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Prophecy: The Descendants War Book 6

Page 24

by John Walker

  “A few minutes. Plenty of time for the shuttle to get back.”

  “Great. Then we hold position. Once you get out of here, we’ll follow. I’m not leaving until that warp works though.” Griel paused. “Scans show some pretty wild activity on the surface. Looks like whatever they’ve got going on might be enough to ward off these Kahl battleships when we leave.”

  “Shame we have to let the locals fend for themselves.”

  “What little I got from the ground crew, that’s kind of what they wanted.” Griel spoke away from the mic for a moment. “I’m putting this on standby for a moment. I can speak to Niva finally. Need to make sure she’s okay. Brekka out.”

  “Have they launched yet?” Titus asked. “We don’t have much time for them to clear orbit before we have to get moving.”

  “So far, no,” Rhys said, “they’re loading up.”

  “Make it clear they need to move.” Titus checked the ETA on the enemy. They increased speed, lowering it to seven minutes. “We might have to have them loop around the world if we’re going to keep away from those bastards. Anyway, give them some urgency.”

  We sure as hell need to hurry right now.


  Kyle boarded the shuttle with Alon, Vesper, and Tiller. He turned. Lysa lingered behind, staring back toward the ruins. “What the hell are you doing? Get up here, woman! Christ’s sake! This is the time you should be here!”

  “The others…” Lysa shook her head. “Milna and Jok. We can’t just bail on them. I won’t be a moment. Hold the ship for me!” She dashed off, leaving them behind.

  “Goddammit!” Kyle started down the ramp. Alon grabbed him. “Get the hell off me! I’m not letting her go out there alone! Are you nuts?”

  “She’ll be right back,” Alon said, “and I can’t have two of you roaming around right now. Get aboard and strap in.”

  “Hell with you! I’m not under your command!”

  “You are in the middle of an operation! Tiller, help me!”

  “Come on, man,” Tiller said, pulling him aboard. “She’ll be fine. There are no enemy combatants between here and the wall anyway.”

  “Then why not let me go?” Kyle struggled against him, but he didn’t break free. “This is bullshit!”

  “Just sit down,” Vesper said, “seriously, she’s got this! She’s tough!”

  And you assholes just want to cower back here! Kyle glared at them. He tapped his comm. “Lysa, I’ll never forgive you for this! You are absolutely crazy! Come back! Right now!”

  “Guys,” Sylvie spoke over the intercom, “we need to take off. The Triton wants to leave in six minutes.”

  “Lysa!” Kyle shouted. “The Triton is leaving in six minutes! That means we have to haul ass out of orbit now! Come back!”

  “I’m almost there,” Lysa said. “I can see them. I think Jok’s hurt. He’s moving slow.”

  “Screw that guy! He’ll be fine! Come back!”

  “I’m sorry, Kyle. They watched our backs. You said it yourself.”

  “That was before we had to leave right now!” Kyle sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re so frustrating sometimes!”

  “I’ll be okay. Don’t worry, we’ll make it back!”

  Jok’s ship came in for a landing nearby. Dust flew in all directions. It was four times the size of the shuttles, like a modified freighter. The ramp dropped. Quilla dashed from the Prytin vessel to board it. I am willing to bet that asshole tries to steal the ship before anyone gets back. Piece of shit.

  “We’re leaving in sixty seconds,” Sylvie said. “Ramp up in twenty-five. Triss? Can you grab Lysa before you leave?”

  “I’m taking off shortly after you do so… if she hurries up, then yes. We’ll be fine.”

  Son of a bitch! Kyle punched the seat, wincing as he shook out his hand. I can’t believe this. “She has the key! We can’t leave her here! We have to get her aboard or we lose the whole reason we’ve got this mission in the first place! Come on, guys. You know what I’m talking about. Please… wait for her!”

  “I’ll get her out,” Jok said, “we’ll rendezvous if you have to go. My ship is warp-capable and we can evade the Kahl vessels. Please, do what you need to do.”

  “Thanks,” Sylvie said. They took off before the ramp even finished closing.

