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The Prince's Mate

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by Alexis Davie

  The Prince’s Mate

  Alexis Davie

  The Prince’s Mate

  Text Copyright © 2019 by Alexis Davie

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  First printing, 2019


  Secret Woods Books


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Other Books You Will Love

  Thank You!

  About the Author


  Eve Stanton thanked the bartender and picked up her Cosmopolitan. She took a sip and nodded to herself. It was just right, the perfect mixture of sweet and tangy. She started to turn away from the bar, her eyes scanning the room, looking for Tammy.

  “Hi,” a voice said from beside her.

  She turned her head in the direction of the voice and the hi she had been going to say in return stuck in her throat, refusing to come out. She found herself looking at the face of a gorgeous stranger. He looked to be around twenty-three, the same age as her, maybe a year or two older. He was tall and broad, his body in perfect proportion. He looked like the sort of guy you could rely on to protect you from the cruelties of the world. Eve moved her eyes down the hot stranger’s body, and even through his clothes she could see the bulging biceps and the perfectly toned pecs.

  She looked back up into his face, feeling lost in him for a moment. He had dark hair and dark skin, the color of coffee with cream. His skin looked so soft that she felt her hand starting to move, wanting to touch it, but she stopped herself, only imagining its velvety softness beneath her fingertips.

  The man’s eyes mesmerized her. They were bright green, almost neon in their intensity, and she could see little flecks of yellow, nearly gold, shooting through the green. They were so different from any eyes she had seen before, so much nicer than her own boring grey eyes.

  Looking at the handsome stranger, Eve could feel her heart beating faster, and she felt her feminine center dampening beneath his intense stare. Conscious suddenly of the short dress she was wearing, she clamped her thighs together. It was a mistake. The sudden movement sent shockwaves through her core and she gasped as warmth spread up through her stomach and up across her chest and neck, making her skin flush pink.

  The stranger smiled and Eve’s heart skipped a beat as his eyes shone warmly and a tiny dimple appeared on each cheek. She returned his smile, her cheeks burning, and she was finally able to look away from him. She could feel her face reddening even more intensely as she looked down into her drink, but the allure of the beautiful face before her was too much and she looked back up at him.

  He extended his hand, looking at Eve with a slight look of amusement on his face.

  “I’m Nix. Nix Blain,” he said.

  His voice was low and husky and Eve felt herself becoming more aroused at the sound of it. She couldn’t help but imagine what he would sound like in the bedroom, how he would practically purr when he told her what he was going to do to her.

  Her cheeks blushed redder and she felt herself getting flustered under his steady gaze. Nix was still holding his hand out to her and she realized how rude she was being.

  “Sorry,” she said with a smile.

  She took the extended hand. Nix’s hands were warm and his grip was firm but not too firm. She felt sparks fly through her hand and up her arm from where he touched her. He looked her straight in the eye and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it. The kiss was soft and sensual, and it felt to Eve as though it should have been an intimate moment.

  He smiled again and released her hand and she felt lost for a moment, like she didn’t know where she was, why she was here. Hell, she barely even knew who she was right now.

  “So? Do you have a name?” Nix smiled.

  “Eve. Eve Stanton,” Eve said.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you Eve, Eve Stanton,” Nix said, a teasing smile playing on the corners of his lips.

  Eve felt thousands of tiny butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Until that moment, her name had sounded so ordinary, but on Nix’s tongue, it sounded exotic, like the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.

  Nix started to turn away. Eve didn’t know why, but she knew she couldn’t let him walk away from her. Her whole body was screaming at her to stop him.

  “Nix, wait,” she said.

  Nix turned back to her, an amused smile on his face.

  “I’m just grabbing a drink,” he said.

  She felt fire flood her face and Nix laughed softly at her discomfort.

  “Why don’t you grab us that table there and I’ll come and join you when I get my drink?” Nix said, nodding to an empty table opposite the bar.

  Eve nodded, trying to ignore her embarrassment. It wasn’t like Nix wasn’t showing signs that he was into her too, and he obviously wanted to spend some time with her or he wouldn’t have suggested she get them a table. She went to the table he had pointed out and sat down. She took a long drink from her glass and gave herself a talking to.

  Yes, he’s hot. Yes, way hotter than any guy you’ve ever seen before. But you need to get a grip, girl. You’re coming across as desperate.

  A hand clapped down onto Eve’s shoulder, and Tammy, her best friend, flopped down drunkenly in the seat beside her.

  “Eve, you know I love you, right?” she said with a lopsided grin.

  Eve laughed. “Just go,” she said.

  She could see the guy Tammy had been making out with for the last twenty minutes hanging around by the door.

  “Really?” Tammy said, raising an eyebrow. “Or is this one of those times where you tell me to go and then get mad at me for going?”

