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Thomas Caine series Boxset

Page 38

by Andrew Warren

  Her eyes drifted down to the koi pond in the center of the room. "Nothing will grow in these places anymore. The farmers and field workers have to take jobs in the factories. They must work for the same companies that are slowly killing them.”

  “I heard Sean was investigating an industrialist. A man named David Fang.”

  A shadow seemed to pass over Jia’s face. “I’ve heard of him, of course. Fang owns several companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Rumors say he has ties to the Triads … organized crime.”

  “Why was Sean so interested in him?”

  “His factories are some of the worst polluters. He has violated what few regulations are in place, but he hides behind shell companies and lawyers. Sean and some HRN volunteers broke into Fang’s offices in Shanghai. They were looking for records that would tie Fang to his polluting factories.”

  “I take it Sean was caught?”

  “Yes, the Ministry of State Security is holding him on espionage charges. I’ve been working with HRN leaders to secure Sean’s release for months. He was being held in Tilanqiao Prison, just outside Shanghai. But a few weeks ago, he was transferred here. When we found out he was moved to that black jail, we organized the protest.”

  Caine looked up at her over the rim of his cup as he sipped more tea. “You almost wound up an inmate there yourself. You take a lot of risks for your work. You must be very brave.”

  A shudder ran through her body. She looked away, lowering her eyes. “I don’t feel brave. I feel like I don’t do enough. The black jails are an abomination. Many of the people imprisoned in them are elderly, poor. They came to Beijing to petition the capital. They just want to improve the living conditions back in their villages. But this place where Sean is being held is even worse. The people that go in there … no one ever sees them come out.”

  She looked up at Caine. “How did you know Sean was there? How did you even know that place existed? Are you a friend of his?”

  Caine thought for a second. He wasn’t sure how much he should tell this girl. She could be useful, if he could earn her trust. But he had learned firsthand that those who became involved in his life often ended up in harm's way. And the more they knew about him, the more danger they could be in.

  “No, not really," he answered. "I knew his father. I promised him I would take care of Sean. I … I didn’t do such a great job, I guess.”

  She sipped her tea, appearing lost in thought for a minute. Then, she looked up at him. “You are American. I’m not sure you’ll understand this, but China's laws are different from yours. You have no legal way to get him released from this black jail. Until recently, the government denied that such places even exist. If they put him there, it must be for a special purpose. A lawyer cannot get him released. And the police will not help you.”

  Caine finished his tea and placed some yuan notes on the table. “Lawyers and police weren’t exactly what I had in mind. Come on, we’d better get you home. Pizza’s on me.”

  She smiled. “Xie Xie. Thank you for the food. It’s been a long day.”

  “Well, it’s not over yet,” Caine muttered in a low voice as they walked towards the door.

  They stepped out into the cool darkness of night. Outside, the two chickens still wandered in the narrow street. They pecked at the ground in search of scraps.

  Caine felt a familiar sensation, a tingling on the back of his neck. He turned to his right and saw two men standing further down the street, tucked into a tiny alcove. One of the shadowy figures brought a lit cigarette to his lips.

  Jia turned left and started walking. Caine followed her. “We can get to a main street this way,” she said. “We should be able to catch a taxi from there.”

  They headed down another narrow, dark alley. Caine heard the faint echo of footsteps behind them. He grabbed the woman’s arm. “Jia, listen to me. When I give the word, we have to separate.” He looked to her right and saw the intersection of another tiny street. It was lined with garbage cans and rows of hanging flowerpots and herb gardens. “Go down that street there, run as fast as you can. Don’t look back.”

  “What are you talking about? What about Sean? I want to help you!”

  The footsteps were closer now. Caine could smell the smoke on the man’s cigarette wafting towards them on the night air.

  “We’re being followed. In about two minutes, we’re going to be attacked. I can handle it, but you need to leave.”

  Jia shot a quick glance over her shoulder. “Them? Why would they be following us?”

  “They’re the black guards from the protest. You’re a target now.”

  Jia’s face went pale, and her nostrils flared. “How do you know it’s them? How did they find us here?”

  “They’ve been following us since we left the protest. I spotted them on the way here. I’ve been watching them since before dinner.”

  An angry scowl filled her face, and her cheeks flushed red. “They’ve been after us the whole time? And you didn’t say anything? You used me as bait?”

  Caine shot a quick glance back, over his shoulder. “I didn’t want to scare you. And I didn’t want to tip them off.”

  “But what will you do?” A note of concern crept into her voice.

  “I’m going to get some answers about Sean. One of them is going to give them to me.”

  “Are you crazy?” she hissed. “There’s two of them!”

  “So someone is about to have a bad day. Now go!”

  Caine pushed Jia to the side and spun around. The two men were about twenty feet behind them.

  The one in the lead dropped his cigarette and smiled. In the dim light, Caine could just make out his features. It was Mole Face.

  The man sneered and slipped a knife from his rear pocket. With a snap of his wrist, he flicked the weapon open. The long steel blade glinted in the moonlight.

  He uttered a bloodthirsty scream and charged towards Caine.

