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Mia: A Standalone Romantic Suspense: A Luke Fletcher and V Mafia Crossover Novel (Luke Fletcher Series Book 4)

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by Karice Bolton

  One of the guys held up his beer toward us, which was exactly the opening Ginger had been waiting for. She let out an excited chirp, and I held my glass tighter, praying it would shatter in my fingertips and buy me a bloody ticket out of here.

  “You know you don’t want to bother with either of those men,” Drake said in a hushed tone. His voice made my skin sizzle with excitement. “They won’t interest you in the least bit.”

  Ginger snapped her head to look at the man standing behind me. Her gaze hardened on him, and I realized in that moment that there might be more than one reason Drake was off-limits. I turned around to see him but took a step back.

  “And you will?” I asked, folding my one arm across my chest.

  I took a sip of champagne, not taking my eyes off him.


  The attraction I felt toward Drake was insanely dangerous. The combination of dark hair and light blue eyes was hauntingly beautiful, and the dark lashes outlining his eyes would probably be the death of me. Men like this didn’t exist where I lived in California. I was used to the surfer boys and club owners. This guy had an edge about him that drew me in far too deep.

  “Certainly sure of yourself,” I retorted, swallowing more champagne.

  “If I don’t believe in myself, no one else will. It’s totally your call, though. If you’re into those two over there, be my guest. I’ll just hang at the bar, enjoying the view of you in that goddess of a dress.”

  The cocky bastard had me. He could read me like an open book, and I didn’t like it one bit.

  Not one bit.

  I hadn’t stayed single this long by falling for some guy’s pick-up lines and . . .

  Who the hell was I kidding?

  He was the exact type of guy I ran from, but for some reason, I didn’t want to go anywhere, which was a danger sign as clear as any.

  I couldn’t be a part of whatever Drake had planned for the rest of the evening, or I wouldn’t get the information Luke needed. I brought my eyes back to his, and he looked thoroughly amused.

  “Listen, I’m looking for safe with no drama, so I’ll take my chances with the Hardy Boys over there.” I kept my face void of expression and pointed at the two guys who were still watching us closely.

  Ginger snickered, and I suddenly felt bad for Drake, but he didn’t miss a beat.

  “Well, it sounds like the matchup is off to a good start already. If you change your mind, you’ll know where to find me.” He turned around but stopped and spun back around. “And don’t let Ginger taint your views about me too much. She’s biased.”

  Ginger grabbed my hand and nearly pulled my arm off as she tugged me toward the two men.

  “So you know him?” I asked. “Like personally? Not just his reputation.”

  She let out a sigh and slowed her pace.

  “My sister was married to his brother.”

  Chapter Two


  “Damn,” I muttered under my breath.

  Watching this goddess of a woman glide across the ballroom with Ginger was almost more than I could handle as a gentleman.


  Who was I kidding? I was no gentleman. Never had been.

  Seeing her hips sway underneath the gold sequins made it difficult to look decent in a room full of people. I leaned against the bar and ordered water without taking my eyes off her. Her dark brown hair skimmed her bronze shoulders, and her body language told me she was confident and in control, yet there was a perfectly imperfect quality about her that drew me in. I pictured myself undressing her and . . .

  She threw her head back and laughter followed. I didn’t like that another man was making her laugh.

  I took a sip of water and stared at the marble bar. Maybe I’d guessed wrong about her. Maybe the Hardy Boys were her type. Maybe she liked preppy guys who belonged to country clubs and wanted wives to be seen and not heard.

  I shook my head, not believing it for a second.

  I brought my eyes back to her and watched as she slid her hands along her sides. She took a sip of her champagne but then froze, quickly dropping her eyes to the floor. Something had changed.

  I stiffened, and my gaze darted to the men in front of her. Did one of them say something to make her uncomfortable? My heart rate started beating rapidly as I watched her shake her head and take a step back. The blond one moved toward her to close the gap between them. He grabbed her wrist, which she shook free, but then he grabbed it again. The room fell away around me as my eyes narrowed on this prick.

  Ginger wasn’t even paying attention as she chatted up his buddy, and my pulse spiked.

  Typical Ginger.

  The woman cocked her head and shook it again. I took in a ragged breath and saw the creep slowly slide his hand along her waist, narrowing the space between them as he moved his fingers along her waist. She grabbed his hand and shoved it away, but the jerk went for her again. This time, he pulled her body flush against his and fire ran through my veins.

  Nothing else mattered but forcing this scum to kiss the floor she walked on. My fingers tingled with the opportunity to make him pay as I darted through the crowd, sailing past anyone in my way as I closed in on this predator.

  He said something else to her, and before I even reached them, she took the guy’s hand back in hers and smiled wickedly.


  It wasn’t until the man dropped to his knees that I realized she’d bent his thumb backward.

  I stopped in my tracks and backed into the crowd, unable to keep my eyes off her. She was mesmerizing, in control, and sexy as hell. My core tensed just watching her. I’d wanted to come to her rescue—be her knight in shining armor—but she didn’t need rescuing. This woman didn’t need to be saved, and certainly not by someone like me. I wiped my forehead and shook my head.