  “No,” Eve laughed. “You’ve been into Mac forever and this is your chance. And hey, it’s your birthday, not mine.”

  “You’re the best,” Tammy said.

  She was just getting up as Nix appeared at the table with a bottle of beer in one hand and a Cosmopolitan in the other. Eve took that as a good sign. He had noticed what she was drinking and brought over another one. He obviously didn’t want her to slip away from him too quickly. He wanted to get to know her a little bit. She felt the butterflies fluttering in her stomach again.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d be joining us,” Nix said to Tammy with a smile.

  Eve tried to work out if he sounded a little disappointed. She thought he did. She hoped he did. His smile was dazzling, but Eve didn’t think it was quite as big or as genuine as the smile he had given her at the bar.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Nix added, still talking to Tammy.

  “No, thank you. I’m just leaving. I just came to say goodnight to Eve.”

  Nix smiled, a much happier-looking smile this time, and Eve definitely saw relief in his expression. Tammy started to walk away as Nix sat down opposite Eve. She gave Eve a thumbs-up behind Nix’s head and mouthed the word “nice”. Eve laughed.

  “What’s funny?” Nix said.

  “Oh, just Tammy,” Eve said, tur
ning her attention back to Nix.

  “Did she leave you here alone?” Nix asked, looking around.

  Eve knew that move only too well. He was scoping out the place and not so subtly checking that Eve didn’t have any other prospects here tonight.

  “It’s her birthday and she’s a bit too drunk, so she’s having an early night,” Eve said, not feeling the need to tell Nix that Tammy was leaving because she was getting lucky. “And she didn’t leave me entirely alone.”

  She smiled and bit her bottom lip, looking up at Nix through her long eyelashes.

  “She left me here with you. Is that a bad idea?” Eve finished.

  “Oh no, I think it’s a brilliant idea,” he smiled. “Cheers.”

  He raised his bottle and Eve raised her glass. They sipped from their drinks, their eyes still lingering on each other.

  “So, Eve, what do you do for a living?” Nix asked after a pause.

  “I’m currently working in a store, but really, I’m an artist. I’m just trying to find a suitable exhibition space that I can afford,” Eve said.

  “An artist, huh? Maybe you could paint me. Do you do nudes?” Nix said with a wink.

  Eve felt blood rush to her cheeks as she pictured Nix naked and posing for her. She swallowed hard.

  “I’ve never tried it before, but I would sure like to give it a go,” she said.

  Nix grinned at her. She couldn’t help but picture him naked now and she had a hard time concentrating on their conversation. It didn’t seem to matter. Somehow, Eve and Nix had a connection even though she had only met him a matter of moments ago. If she had been asked to explain it, she never would have been able to, but she felt it all the same.

  They spent the next hour or so chatting and Eve was shocked at how the night had flown by when the bell rang for last orders. Nix got them both a last drink and then they made their way outside with the other last few stragglers.

  “Come back to my place,” Eve blurted out as they walked around to the taxi stand.

  Nix raised an eyebrow and Eve was afraid he would say no, but instead, he smiled and nodded his head.

  “Sure. But I think you might have had a bit too much to drink to paint me tonight,” he winked.

  “Oh, I have no intention of painting you,” Eve smiled, feeling bold now that Nix had agreed to come home with her. “But I must warn you that what I have in mind will still involve you being naked.”

  “Now you’re talking,” Nix grinned.

  They got into a cab and made the short journey to Eve’s apartment. They didn’t talk much on the ride home, both of them caught up in thoughts of what was about to happen. Eve kept giving Nix sideways glances, thanking her lucky stars she had managed to snag a guy like Nix. And while she found him smoking hot, it wasn’t just about the attraction or the thought of the amazing sex they were about to have. She really did feel like they had somehow connected on every level, and although she tried to stop herself from getting too caught up in the moment, she felt like this could be the start of something special between them.

  Several times, Eve caught Nix looking back at her as she glanced at him, unable to keep her eyes off him for more than a few seconds at a time. In those moments, they smiled at each other, neither of them embarrassed to be caught looking at each other. A silent understanding had passed between them, and they both knew what was coming next. The knowledge meant that there was no room for being embarrassed or shy any longer.

  They pulled up outside of Eve’s apartment building and, after paying the cab driver, she led Nix up the stairs and into her apartment. She closed the door behind them, pleased that the place wasn’t too much of a mess. Nix turned to face her as the door closed behind her. He pulled her into his arms and their lips met for the first time.

  Fire flooded Eve’s body. She was more turned on than she had ever been in her life. Her skin was tingling, and her stomach churning. She was seized by a lust for Nix that was so all-consuming it almost scared her. She felt a desperate need to be with him, to touch him. Her body was pressed against his, their arms around each other, their hands exploring each other’s backs and sides, and still, it wasn’t enough for Eve.