  Kyle closed his eyes, fighting through a rush of adrenaline, rage, his heart throbbing painfully in his chest… he could not believe they were going without her. It felt like a nightmare, far worse than anything else they’d experienced since boarding the Flotilla. His hands shook.

  “Lysa…” Kyle spoke into the comm. His eyes burned. “Please be safe, huh? I can’t lose you.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” Lysa replied. “Don’t worry about me.”

  “You know I’m going to do exactly that. Until you’re back on the Triton, I’ll be freaking out.”

  “You were always good at that. You guys are underway. See you soon, Kyle. Take care.” Lysa killed the comm connection.

  Kyle tensed up, closing his eyes tightly. The frustration manifested as grief. He held it back with tension. We don’t know those people well enough to trust them. Leaving her fate to Jok and Milna felt dangerous… wrong. Please God, she’s a great person. Don’t let this go badly for her.

  The prayer didn’t help. Especially as the g-force crushed him in his seat. They were moving much faster than they normally would’ve, bolting out of orbit with as much power as the shuttle could manage. He thought he’d look forward to getting back to the Triton, but he only felt hollow… lost.

  We haven’t been parted in years. Kyle slumped as they broke orbit. And the first time has to be like this. They made their way toward the ship, leaving the planet behind… and a lot of bad memories along with it.


  Milna put her arm around Jok as they ran, helping him move quicker. His head wound seemed to get the better of him, making him slow. She couldn’t compel him to move much quicker but at least they were making some progress. And when they found themselves only halfway to their vehicles, she started to fret.

  Then Lysa came toward them, sprinting in their direction.

  What is she doing? Milna shook her head. Surely, she’s not coming back for us.

  “Hey!” Lysa waved her hand over her head. “What happened? Is he going to be okay?”

  “Head injury,” Milna said. “I could use a hand.”

  Lysa took his other side, giving him her support. “If we lift, we can probably move quicker. You ready?”

  Milna nodded. Together, they hoisted his weight. He proved heavy but manageable with two. They made better time toward the ships even as the two shuttles launched. Lysa spoke, likely into her comm. It wasn’t important to the moment. They closed in on Jok’s ship. The ramp was down.

  The AI is good. Milna winced as a couple energy bolts flew past them. She glanced back. Kahl soldiers approached, at least five of them taking shots every few paces. She aimed her pistol behind her, returning fire. At that distance, she didn’t have a chance of hitting them, not without taking time to aim.

  “You’ll have to… leave me,” Jok said, “I’m slowing you… down.”

  “Shut up,” Milna replied, “I can’t fly the ship.” They were two hundred paces from the ramp. A shot caught Lysa in the shoulder. Another to the leg. The woman went down, bringing all of them with her as she dragged Jok to the ground. A shout from behind them made it clear the enemy planned to charge.

  Milna rolled to her back, aiming at the approaching soldiers. She waited, giving them some more distance. The others writhed about, but she remained perfectly still. At least they stopped shooting. They must want some prisoners. She tilted the barrel up, putting the bead on the head of the nearest target.

  This isn’t going to work. That didn’t matter so much. Milna didn’t want to go down without a fight and sure as hell had no intention of being captured. What am I thinking? I’ve got codes to get out of that. I can give them to these idio
ts and be a welcomed guest on their battleship before the sun goes down on this region.

  The shuttle’s weapons opened fire, shipboard cannons tearing into the Kahl. Milna winced at the flashes, sucking a breath through her teeth when the bodies burst, legs and arms going in all directions. What the…She glanced at Jok to see if he had done it. He appeared to be unconscious.

  “You going to lay there all day?” Quilla shouted over the ship’s PA. “Or would you like to get on this thing and unlock the controls so we can get out of here?”

  Bless that worthless bastard. Milna stood, nudging Jok with her foot. “Get up! I have to carry the girl!” She hoisted Lysa, preparing to pick her up when she saw the strange key lying on the ground. That’s probably more important than she is. She grabbed it, stuffing it into the woman’s pouch before slinging her over her shoulder.

  Jok stirred. Milna nudged him again. “Alright, alright, I’m getting up.”