  Hell. Who was I kidding?

  I couldn’t even save myself.

  While I stood in awe, she finished off her champagne and looked at the man on the floor with indifference as he climbed back to his feet. He rubbed his hand and glared at her.

  I scanned the ballroom and realized not a single person—including Ginger—even realized what had happened.

  I threw my gaze back in her direction and saw her looking back at me. My pulse soared and my body instantly responded to her.

  I needed to stay away from her. I had work to do tonight and she would only add complication. A slight curl touched her lips, and my chest tightened. I wanted her. There was no getting around it.

  She slowly walked in my direction but passed right on by on her way to the bar.

  This woman was a marvel.

  I watched the bartender flirt with her, and she seemed extremely receptive, which I found unnerving.


  It wasn’t the flirting that was unnerving. It was that I gave a damn.

  She glanced in my direction and her smile widened.

  What was it she wanted?

  My eyes raked along her body, and I hardened immediately thinking about what I wanted to do to her. I didn’t have time for this. I turned around and worked my way through the crowd toward the dance floor, but her voice followed me.

  “You free the rest of the night?” she asked.

  I stopped. I detected a thread of hopefulness in her words and held in a silent sigh. I didn’t want to do what I was about to do, but it was better for all involved.

  “Actually, no.” I turned around and smelled the sweetness of champagne.

  She’d removed her mask, and my world dropped out from under me. She parted her mouth and slowly ran her tongue along her pink lips. I didn’t know if she was doing it on purpose or if she honestly had no idea what she was doing to me. I lifted my gaze from her lips back to her almond shaped eyes, and I knew I was about to do something I’d regret.

  “But I am free for the next while.” I glanced at my Rolex and she laughed, catching me off-guard.

  “What?” I asked, my brows pinching together.

  “People still wear watches?” She grinned, and my heart nearly doubled in size.

  Not good. I wasn’t supposed to have one of those.

  “If they want to get places on time. Yeah, they’re handy devices,” I shot back, and she giggled.

  Yes, giggled . . . I’d never heard a sound so addicting in my life.

  “That’s what phones are for.” She steadied her eyes on mine, and I saw her struggling internally with something. A few seconds of silence passed before she took a step closer to me and placed her hand on my arm. “Is there somewhere we can get some fresh air?”

  For some reason, I was struck speechless, so I pointed toward a row of French doors that led to a terrace. It overlooked several dilapidated brick buildings that developers hadn’t gotten their hands on yet, but maybe at night, it wouldn’t be as bad.

  “Good. That’s the direction Ginger went, so maybe I can find her. I want to let her know I’m leaving soon.” She dropped her hand and started toward the doors.

  She spotted Ginger and made her way over while I stayed put. Ginger nodded and gave her a quick hug.

  The woman slid through the crowd and motioned for me to follow her before she pushed open the door. A cold blast of air blew inside.

  “You sure you want to be out here? It’s kind of cold,” I asked, coming up behind her.

  The dress stretched over her hips, and I fought reaching out for her. The jerk ruined things for me tonight, but probably not as much as for the woman in front of me.

  “Can’t handle it?” she teased, bringing me out of my fog.

  “Oh, I can handle it,” I assured her as she walked onto the empty balcony.

  Her dress caught the lights from above and shimmered in all the right places. She turned around quickly and caught me checking out her ass.


  I usually had more tact than that, but I swore I saw a hint of a smile tug at her lips.

  “What’s your name?” I questioned, loosening my tie.

  “Doesn’t matter,” she said softly. “I don’t live here. I live in California, and after tonight’s turn of events, I can’t wait to get back.”

  I let out a deep sigh and shook my head in disgust.

  “I’m sorry that guy tainted your trip. New York’s not a bad place. Usually, people just stick to themselves and go about their business.” I leaned sideways against the metal railing and watched her carefully. There was something about the way she brushed things off that told me this wasn’t the first time she’d had to take care of herself. The thought angered me as I drew in a quiet breath and looked over the still-bustling city below.

  “It didn’t tarnish it. I like New York, always have. I’m just tired and . . .”

  I brought my eyes back to her, and she bit her lip.

  “I wish it had been me who dropped that guy to his knees,” I said as if that would matter.

  “Is that so?” She arched one of her dark brows, and I knew she could drop me to mine with just one look.

  I nodded.

  “I actually wanted to thank you before I left.” She took a step closer and licked her bottom lip.

  “For what? I didn’t do anything.” I shook my head.

  “I saw you coming over.” She twisted her lips into a frown. “I recognized the look in your eyes.”

  “Look in my eyes?”

  “From my brother,” she answered. “I recognized that look from my brother when I was younger. Right before he was about to do some real damage, I’d see the same thing flash through his gaze.”

  “Sounds like my kind of guy.” I laughed, seeing genuine appreciation flicker through her eyes.

  “He’s not really a people person.” She chuckled, and the tension she’d been holding in seemed to lessen with his mention.

  “Anyway, I’m going to exit this fine event because I have a hectic schedule for the next few days, but again, thank you. It’s nice to know there’s still decency in this world.”

