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The Downfall of Man

Page 12

by J J Marshall

  Henry left his room, passing Mikasa as he headed for the door. He stopped for a moment, greeted by the chirp of Mikasa’s voice.

  “What are you doing?” She asked, in tow as he walked down the steps out into the cool, bright day. Henry turned and faced her.

  “Today the human race perishes. Today will go down in infamy,” he said as he pulled the vial from his pocket and held it in the air, analyzing its contents. Mikasa’s brow furrowed as she descended towards him from the shop.

  “You have authorization from the king?”

  “I don’t need his goddamn authorization! Fuck his stupid agenda. I will not sit here and go through the motions. Let’s kill the humans. I did the research he sent me here to do. Now, I’m making the calls. Why should I report back to him just to come back here to release the virus?”

  “Because there are rules! We have rules!” Mikasa hissed, her face growing red. She blew at a lonesome curl that dropped into her eyes.

  “I don’t give a damn about Irisi’s rules,” Henry hissed, uncapping the vial. He opened the door and stepped into the cool night air, watching as orange and red hues blended in the sky above.

  “Well I do!” Mikasa retorted. Reaching forward, Mikasa grabbed Henry by the wrist, clamping her small fingers tightly. “Don’t you fucking do it!” Sparks sprang around the general’s arms as his irritation grew once more into anger. How dare a librarian try to stop him!

  Do what you must to survive, Karsten’s words echoes. Shifting the vial into his free hand, Henry tipped out the green contents, watching as the particles drifted into the wind. A smile peaked on his lips, curling into a smirk as he capped the lid and slid the empty container back into his pocket. Turning his attention to Mikasa, his smirk grew. “The deed is done. Virus X can now wreak havoc on mankind, and together, my sweet girl, we will watch man fall.”

  “You will burn for this!” she cried, wiping away silent tears as she turned and stormed down the hall, slamming the door to her office.

  I did what I had to.




  Sirens blasted in the background as Hanna sat at her kitchen table, attempting to do her math homework; her brother, Adrian, sat not far from her on the family couch, shouting at the TV as it cut from his show. Looking up from her homework, her eyes narrowed. What was that? She turned to look out the window when Samantha Brown, newscaster from WRGF News One came into view on the screen as the scene on the TV became grim. Cars on fire sat in the background, billowing black smog into the air as she spoke.

  “The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning as a strange virus appears to spread throughout the globe. Reports of those afflicted by it has quadrupled in just hours of the CDC’s release. Symptoms reported include: foaming at the mouth, fever of over one hundred and five degrees, vomiting, dizziness, blackened sores, bloody stool, violent behavior, and the craving for human flesh. The CDC asks that if you or a loved one shows any of these symptoms that you come to the quarantined sites located in your district immediately. Each district will have certified trauma doctors on scene for those afflicted. We ask that you please report if you are sick or believe to be as this disease will only continue to spread if not treated. Do not try to approach anyone who shows these symptoms. They are violent. They can and will hurt you. The list of quarantines will be listed below. This is Samantha Brown, WRGF News One.” The TV cracked as it cut back to the TV, Adrian’s show, blaring back to life.

  Hanna furrowed her brow as she pushed her homework away from the table, the scraping sound of wood against wood was like nails on a chalkboard for her ears. Her head throbbed, as usual, causing her to squint her eyes. Her vision clouded, likely from another mirage she was going to see, as she began making her way to her bedroom.

  Adrian looked up from the TV, his dark eyebrows pushed up in an arch, questioning as he watched Hanna leave. Hanna’s ears rang a loud high-pitched noise as the sirens became louder the closer she got to her room. She could hear Adrian push from the table as his voice echoed an inaudible response. Reaching her room, she trod over to the bed and flopped down.

  Oumph. Closing her eyes, she waited to be taken away to another time. But as the minutes passed, Hanna remained in her own time. She moaned slightly, wincing from the sharp throbs in her temples. Tears formed in the corners of murky irises, trailing down her cheeks. Her stomach knotted, twisting, and turning and the light stabbed at her vision.