  “Hurry. There may be more of them and Quilla… I don’t trust him on the ship alone.” Milna made her way to the ship, sweat making her clothes cling. Her hair was soaked to her scalp, everything hurt. I hope we have a long warp trip ahead of us. I need real sleep. Rest that isn’t in some strange hospital.

  “Didn’t I tell you to move?” Quilla shouted. “We’ve got shuttles coming from the south! Make it happen!”

  If he hadn’t just saved my life, I would kill that bastard. Milna made the ramp as the sky rattled from engine noise. They were getting close. “Jok, go straight to the bridge. You might have to let that bastard fly. You don’t seem to be in much condition. I’m going to secure Lysa and I’ll join you there.”

  “I’m… on my… on my way…” Jok made it up the ramp, using the wall to support himself. He went one way while Milna headed to the medical area. The ramp closed behind them. “Get ready, Quilla! We’re making a fast burn out of here. Faster than those Kahl bastards have ever dreamt of flying.”

  Great, Milna thought. She reached the sickbay, slumping Lysa on one of the beds. That means incredible g-force soon. She engaged the safety straps on the woman’s torso and legs then took a seat beside her. “Looks like I’m suffering through this trip with you. We’ll get you patched up soon, girl. Just hang on.”

  This is the kind of prisoner we needed. She knows about this key. And whatever other secret it holds. Between the Prophet’s resistance and intelligence, Milna figured they could extract whatever they needed. The ship trembled as it launched then shook violently. Providing Jok gets us out of here alive. That felt like an energy blast.

  “Hold on tight,” Jok said, “this is going to be an incredibly bumpy ride.”

  “When isn’t it?” Milna muttered, settling into her chair. She took a deep breath… and tensed up.


  “Niva’s on the line!” Molush called out. “She’s on the shuttle with Triss!”

  “Put her through!” Griel waited a moment before shouting, “Hey! Welcome back!”

  “Shut up,” Niva said, “we have to get in touch with a ship on its way out of orbit soon. Make a rendezvous or something.”

  “Whoa, what’s going on?”

  “Lots to explain, but that ship has Lysa Vanden onboard. She separated from us to help some new allies. I don’t entirely trust them, so we have to track the ship or something. Have Molush do whatever it takes so we do not lose that ship, do you hear me? This is important, Griel!”

  “I hear you, I do!” Griel turned to Molush. “You heard her. Make that happen.” He cleared his throat. “We’ve got some serious problems of our own right now. The Triton has issues with its warp drive and we’re about to meet a real Kahl combat unit up close and personal so…”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m watching the scanner. Thank you for coming for us. I’ve got a lot to tell you.”

  “Can’t wait to hear it. Are you responsible for the weird energy reading down there?”

  “Hardly. That’s something else. We did turn it on but some ancient Kahl missionaries installed the thing. We have a lot to dive into with the information we’ve gathered from those temples. If we could find the secret to that kind of technology, we may well save a lot of colonies from disaster.”

  “Sounds great… looks like you’re nearly here. I’m getting off now to coordinate with the Triton. Glad you’re back.” Griel switched over. “Titus, looks like one of your people is on a rogue ship. We’re going to tag it before we go. Are you ready to get out of here?”

  “Our shuttle’s almost here. Should only be a moment. Warp’s about… thirty seconds out.”

  “Once Triss docks, we’ll run interference for you.” Griel turned to Authen. “Plot a course for those bastards. Close enough to get their attention but not enough to where we get shot in the tail.” He rolled his shoulders. “This will be wild, Captain. You’ve got a front row seat to some of the finest flying in the Prytin fleet.”

  “Uh…” Authen looked over his shoulder. “Thanks for the confidence? But that’s pressure I really don’t need right now.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re a natural. Total natural.” Griel grinned. “I hope.”

  “I hate you sometimes… sir.”

  “Everyone does.” Griel clapped his hands. “Molush! Do you have that tracker installed yet?”

  “Uh… bad news.” Molush turned in his seat. “They’re already gone.”

