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Mr Darcy- My Hero

Page 35

by Zoë Burton

  “Miss Jennings! I am sure of it! Did she stagger, that you saw?”

  “I am afraid I did not see her movements before the accident, but I do recall hearing that name—Jennings—exclaimed as I knelt beside your daughter.”

  “Miss Jennings,” Bennet spat in disgust. “Always in her cups. Now it comes back to haunt us all for allowing it.” He thanked Mr. Darcy, adding, “Your quick action to remove my Lizzy to a quieter place, away from prying eyes is greatly appreciated, sir.”

  “If I may, sir, I should like to call on Miss Elizabeth tomorrow or the day after and check on her.”

  “You would be quite welcome, Mr. Darcy.” Bowing, the men separated, Bennet to tend his second eldest child and Darcy to return to the ballroom, thinking about all that had occurred in this short time period. As he entered, he was accosted by Miss Caroline Bingley, his friend’s unmarried sister.

  “Where did you disappear to, Mr. Darcy?” she asked with a flirtatious smile. “You have missed the excitement!”

  “Have I? What excitement was that?”

  “Why, one of these darling creatures was inebriated and staggered into one of the Bennet ladies, who promptly sprawled herself all over the floor in a very unladylike manner.” She sniffed. “The residents here are all quite common.”

  Darcy held in a sigh at Miss Bingley’s distorted view of the event. It was a habit of hers, a particularly unattractive one, to either twist events to fit her perspective or ignore the facts to suit her purposes. She was even known to make up her own facts, in the absence of any real ones. He knew she was not that different from any other woman of the society he inhabited. He also suspected she had set her cap at him, but this and other of her characteristics ensured he would never offer for her. He suppressed a shudder at the thought of being tied to a shrew like her for the rest of his life. Though he knew it was likely a useless venture, he attempted to correct her understanding of the accident involving Miss Elizabeth.

  “Actually, Miss Bennet was not sprawled. She was completely covered, to her ankles, and may have a serious injury. It really is not a basis for humor, Miss Bingley.” He finished his speech with a glare at his companion. He bowed to her before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving her with a quizzical expression.

  As he walked away, Darcy worked to keep his annoyance under good regulation. He wondered if he was ever going to find a woman with accomplishments and intelligence who was also kind and sweet-tempered. Miss Elizabeth’s face flashed across his mind.

  Chapter 2

  The next morning, Elizabeth awoke in pain. Between her arm and her head, she was certain something was going to fall off before too much longer. She tried to move, to roll over to her side in an attempt to find a more comfortable position, moaning as she did. The noise awoke Jane, who immediately asked how she was feeling.

  “Like I was thrown from a horse. What happened to me?”

  “Do you not remember? I explained it to you three times last night,” Jane asked worriedly.

  Furrowing her brow and searching her memory, Elizabeth could not for the life of her remember what happened to her arm. The last thing she could recall was the Bingley party being introduced to theirs. “I am sorry, Jane, truly. I cannot think what it was.”

  Patiently, her sister related the story once again. This continued memory loss concerned her. She would be sure to mention it to Papa and to Mr. Jones, the apothecary, when he stopped to check on Lizzy.

  “Mr. Darcy carried me?” Elizabeth was mortified at the thought.

  “Yes, but it was better that he did than for you to lay there for all of Meryton to see. Do you not agree?”

  Reluctantly, she admitted that to be the case. After a few more questions, she was getting tired once more. Jane helped her sit up and take a cup of willow bark tea, settled her back against the pillows, and left her to rest, shutting the door quietly behind her.

  Later in the morning, when she next awoke, Mr. Jones was examining her arm.

  “Ah, Sleeping Beauty awakes! How are you feeling, my dear?” Mr. Jones had been the apothecary in Meryton since long before the Bennet girls were born and had been taking care of them since their respective deliveries. He was quite fond of them, especially the eldest two.

  “I have felt better, sir.”

  Mr. Jones chuckled. “I should imagine so! ‘Tis not every evening a young lady is mown over as though she were a field of hay!” After the laughter caused by this statement had died down, he continued, “How badly does it hurt? Are you able to move it at all?”

