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Face the Music

Page 23

by Salsbury, JB

  “Decided to show up, I see?”

  “Is it my standing here that gave it away?” Dumbass.

  Her mouth gets tight. “Well, we have a new greeter, so we don’t need you today.”

  “Fine by me.” I shrug and move toward the sanctuary to take my seat, albeit thirty minutes early.

  “Don’t forget your bulletin.” Her voice is full of mean-girl sweetness.

  I roll my eyes and turn around to take the offered bulletin, but just before my fingers touch it, she drops it to the floor.

  “That’s the best you got?” I bend over to pick it up.

  “I figured on your knees is where you’re most comfortable,” she hisses.

  I look up at her. From this angle, she’s got a straight shot down the front of my loose-fitting top. From the wide, shocked look on her face, I know exactly what she’s seeing—my cleavage peppered with hickeys.

  With a knowing grin, I stand to full height. With my heels, I’m a good couple inches taller than her. “You think that’s an insult? I like sucking dick. I’m not ashamed of that. You might want to try pulling the hard-on out of your ass and putting it in that loud mouth of yours. You just might enjoy it. You’d be doing the world a favor by keeping that trap of yours busy by bringing a man to his knees rather than cutting another woman off at hers.”

  “You call yourself a woman.” She looks me up and down in disgust. “You make me sick.”

  “Because I dress like this, have a dirty mouth, or because I suck dick?”

  She steps close and whispers, which is weird because we’re the only people in the room, “I’m on to you. I know why you’re here.”

  I laugh. “This ought to be good.”

  “You’re sent straight from Satan himself to confuse and mislead Pastor Langley.”

  “Wow.” I’ll admit, being accused of working alongside Satan hurts worse than being told I’m dirty for enjoying blow jobs.

  “I’m on to you and soon he will be too.”

  Oh, he’s been on me all right. I roll my lips to keep from laughing.

  “If you had any respect for him and this establishment, you’d march your skanky self out of here right now.”

  “What’s going on out here?”

  Kathy’s eyes widen at the sound of Ben’s voice. I perk up too, excited to lay eyes on him after a day of separation. It’s so ridiculous, but I’m too happy to see him to care.

  He steps close, and his nearness makes me shiver with the heat of his powerful body next to mine. But he doesn’t look at me. He stands beside me, looking at Kathy with a scowl that says he heard what she said. “Answer me please.”

  She drops the evil witch stare and flashes her most believable smile. “Good morning, Pastor Langley. I was just explaining to Ms. Kendrick here that unfortunately because she missed the last two Sundays, we were forced to bring on a new greeter and that her volunteering will no longer be required.”

  He still hasn’t looked at me. “Is that right?” He also doesn’t sound like he believes her.

  She frowns, and that look is so exaggerated, it’s practically mocking. “I’m afraid so.”

  “That’s fine. I can think of a few different areas where Ashleigh could be useful here.” Thank goodness he doesn’t look at me and can’t see me biting against a full-fledged stupid smile. “More than a few actually.”

  Kathy doesn’t seem to pick up on the slight humor in his voice, but I do. I drop my gaze to the floor to keep her from seeing me smile.

  “I’d be more than happy to assist you, Pastor.” The angry jealousy in her voice is so thick, it singes my arm hair.

  “That won’t be necessary. Thanks for the offer though.” He finally looks at me, but it’s quick. “Ms. Kendrick?”

  He walks away, and I obediently follow, knowing full well Kathy is glaring at my retreating back. Just like the last time Ben took me away from a seething Kathy, he takes me back to his office, but this time once I walk through the door, he closes it.

  “So you have plenty I can do for you, huh?”

  His eyes turn predatory and he steps toward me. I don’t know where to look—his glittering brown eyes, his dark blue pants that stretch tightly over his muscled thighs and hug his package, or his white button-up that begs to be taken off. “Enough to keep you busy for several months.”

  I lift a brow. “Months? That’s it?”