  For the love of God! she silently prayed. I just want to be normal. I just want this to end. I just want- Footsteps pounded down the hall, peaking Hanna’s curiosity. Moments later, sharp thuds erupted against her door. Swallowing her pain, Hanna stood, rubbing her temples as she made her way to the door.

  “What the hell?” she groaned. “Adrian what do you want?” The boy’s face grew grim as he stood before Hanna, doubled over, panting.

  “It’s…not…safe…here…Hanna!” he managed to stammer out. “Look-outside! S-sick p-people are everywhere. Watch `em!”

  Adrian collapsed to the floor in a heap, struggling to catch his breath. Hanna silently shook her head and moved over to her window, pushing her curtains aside as she looked into the streets below. Her eyes widened, spying droves of people as they flanked the streets below. Cars sat ablaze, their blackened smoke clouding the blue sky above. Screams filled the air as she watched one man sink his teeth into another, tearing chunks of flesh away, leaving the man in a bloody heap on the ground. Her neighbors, all of them, sick. Bile rose in Hanna’s throat as she tried not to vomit. Failing, she lurched the contents of her stomach up onto the carpet below.


  Turning back, Hanna ran to her closet and pulled out a bag, throwing some blankets and clothes into them. She thumbed through her dresser for a lighter she had been storing and tossed that in as well. Quickly she knelt, helping Adrian to his feet, and pulled him close. This was it. The end of time.

  “Adrian, we have to go,” she whispered.

  “Where though?” his little voice trembled. Hanna bit her lip and averted her eyes as she held him tighter, trying to hide her own panic. Her mind whirled on where to take him. All that mattered was that he was safe.

  “I’m not sure where, buddy,” she said, kneeling down, looking into his large brown, oval-shaped eyes. “But we have to leave here. If we don’t, we’re next. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be anyone’s meal.” Tears formed in Adrian’s eyes as he sniffed back, wiping his tears on his sleeve. He pushed away from Hanna and looked back at her.

  “I’m not leaving. This is my home. I’ll wait here for Mom.”

  “No! Absolutely not!” Hanna protested.

  “As the man of this house, I stay. Go find help. I’ll be okay, Hanna, I promise. Pinky-promise!” Adrian exclaimed as he held his pinky out to Hanna. She extended her hand and grasped his pinky with her own as she pulled Adrian in for another hug. She hated herself. How could she leave him? But they needed help and now!

  “Okay, fine,” she breathed into his light caramel locks. “Lock the door. No matter what happens, don’t answer for anyone. If the Afflicted get in, fight, and don’t stop fighting until I come home, you hear? You are my light in the dark,” she said, pushing her lips against his forehead.

  “I know. And Hanna, I know what the kids at school say about you. I just wanted to let you know they’re wrong.” Hanna stifled back the sobs that threatened her voice and held Adrian a little tighter.

  “Go lock yourself in your room. Stay safe. I will be back. Okay?” Adrian nodded and turned towards Hanna’s door. He looked back from a split second and then ran down the hall to his room.

  “GO, HANNA!” he shouted from behind the door. Hanna waited for the faint sound of the lock to click into place before making her way to the front door.

  What the hell am I doing? She silently screamed as she turned the knob and stepped out into the chaos.


  Smoke billowed across the sky, bl
ocking the sun’s delicate rays as a blood curdling scream pierced the silence. A single scream, that was all, one that froze the blood in Hanna’s veins and pricked at her spine, as her breath faltered. Her heart hammered against her chest, skipping a beat as her feet clashed against the cold, hard sidewalks. Her legs ached, begging her to stop, but the fear that welled up inside her willed her to go. One thought raced across her mind.


  She had to find help. She had to find a way to survive and get back to Adrian.

  Hanna turned, bouncing up the steps of a nearby home as another scream filled the air, nearly causing her heart to stop. Something moved out of the corner of her eye as a wave of nausea swept over her.

  An Afflicted.