  She pushed her hands between their bodies, opening the buttons of Nix’s shirt and pushing it down his arms, letting it drop to the floor. It was forgotten the second it was out of her sight, like everything else in the world except for Nix and how he brought her to life, making her body sing out for him.

  She ran her hands over his chest and his stomach, her body clenching when she felt the hard muscle layered there. She swept her hands over his shoulders, over his arms, wanting to touch every inch of him.

  She took a step back from him, breaking their kiss. They looked at each other for a moment, both of them left slightly breathless by their kiss. Eve grabbed her dress at the waist and pulled it over her head, throwing it aside. She stood before Nix in her underwear. Her clit throbbed when she saw the unfiltered lust in Nix’s eyes as he looked her up and down.

  She stepped back toward him, reaching for the button on his jeans. He wrapped his arms around her again, mashing his lips against hers as he unhooked her bra. She shook her arms loose from the bra almost without noticing and then she went back to opening Nix’s jeans.

  She had them open now and she pushed them down his thighs. She pushed his boxer shorts away and moaned low in her throat when she wrapped her fist around Nix’s cock. It was already hard, a huge cock that she knew would more than fill her up.

  Nix pushed his tongue further into her mouth, his fingers clutching at her ass as she began to move her hand up and down his cock. She was more than ready to feel Nix inside of her. She had never been more ready for anything in her life.

  She pulled her head back from Nix’s kiss and with a final flourish, she released his cock and took his hand, silently leading him to her bedroom. She glanced over her shoulder when he stopped for a second. His shoes, jeans, and boxers were gone and the sight of his naked body made her moan again. His body was perfectly sculpted, and she wanted to run her fingers over every single part of him, but more than that, she wanted to feel his huge cock inside of her.

  Her body ached for him. Her clit was going wild, throbbing and demanding some release. Her lips still tingled where he had kissed her, and her skin craved his touch constantly.

  She reached the bedroom and opened the door, pulling Nix inside. He didn’t even wait for the door to close this time. He kissed Eve hard, walking her backwards toward the bed.

  His fingers ran down her body and pushed their way into her panties, finding her swollen clit. He began to move his fingers, working her clit until she felt like she could hardly breathe. She pulled her mouth from his, gasping for air. She kissed down his neck and pressed her face against his shoulder as her orgasm shuddered through her, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

  She moaned loudly as another orgasm followed it, courtesy of Nix’s still-moving fingers. Her body went rigid as she grasped at Nix, holding herself up against him when she felt her knees starting to buckle. He had one arm around her waist, and he held her to him, his grip sure and strong, and she relaxed, letting herself feel the desire that flooded her, letting go of any notion of control, somehow knowing that Nix would never let her fall.

  Her core was still clenching, the fire still assaulting her when Nix moved his fingers away from her swollen clit. She almost grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand back between her legs, but a quick glance at the lust on his face told her that what was coming next would be even better than this.

  Nix eased her backwards and she landed on her back on the bed. He crawled onto the edge of the bed as Eve moved further back, positioning herself in the center. Nix moved up her body, his own body low. He licked up her stomach and over her breasts and when his lips met hers again, she was in such a frenzied state that she was almost delirious. He kissed her hard on the mouth, making her lips tingle once more.

  He broke their kiss and reached between th
em, working her with his fingers again. This time, he stopped when she was on the verge of another orgasm, and she made a strangled ahh sound as he plunged his cock into her with no warning, filling her up and claiming her as his own.

  She moaned in pleasure as he began to thrust into her. She ran her hands up and down his back, digging her nails into his shoulders and bucking her hips to meet his thrusts as Nix brought her right back to the edge of her orgasm.

  She heard herself screaming his name as his cock rubbed over her g-spot, and when she came this time, she came hard that she felt as though she and Nix truly became one.

  He ran his tongue up her neck as she came, sending a rush of goosebumps down her body. She clung to him as her orgasm began to recede. She gasped for breath as Nix slammed into her one more time and then she felt his cock twitch, and heat filled her as he came as hard as she had.

  He stayed on top of her for a moment, his muscles taut as he moaned loudly, and then he slipped out of her and rolled to the side. She felt as though he had taken a part of her with him as he pulled out of her, and already, she craved his touch again.

  He got up off the bed and pulled the duvet back. Eve smiled up at him and shuffled into the space he had made for her. He pulled the duvet over her and walked around to the other side of the bed. He got in and they lay together, both of them still trying to get their breath back.

  Eve fell asleep in Nix’s arms, listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing, already anticipating the morning sex she knew they would have when they awoke.


  Nix yawned as he awoke. Even in the darkness, he knew he was somewhere unfamiliar to him. He came fully awake, his dragon senses kicking into gear and he knew instantly where he was. Eve’s place. He could smell the sweet scent of her lying beside him, and he could feel the heat coming off her body in delicious waves.


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