  We’re toe-to-toe now, and I tilt my head back to look at him. His gaze slips down my throat to my breasts and I know he can see the shadowy marks he left on me.

  “Years. Maybe longer,” he whispers. “If you’d let me.”

  I suck in a labored breath, trying not to read too much into his words. Men will say anything when faced with an opportunity for sexual contact. And I mean anything. I never hold them to what is said in the throes of passion.

  His big hands wrap around my waist and he roughly tugs our hips together. His dick isn’t hard, but it’s there, and I lick my lips in anticipation of his mouth.

  “I missed you last night.” My confession surprises me, but Ben brings out an honesty I’m not used to.

  He has to bend his knees a little to bring his mouth to my neck. “Did you?”

  I tilt my head, giving him access to my throat.

  “I missed you too.”

  I melt into him as he lavishes my jaw and neck with worshipful kisses. His lips slide up my jawline and he kisses the corner of my mouth.

  “Did you bring me back here to kiss me or torture me?” I’m breathing heavily.

  He doesn’t answer except for a rumbled hum below my ear.

  Two can play at that game. I unbutton his shirt, slipping my hands up his abdomen to his nipples.

  He sucks in a breath, brings his lips to mine, and says, “You win.”

  He licks my lower lip and the act is so hot, so stimulating, I lose all control and attack his mouth. His hands go into my hair, his fists tightening until it stings. Our kiss is frenzied. My lip gloss creates an extra sensation as our mouths glide together.

  He drops one hand to my ass, pulling me roughly against him, squeezing hard and growling down my throat. “You make me crazy.”

  I have no chance to reply as he nips at my lips, kissing me as if he wants to mark me there like he did my chest. And I fucking love it.

  I kiss him back with the same abandon. I pull his lower lip with my teeth, rake my nails along his chest, and tempt him to get rough.

  He rips his mouth from mine, his breath heavy against my face. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  He groans and holds me tight, so tight it’s hard to breathe, but I take shallow breaths and snuggle in closer. “Come over. Spend the day with me and Elliot.”


  He pulls back, and oh what a vision. His shirt unbuttoned to showcase his cut pecs and abs sprinkled with the perfect amount of soft, dark hair, his lips wet and swollen, and his eyes glazed over with desire. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I miss Elliot.”

  “Will you stay the night with me?” He sounds almost nervous to ask. Not that I blame him after the way I left on Saturday morning.

  “Things were a little awkward. Your room—”

  “The photos, I know.” He kisses my forehead. “I fixed it.”

  “Ben, you don’t have to—”

  “We have a lot to talk about, but can we save it for tonight?” He checks his watch. “I need to get out there before someone comes looking for me.”

  “Of course.” I straighten my skirt and top while Ben buttons his shirt. “Before you go.” I swipe at the pink gloss on his lips.

  There’s a knock on the door, but before Ben can ask who it is, the door swings open to reveal Kathy and Sheila.

  Ben and I jump back from each other, and he gapes at Kathy in the doorway. “I’m in a meeting.”

  The firmness of his voice has Sheila near shaking in her sensible flats, but Kathy glares at me. “I wasn’t aware that this meeting r
equired a closed door.”

  If Ben figures out that Kathy is on to us, he doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck as he strolls around his desk and grabs his leather-bound sermon folder. “I assume you came here for a reason?”

  Kathy blinks at him. “Yes. Don Yule is asking for you.”

  “All right.” He motions for me to walk ahead of him.

  Kathy makes a quiet noise like a feline spit as I pass by her. “Pastor, wait.”

  I turn at the sound of her voice and watch her reach for his shirt.

  “You missed a button.”

  His smiling eyes meet mine as Kathy fixes his shirt.

  I hate the way she smooths her palm over the fabric when she’s finished. “Much better.”

  “Thanks,” he says with little feeling.

  Kathy struts by me with a satisfied smirk, Sheila in tow. I follow them out, taking a right toward the sanctuary—but I’m snagged by the elbow and stopped. Ben watches until Kathy and Sheila turn the corner, then he presses a soft kiss to my mouth.