  Chapter Twelve

  Caine stepped back and raised his fists as the men charged towards him. From the corner of his eye, he saw Jia back into the shadows of the alley. Then the men were upon him.

  Caine focused on the leader, the man with the knife. He twisted his body, avoiding the attacker’s opening slash. He countered with a right hook. As the blow connected, he levered his right forearm into the man’s windpipe. His free hand grabbed his target's outstretched knife arm and held it at bay.

  The maneuver left his back to the other guard. He felt, rather than saw, the other man closing in behind him. Pivoting on his right foot, he used his forearm to push the knife-wielding guard around in a circle. He stacked the man's body between the other attacker and himself.

  Caine released his hold on the guard and launched a powerful forward kick. The blow knocked the man into the other attacker. The two men stumbled backwards and slammed into the stone wall of the alley.

  Caine slipped his hand into his jacket pocket and removed the stun gun he had taken from the protest.

  The men rebounded from the wall and lurched forward in tandem. Caine ducked, letting Mole Face's knife swing over his head. The other man leapt forward, driving his knee up towards Caine’s face. Caine crossed his arms and threw his weight forward. His forearms blocked the knee strike, and the top of his head slammed into his attacker’s neck. He looped his arm around the man’s forward knee and yanked up.

  The guard hopped backwards, struggling to regain his balance. Caine let go of his leg and thumbed the trigger of the stun gun. The crackle of electricity hummed through the air. He drove the sparking weapon forward, slamming it into a nerve cluster on the man’s inner thigh.

  The guard spasmed and dropped to the ground, writhing in pain. Caine delivered a swift kick to his face. The man’s head snapped sideways, and then he lay still.

  Caine spun around as Mole Face moved to attack again. The man thrust with the knife, a quick jab aimed towards Caine’s left side. Caine turned his body, but the attacker diverted the blade mid-
strike … It was a feint! He slashed downwards, and Caine felt the blade slide along his knuckles. He winced, and his fingers flexed in pain. The stun gun fell to the ground. The black guard kicked it, sending it clattering across the stone alley.

  Caine pressed forward, using his right arm to block the man’s knife attacks. He swung upwards, slamming a left-handed palm strike into his attacker’s nose. The man’s head snapped back. He stepped away and lifted the knife above his head. Caine’s right arm shot up as the man drove the blade down in an overhead stab.

  The impact of Caine’s forearm knocked the knife strike wide. Caine reached out with his left hand, grasped the man’s neck, and pulled his head down. He drove his knee up, pummeling the guard with a series of strikes to the solar plexus. Then, he grabbed the man’s wrist and snapped it over his knee. The knife clattered to the ground.

  Caine spun his attacker around and slammed him forward into the brick wall. The man struck the hard surface with a loud crack. Caine pulled him back and saw a spatter of blood on the dark gray bricks.

  Blood gushed from the black guard’s crushed nose. Caine clutched the fabric of the man’s shirt in his hands and slammed him forward again. This time the man groaned and fell to the ground.

  Straddling his body, Caine wrapped his forearm around the man’s windpipe. He jerked upwards, pulling the choke hold tighter with his other hand. The guard began to kick and spasm as the pressure of Caine’s forearm cut off the supply of oxygen to his brain. Caine pulled even tighter.

  Caine struggled to maintain the choke hold on the spasming man. He heard rapid footsteps rushing towards him. A woman’s voice called out, echoing through the alley.

  “Look out!”

  Caine turned his head. The other attacker had regained consciousness. He loomed over Caine, wielding the discarded stun gun. With a grin, he depressed the trigger button. Cracking blue sparks leapt from the diodes at the weapon’s tip.

  Beneath Caine, Mole Face continue to thrash and kick. His movements were growing weak. Just one more second, Caine thought.

  As the second man took a step towards him, Caine saw Jia charge up behind him, swinging something over her head.

  It was one of the hanging flower pots, from the gardens down the street! The pot exploded into a barrage of ceramic shards as it crashed into the man’s head.

  Caine watched as the man’s eyes rolled back in his head. He took a step forward, then fell sprawling to the ground. Jia stood behind him. She clutched the frayed ropes of the shattered pot in her small, trembling fist.

  The man in Caine’s chokehold stopped moving. Caine released his arm and let the body slump to the ground. He staggered to his feet, cupping his wounded hand. “I told you to leave.”

  “You also said you could handle it! Zhu weishou de shagua!”

  “What does that mean?”

  She shook her head. “Never mind. Now what? Are they dead?” She looked down at the two bodies.

  Caine shook his head. “If they are, this was a huge waste of time.”

  He put his hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Jia, look, I appreciate your help, but now you really have to go. Things are only going to get worse from this point. It’s better for you if you don’t get involved.”

  “I already am involved. Like you said, I take risks every day. If you are going to free Sean, if I can help him, or the other people trapped in that place … I have no choice. I must do whatever I can.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t even know him?”

  “I know he is here to help the people of China. How can I do less?”

  Caine nodded. “All right. We can’t just leave a body here. Looks like we take both of them.”

  “Take them where?”

