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Mia: A Standalone Romantic Suspense: A Luke Fletcher and V Mafia Crossover Novel (Luke Fletcher Series Book 4)

Page 13

by Karice Bolton

  “Love?” Alex asked, surprised.

  “I didn’t mean with him. I just meant in general.”

  “So you’re that into him.” Alex wasn’t asking me, more like churning the information and trying to make sense of it.

  “Not like that, but I could see it happening if I hung around.” Saying the words made me feel like the biggest failure ever. Of all the men I could have, I could only picture myself with the one who was unattainable.

  And wrong on so many levels.

  “I don’t get it. I really don’t get what you see in him.” His eyes stayed on mine. “Does Drake know it’s over?”

  I shrugged and brought my knees to my chest, anchoring the blanket around me.

  “I think so. He knows I’m leaving.”

  “That kiss in front of your apartment didn’t look like someone who had any thought of letting you go.”

  His words sent a buzz of anticipation through me even though I knew I was never going to see Drake again.

  “You could see that from his kiss?”

  Alex nodded, and his mood turned somber. “If Luke finds out that this thing between you two is continuing . . .”

  “It’s not continuing. It’s over.” I nodded. “But I do have a question.”

  “Are you good in bed? Yeah.” He laughed, and I punched his shoulder. I could always count on Alex for lightening the mood, and I was extremely grateful to him for that, especially considering what I was getting the nerve to ask.

  “You’re so rotten. I hope my brother heard you.” I flashed him an evil look.

  “No, you don’t, because we’d both feel his wrath.”

  I smiled and felt immensely better having someone to talk to. Alex wasn’t judging.

  “My brother’s keeping an eye on Drake and his brothers for a client. Who’s the client?” I asked.

  Alex shifted uncomfortably and glanced toward the water.

  “I know you know.” I licked my lips, anxiety rushing through me.

  If I could somehow convince myself or my brother that there was a reason behind . . .

  “You know I can’t discuss client information with you.”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit. You’ve never let it stop you before,” I said, annoyed.

  He groaned and tipped his head to the side.

  “The Sokolovs. Specifically, Anton Sokolov.”

  “Luke told me that Drake killed his brother,” I supplied.

  Alex let out a gush of air and bent over, holding his head in his hands. Alex never let a conversation get the best of him, and this was gutting him.

  “What?” I questioned.

  Alex sat back up.

  “Yes. Drake murdered Artur Sokolov. His brother, Anton, came to Luke for protection. He knows he’s the Volkovs’ next target.”

  “Why does Anton know that?” Dread filled my stomach. “What makes him so certain?”

  “He’s part of a Vendetta. He was the one they meant to kill.”

  Hollowness spread through my body, but I wasn’t done. I needed more. I knew there was more.

  “What on earth are you talking about?” I licked my lips, trying to keep myself from choking.

  “They’re old school, Mia. There’s codes and history and . . .” He shook his head and wiped his hand over his face. “The V Mafia is one of the oldest around. They’re unbreakable. They make what your parents went through look like child’s play.”

  Alex rarely mentioned my parents.

  “How does Luke know that Anton is the one who needs protecting?” I asked, worry filling my abdomen. “How can Luke be certain he’s protecting the right person?”

  Alex’s gaze darkened. “What are you asking? I can guarantee you that none of the Volkovs need protecting. The streets need protecting from them.”

  I thought about that night of the attack and how Drake was there to come to my rescue. I never asked him why or how he managed to be at the right place at the right time. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he helped me. He could’ve kept on walking.

  “Mia, why are you shaking your head? I get that he’s mysterious and—”

  “It’s not like that. Listen, all I’m asking is why Luke took on the Sokolovs as clients?”

  “You’d have to ask your brother that.”

  “What does Anton do for a living?” I pressed.

  Alex shrugged and dropped his gaze. He knew and wasn’t going to tell me.

  “I take it he’s not an accountant?”