  I’d seldom been called decent, and the comparison surprised me.

  “I think anyone would have done the same.”

  “But they didn’t.” She turned around and walked away without another look in my direction.

  Chapter Three


  I needed to call Luke. Tonight definitely didn’t go as planned. I walked back into the room of single wonders and spotted the bathrooms near the bar. I scurried over and pushed the door to get inside, checking to make sure the stalls were empty before calling my brother.

  He was on Nantucket, which was where they were having the wedding. They’d rented a house, and the pictures looked amazing. He’d planned on coming into town for this, but I promised I could handle it.

  So much for that promise.

  On the third ring, my brother picked up. He sounded groggy, like I’d just woken him up.

  “Are you asleep? It’s only nine o’clock. You’re never in bed before midnight.”

  He laughed, and I heard Hannah giggling in the background.

  “Something about this island,” Luke replied with a smile in his voice. It sounded like he was moving around or adjusting something on a table. “I fell asleep on the porch. Wait until you get here. You’re never going to want to leave.”

  “Listen. Things went a little off-course tonight and—”

  “What happened?” Luke cut me off. His tone had a slight edge, and I felt horrible for zapping all the relaxation right out of him. “Are you okay?”

  “I was walking up the steps to the event, and he saw me,” I responded.

  “Well, that’s not a big deal. All you have to do is get a picture of who he’s meeting tonight and slip out. It doesn’t matter if he sees you or not.”

  “He asked me out.” I decided it was best not to add that it was extremely difficult not to accept.

  Luke groaned.

  “Obviously, I turned him down, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  My brother laughed before falling silent. “A room full of singles, and he narrows in on you.”

  “Well, if you saw the participants, you might understand.” I stopped, and a shiver ran through me.

  My brother laughed and seemed to relax.

  “It’s also a really small world in this town despite so many millions living in it,” I added.

  “How so?”

  “Ginger’s sister was married to Drake’s brother.”

  “I know. That’s how we knew he’d be there.”

  “But I invited Ginger,” I argued.

  “Yes, but her sister has been an informant for us.”

  “Things to tell your sister beforehand. Anyway, I’m not sure what you’d like me to do from here.”

  “Stick to the original plan. Try to stay off the guy’s radar until you get the photo and split. Don’t worry about finding out where he’s headed after. Just email the photos.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Totally. The most important thing is trying to get a make on who the Volkov brothers feel they need to go to such great lengths to keep the identity secret.”

  “You know, I actually feel kind of bad for misleading the guy. He seems kind of nice.” I knew the moment the words left my lips that I’d crossed the line.

  “Mia, don’t even think about it. This man is extremely dangerous, and worse, he’s unpredictable.”

  “And you sent your little sister, me, to spy on him? What kind of brother are you?” I teased.

  “One who loves you very much,” Luke said, his voice lowering. “Which is why I’m telling you to stay far away.”

  I stayed silent for a beat too long.

  “What aren’t you telling me, Mia?” he asked.

  “Some loser tried to get handsy and Drake tried to stop it. I have a soft spot. That’s all. What can I say?”

  “You don’t get soft spots,” Luke replied wryly. “Even with that guy you moved into your house.”

  He had a point.

  “Well, I moved him right out once
I realized that. I’d better get back out there.”

  “Just stay safe.”

  “Don’t get paranoid.”

  “That’s my job.” Luke sighed.

  I loved my brother, but he always managed to go overboard in all things and in all ways. Not that our family didn’t have a past that warranted some of those precautions, but it was exhausting nonetheless.

  “Enjoy the rest of your night, and I’ll send the photos over later. Sorry about this not going quite as planned.”

  “It’s perfectly fine,” he assured me. His tone softened. “Just don’t be fooled by this guy.”

  “I won’t. Promise. I’m too busy with the approaching show to care. Love ya.” I hung up my phone and let out a breath. Now if only that were as true as I wanted it to be.

  I slid my mask back down and looked at myself in the mirror. I certainly stuck out like a sore thumb. It wasn’t like I could slip into the crowd, never to be seen again. If Drake happened to be looking, he’d happen to notice.

  The door swung open, and a woman had looped a man’s tie around her fingers, leading him into the bathroom as I made my way out. She giggled as the door swung shut behind me, and I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.


  My eyes swept the crowd, looking for Drake. My heart fell when I saw him talking to some blonde in the far corner. A navy cocktail dress wrapped her willowy figure, and she was watching him intently as he spoke. A feathered mask hid her eyes, but her scarlet lips were full even when she smiled. Apparently, he was going to make the best of the evening one way or another.

  I didn’t like that I was noticing these things about the woman Drake was talking to. It didn’t matter. I was here to do one thing. I smoothed my dress and let myself get sucked into the throng of men and women as I slipped along the wall and found a table in the far corner. I took a seat in the velvet booth and continued to watch Drake. His back was turned to me, but that didn’t stop the pull I was feeling every time he lifted his arms or let out laughter.

  The blonde lifted her mask up, and she reached into her clutch, pretending to be looking for something. Her purse was so small she’d be able to find whatever she needed with just one glance.


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