  Gingerly, Elizabeth moved her arm up and down. When he asked permission, she allowed the apothecary to manipulate it himself to get a better idea of the precise range of motion she had.

  “Well, my dear, we established last night that the limb is not broken. There is some bruising, as is to be expected after a fall such as the one you took. It must be rested while it heals, so no sewing or tree-climbing for a while; fair enough?” At her nod, he added, “I am very serious, Miss Elizabeth. To begin to use it before it is ready could result in a permanent injury. I am certain you would rather your freedom be limited for a short while now than for the rest of your life.”

  “Yes, sir,” Elizabeth sighed. She so hated to be restricted in any manner, but could see the sense in his words.

  “Now, you hit your head rather forcefully. Last evening, you repeatedly asked us what happened, and you did not know where you were. Your father tells me your sister had to tell you all over again this morning. Can you relate to me what she told you?”

  For a second, Elizabeth froze, thinking to herself, what happened? But then her sister’s voice echoed in her memory, and she was able to recall what Jane had related to her. She faithfully recited it all to Mr. Jones and her father, feeling relief that she was able to do so.

  The men, too, were grateful. Had her memory not returned, it would have indicated a far more serious injury. They could rest easy now knowing she would probably return to herself in due time.

  “I am happy you have retained what you were told for this long. I am certain that you will be completely well soon. I prescribe copious amounts of rest, and willow bark in your tea if your pain becomes unbearable. I know what your next question will be, Miss Elizabeth,” he continued with a twinkle in his eye, “and I do not require you to rest in your chambers. You may join your family whenever you feel well enough; however, I insist that you remain stationary and that you use a sling to immobilize the limb. No walks through the countryside, am I clear?”

  “Yes, sir. I am happy enough to be allowed out of my chambers. I will consent to the rest of your constraints without complaint.”

  “Then Lizzy,” Mr. Bennet began, “if you are up to it, Mr. Darcy sent a note over this morning. He wishes to visit and ascertain your good health for himself.”

  Elizabeth was surprised by this information. From what she could recall, he had seemed quite severe when he was introduced to her family. However, Jane had shared that he was quite gentle with her, and he was the one who initiated the move from the ballroom to the sitting room, to give her privacy. It spoke well of him that he was so thoughtful and solicitous.

  “I should like to thank him, Papa. I will come down for a little bit, if you will send word that he has arrived.”

  “Very good, my dear. I will escort the doctor out and ask Jane and the maid to help you dress.”

  “Thank you, both of you.” She smiled at them in turn, and when they had left the room, she relaxed into the pillows to wait. She began to reflect on the events of the night before as she knew them and to ponder Mr. Darcy and his character. She remembered nothing beyond being introduced along with her family. She recalled his seriousness at that time, but that was all. Well, she thought, her head beginning to ache from the exercise, I shall find out soon enough what he is like.

  Not long after, Jane and Sarah, the maid, entered the room, followed by the footman with a shallow bathtub and a bucket of hot water. While they waited for the
remaining water, Jane brushed Elizabeth’s hair out and Sarah began laying out clothing. An hour later, Elizabeth was clean and sitting in front of the fire, hair dried and styled. She was taking a moment to rest before going down to the drawing room, for she had received word that Mr. Darcy was come to visit.

  “Lizzy,” Jane asked, “are you ready? Are you certain you wish to do this?”

  Nodding, Elizabeth replied, “Yes, I am as ready as I am going to be, I think. I am a little lightheaded, though, so please walk beside me as we navigate the staircase.”

  “I will not leave your side.”

  With those words, Jane helped her sister stand and led her carefully downstairs.

  In the drawing room, Mr. Darcy patiently waited. He had been surprised to arrive and find the majority of the family from home, but Mr. Bennet had assured him that it was for the best. Not only did his second daughter require rest, but Mrs. Bennet need not know of his visit, for she would likely make him uncomfortable by attempting to match him up with one of the girls. Darcy appreciated his host’s thoughtfulness, though he did wonder why the man would hesitate over such a thing. Did he not want his children to marry?