  “If you’re not careful, we’ll get caught,” I whisper.

  “Let them catch us. I don’t care.” With that, he kisses me one last time and leaves me standing dumbly in the hallway with a big, stupid smile on my face.


  Ashleigh Kendrick is temptation personified. Sitting in the front pew with nothing to hide behind, she manages to make sitting look erotic. I stand behind the pulpit, following my notes as I preach to a room of a couple hundred, but my mind is multi-tasking.

  She uncrosses and crosses her long, lean legs clad in black leather leggings. Her white blouse hangs loose and open at her neck. Knowing if I moved the fabric a fraction of an inch, I’d see marks left from my mouth on her otherwise flawless breasts makes my blood pulse harder. Our eyes meet, and she smirks as if she can read my thoughts.

  “Temptation is everywhere. The spirit is willing.” I can’t take my eyes off Ash as she bends forward to brush fake lint from her shoe and the front of her shirt falls open to my eyes. “The flesh is indeed weak.”

  For her, I am rendered useless. Weakened to the point of being dependent. I stand up here preaching about things even I know I’m incapable of. How can I continue to resist Ashleigh and all she offers? Her humor, refreshing freedom, support for Elliot, that body and all the ways she comforts me with it.

  I clear my throat and force my eyes to the back of the room. “Let us close in prayer.”

  After the final amen, I nod to my staff. Rather than descend into the congregation for prayer requests and conversations, I sneak backstage and pull out my phone to text Ashleigh.

  Can you grab Elliot and meet me at home?

  She texts me back right away.

  Yep. Everything okay?

  I’m going to sneak out. I really want to see you and I don’t want to have to wait forty-five minutes to do it.

  See you in fifteen.

  I’m smiling as I enter the hallway that leads to the back parking lot but frown when I see Kathy waiting for me. Alone.

  “Pastor Langley.” She worries her hands together and steps toward me.

  Even though we’re in an open hallway without a closed door to be seen, I can’t help but feel too alone with her. “I’m sorry, Kathy, I’m in a hurry.”

  “This will only take a second.” She moves even closer. “Can I call you Ben?”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes. “That’s fine.”

  “Ben,” she says softly and blushes.

  Sickness stirs in my gut. I’ve seen this look on women, but they usually don’t act on it. Something tells me Kathy’s about to act on it, hence the privacy of the abandoned hallway.

  “I noticed you’re no longer wearing your wedding ring.”

  I narrow my gaze, praying she’ll change her mind, praying she won’t put herself out there to be rejected.

  “We’ve been working together for years and I’ve watched you raise Elliot alone.” She looks at me with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes. “She’s such a darling little girl.”

  “Kathy, I really need to go. Can we talk about this on—”

  “You need someone to lean on, someone who can…” She swallows hard. “I think I could be exactly what you and Elliot need, Ben.”

  I fight the urge to recoil at her words. I assumed this would be an uncomfortable request for a night out or a coffee date, but the way she worded it makes my skin crawl in a single-white-female kind of way. “I appreciate your concern for me and Elliot, but we’re fine.”

  She frowns. “But your ring… I assume you’re open to the idea of moving on?”

  I can’t believe I’m about to say it, but I picture Ash’s smile, her playing dinosaurs with Elliot, her running around my backyard with a sheet hanging out of the back of her pants, and I smile. “Yes. I’m ready to move on.”

  “That’s great!” She reaches forward as if to put her hand on my chest, but I step back with a shake of my head. “Oh…”

  “I’m sorry, Kathy. Nothing could ever happen between us.”

  She seems genuinely confused. “If not me, then…” Her expression falls but only for a second before her jaw hardens. “I see.”

  Does she know about Ashleigh and me? Catching us alone in my office wouldn’t be enough to give us away, would it?

  “I just want you to be happy.” Her words don’t pack even a sliver of feeling.

