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Mia: A Standalone Romantic Suspense: A Luke Fletcher and V Mafia Crossover Novel (Luke Fletcher Series Book 4)

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by Karice Bolton

  I needed to concentrate on anything but the woman standing in front of me. My self-control was evaporating by the second.

  “Actually, I do tend to eat pretty late. I get so wrapped up in my work that it’s usually not until ten or eleven that I remember to make myself something.” She reached for one of the flutes I’d filled. “But tonight’s a little later than usual.”

  I picked up my glass and raised it. “To a beautiful and extremely talented woman. To the beginning . . .”

  “Thank you.” She took a sip and eyed the Styrofoam container. “Can I see it?”

  “The cheesecake?” I asked, surprised. “What about the soup?”

  “I’m more of a dessert first kind of person.”

  Her words were completely unsexual, yet they lit me up like an Olympic torch.

  “Be my guest.” I opened the lid and scooted it forward.

  She grabbed two forks and handed me one, barely looking in my direction as she dug the fork into the cheesecake and took a bite, leaving the fork inside her mouth for an extra second as she closed her eyes and let out a small moan.

  Dear God, help us all. My eyes swept along her body, and I knew I needed to get out of her apartment. I wanted her so badly it hurt.

  “This is the best cheesecake I’ve ever had.” Her eyes blinked open a second too soon, and she caught me checking her out.

  “I think it is too.” I took a step forward and slid one of her brown waves away from her face. “Way better than the place that gets all the press.”

  “If this is a precursor to where you’re taking me tomorrow, I can’t wait.” She spun around, turned the stove off, and moved the pot to a different burner, and all the while, I couldn’t stop ogling at her cute little waist and ass in pajamas two sizes too big.

  “Want any chicken noodle? It’s Campbell’s finest. I went all out and got the Home Style.”

  “That’d be great.” I looked around her studio and wondered where we’d even eat it.

  “I’ve got a couple of trays slid in between the fridge and the wall. We can eat on the bed or in the chairs over there. It’s funny how these places always seem like a good idea when you’re making the reservations across the country. Sex and the City it’s not.” She giggled as I reached over to grab the trays, and it took everything I had not to reach over and pull her into me, kiss her, taste her, and feel her body against mine.

  I cleared my throat and put the two trays on her counter as she dished the soup and slid the slices onto separate plates.

  “Bed or chairs?” she asked innocently.

  “Your call.”

  “The bed is more comfortable, and I can use a pillow as a table to prop the tray on. A person has to get creative in small spaces.”

  I nodded and carried my tray over to the bed. I watched her pile onto the comforter, careful to make sure her soup didn’t spill over the side, patting the space next to her.

  Seeing Mia on her bed made my mind flash to every single thing I’d been dreaming about doing to her.

  Pushing her arms slowly above her head, my mouth trailing down her naked belly, nudging her open . . .

  “You look so serious,” she said, slurping her soup. She clicked on the television with the remote and switched to eating the cheesecake. “Like you’re thinking about something life or death.”

  “Sorry. Just thinking about work.” I slid next to her and focused on the television in front of us.

  She deserved better, and I was going to give that to her.


  Some way.

  I was going to be a better person for this woman.

  Chapter Nine


  I had every reason to stay away from this guy. My brother warned me that he was off-limits, into something bad, yet here I was.

  And here he was.

  I glanced sideways at his strong jawline dotted in dark stubble and those luscious lips sipping the last of his champagne. He flashed his striking blue eyes in my direction, and my breath caught. All the feelings I tried to push aside came rushing back with just one look.

  I wanted nothing more than to feel his mouth against mine. My stomach tightened at the thought. Was the attraction so strong because Drake was forbidden? Was it because I knew I was going back to my home in California and it would go nowhere?

  Or was it simply because he was the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on, who saved me from a fate I refused to imagine?

  I shuddered, and Drake looked over at me.

  “You okay?” he asked, his eyes dropping to my bare arms that were suddenly covered in goose bumps.

  “Just a draft. I’m a beach girl.” I dismissed the real reason as quickly as it came and pretended to warm myself by blowing into my hands.

  Drake Volkov wasn’t a bad man, regardless of what my brother might suspect.

  Fifty percent of my brother’s work dealt with scandals that needed to be hushed or situations that needed to be squashed. Whether it was one-night stands, stalkers, or unexpected pregnancies, my brother’s firm managed to stay one step ahead.

  Drake could have been at the wrong place at the wrong time . . .

  I set my tray on the bedside table and scooted back against the pillows.

  . . . so that didn’t automatically make Drake dangerous, except that my brother rarely handled the more domestic type of cases. Luke tended to hand off the mundane to his team. He craved action, mystery, and making evil men pay.

  Drake shifted on the bed, his knee coming closer to mine, and a wild charge of electricity ran through me.

  Off a knee?

  Drake was definitely one of the good guys. Men my brother hunted didn’t bring women cheesecake in the middle of the night.

  “Have you lived in the city your entire life?” I asked, adjusting on the bed so I could see him better.