  Alex brought his gaze back to mine.

  “No, he’s not an accountant.”

  “Another crime family?”

  Alex neither confirmed nor denied, and my blood froze.

  “Did you know Drake’s sister was murdered?” I questioned.

  Surprise flashed through Alex’s gaze.

  “No.” He pushed his legs out in front of him.

  “Well, she was. I don’t know if it was last week, last year, or ten years ago, but I can tell you the pain running through Drake’s blood is as raw as anything I’ve ever seen.”

  Alex nodded and glanced behind me.

  “So my brother is putting himself in the middle of organized crime and is possibly choosing the wrong side to protect.”

  “When someone needs protection, there is no wrong side. Luke and Hannah are coming up on the trail.”

  I nodded and whispered a thank you. The rest of the conversation would have to wait.

  “What do you think of this place?” Luke asked, walking hand-in-hand with Hannah. “Should we all just move here and never leave?”

  “It is pretty amazing.” I had to agree. There was something special about this place. Even the sea grass had a song to sing as the wind whistled through the blades.

  “So are you ready for the big day?” I asked Hannah. Her blonde hair was in a messy ponytail and she looked completely ravishing. I knew they loved what they did for a living, but seeing how energized they looked now showed just how stressful it was all the other days of the year.

  “Beyond.” She took a seat on a bench, and Luke walked over to a small outdoor fridge that had been built into what looked like a planter.

  “Anyone need a drink?” he asked, grabbing two beers.

  “I’m good.” I smiled at my brother and he nodded. “What about you, Alex?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll probably call it a night soon.”

  “Are you serious?” My brows shot up. “You’re usually the one begging us to stay up.”

  He shot a smile in my direction, and I shook my head.

  “Old man,” I muttered under my breath.

  Alex laughed. “I’m technically on duty.”

  “Huh?” I looked over at my brother, and Luke nodded.

  “Technically, he is.” Luke sat next to Hannah.

  “How so?” I looked around the empty beach. “Who’re you spying on? It can’t be me this time. I’m right here.”

  Hannah giggled and took a sip of her beer.

  “One of Luke’s clients isn’t too far down the road. I have to go check on the night team. Make sure everything’s all squared away.”

  My heart dropped.

  “You’re getting married on the same island you’re stowing away a client?”

  Luke cocked his head and grunted his answer. “Well, when you put it that way, getting married on Nantucket doesn’t sound as romantic.” He smiled.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Hannah said, patting his shoulder.

  I rolled my eyes and then it hit me.

  “Wait . . . the man you’re protecting from the Volkovs is on this same island?” My mouth turned dry. “That’s insane.”

  I groaned in frustration. How had I not seen this coming? Of course Luke wouldn’t let this guy out of his sight. He had teams in place and a pulse on him at all times.

  “Here I just thought you had Mitch watching him somewhere far away.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “Mitch is there,” Luke confirmed and fl
ashed a wry grin. “The guy is five minutes away, tops.”

  Concern filled my veins as I watched Luke and Hannah. Why would they invite monsters into their lives time and again? Why was my brother putting himself directly in the middle of some sort of war that’s probably been going on for decades?

  “Luke, why would you take on Anton as a client?”

  Shock flashed across Luke’s face.

  “I rarely turn down clients,” he answered simply and took a drink.

  “Did you investigate Anton before taking him on?” I questioned, feeling my heart hammering in my chest.

  Luke’s eyes focused on mine. “Not until after I agreed to help.”

  My heart continued to pound and I prayed my mouth would stay shut. That I wouldn’t ask something I couldn’t take back.

  “How do you know you picked the right side?” I asked softly.

  “Because the right side is the one that pays me. Mia, my job is to protect, not to judge.”

  I nodded. Now wasn’t the time or the place. I saw Hannah glance at me, her gaze understanding and filled with the same questions I had.