  “Thank you. Now I really have to go.” I walk as fast as I can, hoping to get home before Ash and Elliot.

  With them on my mind, it’s easy to forget about Kathy.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I put Elliot to bed an hour ago and was grateful she fell asleep quickly.

  Spending a day with Ashleigh, her laughter, her contagious ease, and the simple way she gets along with Elliot made it nearly impossible to keep my hands to myself. At lunch, I snuck a hand under the table and ran it up and down her thigh, creeping a little higher every time. At home, we put on a movie, and although Elliot insisted I lie with her on the couch, Ashleigh sat on the floor, leaning back so I could run my fingers through her silky hair without my daughter seeing. We went out for burgers for dinner and played arcade games until I ran out of cash.

  The day was long and fun, and for the first time in a long time, it seemed like Elliot was getting a taste of family.

  So grateful to Ash for all she did for my daughter and me today, I couldn’t wait to get her back to the couch to show my appreciation. Which brings me to now, my mouth on hers, my hand up her shirt, cupping her breast and tugging at her erect nipple.

  Her back arches off the couch. “You’re so good with your hands.”

  “You sound surprised.” I look down at her in the dark living room, the television light casting her in a blue glow. Her shirt is unbuttoned and I’ve popped her breasts from the confines of her bra. “You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen, Ash.”

  I ignore the twinge of guilt I feel bestowing such a sincere compliment on a woman other than Maggie, but it’s true.

  “You don’t have to flatter me to get in my pants.”

  I drop my mouth to her breast, this time without leaving any marks.

  She sucks in a breath and sighs. “You’re good with your mouth too.”

  I would give anything to taste her all over, among other things. “I want you in my bed.”

  Her body stiffens beside me, and I pull my mouth away. I knew we’d have to address the awkwardness of her sudden departure yesterday. I slip her breasts back into the cups of her bra and secure a few buttons of her shirt.

  I stand from the couch and offer my hand. “Come on.”

  “We can stay here—”

  I grip her hands and pull her upright.

  “Whoa… or not.”

  She resists a little as I drag her to the hall and my bedroom. I open the door, flip on the bright overhead light, and usher her inside. She freezes just inside the room.

  “Ben…” Her gaze sweeps the space a
nd I follow it, looking around as well, watching her eyes search for photos of Maggie and finding none. She turns toward me, her expression sad. “Why did you do this?”

  I shove my hands in my pockets. “For you.”

  “I didn’t ask you to do this.” Why does she sound mad?

  “I know. I wanted to.” I take another look around the room. “It was time.”

  “Ben…” She stares at the floor. “This isn’t right. You don’t have to give up Maggie in order to have fun with me.”

  I jerk back in offense. “‘Have fun with you.’ Is that what you think I’m doing?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “No. I don’t.” I lead her to the bed that’s been made with clean sheets and sit her down. “Explain what you mean.”

  “I don’t want you to see me as a threat to what you had with Maggie.”

  “Why not?” My skin warms and my back is rigid. “I want you to see me as a threat to every man you’ve ever been with.”

  “That’s different. Maggie is the love of your life.” A punch to the gut. “The mother of your child.” And another. “The woman all other women will be held in comparison to for as long as you live. I can’t compete with that.”

  “For someone as exquisite as you are, you think very little of yourself.”

  She doesn’t deny it.

  I drop to a squat in front of her and put my hands on her knees. I pull them apart and kneel between them. With both hands, I hold her face. “Listen to me, Ashleigh. You are lovely, both inside and out. You cannot compete with Maggie because she’s dead.” Fuck, it hurt to say that out loud, but it needed to be said. “I want you. And I don’t care how many times a day I have to remind you, I’ll keep doing it until you believe it too.”

  Her eyes sparkle with tears, but she allows me to bring our lips together, and we kiss for a long time. No rush to move on to other things, just sinking into each other’s arms and soaking in the acceptance.

  “Where are they?” she says against my lips.


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