  That was a mistake. He moved his tray to the table next to him. There was nothing blocking me from moving over to him and . . .

  “Mostly.” He nodded. “I’ve just got to ask—”


  “It’s about that night we met.”

  I froze.

  “You said you had to leave.” His eyes fastened on mine. “But I saw you there long after you excused yourself.”

  I swallowed and licked my bottom lip.

  “Why?” The way his voice lowered told me the answer was important to him. My stomach knotted. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I certainly couldn’t tell him the truth.

  “I regretted leaving without giving you my number . . . but when I’d finally talked myself into finding you again, I saw you with someone.”

  He drew in a breath and nodded.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt,” I added, hating myself for the story.

  “She—” he stopped himself and rubbed his fingers over his chin. “Well, that makes sense.”

  I nodded, feeling the knot turn into sheer disappointment. After everything he’d done for me, I was lying to his face and falling into my typical pattern. Keep everyone at a distance and move on.

  But at least this time, I felt bad about it, but would the ending be any different?


  “I have no plans on seeing that woman ever again,” he said, his eyes darkening.

  I bit my lip, my gaze falling to one of the pillows. He was telling me the truth. That much I could tell, but considering it was some sort of business transaction, it didn’t really matter.

  But it was touching to hear him worried about what I thought.

  He touched my chin with his thumb, and my breath caught in my throat.

  He leaned closer. My body responded to him in a way I’d never experienced. The slightest touch put me into a frenzy of need. I lifted my eyes back to his.

  “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since that night.” He slowly licked his bottom lip, and a surge of anticipation made me weak with want. “This doesn’t happen to me.”

  “What doesn’t happen?” I whisper

  His hand slid along my neck, moving my hair aside before moving closer. The pure electricity running between us couldn’t be from this world. It was all-consuming.

  “Feeling this way.” His voice was low as my eyes closed and his mouth crashed down to mine. Every nerve in my body swelled with longing.

  Sweetness filled my mouth as his tongue slowly asked for permission. He ran his tongue along the seam of my mouth until my lips parted, welcoming him for more. I tugged the hem of his shirt, my hand finding his cool flesh. He gave a low growl as I moved my fingers along his hard abdomen, careful to avoid his wound.

  The warmth spreading through me had me begging for more, and I’d never been one to hold back.

  I pressed my palm into his chest, moving him back onto the bed. His body reclined into the pillows and our mouths stayed connected, searching for something that was impossible to give, but I wanted more. I climbed on top of him, my thighs straddling his hips as our tongues tangled in a frantic dance. He moved his hands through my hair, pressing his fingers lightly on my scalp and keeping me close.

  My hands ran down his stomach, finding his buckle and attempting to loosen it. His body stiffened, his kisses slowed, and I felt him distance himself.

  He detached. Drake moved his hands down to my shoulders, and I opened my eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, completely breathless.

  My core nearly trembled from the excitement and desire stampeding through me.

  “We need to—” he started and stopped.

  I pushed myself off him and slid to his side.

  He ran his fingers through his thick, dark hair, and his gaze shifted to my breasts before his eyes landed on mine.

  I knew he wanted me—could feel he wanted me—so what happened?

  “We need to take it slow,” he finished, his breathing still ragged.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

  “God, no. I did. I thought I could stay away from you. I thought I could control myself around you.” He sat up slowly, his shirt wrinkling into place.

  “I don’t want you to control yourself,” I teased.

  He sucked in a breath and scratched his neck. “You deserve better.”

  “What does that even mean?” My heart rate finally slowed to a manageable pace from the sudden dose of reality.

  I’d had my fair share of one-night stands. I wasn’t proud of them, but sometimes, when the loneliness snuck into every cell, I craved companionship. Tonight, I craved companionship.

  But deep in my heart, I knew that wasn’t what this was. This wasn’t a one-night stand if I didn’t want it to be. He brought me cheesecake, for cryin’ out loud.

  I ran my finger along his arm and waited for some kind of response.

  “Like I said, I can’t get you out of my head, but I don’t want to rush things.” Drake shifted on the bed.

  “This isn’t rushing things. We’ve technically been on several dates.”

  He grinned, his brow arching. “How do you figure?”

  “Well, we met at the masquerade ball, and you stayed the night.” I flashed a smile. “We saw one another at the gallery—twice—and then you brought me cheesecake. I’d hardly call that being strangers. Not to mention, we even shared soup.”

  He shook his head and smoothed his palms over his face. “You’re not making it easy to behave.”

  “I’m certainly not trying to make it difficult.” I stood up from the bed, walked over to the kitchen, and poured myself some more champagne. “I’m not very good at behaving myself.”

  A low growl came from his side of the room, but he stayed sitting on the bed.

  I slowly licked my lips, and he flashed a wicked smile.

  Drake got up from the bed, adjusted his shirt, and slowly walked over to me with his empty glass.

  “I want to get to know you, Mia. I want you to get to know me. Do things a little differently than my normal . . .”

  His words drove me to take another sip. There were so many variables at play. I tried to argue away the fact that my brother had his reasons to be suspicious of Drake. I looked him up on Google, and there wasn’t one single thing about him or his family that led me to believe he was as dangerous as Luke believed. Beyond that, I lived in California and Drake lived here.