  A man stood only yards away from her with his head cocked to one side. He walked towards Hanna with a limp, his knees bent at unnatural angles. Crimson liquid dripped down his chin as a wide grin appeared on his face. Vomit crept up her throat as Hanna desperately pushed it back down, the sour taste of acid stinging her tongue, leaving an unsavory flavor in her mouth as her heart continued to pace harder. Hanna reached for the doorknob and pulled, shaking the door in a fear-struck aftermath,



  Her worst fears were coming true. Today she would die. Today she would fail her brother and become someone’s lunch or worse, an Afflicted, herself.

  “NO!” she shouted at the man, “This isn’t how I’m supposed to go out! This isn’t supposed to be how I die!” The man continued to creep closer as a laugh escaped his parted lips.

  She was going to become a monster, succumbing to a damn disease. Flashes of Adrian flitted through her mind. He would be alone, helpless.

  No. He will fight through it, she told herself.

  A shuffling noise sounded from the other side of the door, drawing Hanna’s attention as it slowly crept open. A single bright blue eye shadowed by long blond hair stared back at her, then pass her at the man. The door before her flew open as a bright light blinded Hanna.

  Shaggy hair blond boy, Hanna gasped internally. The boy from her visions! Standing before her was the shaggy-haired blond boy, shrouded in a veil of white light. Hanna shook her head, trying to adjust her eyes. Bright wings, protruded from his back as he moved, standing in front of her, shielding her from the Afflicted man. Hanna blinked in awe, taking in the boy’s beautiful wings as the sound of laughter rang in front of her. The man laughed again as he neared. Blood oozed from blackened sores as the smell of rot choked the air from Hanna’s lungs.

  “Move aside, boy,” the man croaked. “I want that pretty little thing behind you. I want to taste her. I want to hear the skin tear from her bones. I want to watch her writhe in pain as I devour her, morsel by sweet morsel.”

  The boy covered his nose with his shirt as the smell permeated past him, into Hanna’s nostrils. Hanna watched as the boy retrieved a knife. From where? She couldn’t tell.

  Pain seared in her side, as sticky fluid poured from beneath her fingers.

  What the fuck! Blood…but how? Had the sick man’s thoughts transferred into actions? No…that was crazy talk. But then again, an angel stood before her…so then, was she the crazy one?

  “Hanna you need to go inside,” shaggy-haired blond boy growled. Hanna opened her mouth to protest but thought against it.

  “I can smell her delectable blood, and oooh, does she smell divine,” the Afflicted man crooned. The blond boy tensed as Hanna’s body began to grow weak. Darkness shrouded her vision as her legs gave out under her. She could remember falling, waiting to hit the ground, but it never came. Warmth enveloped her as everything went black.




  Oh shit! Orian thought as he turned to see Hanna’s knees buckle. Thrusting his knife forward, he jammed it into the man's face, right between his eyes. A sickening crunch sounded as He stabbed through the man’s skull. The Afflicted’s eyes widened in shock as Orian kicked forward, lurching him backwards. The infected man fumbled, reaching out for anything he could grab to stop himself from falling, but failed as his body crashed against the blacktop below.

  Sick bastard.

  Orian turned to catch Hanna. Her body was limp and growing cold, soaked in her own blood. “Fuckin-A,” he grumbled as he bent down to gather Hanna’s legs, hoisting her over his shoulder. She weighed nearly nothing. Her blood soaked his uniform as he placed her inside the house, laying her gently on the floor.

  At least she will be safe in here, he thought as he returned to the Afflicted man outside. Hanna would never be safe with the sick after her, and why she wasn’t sick yet was beyond Orian, but he didn’t care. “She’s safe,” he continued to mutter to himself, a mantra to calm his worries.

  The Afflicted man outside cackled as he ripped Orian’s dagger from his face, blackish blood dripping from his now open wound. Orian gagged as he stifled a step forward. The man stank of rotting flesh.

  “You will stay away from Hanna. You hear me? Do not tempt me. Come any closer, and I will end you,” Orian warned. The Afflicted man smiled his yellowing teeth at Orian and shrugged.