  “You have an apartment in the city?”

  “I’m staying with a friend, but they are out of town.”

  “That will have to do.” He hefted the smaller of the two men onto Jia’s shoulder, draping his limp arm around her neck. The petite woman was surprisingly strong. She managed to support the man’s weight as Caine handed her the stun gun.

  “Here. If he moves, let go, and hit him with this. Make sure you’re not touching him, or you’ll get shocked too.”

  She nodded as Caine lifted the other body off the ground.

  “You know, this isn’t what I was expecting when you asked me to dinner,” she said with a nervous laugh.

  Caine examined her small, round face. He couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. He shrugged, and they shuffled down the alley, carrying the dead weight of the two guards.

  “I didn’t ask you to dinner,” he replied. “I said you should eat. I thought you were in shock.”

  “Oh, please. Zhu weishou de shagua!”

  “You said that before. What does it mean?”

  She shot him a sideways glance, and her pink lips turned up in a smile. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “I can hardly wait,” Caine grunted, as he hefted the weight of the guard on his shoulder.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rebecca clenched her teeth and grunted with exertion.

  Beads of sweat dripped down her face, and her skin held a scarlet red flush. Dark pools of perspiration stained her t-shirt. The soaking fabric clung to her body like the partially shed skin of a snake.

  Her arms trembled and shook. She knew she couldn’t support her weight much longer. Her fingers were wrapped around two parallel bars. The exercise equipment ran along the south wall of her sleek, modern condo. She had installed it against the wishes of her doctors. “You need to take this slow,” they had said to her. “You’re got to be patient.”

  Rebecca was not patient.

  The curtains were drawn across the condo's picture window, blocking the view of Logan Circle and the traffic below. The room was dark, lit only by the thin sliver of morning sun that cut through the fabric panels. She could hear the distant rumble of engines and honking horns outside. The muted sounds were barely audible beneath the soft electronic music that played over the speakers in the ceiling.

  “Volume up,” she said. The digital assistant that controlled the lights and sound system complied. The music increased in volume, drowning out the traffic noise. She closed her eyes and let the percussive beat wash over her. She took a deep breath.

  Move, damn you! her mind shouted, but her body did not even twitch. She willed her left leg to step forward. An inch … half an inch. Anything.

  The quivering in her arms increased. They were shaking harder, and the wooden bars began to rattle and vibrate.

  No, damn it! No, move! Move! Mo—

  Rebecca cursed as she felt her muscles turn to jelly. Her left arm buckled and gave out, and she tumbled to the floor. She tried to pivot her body, but her muscles throbbed with fatigue and were slow to react. The side of her face struck the polished concrete floor with a loud crack.

  She lay on the ground for a few seconds, catching her breath. She willed herself not to cry, not to give up. Not to lose hope.

  No one learns to walk without falling, she reminded herself. You want to learn again? You have to fall again. As many times as it takes.

  Her anger and frustration subsided, and her panting breath slowed to a normal pace. Using her hands, she rotated her body on the smooth floor and began to crawl back to the other end of the bars.

  Her wheelchair was waiting there for her. She stopped moving and stared up at it for a few seconds. Her eyes gleamed with rage and fire. But then the fire inside her seemed to dim, as if it had run out of fuel to burn.

  Reaching up, she grabbed one of the bars and pulled her body up off the floor. She spun around, shifting her hands from bar to bar, until her back was to the chair. Then she lowered herself down into a sitting position.

  “Open curtains,” she said in a loud, clear voice.

  “Opening curtains,” the feminine, electronic voice replied. The thick curtains slid open, allowing warm sunlight to flood the room. The condo's sparkling white floors and metal appliances glea
med with reflected brilliance.

  Rebecca turned and looked at a clock mounted to the wall. It was just past 9:00 a.m. She was almost done with her workout.

  No. You’re not done, she thought. You’re just getting started. You need to get stronger.

  The chair was equipped with an electric motor, but she had turned it off for her workout. Slim cords of muscles in her arms and shoulders rippled as she wheeled herself towards her new home gym.

  She maneuvered herself underneath a lat pulldown bar. She adjusted the weight stack, increasing it by ten pounds from its last position. Then she reached up, ignoring the pain in her back and shoulders. She gripped the bar and began to pull it down to her chest.

  One … two … three … New trails of sweat dripped down her face as she continued to exert herself. Spasms of pain shot through her arms, but she ignored them.

  Four … five … six …

  She pushed herself harder. She would not stop. She would keep going as long as it took.

  She was a runner. She could go the distance.

  The music dipped in volume, and she heard her cell phone ring from across the room.

  “Incoming call,” the voice over the speakers chimed in its friendly, monotone voice. “Unknown number.”

  Rebecca let go of the bar. It shot back up and clanked back into position, swaying in the air above her.

  She gasped for breath. She knew she had been pushing herself, but she hadn’t realized how far she had gone … how long she had been exerting her body. Her muscles flared with pain as she wheeled over to the nightstand to pick up her phone.

  She recognized the ring tone. It was assigned to only one person, and if he was calling, it had to be important.


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