  Presently, Miss Bennet and Miss Elizabeth arrived, followed soon after by Mr. Bennet. Darcy was struck by how pale Miss Elizabeth was, and how she leaned on her sister’s arm. The sparkle was back in her eyes, though a little dimmer than the first time he saw her. Darcy could not explain why that concerned him, but it did. He wanted to see her personality shine brightly again.

  Once greetings and introductions were complete, for Elizabeth and Jane had not formally been introduced to him the night before, Mr. Darcy turned to the lady he was here to visit to ask, “How are you feeling, Miss Elizabeth, after your accident?”

  “I am as well as can be expected, sir. I thank you for asking. Please accept my gratitude and additional thanks for helping my sister care for me while I was incapacitated. I would have been horrified to remain laid out in front of the entire population of Meryton in the manner I was.”

  “Think nothing of it, I beg you. ‘Twas easily enough accomplished, and I would hope that if my sister were in such a situation, someone would have mercy on her in a similar manner.”

  “You have a sister?” Elizabeth asked. “Do tell us about her.”

  So began a visit that ended far earlier than any in the room would like. Conversation had flowed like a river between the four occupants of the room, never becoming awkward or boring. Darcy was left with a favorable impression of not only Miss Elizabeth, but also her father and eldest sister. The three Bennets were left with a desire to be in his company again, which was saying something for Mr. Bennet, as he was not a sociable man. An invitation to play chess the next day was extended and accepted, and Mr. Darcy left just minutes before the remainder of the Bennet ladies arrived home.

  Chapter 3

  Over the course of the next few weeks, Mr. Darcy made many visits to Longbourn. He learned that not only did Mr. Bennet play chess, his second daughter did as well. He found that he greatly enjoyed their company, as well as that of the eldest Miss Bennet. They were genteel, well-bred people with good conversation and, in the case of Miss Elizabeth and her father, in possession of a biting wit.

  It had been quite a shock, therefore, when he was first exposed to Mrs. Bennet’s shrill voice and impertinent questions. He almost gave up the acquaintance when the three youngest daughters behaved more like their mother than their father. It was at this point, however, that he realized just how much he had come to admire Miss Elizabeth and enjoy her company. The thought of never seeing her again sent a pang through his heart and panic through his brain. He began to see that he had fallen in love with her. He determined to watch her more carefully in order to determine her feelings about him.

  Elizabeth, unbeknownst to Darcy, thought equally as highly of him as he did of her. She greatly enjoyed the time spent with him and her father. Darcy was well-read and enjoyed debating. Indeed, he was skilled in the art. He was an excellent chess player. What she liked most of all, aside from his good looks and similar interests, was that Darcy treated her as an intelligent person. Too many times in her limited experience had men brushed her opinions aside simply because she was female. It was exciting to be treated with respect. Elizabeth began to wish, vainly she believed, that she might draw his interest as more than a friend. She began to see that she had fallen in love with him and desired his love in return.

  It was a happy day when, six weeks after the Assembly and her injury, Mr. Darcy asked her father for a private audience with her. She looked to Jane, fear and excitement filling her eyes. Jane reached over to squeeze her hand, silently giving encouragement. The two were close confidants, and Jane was well aware of her sister’s feelings for this solemn young man as well as her fears that he would never choose her.

  Almost before she knew it, Elizabeth was alone in the drawing-room with the object of her affection. She was half-afraid to look at him, but since her courage rose with every attempt to intimidate her, she bravely raised her eyes to his. Elizabeth could see from his stance that he was equally as nervous and that observation calmed her enough that she could smile at him in empathy.

  “Would you like to sit, Mr. Darcy?”

  “Yes, thank you, Miss Elizabeth.” The movement of sitting and the warmth in her eyes and smile gave him sufficient encouragement to go on. He opened his mouth and the words began to tumble out.