  “Why not just enjoy one another’s company while I’m here and not get bogged down in all the other stuff?” I asked

  “That’s all you want?” he asked, his voice lowering.

  I nodded, biting my lip to keep from saying something I’d regret.

  None of this mattered because I would only be here a few more weeks, at most.

  I saw a flicker of disappointment flash through his gaze, but he made his way over.

  Drake took my glass away from me and set it on the counter. He took another step forward, closing the gap between, clasping my jaw between his fingers. I inhaled everything about him. His spiciness mixed with champagne and sugar was intoxicating. He kissed me softly at first, but his tongue demanded more as I parted my lips. I looped my arms around his neck and pressed against him, but he spun me around, pushing me against the wall in the kitchen. I melted into the hardness of Drake’s body.

  His hands ran down my body as his mouth skirted down my throat. I twisted my fingers through his hair, bringing his mouth back to mine. I’d never felt this kind of desire—a want so strong that my legs could barely hold me and a kiss that held such an unfamiliar power.

  Drake slid his hands across my stomach, hooking his fingers along my waistband. I moved my fingers to his and twisted them together. He broke his mouth from mine, watching me.

  My breath hitched as his gaze stayed on mine, his hands resting on my waistband. I attempted to catch my breath and gain control of the emotions flying inside me. His touch unhinged me like no one else’s, and I wasn’t sure I’d even survive what he had in store for me, and the way he was looking at me . . .

  Like I was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever encountered. His eyes were all consuming, the hesitation long gone.

  I closed my eyes, and his mouth found mine, tasting me and exploring.

  And then his phone rang.

  His shoulders sank into me and he groaned.

  “Are you expecting a call at this hour?” I teased. “Are you on-call or something?”

  “Something like that.” He pulled his phone out of his front pocket and glanced down, his expression falling immediately.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “Everything’s fine, but—”

  “You have to go.”

  He nodded, weariness spreading along his features.

  “You know, you’re right,” I whispered, moving my hands to his chest. “This might deserve something better.”

  Drake’s eyes were hooded, dopey with the rush still pulsing through us both, but a knowing smile touched his lips.

  “Not this.” He kissed my cheek softly. “You. You deserve something better.”

  He pressed his forehead against mine, and I smiled.

  “I’ve never been one to believe in self-torture,” I murmured, the ache still pounding through my body. “But I think your leaving qualifies.”

  “Without a doubt.” He softly touched my cheek and placed a gentle kiss on my nose.

  “Tomorrow?” I asked.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he responded, his hand still cupping my face.

  “Phew.” I laughed.

  He kissed me again, and I melted into a fantasy world of my own making.

  Chapter Ten


  “What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled at my brother, Devin. “You’ve got work tomorrow, and if Jax finds out—” I didn’t bother finishing my sentence. My brother was too out of it to hear me anyway.

  As soon as I busted into the back room, the place magically cleared out without so much as a word.

  “Just blowin’ off some steam.” Devin got up and pushed his chair in, bumping the ta
ble. The poker chips tumbled into a pile on the worn red felt, my brother barely able to steady himself as he lifted his gaze. “How’d ya know I was here?”

  The slur in his voice matched his eyes. He couldn’t even focus as he swayed into a rhythm I’d become used to seeing lately.

  I folded my arms, ignoring his question, and glanced at the camera in the corner.

  “Grab your shit and let’s get out of here,” I directed.

  “I’ve got a winning hand.”

  “Too bad no one is here to see it.”

  “Thanks no to you.” He garbled his words, but I bit my tongue. His life had taken a turn since Cynthia left him. He wasn’t himself, and I was starting to doubt he’d ever be able to reclaim the version he’d left behind.

  Devin’s shoulders slumped, and I took in a deep breath. Getting him back to his apartment was going to be a bitch. I glanced at the number of chips he’d piled up, at least fifteen grand needing to be cashed out, and I had no security with me.

  I walked over to the small cutout in the wall and pushed on the buzzer. Jade immediately slid the false wall up. Her blue eyes widened as they settled on me, and she smiled wryly.

  “My brother is finished. Need to cash out immediately.”

  She shook her head slowly, and her lids fluttered in attempt to be sexy. All it did was make me wish I’d never left Mia’s.

  “Can’t. Hand still in play.” She licked her lips slowly, and nausea settled in my stomach.

  “Cut the crap. The guys left the table.”

  “Because you interrupted them,” she answered.

  She obviously wasn’t happy I never called her back a few months ago, but she knew it was a one-night stand before I even lifted her skirt.

  “I walked in and they left. I never said a word,” I countered.

  “You never have to.”

  “Get them back then, and let them lose more money. My brother’s got a Royal Flush.”

  “I’m starving, bro,” Devin slurred in the background.

  I shut my eyes and tried to force the wreck of a night out of my mind, but this shit never failed. This was my life. I could pretend things would change, but I knew they never would. Once a person stepped into this world, there was no clawing out of it.


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