  “Your boyfriend cut off every finger of Anton’s brother. He pulled out every tooth of Artur’s and sent it to his family. You think that’s a nice guy? I promise you if he’d seen some dude needing to be rescued that night, Drake would’ve kept on walking. You’re attractive, and he saw an opportunity. He’s not this dark prince you’re making him out to be, Mia. I honestly don’t get you right now.”

  Violent nausea took over. I stared at the floor to steady myself. Heat pulsed through me as Luke’s words juggled around my mind, unable to fit into any logical space. Drake wouldn’t have done that to someone. It just wasn’t possible.

  “I’m being kind to you, Mia. I’m not telling you everything that Anton’s brother went through before his death.”

  My pulse was pounding in my ears and the porch was spinning. I shook my head, praying I wouldn’t get sick in front of my brother. I didn’t want him to know how hard I’d fallen for a murderer.

  A psychopath.

  Shame filled every part of my body.

  “If everyone knows that the Volkovs did it, why are they still walking the streets?” I asked, pushing down the acid etching my throat.

  “They’re just that good,” Luke said. “There wasn’t one piece of evidence that tied them to the crime, and the Sokolovs have their own history with the authorities.”

  My head snapped up, my eyes locking on Luke’s.

  “I don’t understand why you got involved. If your job is to protect Anton, why did you want to see who Drake was meeting that night?”

  “It always pays to have plenty of proof, connections, evidence . . . whatever you want to call it in case the tables turn. Once I take on a client, I ensure they’re protected in all ways. You know that. I need to know what I’m dealing with when it comes to the enemy.”

  “Do you want me to bring you some tea?” Hannah asked softly. “You look a little green.”

  I shook my head.

  “I’m sorry to get so graphic, but I didn’t think you understood the gravity of the situation.”

  “Why’d you put yourself in the middle of this, Luke? It doesn’t make any sense. If your client is a target, you’re a target as well.” I glanced at Hannah. “And so is she.”

  Hannah dropped her gaze, and I knew something more was going on.

  “You don’t take on these kinds of cases.” I stared at my brother.

  “Mia, sometimes things are more complicated than—”

  “Who’s really your client, Luke?” I pushed down the anger.

  He shook his head. “I told you, Anton Sokolov requested my services after his brother was murdered by your boyfriend.”

  “Don’t call him that. I’ve only known him for a few weeks, and obviously, I made a mistake.” I stood up and crossed my arms. “But tell me this. What did your client do that made another man so angry as to cut off every single finger? That’s a crime of passion. Something drove Drake or whoever it was to do that.”

  “Mia, there is never a good excuse to kill.”

  “But you have, and I don’t judge you for it. Why is a cleaner kill a more acceptable one?”

  Luke’s mouth dropped open.

  “Did you know Drake’s sister was murdered? Do you think there’s a connection? Huh?” My veins were burning with anger. I was mad at Drake for fooling me, I was furious with myself for falling for someone so wicked, and I was angry with my brother for putting himself in this situation. “Tell me this, Luke. What would you want to do to the man who murdered your sister?”

  “Did Drake tell you that’s why he’s after Sokolovs?” Luke asked, his voice gentler.

  I shook my head. “No. He’s never mentioned them. I only know that his sister was murdered. I know nothing more, but I can only guess what would make a man angry enough to do what you said was done. I know what would make you that angry.” I looked at Hannah. “I know what you were willing to do to save Hannah.”

  “You want to tell me what a nice guy Drake is?” Luke’s eyes blazed. “That this is all because of some fabricated excuse you’re hoping is true so you feel better about your poor choice in men? That’s pathetic, Mia. And don’t ever compare Drake Volkov with me again.” He stood up and looked over at Hannah. She nodded slowly and came over to hug me.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” she whispered. “We’ll get this figured out.”

  I hugged her back and whispered a thanks, feeling like a complete outcast.