  “I never imagined, as I picked you up off the floor that day, the day we met, that my life would be forever changed.” He flashed her a quick smile, continuing on, “But it has. I have come to know you and you to know me in a way I have not allowed with anyone else. You fascinate me. I am eager to hear the next words you say, and find myself often tucking ideas and events away in my mind in the hope that we will have time to discuss them, or debate them. Your beauty, inside and out, makes my heart race, and when I think of going home to Pemberley, I can no longer imagine it without you there. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much. What I am trying to ask, Miss Elizabeth, is will you spend the rest of your life making mine brighter? Will you marry me?”

  Elizabeth was fairly trembling with happiness and excitement. She had hoped and dreamed of this day, with this man, but her rational mind had refused to believe it would ever happen. Now that it was here, she had difficulty remaining quiet until he finished. Finally, he was done.

  “Yes, oh, yes! I will marry you, Mr. Darcy. I love you, as well.”

  The expression of delight on Darcy’s face matched her own. Instantly he rose, reaching for her hand and pulling her up when she gave it. He kissed first her hands and then, pulling her closer and after tenderly wrapping his arms around her, her lips. Just the softest, gentlest brush of his, but it was enough to thrill her and induce her to respond. When he did it again and again, she learned how to mimic and match his movements. Finally, hearts pounding, they pulled away from each other. With a final kiss to her forehead, he said, “Thank you, my love, for your acceptance of my hand and your kisses. Let us find your parents and announce our news.”

  Leaving the room was unnecessary, though, for he had no more than stopped speaking when the drawing-room door opened and the entire Bennet family entered, having listened at the door.

  “Well,” Mr. Bennet began, “I have managed to keep my wife and youngest daughters under control for the past few minutes, Mr. Darcy. What have you to say?”

  “I am pleased to tell you, sir, that I have asked for Miss Elizabeth’s hand, and she has consented. With your permission, we are to be married.”

  “Of course, he gives his permission!” exclaimed Mrs. Bennet. “Why would he not? Oh my darling Lizzy, what jewels you shall have!”

  Rolling his eyes at his wife’s effusions, Mr. Bennet replied, “You do indeed have my permission, Mr. Darcy. I have for many weeks now considered you a perfect match for my Lizzy, and I could see that she favored you. Welcome to the family, Son.”

>   “Thank you, sir.”

  Mrs. Bennet chose this moment to intrude upon their conversation. “Mr. Bennet, I am sure you and Mr. Darcy have important matters to discuss. Why do you not take him to your book room and leave us ladies,” she gestured to her daughters, all gathered in a group loudly congratulating Elizabeth and pleading for visits to town during the season, “to discuss wedding details.”

  Mr. Bennet agreed with her plan with alacrity, and within minutes, the two men were deep in discussion over wedding dates and marriage articles.

  Ultimately, the couple decided on a date one month hence. Mrs. Bennet moaned and complained, declaring she could not possibly plan a wedding for a date that close, but neither Elizabeth nor Mr. Darcy would be moved. Her husband was no help, either. He simply stated he was not the one getting married, and that those who were would make their own choice without regard to him and any opinions he might have.

  “But, Mr. Bennet, surely you cannot expect me to plan a grand celebration in only four weeks! Mr. Darcy’s status deserves far better than any paltry affair I could arrange in that small amount of time.”

  Wearily, Mr. Bennet responded, “I am sorry, my dear, but the couple themselves chose the date. It is their wedding, after all.”


  “No, Mrs. Bennet,” he cut her off before she could continue to berate him about it. “I am not the one getting married, and neither are you. Lizzy and Darcy have made their choice, and you will have to live with it. I cannot force them to change it, nor will I attempt to.” Seeing that she was not ready to give up the fight, he tried something else. “Come now, Mrs. Bennet, with your skills at entertaining, I am certain you will plan the most elegant wedding breakfast ever seen in Meryton. Lady Lucas can have nothing on you in that area.”

  Appealing to her vanity was always successful when her husband tried to convince Mrs. Bennet to give up an idea. This time was no different. In the end, she gave in, determined to do the best she could in the few weeks she was given.


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