to the authorities. I need to know what’s going on, and the police won’t be willing to listen. And I’m hoping my dad would have some excuse for them to listen to, like he’s being forced or something, anything.

  “You really are a vile human being.” I avoid looking at him while I try to search through my phone. It’s no use. I can’t focus on anything other than the cause of my current torment.

  “I’ve been called worse on a good day.”

  “Rightfully so, I’m sure.”

  The office seems to get smaller and smaller as the heavy silence continues until my dad steps in the doorway. “There’re a few fires I need to put out, so we’ll have to continue this later.”

  Rising from his seat, Dylan extends his arm and shakes my dad’s hand. “It was nice to meet you, sir.”

  Ugh. He really puts on a damn good show.

  “It was nice meeting you too.” Dad’s gaze lingers on Dylan before turning to me. “I’ll see you back at the house when I get off work.”

  “Okay,” I agree against my better judgment. Getting back to school and away from here would be the wiser decision but I can’t leave with things so out of sorts with both Dad and Levi.

  “Are you heading back to school, Dylan?” Dad asks.

  “No sir. Sadie offered to give me a tour of Staffordsville and invited me for supper, so I’ll be hanging around for a while.”

  Dad gives me a disapproving look before glancing over to Dylan and back to me, “Are you sure? Doc said you needed a few days to rest.”

  “Um. Yes. He won’t be here that long.” In Staffordsville or my life.

  “Don’t worry, Frank. I’ll make sure she takes it easy.”

  “All right.” Dad doesn’t look any happier with Dylan’s response than he did with mine, but Dylan, of course, keeps his charming smile in place. He has to see how Dad is reacting to him. Or maybe he doesn’t. He doesn’t know my dad like I do, because if he did, he’d know the man we saw last night couldn’t have been acting of his own free will; something made him do it.

  Quickly, I tell Dad bye before I get more questioning looks, and we
walk out through the garage bay area and into the parking lot. I’m unable to bite my tongue any longer. I swing around, finding Dylan following me with a triumphant smile fully intact. “Show’s over. You proved your point. Go home.”

  “When are you gonna realize I’m not going anywhere? No matter where you are, what you do, I’ll be a part of it.” Dylan’s voice rubs every raw nerve in my body. I’ve more than realized he is impossible to get rid of.

  “Hey, Sadie. Everything okay over here?” Mr. George asks, coming to stand beside me as he eyes Dylan.

  “Yes, we’re just leaving,” I say, hoping to avoid Mr. George’s curious gaze. He would be harder to fool than my dad being that he actually pays attention. Dad just sees a hormonal male and wants him away from his daughter, except Kyle. Dad has always seemed to like Kyle. Now I know why.

  “Remember what I said, Dylan.” Mr. George points to Dylan, holding up his index finger at him. “Take good care of my Sadie girl. If anyone messes with her, you have my permission to whoop their tail.”

  Um. What? “Y’all know each other?”

  “Oh, yeah. Dylan chatted with me earlier when I was taking a look at his car,” Mr. George says before joking with Dylan about coming back soon so they can finish their chat about his 1955 Bel Air restoration project.

  I can’t do anything but gape at them. Mr. George is a good judge of character, but he’s way off the mark with this one. He’s not supposed to like Dylan. He’s supposed to pick up on the wickedness that I’m more than certain is within Dylan. Mr. George knew all along that Kyle was no good. I thought he was being overly protective at first, but he’d nailed it. How can he be so wrong about Dylan?

  “Let’s go,” I say defeated. Dylan wraps up the friendly conversation that he has no right having. Can’t he let me have something to myself? Mr. George is definitely off-limits in his stupid little game.


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