  Luke and Hannah wandered off the porch as loneliness and humiliation spread through me like wildfire. How could I be such a bad judge of character? Luke was always supportive, and in less than ten minutes, I’d managed to push him in the other direction.

  “Well, that really didn’t go well,” Alex said.

  Things had gotten so heated that I’d forgotten he was still on the porch.

  I started laughing, feeling the insanity from moments before drift away.

  “You always know how to make me feel better.” I sat next to him and groaned.

  “If only I knew how to use a pair of pliers better,” he mumbled, bringing me in for a hug. It was exactly what I needed to make this nightmare go away.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Where’d you get these pictures?” I demanded over the phone. My heart knocked in my chest as I stared at countless surveillance photographs of Mia plastered all over my laptop. “Where’d the images come from?”

  It was close to midnight, and Devin forwarded an update about tomorrow’s plans. He was about to take off to Nantucket to oversee the job.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Devin asked.

  “Just answer me.” I took a sip of whiskey.

  This couldn’t be happening. Had I been set up this entire time? Was this nothing more than a trap?

  “Our team is onsite. The blonde is Luke’s fiancée, and best I can put together, the brunette is Fletcher’s sister. If we’re wrong, hopefully he likes whoever it is enough to save her too.” Devin laughed, and the blood running through my veins turned to ice.

  I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything.

  “Drake?” my brother’s voice had an edge of worry. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” I tried to stay on track. Treat this like any other job. “Are they all staying at the house?”

  “Affirmative. It should be a pretty easy nab. They’re being careless. Fletcher has no idea what’s coming.”

  My stomach tightened into a sickness that branched throughout my entire body. Images of Mia flashed through my mind. I refused to believe she was in on this. This was just another one of God’s cruel jokes. She didn’t set me up. There was no way. That night of the attack, the gallery . . . I swallowed the last of my drink and slammed the glass on the table. If she didn’t orchestrate this, our circumstance took coincidence to an entirely different level.

  “There’s no reason
to take them both. If she’s not who you think she is, it’s a waste of time.” But I knew exactly who she was. Mia Dufort was Luke Fletcher’s sister. She was going to her brother’s wedding this weekend, and here she was sitting on a porch. I closed the photos. How did I never put this together?

  “I’m almost positive it’s Fletcher’s sister,” Devin said.

  “Almost isn’t good enough in our line of work.”

  Devin let out a slow breath. “So what do you suggest?”

  “Take the fiancée. Get the team in and out.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re not telling me something?” Devin asked.

  “There’s nothing to tell. We want Anton, and Fletcher’s our only way to him.”

  Devin laughed. “The Sokolovs were always a cowardly bunch. It figures Anton would go into hiding rather than fight like a man.”

  “Yeah, they’re a sick bunch of deserters,” I agreed.

  The whiskey was rolling around my stomach. I rested against the back cushions and tried to focus on our job, my sister, why we were doing this.

  The reasons were quickly replaced with Mia. She worshipped her brother. If something happened to him, and it would, her world would crumble, and I wouldn’t be there to catch her. Instead, I’d be the one to cause it. I shook my head and looked up toward the ceiling.

  “Have you ever thought that we can only cheat our destiny for so long?” I asked my brother.

  “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just . . . It’s never going to end. We’re on top now, but that—”

  “Dude, I don’t know what’s getting into you tonight, but I say open another bottle.”

  “That’s not the answer,” I grumbled, balancing my laptop on my knees. “Keep me posted and answer your phone.”

  “Will do.” My brother ended the call.

  I sat in my apartment, staring at the bright lights of the city, feeling an emptiness so deep I could barely breathe.

  I’d only known Mia a short while, but in that time, she lit my life up so brightly it allowed me to dream of another way of being. She gave me something no one had ever had.

  Hope and a reason to follow in Blake’s footsteps and get out.

  I laughed, barely able to believe I’d actually fooled myself into believing there was a way out of this darkness.


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