  “Whoa, what?” Griel tapped his ear. “I didn’t hear you. What’re you saying?”

  “I’m not even sure they broke orbit before they went into warp, but I can’t be sure. I think he had some kind of cloaking device… or at least a scan blocker.”

  “Are you telling me this guy was a pirate?” Griel rubbed his eyes. “Titus is going to lose his mind.”

  “I didn’t even have a chance to scan the thing, sir.” Molush shrugged. “On the plus side, Triss has boarded the ship. They’re securing now.”

  “Then you’re up, Authen.” Griel sighed. “Let’s make up for that last flub. Get us over there fast.” Make this count, Titus. I’m good, but that’s a whole lot of bad we’re flying into.


  Titus leaned to the left, rubbing his chin as he stared at the screen. Their shuttle was on fast approach. They moved to meet it, spinning around to give them easier access to the hangar. A camera switched to the hangar area, showing the ship cruise in then hit the retros within the bay itself.

  Not exactly protocol, but I understand. Titus gestured to Jane. “Get us moving. Full speed away from that fleet. Warp?” He asked.

  “Not quite there,” Sam said, “but course is plotted and we’re ready to go. Adjacent system to rendezvous with the Brekka. Estimated warp time is one hour.”

  “Sounds good.” Titus drew a breath for what felt like the first time in twenty minutes. Everything’s going fine. We’ve got this.

  “Kahl vessel starboard!” Jane shouted. She veered to port, kicking on the maneuvering thrusters abruptly. The g-force made the room seem blurry. Titus clung to his seat, grunting through the motion. A blast caused the ship to tremble, but he didn’t move. As the artificial gravity kicked back in, he let out a quick gasp.

  “Damage report!”

  Huxley came on the line. “That was bad,” he said, “reboot stopped at ninety-five percent. I’m manually bypassing the AI right now so we can still go to warp.”

  “How long will that take?” Rhys asked.

  “Not long.”

  “Time!” Titus grumbled. “I want a timer there.”

  “Two minutes. Three at the most. But I have to warn you, this is wildly dangerous. We have to enter the coordinates by hand. Which isn’t that big of a deal but any last second calculations… they aren’t going to happen. We might end up a little off course when we appear.”

  “I don’t care,” Titus said, “off course is better than dead. Make it happen. Jane, full speed. Get us away from that bastard. Violet, let Griel know about our problem. This adds some strain to him too.”

  “I’m on it.

  Christ, we have some bad luck out here! Titus clapped his knees. I’m about to resort to prayer.


  “Direct hit!” Porth shouted. They passed over the Triton, pivoting around for another attack run. After the Brekka darted away, Renz ordered them to charge the Triton. They came out from the far side of the planet, moving in for what he hoped would be a quick kill. The first shot gave him confidence.

  If I can’t take Griel out today, I’ll take out something he cares about. Renz smiled. “Here we go, Kivda. Finding our destiny.”

  “Right now, our destiny involves losing nearly eighty men on the surface,” Kivda said, “and the shuttles we had down there to save the survivors. I’ve requested the other battleships send reinforcements and a way to get out of there. To save what we’ve got left.”

  “That’s fine.” Renz waved his hand. “We can still have victory today. With all these resources, this planet is ours for the harvesting, I promise you.”

  They came around for another attack on the Triton. The ship suddenly dropped, hitting their top maneuvering thrusters. It banked to starboard then fired the rear thrusters, putting them a serious distance away.

  Renz huffed. That must’ve been uncomfortable. He turned to Porth. “Get after them! What’re you waiting for!”

  “Sir,” Inda turned, “I have news from one of the other commanders. It’s about home.”

  “What about it?” Renz kept his focus on the viewscreen, staring at their target. “Out with it!”

  “It’s your father,” Inda replied. “His home was attacked by some unknown force. Nearly destroyed.”

  “Wait…” Renz felt his heart go cold. “What? What did you say?”

  “They said the Lord Marshal was attacked. They’re not sure if he’s even alive. They were seconds from going to warp when they got the news.”

  “Oh…” Kivda touched his arm. “Renz… we…”


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