  “Then destroy me,” he taunted. “I don’t think you have what it takes, kid. I’ll kill you then I’ll take your sweet little morsel of a girl for myself. Feel free to die now.” The man stepped forward, knife in hand as he slashed at Orian. The blade gleamed in the sunlight, catching Orian’s eye as he swiftly moved to the right, evading the attack. Grabbing the Afflicted’s forearm, Orian pushed him backwards away from the house, away from Hanna. The man smiled as he lurched forward, sinking his teeth into Orian’s flesh.

  “Are you fuckin’ kidding me,” Orian grunted through gritted teeth. Pain seared in his arm, in his Mark, as the Afflicted’s teeth sank deeper, spilling Orian’s blood into his mouth. The pain grew increasingly worse, he had to think fast. He had to get this man off him. Closing his eyes, Orian diverted his mind, as the man’s tongue sprang from his mouth, licking at the wounds.

  What the fuck! Lifting his free hand into the air, Orian clenched his fist and brought it down with thunderous force, crashing into the man’s skull. His hand stung as it made impact, but it did the trick. The Afflicted howled in agony as Orian ripped his arm away, watching as the blood dripped down his porcelain skin.

  “Touch me again you pervert, and I’ll fucking kill you!” he snapped.

  “You— You boy, taste divine. Fuck that little bitch you took. I’ll eat you instead.” The Afflicted man licked at his lips as he centered himself and grasped Orian’s knife in his hands once more. Orian laughed as his cheeks perked up, forming a grin on his slightly chapped lips.

  Man, this guy just doesn’t get it!

  “Think again, fucker,” Orian spat. As the wound on Orian’s arm began to heal, stitching itself back together, a tingling sensation began to procure, catching his attention. The Mark of the Angels on his arm began to glow brightly of white light, filling the Mark completely. Orian stared down in disbelief.

  What the…

  Screams filled the air tearing Orian’s attention away from his Mark as the Afflicted man’s body began to glow the same white hue as his Mark. He watched as the Afflicted’s skin grew taught, searing away from his bones. Orian cringed as he fought the urge to vomit, watching the man burn until there was nothing left but a pile of blowing ash. He rapidly jerked his head away, trying to erase the image from his brain, but it was no use. He would always see that man, his first human kill, every night as he fell asleep. A rogue shudder ran down his spine at the thought, but as quickly as it came, it faded, leaving Orian alone.


  Everything was dark as Orian’s bright eyes took a moment to re-adjust. The house was newer, devoid of any furniture as the smell of new paint flooded his nostrils. Orian turned and secured the door, tightening the deadbolt as he pressed his fingers into his burning Mark. How he had been able to burn a man alive was beyond him, but he needed access to them again if he w
as to keep Hanna safe. He had to keep her safe. She was all that mattered. Everything he lived for.

  Scanning the room for Hanna, Orian turned. He had left her limp body inside the door and yet, she was missing. How peculiar. His brow furrowed as a small, audible moan pricked at his heightened senses. Orian tensed as he headed toward the moan.

  Hanna sat up, propped up by an arm as the other cupped her side, oozing dark liquid. She grimaced and tensed as her eyes met Orian’s.

  “Sh-shaggy-haired b-boy,” she stammered out, her eyes growing wide. Orian smiled as he moved in closer to her, crouching down.

  “Hanna you’ve been hurt.”

  “T-thanks for stating the obvious,” she stammered, shifting her weight. Orian jerked forward, resting his hand on her back as he pushed her upwards and rested against one very white wall. Hanna opened her mouth to protest, but Orian held up his hand to cut her off.

  “Don’t speak. Save your energy. The house is secured. We ought to wash your wounds and then at nightfall get you someplace safe.”

  “We can’t. I have to get back to Adrian! I promised him and—” Hanna cried out.

  “Hanna, you are all I care about right now. Your brother has his own guardian. He will be safe,” Orian stated. Hopefully, he is safe. Hopefully, his guardian is a Renegade and not a Keeper of the Consortium.

  “No! I need to get to him!” Hanna fought as she attempted to push herself forward. “How do you know my name?” she asked, biting back the scream that clearly wanted to escape as her face contorted in pain.


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